Beast Machines
Optimus Primal (Maximal Commander) - "Organic life is often hidden, sometimes overcome, but seldom extinguished!"
Optimus Primal (Maximal Leader) - "The true key to victor lies in the strength of the mind, not the fist."
Battle Unicorn (Scout Warrior) - "What the enemy does not see can definitely hurt them!"
Beast Changer (Warrior) - "Science has yet to match the force of Nature - allow me to demonstrate!"
Blackarachnia (Saboteur) - "It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver."
Buzzsaw (Aerial Reconnaissance) - "I float like a butterfly but sting like a bee!"
Cheetor (Warrior) - "Quick action equals quick victory!"
Cheetor (Warrior) - "Act with quickness, and leave the enemy no time to think!"
Geckobot (Aerial Combat Specialist) - "I will blind you with my brilliance!"
Hammerstrike (Tracker/Ocean Attack) - "The ocean depths conceal all intentions."
Longhorn (Warrior) - "If you're strong enough, there are no precedents."
Night Slash Cheetor (Nocturnal Warrior) - "What can't be seen cannot be defeated!"
Night Viper (Recon Specialist) - "I'm very good at what I do - maybe too good!"
Nightscream (Aerial Combat/Recon Expert) - "Let's get ready to make some noise!"
Primal Prime (Prime of Justice) - "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Quickstrike (Reconnaissance/Warrior) - "Robots with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."
Rattrap (Intelligence/Surveillance Expert) - "My mind is my ultimate weapon!"
Silverbolt (Tracker) - "After the darkness I take wing again!"
Skydive (Aerial Combat Specialist) - "When in the skies, I am the terror which Vehicons despise!"
Snarl (Strategic Specialist) - "They won't even see it coming!"
T-Wrecks (Dinobot Commander) - "The quickest way of ending a war is to win it!"
Airraptor (Surveillance/Sharpshooter) - "When the enemy is in my sights, the target is still perfection."
Dinotron (Ground Infantry) - "Never let down your defenses..."
Magmatron (Warrior) - "Til all is won."
Rapticon (Guerrilla Combat Specialist) - "I have no true enemies, because no one will stand against me!"
Striker (Ground Combat Specialist) - "When I get you in my clutches, you're gonna need crutches!"
Terranotron (Aerial Combat Specialist) - "The future of Cybertron resides in the skies."
Triceradon (Frontline Combat) - "It's better to have stood your ground and lost than never to have stood at all."
Megatron (Vehicon Leader) - "Purification is the key to our salvation!"
Blastcharge (All-Terrain Combat Specialist) - "Destruction is the highest form of art."
Jetstorm (Aerodrone General) - "I am not bound by the Law of the Land!"
Jetstorm (Aerodrone General) - "Cruelty is perhaps, the most enjoyable sin."
Mirage (Warrior) - "Eat my dust!"
Motorcycle Drone (Mobile Infantry) - "Run 'em down!"
Obsidian (Aerial Combat) - "Walking is for suckers."
Scavenger (Demolition Drone) - "The road to ruin is short when I'm driving."
Sonic Attack Jet (Aerial Combat) - N/A
Spy Streak (Aerial Reconnaissance) - "I am the eye in the sky."
Strika (All-Terrain Combat) - "No road is rougher than me!"
Tank Drone (Ground Attack) - "The ground of Cybertron will thunder in our wake!"
Tankor (General) - "Among the winners, there is no room for the weak."
Thrust (General) - "There are no rules on the road - only the victors and scrap metal."
Beast Wars Sourcebook
Beast Wars show
Optimus Primal (Commander) - "Peace is the absence of conflict and presence of justice."
Cheetor (Jungle Patrol) - "They can't beat the best."
Dinobot (Warrior) - "Honor does not need to be won; but it must never be lost."
Rattrap (Spy) - "Be a straight shooter and your friends and enemies will respect ya."
Rhinox (Strategic Defense) - "Power in defense of freedom will always triumph over power used for evil."
Airazor (Aerial Reconnaissance) - "She swoops to conquer!"
