Beast Wars
BW 1996
Optimus Primal -- Botcon 2006 (author/artist notes)
Armordillo -- mechanized BW Armordillo (Head Games)
Blackarachnia -- T30 Chromia (Broken Windshields)
Cheetor -- FOC Jazz w/Titanium Cheetor head (author/artist notes)
Dinobot -- T30 Springer (Alone Together)
Polar Claw -- RID 2015 Polarclaw (author/artist notes)
Rattrap -- Prime Rumble (Alone Together)
Razorbeast -- CW Afterbreaker w/CW First Aid head (author/artist notes)
Rhinox -- Botcon 2006 (author/artist notes)
Tigatron -- Generations Drift; BotCon 2016 (author/artist notes)
Wolfang -- Universe Sunstreaker/Sideswipe (Trigger Warning)
Panther -- T30 Swerve (author/artist notes)
Rhino -- TF 2007 Voyager Optimus Prime (author/artist notes)
Under-3 (Lionhead)
BW 1997
Airazor -- BotCon 2016; CW Firefly (author artist notes)
B'Boom -- ROTF Brawn (Broken Windshields)
Barbearian (Grizzly-1) -- TR Hardhead (author/artist notes)
Bonecrusher --
Claw Jaw -- FOC Blast Off w/BW Claw Jaw head (author/artist notes)
Cybershark -- TR Nautica (author/artist notes)
Grimlock -- T30 Springer (Micro-Aggressions)
Packrat -- Prime Rumble (Alone Together)
Silver Bolt -- CW Skydive (author/artist notes)
Snarl (Diablo) -- T30 Roller (author/artist notes)
[for Ironhide and Prowl, see Santon and Lio Junior]
BW 1998
Air Hammer -- DOTM Air Raid (author/artist notes)
Bantor -- Energon Barricade (author/artist notes)
Depth Charge -- Timelines figure, from HFTD Terradive
Nightglider -- Crossovers Stealth Bomber Iron Man (author/artist notes)
Noctorro -- RTS Lugnut (author/artist notes)
Silverbolt -- Prime BH Dreadwing (author/artist notes)
Torca -- Timelines Clench (Alone Together)
BW 1999
Jawbreaker -- P:BH Ratchet (Alone Together)
Nightglider -- Crossovers Iron Man stealth bomber mold (author/artist notes)
Optimus Minor -- Crossovers Iron Man car mold (author/artist notes)
Ramulus -- Animated Oil Slick (author/artist notes)
Sonar -- HFTD Tomahawk (author/artist notes)
Stinkbomb -- FOC Swindle (author/artist notes)
Windrazor -- P:BH Dreadwing (Alone Together)
BW 1996
Megatron -- T30 Legends Megatron (Identity Politics)
Buzz Saw -- Cybertron Buzzsaw (Derailment)
Insecticon -- ROTF Springer (author/artist notes)
Onyx Primal -- ROTF Mindwipe (author/artist notes)
Scorponok -- Timelines, from T30 Scamper (Identity Politics)
Snapper -- FOC Brawl (Cultural Appropriation)
Tarantulas -- Botcon 2016, from CW Rook (Trigger Warnings)
Terrorsaur -- Botcon 2016, from CW Air Raid (Identity Politics)
Waspinator -- Botcon 2006 (author/artist notes)
Beetle -- TF 2007 Zoom Out (author/artist notes)
Manta Ray -- MP Tracks w/HFTD Sea Spray (author/artist notes)
BW 1997
Drill Bit
Inferno (Formikon) -- ROTF Knock Out (author/artist notes)
Manterror -- HFTD Brimstone (author/artist notes)
Retrax -- RID 2015 Mini-Con Bludgeon (author/artist notes)
Shadow Panther -- BotCon 2006 Cheetor (author/artist notes)
Spittor -- TR Kup (author/artist notes)
Transquito -- FOC Vortex (author/artist notes)
Ram Horn
Sea Clamp
BW 1998
Antagony -- P:RID Airachnid (author/artist notes)
Cataclysm -- Energon Sky Shadow (author/artist notes)
Quickstrike -- DOTM Darksteel (author/artist notes)
Rampage -- Timelines, from Prime Megatron (Alone Together)
Scavenger (Corpse Eater) -- TR Twin Twist (author/artist notes)
Sky Shadow -- Cybertron Sky Shadow (author/artist notes)
Terragator -- T30 Trailcutter (author/artist notes)
Vice Grip
BW 1999
Scourge (Skurge) -- Cybertron Sideways (author/artist notes)
