MoviesEpisode IV A New Hope (1977)
Darth Vader (invader)
Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Darth Maul (maul)
Darth Sidious (insidious)
Darth Maul (maul)
Darth Sidious (insidious)
Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Darth Tyranus (tyrant)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Darth Plagueis (plague)
Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Darth Plagueis (plague)
Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Darth Bandon (abandon)
Darth Malak (malice)
Darth Revan (revanchist)
Knights of the Old Republic II (2004)
Darth Nihilus (annihilate)
Darth Sion (scion)
Darth Traya (betrayal)
The Force Unleashed (2008)
Darth Desolous (desolate)
Darth Phobos (phobia)
Darth Phobos (phobia)
The Old Republic (2011)
Darth Acharon
Darth Achelon
Darth Acina
Darth Acina
Darth Alluress (allure)
Darth Anathel
Darth Andru (Andrew?)
Darth Arctis
Darth Arho
Darth Arkous
Darth Arrid (arid)
Darth Arrid (arid)
Darth Atroph (atrophy)
Darth Atroxa (atrocity)
Darth Atroxa (atrocity)
Darth Azamin
Darth Ben'hade
Darth Ben'hade
Darth Betton
Darth Charnus
Darth Decimus (decimate or decimus; Latin word for ten)
Darth Ekkage (wreckage?)
Darth Enraj (enrage)
Darth Fastus
Darth Gorgos
Darth Gravus
Darth Hadra
Darth Hexid (hex)
Darth Hexid (hex)
Darth Ikoral
Darth Immern
Darth Imperius (imperious or imperium) [light side name for Sith Inquisitor]
Darth Iratus
Darth Jadus (jaded)
Darth Jaga
Darth Kallomena
Darth Kallous (callous)
Darth Kinsho
Darth Krovos
Darth Krovos
Darth Lachris
Darth Legius
Darth Malgus
Darth Malora
Darth Minax
Darth Mortis
Darth Nacheria
Darth Necus [called a Darth at one point, but is later called simply Lord, so I dunno]
Darth Necus [called a Darth at one point, but is later called simply Lord, so I dunno]
Darth Nephantes
Darth Norok
Darth Nox (Latin word for night) [dark side name for Sith Inquisitor]
Darth Nul (null)
Darth Nurin
Darth Occlus (occult) [neutral name for Sith Inquisitor]
Darth Ordrem
Darth Ouzal
Darth Perash (perish)
Darth Pharov
Darth Ravage (ravage)
Darth Rivix
Darth Rivix
Darth Sajar
Darth Savik
Darth Serevin
Darth Shaar
Darth Shattra
Darth Silthar
Darth Skotia (skotia, Greek word for darkness/gloom)
Darth Soverus (sovereign?)
Darth Synar (sinner)
Darth Synn (sin)
Darth Tormen (torment)
Darth Val
Darth Vax
Darth Vengean (vengeance)
Darth Vexus (vex)
Darth Viktus (vicious?)
Darth Vilus (vile)
Darth Savik
Darth Serevin
Darth Shaar
Darth Shattra
Darth Silthar
Darth Skotia (skotia, Greek word for darkness/gloom)
Darth Soverus (sovereign?)
Darth Synar (sinner)
Darth Synn (sin)
Darth Tormen (torment)
Darth Val
Darth Vax
Darth Vengean (vengeance)
Darth Vexus (vex)
Darth Viktus (vicious?)
Darth Vilus (vile)
Darth Vindican (vindictive)
Darth Vitiate (vitiate)
Darth Xarion
Darth Yun
Darth Xarion
Darth Yun
Darth Zash
Darth Zhorrid (horrid?)