Silverbolt (Tracker) - "Nobility is claimed not by words, but through heroic deeds."
Depth Charge (Security Officer) - "Justice is reaped from the seeds of vengeance."
Tigerhawk (Vok Emissary) - "Surrender to my power, there is no other option."
Beast Wars toyline
Armordillo (Desert Combat) - "Be patient and victory will come to you."
Polar Claw (Infantry Commander) - "Peace is maintained through the preparation for war."
Razorbeast (Infantry) - "Watch for my hidden depths. They'll be your downfall."
Wolfang (Infantry) - "We are but parts of a whole."
Panther (Covert Attack) - "The best place to hide something is where everyone can see it."
Rhino (Warrior) - "The greatest darkness is the one created by ignorance."
B'Boom (Guerilla Warfare) - "Show me the wall... I'll bang my head against it."
Bonecrusher (Infantry) - "Three heads are better than one: headfirst, headlong and headstrong."
Claw Jaw (Underwater Attack) - "Run silent, run deep."
Cybershark (Tracker) - "One cannot cross a sea merely by standing and staring at the water."
K-9 (Security Officer) - "Loyalty means nothing unless it is based upon self-sacrifice."
Packrat (Thief) - "A thief is only as good as his reputation."
Snarl (Covert Attack) - "Now you see me, now you don't."
Magnaboss (Leader) - "May wisdom nourish my spirit and courage guide my sword."
Ironhide (Maximal Elder) - "Slow is as slow does."
Prowl (Maximal Elder) - "Chaos is just the state before order."
Silverbolt (Maximal Elder) - "On a wing and a prayer."
Air Hammer (Aerial Reconnaissance) - "If you see me, you've already lost."
Bantor (Jungle Warrior) - "Patience may be a virtue, but a punch-up is pure delight."
Noctorro (Melee Combat) - "Knowing the right thing to do and not doing it shows lack of courage, principles or both."
Torca (Infantry General) - "I lead from the back."
Jawbreaker (Close Combat Specialist) - "Laugh and the world laughs with. Howl and you howl alone."
Nightglider (Intelligence Officer) - "Tell your friends a lie. If they keep it secret, then tell them the truth."
Optimus Minor (Infiltration) - "Monkey see, monkey grab."
Prowl (Military Strategist) - "Logic provides the structure to be filled by the soul of creativity."
Ramulus (Scout) - "Onwards... and upwards."
Sonar (Aerial Reconnaissance) - "Listen to others only when they say what you want to hear."
Stinkbomb (Psychological Warfare) - "Nine-tenths of the battle is fought within the imagination."
Windrazor (Warrior) - "The strength of wisdom and the power of youth are an unbeatable combination."
Beast Wars II
Lio Convoy (Leader) - "To know oneself, one must first know the world."
Apache (Deputy Commander) - "Discipline and loyalty equal strength."
Bighorn (Shock Trooper) - "The path to peace is littered with Predacon wreckage."
Diver (Field Defense) - "Savor every moment for it could be your last."
Scuba (Marine Operations) - "Watch your words carefully for they are your legacy."
Tasmania Kid (Diversionary Tactician) - "Deceive your enemy and he will be beaten before he realizes it."
Magnaboss (Warrior) - "Accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
Lio Junior (Warrior) - "Purity of thought leads to purity of action."
Santon (Medic) - "There is no better medicine than hope."
Skywarp (Aerial Instructor) - "Strength of character is the core of a warrior."
Tripledacus (Warrior) - "Tyranny cannot topple those who stand united against it."
DJ (Sonic Operative) - "Let's rock!"
Gimlet (Polar Operator) - "In optimism we find the means to achieve victory."
Motorarm (Warrior) - "Follow your fate no matter where it leads."
Bigmos (Unit Commander) - "Don't do anything I wouldn't."
Drill Nuts () - ""
Mantis (Front-Line Combat) - "Faith and the will to succeed are a winning combination."
Powerhug (Martial Arts Master) - "The greatest loyalty is that of a master to his students."