BW 2000
Beast Wars II
Lio Convoy -- Timelines, from T30 Orion Pax (Broken Windshields)
Apache -- n/a
Bighorn -- Prime BH Bulkhead (Burning Bridges)
Diver -- Cybertron Shortround (author/artist notes)
Scuba -- n/a
Tasmania Kid -- TR Wheelie (author/artist notes)
Ikard -- HFTD Sea Spray (author/artist notes)
Lio Junior (Lio Minor) -- CW Streetwise (author/artist notes)
Santon -- CW Optimus Prime or Siege Ironhide (author/artist notes)
Skywarp -- Timelines Armada Skywarp (author/artist notes)
Bigmos -- Movie Protoform Optimus Prime (Alone Together)
Drill Nuts -- n/a
Mantis -- TF 2007 FAB Frenzy (artist/author notes)
Powerhug -- CW Optimus Prime (artist/author notes)
Scissor Boy -- DOTM Icepick (author/artist notes)
Tonbot -- n/a
Escargon -- "mechanized" BWII Escargon (Alone Together)
Galvatron -- Prime BH Optimus Prime (Micro-Aggressions)
Coelagon -- ROTF Depthcharge (author/artist notes)
Scylla -- Cybertron Thunderblast (Broken Windshields)
Beast Wars Neo
Big Convoy (Slammoth) -- P:RID Ultra Magnus (unused redeco)
Break -- Cybertron Thunderblast (author/artist notes)
Bump -- Animated Longarm w/Shockwave claws (author/artist notes)
Colada (Cohrada) -- P:RID Knock Out (author/artist notes)
Heinrad --
Longrack -- Cybertron Longrack (Intersectionality)
Mach Kick -- Crossovers Ghost Rider (author/artist notes)
Longrack -- Cybertron Longrack (Intersectionality)
Mach Kick -- Crossovers Ghost Rider (author/artist notes)
Randy -- CW First Aid (author/artist notes)
Sharp Edge
Stampy --
Survive -- Ascending design (author/artist notes)
Magmatron -- Diaclone Dia-Battles V2 (Intersectionality)
Magmatron -- Diaclone Dia-Battles V2 (Intersectionality)
Bazooka -- Generations Warpath (Intersectionality)
Crazybolt -- RTS Wreck-Gar (Intersectionality)
Dead End (Dead-End) -- PCC Undertow (Intersectionality)
Guiledart -- T30 Roadbuster (Intersectionality)
Hardhead (Hard Head) -- Cybertron Defense Team Hot Shot (Intersectionality)
Hydra -- Botcon 2016 Terrorsaur (Intersectionality)
Killer Punch -- T30 Roadbuster (Intersectionality)
Saberback -- Prime BH Bumblebee (Intersectionality)
Sling -- Siege Refraktor (author/artist notes)
Bazooka -- Generations Warpath (Intersectionality)
Crazybolt -- RTS Wreck-Gar (Intersectionality)
Dead End (Dead-End) -- PCC Undertow (Intersectionality)
Guiledart -- T30 Roadbuster (Intersectionality)
Hardhead (Hard Head) -- Cybertron Defense Team Hot Shot (Intersectionality)
Hydra -- Botcon 2016 Terrorsaur (Intersectionality)
Killer Punch -- T30 Roadbuster (Intersectionality)
Saberback -- Prime BH Bumblebee (Intersectionality)
Sling -- Siege Refraktor (author/artist notes)
Drancron -- DOTM Crankcase (author/artist notes)
Beast Machines
Botanica -- Prime BH Soundwave (Alone Together)
Nightscream -- POTP Dreadwind w/AM Smokescreen head (author/artist notes)
Apelinq -- Crossovers Hulk (Intersectionality)
Battle Unicorn -- CW Nosecone (author/artist notes)
Battle Unicorn -- CW Nosecone (author/artist notes)
Geckobot -- P:BH Wheeljack (Alone Together)
Hammerstrike -- BM Mirage (author/artist notes)
Longhorn -- RID 2015 Thunderhoof (author/artist notes)
Night Viper -- MAS Dino (author/artist notes)
Snarl -- Animated Blurr (author/artist notes)
T-Wrecks -- Cybertron Menasor (author/artist notes)
Dinotron -- Cybertron Longrack (author/artist notes)
Rapticon -- DOTM Drag Strip (author/artist notes)
Triceradon -- Cybertron Scattorshot (author/artist notes)
Post-Beast Era
Apexus -- Classics Sledge (author/artist notes)
