Name (info) [parents]
BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin / ABY = After the Battle of Yavin
Hart Talvron (Tralon IV)
Kane Varonus (Tralon IV)
6699 BBY
Selani Valrisa / Rissa Vala-Sel (Sedratis)
4095 BBY
Arthron Kallig
Miden Finn (Lexrul)
1039 BBY
Kymoodon Era
12,015 BBY
Ralen Varonus (Sedratis)
Ductavis Era
9036 BBY
Alon Varonus (Sedratis)
Alon Varonus (Sedratis)
Rianitus Period
8033 BBYHart Talvron (Tralon IV)
8023 BBY
Galen Sendor I (Tralon IV)
8021 BBY
Lona Varonus (Tralon IV)
7020 BBY
Rosen Sendor (Tralon IV)
Manderon Period
6984 BBYKane Varonus (Tralon IV)
6699 BBY
Zane Carran I (Tralon IV)
6513 BBY
Rakar Val / Darth Trayus (Korriban)
5836 BBY
Nalia Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Silva Sendor
5801 BBY
Galen Sendor II (Tralon IV), born to Nalia Sendor
5049 BBY
Rakar Val / Darth Trayus (Korriban)
5836 BBY
Nalia Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Silva Sendor
5801 BBY
Galen Sendor II (Tralon IV), born to Nalia Sendor
5049 BBY
Relin Druur (Ossus)
5025 BBY
Riidik Kressh (Rhelg), born to Ludo Kressh
Riidik Kressh (Rhelg), born to Ludo Kressh
Post-Manderon Period / Old Sith Wars
4277 BBYSelani Valrisa / Rissa Vala-Sel (Sedratis)
4095 BBY
Eden Sendor (Tralon IV)
4091 BBY
Waller Sendor (Tralon IV)
4066 BBY
Benjam Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Waller Sendor
4056 BBY
Otton Valsas (Tralon IV), born to Brom Valsas and Eden Sendor
4042 BBY
Noah Jarsan (Dantooine)
Noah Jarsan (Dantooine)
Varn Xala (Teevan)
4032 BBY
Nyla Sanar (Dantooine)
4028 BBY
Kyun Sanar (Dantooine)
4022 BBY
Hazar Bailum (Telerath)
4020 BBY
Taarn Soral, born to Voss Soral
4019 BBY
Nomi Da'Boda (Darada)
4032 BBY
Nyla Sanar (Dantooine)
4028 BBY
Kyun Sanar (Dantooine)
4022 BBY
Hazar Bailum (Telerath)
4020 BBY
Taarn Soral, born to Voss Soral
4019 BBY
Nomi Da'Boda (Darada)
Adam Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Benjam Sendor
Andur Sunrider (Darada)
4018 BBY
Reca Ovonel (Arkania)
4016 BBY
Eve Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Benjam Sendor
4014 BBY
Reca Ovonel (Arkania)
4016 BBY
Eve Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Benjam Sendor
4014 BBY
Canderous Ordo (Ordo)
4011 BBY
Sana Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Noah and Nyla Jarsan
4009 BBY
Sana Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Noah and Nyla Jarsan
4009 BBY
Tol Cressa (Coruscant)
4000 BBY
Vima Sunrider (H'ratth), born to Andur and Nomi Sunrider
3990 BBY
Resh Gillom (Ithor)
3989 BBY
Voren Renstaal (Taanab)
3986 BBY
Resh Gillom (Ithor)
3989 BBY
Voren Renstaal (Taanab)
3986 BBY
Revan / Darth Revan
3984 BBY
Kalon Soral / Darth Vorath (Coruscant), born to Taarn and Eve Soral
Darth Vidius (Dromund Kaas)
3983 BBY
Samnt Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Sana Jarsan
Nova Larisa (Thustra)
Deren Saran / Darth Bandon (Belderone)
3976 BBY
Kalon Soral / Darth Vorath (Coruscant), born to Taarn and Eve Soral
Darth Vidius (Dromund Kaas)
3983 BBY
Samnt Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Sana Jarsan
Nova Larisa (Thustra)