Scissor Boy (Strategist) - "Talk fast enough and no one will care what you actually say."
Tonbot (Secret Operations) - "Skill and luck are a lethal combination."
Ikard (Space Reconnaissance) - "The fabric of wisdom is bound by the threads of experience."
Moon (Advisor) - "Between peace and chaos lies the courage to act."
Beast Wars Neo
Big Convoy (General) - "All for one and one for all!"
Longrack (First Officer) - "If you do not think before you act, do not act at all."
Break (Polar Operative) - "The light of my spark will dispel the darkness of evil."
Cohrada (Ground Assault) - "I have no time for patience!"
Heinrad (Chronal Warrior) - "Time waits for no 'bot... except me."
Stampy (Reconnaissance) - "A strategic retreat is better than a tactical defeat."
Mach Kick (Courier) - "There are no speed limits on the road to victory."
Randy (Stormtrooper) - "Let's get serious."
Rockbuster (Guerilla Fighter) - "Depend on yourself and you will never have anyone else to blame for failure."
Sharp Edge
Survive (Military Strategist) - "Fall in line or fall out."
Beast Wars show
Megatron (Predacon Commander) - "What does not destroy me makes me strong... what attempts to destroy me is obliterated."
Scorponok (Lieutenant Commander) - "The only true loyalty is to oneself."
Tarantulas (Secret Agent, Scientist) - "Madness paves the way to true understanding."
Terrorsaur (Aerial Combat) - "Claim power as if it is already yours."
Waspinator (Aerial Attack) - "Waspinator tired of being Universe's chew toy!"
Blackarachnia (Saboteur) - "Practice deception with good intention."
Inferno (Infantry) - "For the colony! For her majesty, the Royalty!"
Quickstrike (Desert Combat) - "Battlin' ain't just about muscle, it's about attitude!"
Rampage (Warrior) - "Evil is a symphony created by instruments of pain and suffering!"
Ravage (Counter-Intelligence) - "Today's Maximals are tomorrow's scrap metal."
Beast Wars toyline
Buzz Saw (Aerial Surveillance) - "Catch your opponent unawares and his destruction is assured."
Iguanus (Demolitions, Artillery Expert) - "Destruction is the dawn of opportunity."
Snapper (Frontline Combat) - "You're either out of my way or out of luck!"
Insecticon (Surveillance) - "Information is the currency that buys power."
Manta Ray (Resource Scout) - "Loneliness does more harm than the greatest weapon."
Onyx Primal (Assassin) - "The night is my ally."
Drill Bit (Infantry) - "True ambitions run deep."
Fractyl (Scientist) - "Science is the hand that guides the weapons of war."
Jetstorm (Scout) - "Superiority always offends the inferior."
Lazorbeak (Aerial Assault) - "The best point of any Maximal is his melting point!"
Manterror (Quick Attack Specialist) - "To face me is to face defeat."
Powerpinch (Infantry) - "Move fast or rust."
Razorclaw (Undercover Attack) - "The most powerful warriors will fall with adequate patience."
Retrax (Demolitions) - "My home is a monument to--and of--my victims."
Spittor (Amphibious Warrior) - "I'm mean to the core. I've got meanness oozing out of every pore."
Transquito (Air Reconnaissance) - "The sweet smell of excess!"
Tripredacus (Warrior) - "Deception is the better part of valor."
Cicadacon (Predacon Elder) - "The knowledge of ages is my sword and shield."
Ram Horn (Predacon Elder) - "Do what I say or get out of my way."
Sea Clamp (Predacon Elder) - "Less is much, much more!"
Buzzclaw (Saboteur) - "Lies are a shield from the sharp pains of truth."
Injector (Aerial Combat) - "Cruel is the hand of fate, indeed!"
Scavenger (Psychological Warfare) - "The most destructive force on the battlefield of fear."
Sky Shadow (Camouflage Expert) - "Soldiers wage war, politicians win them."
Terragator (Amphibious Assault) - "The greatest rewards are found where others dare not tread."