Kinect Star Wars (2012)
Darth Kern [credits only]
Darth Ror (roar) [credits only]
Battle of the Sith Lords (canceled)
Darth Inexor
Darth Kroan
Darth Nix
Darth Tigran
Darth VaGhal
Republic (1998)
Republic (1998)
Darth Andeddu (undead)
Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Darth Zannah
Knights of the Old Republic (2006)
Darth Hayze (haze) [never officially adopted]
Darth Luzion (illusion) [never officially adopted]
Legacy (2006)
Darth Azard (hazard)
Darth Havok (havok)
Darth Krayt (Krayt dragon)
Darth Kruhl (cruel)
Darth Maladi (malady)
Darth Maleval (malevolent)
Darth Nihl (nil)
Darth Rauder (marauder)
Darth Reave (reave)
Darth Ruyn (ruin)
Darth Stryfe (strife)
Darth Talon (talon)
Darth Wyyrlok (warlock)
The Old Republic (2009)
Darth Mekhis
Legacy II (2013)
Darth Luft
Darth Wredd
Star Wars (2015)
Darth Atrius
Lando (2015)
Darth Momin
Darth Vader (2017)
Darth Shaa
The High Republic Adventures (2022)
Darth Ravi
Darth Angral [The Old Republic (2009)]
Darth Baras [The Old Republic (2009)]
Darth Marr (mar) [The Old Republic (2010)]
Darth Thanaton [The Old Republic (2010)]
Darth Vowrawn [The Old Republic (2010)]
Darth Baras [The Old Republic (2009)]
Darth Marr (mar) [The Old Republic (2010)]
Darth Thanaton [The Old Republic (2010)]
Darth Vowrawn [The Old Republic (2010)]
Legacy of the Force (2006)
Darth Caedus (Latin for "killing")
Darth Vectivus (invective)
Coruscant Nights (2008)
Darth Ramage
The Old Republic (2010)
Darth Chratis
Darth Howl (howl)
Darth Igrol
Darth Karrid
Darth Malitae [used as an alias]
Darth Nyriss
Darth Xedrix
Red Harvest (2010)
Darth Drear (drear)
Darth Scabrous (scabrous)
Darth Plagueis (2012)
Darth Gean
Darth Gravid (gravid)
Darth Guile (guile)
Darth Venamis (venomous)
Master & Apprentice (2019)
Darth Wrend (rend)
The High Republic: Phase II (2022)
Darth Voord
Darth Bane (bane) [Episode I novel (1999)]
Short stories
Dark Legends (2020)
Darth Noctyss
Darth Sanguis (sanguine)
Darth Siberus
Life Day Treasury (2021)
Darth Quellus (quell)
Audio dramas
Dooku: Jedi Lost (2019)
Darth Caldoth
Darth Krall
Darth Sakia
Darth Skrye (scry)
Darth Krall
Darth Sakia
Darth Skrye (scry)
Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
Darth Glovoc
Darth Malus (Latin for "evil")
Darth Rivan
Darth Voren
Darth Vurik
Reference Books
Vader: The Ultimate Guide (2005)
Vader: The Ultimate Guide (2005)
Darth Ruin (ruin)
Book of Sith (2012)
Darth Caba
Darth Venemal
The Old Republic Encyclopedia (2012)
Darth Aruk
Darth Lokess
Darth Nostrem
Darth Qalar
Darth Rictus (rictus)
Darth Vich
Darth Victun
Darth Zavakon
The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary (2019)
Darth Tanis
The Dark Forces Saga (2005)
The Dark Forces Saga (2005)
Darth Cognus (cognizance)
Darth Millennial (millennial)
Darth Names and the Darth Who winners revealed (2006)
Darth Karnage (carnage)
Darth Tenebrous (tenebrous)
Darth Who contest winners
Darth Acheron (river of Hell in Greek mythology)
Darth Judicar (adjudicator)
Darth Paxis (from pax, Latin for peace)
Darth Taral (tare)
Darth Judicar (adjudicator)
Darth Paxis (from pax, Latin for peace)
Darth Taral (tare)
Behind the Threat: The Sith (2008)
Darth Vitus
Art: Visions (2010)
Darth Simi
The Clone Wars Magazine (2010)
Darth Vindicaa (vindication) [what-if name for Asajj Ventress]
The Essential Reader's Companion (2012)
Darth Kallus (callous) {placeholder name for Darth Caedus}
The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut (2013)
Darth Vua
Darth Homiiz [Jedi: Yoda (2004)]
Darth Homiiz [Jedi: Yoda (2004)]
Unused names for Darth Ruin (2006)
Darth Eradicus (eradicate)
Darth Execute (execute)
