Note: Occurrences of a nameless character's name appearing in the same source he/she first appeared in doesn't count.
Star Wars (1977)
"Death Star Conference Room Imperial #?" -- Trech Molock [The Death Star Coup]
"Henchman" -- Ront Brynloo
Red Squadron
Red Seven -- Elyhek Rue [Star Wars Customizable Card Game]
Red Eight -- Bren Quersey [Star Wars Customizable Card Game]
Red Nine -- Nozzo Naytaan [Star Wars Customizable Card Game]
Red Ten -- Theron Nett [Star Wars Customizable Card Game]
Red Eleven -- Wenton Chan [Star Wars Customizable Card Game]
Red Twelve -- Puck Naeco [X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide; Essential Guide to Warfare]
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Imperial advisor (black robe) - Sate Pestage (FACPOV: Return of the Jedi, 2023)
Imperial advisor (purple robe) - Pebimarus Xorn (FACPOV: Return of the Jedi, 2023)
Jabba's rancor -- Pateesa [Aftermath: Life Debt]
Mercenary pilot -- Sion (FACPOV: Return of the Jedi, 2023)
Mon Calamari pilot -- Ika Sulko [Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual]
Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Unidentified draped Senator -- Stonroy Soma [Visual Encyclopedia]
Unidentified draped Senator -- Stonroy Soma [Visual Encyclopedia]
The Clone Wars (2008)
Tactical droid (Malastare) -- TN-123 (Battles that Changed the Galaxy)
Tactical droid (Umbara) -- TM-171 (Battles that Changed the Galaxy)
Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Jedi Exile -- Meetra Surik [The Old Republic: Revan]
Tales (September 1999)
NR Commander (Lando's Commandos) -- Firmus Nantz (Jedi Council Forums)
Knights of the Old Republic (January 2006)
Ludo Kressh's son - Elcho Kressh [Knight Errant]
NR Commander (Lando's Commandos) -- Firmus Nantz (Jedi Council Forums)
Knights of the Old Republic (January 2006)
Ludo Kressh's son - Elcho Kressh [Knight Errant]
Mandalorian female - Valdhani (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
The Old Republic (February 2009)
The Old Republic (February 2009)
Supreme Chancellor (Mon Calamari) -- Berooken (The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural, 2011)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Sarrish species - Sakeru (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Droids (1985)
Jyn Obah's species -- Schiav (The Droids Re-animated, 2013)
Ewoks (1985)
Bothel's species -- Taltorian (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Gracca's species -- Gargoyle (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Jadru's species -- Mashi Horansi (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Star Wars (1977)
Ualp Xathan's species -- Gektl (Supernatural Encounters)
Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Memit Nadill's species -- Molavaran (Supernatural Encounters)
Jabba the Hutt (1995)
Nampi's species -- Orooturooian (Adventures, 2021); Orutoro (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Suppoon's species -- Bah'r Kilido (Barely Tolerable, 2013)
Reference Books
Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas (1993)
Kaat Thrick-Thrick's species -- Forso (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
mOKDAR 15's species -- Simento (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Dianoga-like species -- Alththamin'eshr (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Gryphon species - Gryphon (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Jandoon species - Janoon (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Keeper's makers - Osserian (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Sar Agorn's species - Kooroo (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Stalk-eyed species -- Seidaot (author notes on DeviantArt, 2011)
"Tripod" -- Naplousean (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Abeloth's planet - Vitae (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Covallon homeworld - Cov (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Miraluka homeworld - Luka (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
"Planet of the Dead" - Nileve (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Rajine's planet - Mandragora (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Technology-deficient planet -- Odju-Fyf (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
Ugor homeworld -- Phesoj (Supernatural Encounters, 2023)
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