Double Punch (Killer Elite) - "Assassination changes the fate of the world."
Scarem (Ground Commando) - "Free will is an illusion cast upon us by a universe with a cruel sense of humor."
Scourge (Special Operations Combatant) - "Virtue can be faked, depravity is the only truth."
Beast Wars II
Galvatron (Destron Emperor) - "Power... at any price!"
Megastorm (Lieutenant Commander) - "Realistic plans lead to genuine victory."
Gigastorm (Commander) - "The beginning of tyranny is the end of chaos."
Starscream (Air Commander) - "Plan for tomorrow what you can't accomplish today."
Hellscream (First Officer) - "Power corrupts only those who do not know how to wield it."
BB (Bombardier) - "The greatest enemy will fall to an unyielding spirit."
Max-B (Ground Assault) - "Vengeance is true liberation."
Dirge (Aerial Combat) - "I'm not as bad as they say, I'm worse."
Thrust (Aerial Officer) - "Let loyalty serve as a cover for your true intentions."
Autostinger (Guard Captain) - "Without loyalty, a warrior is worthless."
Autocrusher (Land Guard) - "A soldier doesn't have to think about why he fights. He just needs to win."
Autojetter (Aerial Guard) - "I destroy, therefore I am."
Autolauncher (Shock Troop Guard) - "In the face of danger I will find my glory."
God Neptune (Pirate Warrior) - "Greed is the purest of all motivations."
Halfshell (Captain) - "Loyalty is earned, not enforced."
Coelagon (Mentor) - "There is no substitute for experience."
Scylla (Strategist) - "My beauty will conquer all!"
Sea Phantom (Covert Attack) - "The greater the prey, the more satisfying the hunt!"
Terrormander (Bomber) - "Good things come to those who wait."
Beast Wars Neo
Magmatron (General) - "Divide and conquer."
Archadis (Aerial Assault) - "Do it with style or don't bother doing it at all."
Dead End (Tactician) - "One bad plan can lead to a thousand losses."
Guiledart (Tactician) - "Only show your hand when it's got a weapon in it."
Saberback (Camouflage Warrior) - "Deception is the better part of valor."
Sling (Shock Trooper) - "Might makes right!"
Bazooka (Chief Security Officer) - "Death before dishonor."
Crazybolt (Infantry) - "Words, not war, pave the way to greatness."
Hardhead (Ground Forces Commander) - "The strongest belief is in a cause greater than oneself."
Hydra (Bombardier) - "Every day, in every way, I'm getting badder."
Killer Punch (Espionage) - "Being paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you."
Icebird (Mutant Commander) - "He who fights monsters should take care, lest he become a monster himself."
Poison Bite (Special Operations) - "A strong spark ought to bear calamities, not flee them."
Razor Claw (Warrior) - "Follow orders and they will lead you to your destiny."
Soundwave (Warrior) - "From the sky to the sea, they will fear and respect me."
More than Meets the Eye: Armada
Optimus Prime - "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Hot Shot - "Well, let's go!"
Red Alert - "All life is precious."
Smokescreen - "Strike hard, strike straight."
Hoist - "Keen vigilance is my weapon of choice."
Scavenger - "Always rise to the call of duty!"
Blurr - "Stand up, keep fighting!"
Jetfire - "You can fall alone or fall together!"
Side Swipe - "With aggressive precision I will speed toward victory."
Overload - "I serve at the will of Optimus Prime."
Laserbeak - "I will protect you."
Airazor - "Only conviction can defeat corruption."
Cheetor - "Some cats roar - I just pounce."
Rhinox - "Hard work never killed anybody."
Sparkplug - "Equality is more than physical."
Over-Run - "To understand your adversary... you must first understand yourself."
Jolt - "There's no 'I' in 'team.'"
Longarm - "Complacency does not compute."
Liftor - "There's a difference between being brave and being scrapped."
Refute - "You call that 'battle damage?' I'll show ya battle damage!"
Rollbar - "It ain't the size of the gun... it's the size of the bang!"