Darth Fatalis (fatal)
Darth Necro (Latin for death)
Darth Reaper (reaper)
Darth Solipsis (solipsism)
Unused names for Starkiller (suggested by George Lucas, c.2008)
Darth Icki (icky)
Darth Insanius (insanity)
Darth Eradicus (eradicate)
Darth Execute (execute)
Darth Fatalis (fatal)
Darth Necro (Latin for death)
Darth Reaper (reaper)
Darth Solipsis (solipsism)
Unused names for Starkiller (suggested by George Lucas, c.2008)
Darth Icki (icky)
Darth Insanius (insanity)
Warning: A lot of these suck
Old stories
Tales of Tales
Darth Demolish (demolish)
Darth Gias
Darth Menace (menace)
Darth Moltar (molter)
Darth Demolish (demolish)
Darth Gias
Darth Menace (menace)
Darth Moltar (molter)
Darth Nimtra
Darth Punish (punish)
Darth Raven (raven)
Darth Resh
Darth Scarce (scarce)
Darth Punish (punish)
Darth Raven (raven)
Darth Resh
Darth Scarce (scarce)
Darth Sharik
Darth Tensi
Darth Terror (terror)
Darth Tonza
Darth Usen
Darth Vulcan (Vulcanus, Roman god of fire)
Darth Wreckage (wreckage)
Darth Tensi
Darth Terror (terror)
Darth Tonza
Darth Usen
Darth Vulcan (Vulcanus, Roman god of fire)
Darth Wreckage (wreckage)
War Among the Stars
Darth Abolax
Darth Demenax (demented)
DestinyDarth Abolax
Darth Demenax (demented)
Ancient Sith
Darth Trayus
Vitiate's Sith
Darth Vidius (invidious)
New Sith
Darth Bale (bale)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Erebus (Erebus, Greek god of darkness)
Darth Furor (furor)
Vorath's Sith
Darth Mordus
Darth Nemesis (nemesis)
Darth Ravage (ravage) [no relation to the Legends character]
Darth Scythe (scythe)
Darth Stalker (stalker)
Darth Vorath (wrath; Vorath from Transformers)
Sedriss' Sith
Darth Avaris (avarice)
Darth Saarai (Sith word for "truth")
Darth Saivus
Darth Sedriss (word from the Sith language)
Darth Serpriss (serpent)
Darth Tyran (tyrant)
Darth Versutus
Darth Voldess
Yet to be used
Darth Trayus
Vitiate's Sith
Darth Vidius (invidious)
New Sith
Darth Bale (bale)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Erebus (Erebus, Greek god of darkness)
Darth Furor (furor)
Vorath's Sith
Darth Mordus
Darth Nemesis (nemesis)
Darth Ravage (ravage) [no relation to the Legends character]
Darth Scythe (scythe)
Darth Stalker (stalker)
Darth Vorath (wrath; Vorath from Transformers)
Sedriss' Sith
Darth Avaris (avarice)
Darth Saarai (Sith word for "truth")
Darth Saivus
Darth Sedriss (word from the Sith language)
Darth Serpriss (serpent)
Darth Tyran (tyrant)
Darth Versutus
Darth Voldess
Yet to be used
Darth Anarchos (anarchy)
Darth Desecrus (desecrate)
Darth Invid (invidious)
Darth Desecrus (desecrate)
Darth Invid (invidious)
Darth Kaos (chaos)
Darth Narsiss (narcissist)
Darth Necrosis (necrosis)
Darth Savage (savage)
Darth Scourge (scourge)
Darth Umbra (umbra)
Darth Savage (savage)
Darth Scourge (scourge)
Darth Umbra (umbra)
Darth Varus (avarice)
Darth Wroth (wroth)
Darth Wroth (wroth)
Naga Sadow
ReplyDeleteNaga="Snake" in hindu
Sadow= Shadow.
Zannah= possibly Insane but probably a play on Rosanna just like dark lord Giffany is likely a play on Tiffany.
ReplyDeleteBy the way. Zannah was her birth name given by her parents not Bane, so it gives credit to it being just a play on Rosanna.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the infamous three Naga Sadow, his apprentice Freedon Nadd, and his apprentice Exar Kunn. (Bane studied the spells of Freedon Nadd.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info! Also, Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun aren't listed because they aren't "Darths" as far I know (they're Dark Lords of the Sith, but I don't they ever adopted the name "Darth").