Atlas (2009)
Henrietya Antilles (female Human)
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
Darth Bane (male Human, Apatros)
Vessa Brentioch (female Human)
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Vessa Brentioch (female Human)
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Tycho Celchu (male Human, Alderaan)
Gav Daragon (male Human, Koros Major)
Jori Daragon (female Human, Koros Major)
Tenel Ka Djo (female Human, Dathomir)
Tenel Ka Djo (female Human, Dathomir)
Valenthyne Farfalla (male half-Bothan)
Roan Fel (male Human)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Fird (male Human, Alsakan)
Amaro Fonteen (male Human, Chandrila)
Ponc Gavrisom (male Calibop)
Mirkovig Hirken (male Human, Alsakan)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Plourr Illo (female Human, Eiattu 6)
Plourr Illo (female Human, Eiattu 6)
Carnor Jax (male Human)
Ardus Kaine (male Human, Sartinaynian)
Kir Kanos (male Human)
Derek Klivian (male Human, Ralltiir)
Darth Krayt (male Human, Tatooine)
Lumiya (female Human, Coruscant)
Darth Malak (male Human, Quelii)
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Cha Niathal (female Mon Calamari, Dac)
Platt Okeefe (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Leia Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
Palpatine / Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Gilad Pellaeon (male Human, Corellia)
Darth Revan (male Human)
Ganner Rhysode (male Human, Teyr)
Lord Shadowspawn (male Human, Rhand)
Ben Skywalker (male Human, Coruscant)
Cade Skywalker (male Human, Ossus)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Mara Jade Skywalker (female Human)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Jacen Solo / Darth Caedus (male Human, Coruscant)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Uueg Tching (male Human, Atrisa)
Uueg Tching (male Human, Atrisa)
Thrawn (male Chiss, Csilla)
Uul-Rha-Shan (male Tiss'shar, Tiss'sharl)
Tarsus Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)
Gelod Vothran (male Human)
Uul-Rha-Shan (male Tiss'shar, Tiss'sharl)
Tarsus Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)
Gelod Vothran (male Human)
Zsinj (male Human, Fondor)
Warfare (2012)
Osvald Teshik (male Human)
Before the Republic
Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu (masculine Hutt)
The Ancient Republic
Darth Bane (male Human, Apatros)
Valenthyne Farfalla (male half-Bothan)
Raskta Lsu (female Echani)
Arden Lyn (female Human)
Johun Othone (male Human, Sermeria)
Sarro Xaj (male Human)
Xendor (male Human)
Darth Zannah (female Human, Somov Rit)
Zenith of the Republic
Wars with the Sith
Lord Hoth (male Human, Kaal)
Darth Malak (male Human, Quelii)
Mandalore the Indomitable (male Taung, Kuar)
Mandalore the Ultimate (male Taung)
Darth Revan (male Human)
Decline of the Republic
Walex Blissex (male Human)
Bossk (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
D'harhan (male Niordi, Niorde)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Ranulph Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)
Luminara Unduli (female Mirialan, Mirial)
Lira Wessex (female Human)
Zuckuss (male Gand, Gand)
Flashpoint: Naboo
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)
Rune Haako (male Neimoidian)
Palpatine / Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Begin, the Clone War Does
Jango Fett (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Kal Skirata (male Human, Kuat)
The Separatist War Machine
Grievous (male Kaleesh, Kalee)
San Hill
Shu Mai
Poggle the Lesser
Wat Tambor
Trench (male Harch, Secundus Ando)
The Outer Rim Seiges
Dass Jennir (male Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Aayla Secura
Ahsoka Tano
Rise of the Empire
Jan Dodonna (male Human, Commenor)
Terrinald Screed (male Human)
Wullf Yularen (male Human, Coruscant)
Empire Triumphant
Siadem Forte (male Human)
Iwo Kulka (male Ho'Din)
Hurst Romodi (male Human, Matacorn)
In the Empire's Service
Soontir Fel (male Human, Corellia)
Shea Hublin (male Human, Talcene)
Han Solo
The Origins of Rebellion
Gial Ackbar
Garm Bel Iblis
Juno Eclipse
Mon Mothma
Bail Organa
The Alliance Strikes
Red Squadron
Reader's Companion (2012)
Tales of Ancient Jedi and Sith
Orielle Kitai (female Human, Kesh)
Zeerid Korr (male Human, Vulta)
Yaru Korsin (male Human)
Aryn Leneer (female Human, Balmorra)
Darth Scabrous (male Human)
Darth Zannah (female Human, Somov Rit)
Height of the Republic
Jenna Zan Arbor (female Human, Ventrux)
Bruck Chun (male Human, Telos IV)
Granta Omega (male Human, Nierport VII)
Siri Tachi (female Human)
Tahl (female Noorian, Noori)
Xanatos (male Human, Telos IV)
The Clone Wars
Vokara Che (female Twi'lek)
Tallisibeth "Scout" Enwandung-Esterhazy (female Human, Vorzyd V)
Nejaa Halcyon (male Human, Corellia)
Nuru Kungurama (male Chiss, Csilla)
Kal Skirata (male Human, Kuat)
Jos Vondar (male Human, Corellia)
The Dark Times
BLX-5 "Bollux" (masculine BLX labor droid, Fondor)
Den Dhur (male Sullustan, Sullust)
Gallandro (male Human, Ylix)
Rahm Kota (male Human)
Jax Pavan (male Human, Coruscant)
Bria Tharen (female Human, Corellia)
The Galactic Civil War
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
Tash Arranda (female Human, Alderaan)
Zak Arranda (male Human, Alderaan)
Kell Tainer (male Human, Alderaan/Sluis Van)
Thune (female Human)
X-7 (male Human)
The New Republic
Cronal (male Human, Rhand)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Talon Karrde (male Human)
Tendra Risant (female Human, Sacorria)
Voort "Piggy" saBinring (male Gamorrean, Gamorr)
Mirax Terrik (female Human, Corellia)
The New Jedi Order
Nom Anor (male Yuuzhan Vong)
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel, Barab I)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Raynar Thul (male Human)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
Natasi Daala (female Human, Irmenu)
Wynn Dorvan (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Jagged Fel (male Human, Nirauan)
Mirta Gev (female Human, Mandalore)
Allana Solo (female Human, Hapes)