Incinerator - "Not even gravity can slow me down!"
Comettor - "If you can't find what you're seeking inside, then look outside."
Nightbeat - "Never trying means never succeeding."
Rollout - "You're only as powerful as your mind allows you to be."
Nightscream - "I hate the sound of silence."
Cliffjumper - "Reading is more of a thrill than punching."
Armorhide - "A thick skin doesn't always mean a thick head."
Megatron - "My power is your doom!"
Galvatron - "I am the icon of destruction!"
Starscream - "My destiny is leadership."
Cyclonus - "Out of my way! Attack!"
Demolishor - "As you command."
Thrust - "I fight, I prevail, I conquer!"
Tidal Wave - "Must destroy!"
Wheeljack - "I am a high-octane, road-eating monster!"
Predacon - "Free your inner beast from its mechanical cage!"
Skywarp - "Bull's eye in the sky, oh my!"
Terrorsaur - "The strong take, and the weak give--to me!"
Thundercracker - "Taste the cruel bite of my ruthless weaponry."
Leader-1 - "Sometimes the least likely can be the most dangerous."
Clench - "I'm top of the line and ready to send you to the bottom of the heap."
Swindle - "Deals are made to be broken."
Crumplezone - "Just enjoy the ride."
Blackout - "Sometimes your inner voice is the best leader."
Inferno - "The chosen exist to lead."
Ramjet -- "Tell that to my friend."
Wind Sheer - "If you strike at my friend, you strike me."
Side Burn - "You can't catch something--or someone--you don't know."
Skid-Z - "If you don't believe, you don't belong."
Thunderclash - "It's now what you know, it who you know."
Ironhide - "Alone is no way to live."
Zapmaster - "You don't want none of this!"
Unicron - "I am Unicron, the destroyer of worlds."
Sideways - "Efficiency through self-sufficiency."
Nemesis Prime - "Nemesis Prime, destroy!"
Dead End - "My mind rots in the black house of crooked angles."
Rook - "'Friend' is another word for 'fool.'"
Crosswise - "If things are going wrong, that means I'm doing my job right."
Run-Over - "Run-Over, attack!"
Street Action Team
Grindor - "If you're not trying something new, you're not trying."
High Wire - "All together, now!"
Sureshock - "Freedom isn't an option--it's a necessity."
Perceptor - "Seek your true power."
Air Defense Team
Jetstorm - "Affirmative!"
Runway - "Don't worry -- let me explain the plan."
Sonar - "Even an ace pilot is only as good as his wingbot."
Race Team
Dirt Boss - "Keep it down and dirty!"
Downshift - "Nothing to prove, nothing to lose."
Mirage - "Hide yourself, but never your ideals."
Space Team
Astroscope - "It's only a hypothesis... until I prove it, that is."
Payload - "It's scrappin' time!"
Sky Blast - "Blast off!"
Adventure Team
Dune Runner - "A grain of sand never travels alone."
Iceberg - "Finding a way to win isn't cheating."
Ransack - "No obstacle is too great!"
Air Military Team
Gunbarrel - "Death from above!"
Terradive - "Going down, but never out!"
Thunderwing - "No one hears lightning until after it strikes."
Destruction Team
Buzzsaw - "You need to tear down before you can build."
Drill Bit - "Destroy and conquer!"
Dualor - "The end justifies the means."
Emergency Team
Firebot - "Where there's smoke, there's me."
Makeshift - "When the battle is over, our job begins."
Prowl - "If it exists, I'll find it."
Land Military Team
Bonecrusher - "Speak softly and carry a big missile."
Knock Out - "Load 'em and launch 'em!"
Wreckage - "The best battles are the one you choose."
Night Attack Team
Broadside - "Fear the darkness and the shadows for we are there!"
Fetch - "What, you think you can take me?"
Scattor - "Fight fire with firepower."
Sea Team
Oceanglide - "These small few know the triumph of vicious intent!"
Stormcloud - "There's no warning before I roll in."
Waterlog - "Whether it's land or sea, there I be, matey."