Aura -- RTS Jazz (author/artist notes)
Betabear -- War Within Grimlock (author/artist notes)
Binary -- Crossover General Grievous; Pokémon Gardevoir colors (author/artist notes)
Betabear -- War Within Grimlock (author/artist notes)
Binary -- Crossover General Grievous; Pokémon Gardevoir colors (author/artist notes)
Cancix -- T30 Whirl w/Cyb. Thunderblast head (author/artist notes)
CatSCAN -- RID 2015 Blurr (author/artist notes)
Crystal Widow -- Prime BH Arcee (author/artist notes)
Gauntlet -- Crossovers Cad Bane w/ROTF Breakaway head (author/artist notes)
Ironlunge -- RID 2015 Groundbuster (author/artist notes)
Katilla -- Armada Incinerator (author/artist notes)
Labrat -- Cybertron Brakedown (author/artist notes)
Legend Majora -- POTP Elita-1 (author/artist notes)
Magna Stampede -- CW Nosecone (author/artist notes)
Rav -- Armada Thunderwing (author/artist notes)
Skimmer -- Animated Lugnut (author/artist notes)
Stiletto -- T30 Windblade (Burning Bridges); Classics Dreadwing (Cultural Appropriation)
Stiletto -- T30 Windblade (Burning Bridges); Classics Dreadwing (Cultural Appropriation)
Ultra Mammoth -- FOC Ultra Magnus (author/artist notes)
Wedge Shape -- Armada Sonar (author/artist notes)
Brim-Stone -- RB Rescan Jet Blades (author/artist notes)
Brim-Stone -- RB Rescan Jet Blades (author/artist notes)
Budora -- DOTM Japanese Air Raid (author/artist notes)
Cerberus -- Animated Blitzwing (author/artist notes)
Cryotek -- Prime Bulkhead (Alone Together)
Dark Scream -- P:RID Windblade (author/artist notes)
Darksteel -- TFP Breakdown (author/artist notes)
Dirwolf -- Generations Soundwave w/TR Crashbash head (author/artist notes)
Doom-Lock -- Energon Strongarm (author/artist notes)
Flytrap -- DOTM Thunderhead (author/artist notes)
Freefall -- ROTF Skystalker (author/artist notes)
Frostbite -- Prime: BH Ratchet (author/artist notes)
Gaidora -- Siege Springer (author/artist notes)
Gas Skunk -- Cybertron Clocker (author/artist notes)
Hydrax -- RID 2015 Twinferno (author/artist notes)
Jai-Alai -- Animated Prowl (author/artist notes)
Judora -- DOTM Tailpipe (author/artist notes)
Liftoff -- Armada Thrust (author/artist notes)
Manticon -- DOTM Reverb (author/artist notes)
Overbite -- Cybertron Deepdive (author/artist notes)
Razor-Claw -- Generations Thunderwing (author/artist notes)
Reptix -- Energon Scattor (author/artist notes)
Sea Panic -- Rescue Bots High Tide (author/artist notes)
Sledgehammer -- Cybertron Defense Red Alert (author/artist notes)
Reptix -- Energon Scattor (author/artist notes)
Sea Panic -- Rescue Bots High Tide (author/artist notes)
Sledgehammer -- Cybertron Defense Red Alert (author/artist notes)
Snarl-blast -- Armada Comettor (author/artist notes)
Snow Cat -- Energon Snow Cat (author/artist notes)
Vampire -- CW Legends Groove (Burning Bridges)
Vampire -- CW Legends Groove (Burning Bridges)
Beast Upgrades
Cancix -- BW Razorclaw (author/artist notes)
Eagle Killer -- TR Wingspan (author/artist notes)
Gauntlet -- BM Nightscream (author/artist notes)
Legend Majora -- P:BH Beast Fire Predaking (author/artist notes)
Overshoot -- BW Armordillo (Cultural Appropriation)
Skimmer -- Energon Swoop (author/artist notes)
Stiletto -- Classics Dreadwing (Cultural Appropriation)
Stopgap -- BW Transmetal 2 Spittor (author/artist notes)
Autostinger -- RID Scorponok w/BotCon 2013 Skywarp head (artist/author notes)
Freefall -- POTP Swoop (artist/author notes)
Liftoff -- POTP Cutthroat