Street Speed Team
Backtrack - "Inconvenient words are best forgotten."
Oval - "The best defense is humor."
Spiral - "Speed over strength!"
Optimus Prime - "Those who threaten peace will fall in pieces."
Arcee - "I know only two speeds: fast and faster!"
Beachcomber - "I never spotted a Decepticon I didn't dislike."
Bulkhead - "If I don't blast you out of the sky, I'll knock you into the ground."
Cliffjumper - "A stunt can never be too dangerous."
Downshift - "If I can't beat ya' in battle, I'll beat ya' on the road."
Girmlock & Swoop - "We love to munch Decepticon metal!"
Hot Shot - "There is no greater teacher than experience."
Inferno - "Always look before you leap."
Ironhide - "If trouble doesn't find me, I'll find it!"
Jetfire - "Eat my vapor trail."
Landmine - "My fists are deadlier than your guns."
Landquake - "Behind my sensitive exterior lives a hardened fist."
Offshoot - "My true talents can be seen in battle."
Omega Sentinel - "When in battle, a superior tactician employs logic and reason to achieve victory."
Omega Supreme - "Unyielding resolve has no conqueror."
Overcast - "We must fight alongside our enemy against a common threat."
Prowl - "You can run from justice, but I'll catch you."
Quickstrike - "A solid plan of attack is more powerful than the cannon or sword."
Roadblock - "A good offense is a great defense."
Rodimus - "I can take down any Decepticon without getting a scratch."
Signal Flare - "My imagination is the key to winning."
Skyblast - "My greatest ally is the sky itself."
Storm Jet - "A weapon is wasted when used only for defense."
Strongarm - "I'm a worker, not a warrior."
Tow-Line - "A soldier's greatest asset are his comrades."
Wing Saber - "Courage and fortitude are the foundations of a true warrior."
Megatron - "Join me and I will send you to battle. Defy me, and I will send you to oblivion."
Galvatron - "No universe is too vast for my conquest."
Starscream - "It is my destiny to lead."
Battle Ravage - "What my claws don't destroy my teeth will!"
Cruellock - "By the time you see me, it will be too late."
Cyclonus - "Out of my way! Attack!"
Demolishor - "Your cries of pain are music to my ears."
Divebomb - "To challenge me is to accept your defeat."
Dreadwing - "The footsteps of doom follow in my path."
Insecticon - "I have an appetite for your destruction."
Mirage - "I am your funeral at sea."
Scorponok - "If I do not crush you with my claws, I will finish you with my sting!"
Sharkticon - "If I don't grind you to shreds, I'll blast you to bits."
Shockblast - "I see you."
Six Shot - "I will destroy my enemy's spirit as soon as I crush his body."
Slugslinger - "I rule the skies."
Snow Cat - "There is no terrain, or opponent, that I cannot conquer."
Tidal Wave - "In battle, the enemy's fear is my greatest weapon."
Construction Team
Steamhammer - "Intelligence is a greater weapon than brute strength."
Optimus Prime (Leader) - "While I function, Earth is under my protection."
Arcee (Super Spy) - "Truth is power."
Blurr (Elite Recon) - "Eat my dust, Decepticons!"
Bulkhead (Super Tough Strong Bot) - "Oops, my bad."
Bumblebee (Speedster) - "Enough talk. It's time for action!"
Bumblebee - Elite Guard (Speedster) - "I'm so hot it hurts!"
Grimlock (Dinobot Leader) - "Where are Decepticons? Me Grimlock getting hungry!"
Ironhide (Indestructible Warrior) - "Yeee-haw!"
Jazz (Elite Ninja) - "Cybertron is cool, but Earth rules."
Prowl (Spy) - "Through stillness you will find truth."
Ratchet (Medic) - "Hold still. This won't hurt a bit."
Rodimus Minor (Cavalier) - "Actions speak louder than words."
Sentinel Prime (Elite Commander) - "Without law, all is chaos."
Snarl (Dinobot Smasher) - "Snarl smash!"
Swoop (Dinobot Bombardier) - "Bombs away!"
Ultra Magnus (Elite Commander) - "Stand your ground, Autobots!"
Wreck-Gar (Rookie) - "Anything I can do to help?"
Megatron (Ultimate Intergalactic Tyrant) - "Crush the Autobots!"
Blackarachnia (Trickster) - "My sting will be the last thing you feel."
Blitzwing (Berserker) - "Whoooo! I'm freaking out!"
Lockdown (Bounty Hunter) - "Run all you want. It'll make the chase more fun."
Lugnut (Thug) - "All hail mighty Megatron!"
Oil Slick (Anarchist Road Warrior) - "Fear is my ally."
Shockwave (Deep Cover Spy) - "Secrets are the foundation of power."
Skywarp (Fearful Super Pilot) - "They're heading right for us! Run!"
Soundwave (Sonic Warrior) - "You ain't heard nothin' yet!"
Starscream (Air Warrior Supreme) - "Don't try to deceive a Decepticon, Autobot. We are the masters of deception."
Swindle (Weapons Specialist) - "Hey man. Wanna buy a plasma cannon, cheap?"
Waspinator (Mutant Madman) - "Waspinator rules!"
BotCon 2011 lithograph
Brawn (Demolitions) - "Might over microchips."
Cliffjumper (Intel Data Clerk) - "File data first, file it fast, file it hard."
Cosmos (Astronomer) - "Keep your optics on the stars and struts on the ground."
Crumplezone (Goon) - "I let my servos do the talkin'!"
Depth Charge (Chief of Police) - "There is only one cause... JUSTICE."
Glyph (Archaeometrist) - "Erudition is the privilege of those who observe detail."
Highbrow (Strategic Intelligence) - "War is the playground of the ignorant."
Hot Shot (Pyrotechnics) - "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
Huffer (Sewer Works Maintenance) - "It'll be done when I'm finished!"
Ironhide (Security) - "High tech circuitry is no replacement for guts."
Longrack (Search and Rescue) - "Slack off and you're gettin' the back side of my shovel."
Pipes (Sewer Works Maintenance Assistant) - "One being's junk is another's art."
Ransack (Delinquent) - "You ain't got nuttin' on me!"
Rattletrap (Scavenger) - "Sure, I can get ya that. For a price."
Red Alert (Field Medic) - "Caution can never be overused."
Rodimus Prime (Cavalier) - "My actions speak louder than words."
Seaspray (Naval Defense) - "A sailor's life for me!"
Stampy (Data Courier) - "I'm not scared. I'm keen on survival."
Tracks (Auto Detailing Designer) - "Looking good is what being online is all about."
Warpath (Security) - "A good shot is worth more than a good intention."
Wheeljack (Mechanical Engineer) - "If I build it, the Decepticons will run."
Blackout (Shock and Awe) - "Lights out."
Blot (Foot Soldier) - "I'm not bad as I look - I'm worse."
Cyclonus (Saboteur) - "Compassion is the Autobots' downfall."
Dark Rodimus (Assassin) - "My actions will lead to your destruction."
Dirt Boss (Constructicon Foreman) - "Build it, then extort it."
Laserbeak (Espionage) - "Raaaaaaawk!"
Mindwipe (Hypnotist) - "Just one look from me, and you've lost."
Nemesis Prime (Infiltration) - "All sentient beings will kneel before me!"
Oil Slick (Chemical Warfare) - "Control the elements and you control the universe."
Ratbat (Fuel Scout) - "Screeeeeeeeeee!"
Reflector (Sniper) - "Observe. Observe. Destroy."
Sky-Byte (Warrior Poet) - "Weapons may opponents overcome, but fight with words and 'lo the war is won!"
Slipstream (Air Sub-Commander, 2nd Class) - "I don't exist to sweep up the ashes of conquest!"
Spittor (Waste Disposal) - "Are you gonna eat that?"
Strika (General of Destruction) - "Victory lies in the tactics of destruction."
Venom (Psychological Warfare) - "Friends are more dangerous than enemies."
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