Deren Saran / Darth Bandon (Belderone)
3976 BBY
Bastila Shan (Talravin), born to Helena Shan
3974 BBY
Veya Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Adam Sendor and Calina Galarus
3972 BBY
Cale Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Adam Sendor and Calina Galarus
3954 BBY
Vaner Shan (Coruscant), born to Bastila Shan and Revan
Iden Vanicus (Corulag)
Inter-Sith Wars period
3828 BBY
Nikil Nobil (Thisspias)
3789 BBY
3735 BBY
Orlan Sendor (Tralon IV)
3729 BBY
Tasiele Shan
3721 BBY
Belfas Trevan (Ryloth)
3716 BBY
Zane Carran (Tralon IV)
Jarson Varonus (Tralon IV), born to Arkus Varonus
3711 BBY
Darven Varonus (Tralon IV), born to Arkus Varonus
3710 BBY
Galran Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Orlan Sendor
3699 BBY
Satele Shan (Brentaal IV), born to Tasiele Shan
3681 BBY
Morven Varonus (Tralon IV), born to Darven Varonus
3678 BBY
Valon Sendor / Lord Valsen (Tralon IV), born to Galran Sendor
Valon Sendor / Lord Valsen (Tralon IV), born to Galran Sendor
3665 BBY
Tylos Harn (Balmorra)
3664 BBYArthron Kallig
Xadira Kallig
3663 BBY
Larisa Soral (Deralia)
3663 BBY
Larisa Soral (Deralia)
3635 BBY
Arkus Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Valon Sendor
3604 BBY
Verona Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Arkus Sendor
3570 BBY
Axon Roden (Sembla)
3522 BBY
Dion Sazon (Utapau)
Dion Sazon (Utapau)
3501 BBY
Niira Baelar (Iktotch)
3484 BBY
Kotu Vissola (Pantora)
2019 BBY
Ardas Talvron (Tralon IV)
Ardas Talvron (Tralon IV)
Draggulch Period / New Sith Wars
1051 BBYMiden Finn (Lexrul)
1039 BBY
Sorgen Valrisa (Sedratis)
1027 BBY
Alron Sendor (Tralon IV)
1023 BBY
Dev (Lothal)
1019 BBY
Alron Sendor (Tralon IV)
1023 BBY
Dev (Lothal)
1019 BBY
Great Peace of the Republic
565 BBY
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (Nal Hutta)
377 BBY
Galen Alron Sendor VII (Tralon IV)
345 BBY Tarness Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Galen Sendor VII
315 BBY
Lodar Carran (Tralon IV), born to Laros Carran
Lodar Carran (Tralon IV), born to Laros Carran
Damus Sendor I (Tralon IV), born to Tarness Sendor
311 BBY
Lera Carran (Tralon IV), born to Laros Carran
290 BBY
Galen Damus Sendor VII (Tralon IV), born to Damus Sendor and Lera Carran
286 BBY
Xena Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Damus Sendor and Lera Carran
282 BBY
Tarn Sendor (Tralon IV), born to Damus Sendor and Lera Carran
280 BBY
Laros Carran II (Tralon IV), born to Lodar Carran
257 BBY
Damus Sendor II (Tralon IV), born to Tarn Sendor
242 BBY
Talen Galarus (Tralon IV), born to Laron Galarus
200 BBY
Chewbacca (Kashyyyk), born to Attichitcuk
Chewbacca (Kashyyyk), born to Attichitcuk
Tolrus Rawn / Darth Scythe (Ryloth)
158 BBY
Merlok (Lao-mon)
119 BBY
Gaaraddik (Kashyyyk)
102 BBY
158 BBY
Merlok (Lao-mon)
119 BBY
Gaaraddik (Kashyyyk)
102 BBY
Dooku (Serenno), born to Gora and Anya Dooku
100 BBY
Appa Nakil (Thisspias)
Appa Nakil (Thisspias)
93 BBY
Galen Sendor (Damosus)
91 BBY
Vel Ramdro (Riflor)
Finis Valorum (Coruscant)
82 BBY
Sheev Palpatine (Naboo), born to Cosinga Palpatine
78 BBY
Roan Jarsan (Dantooine)
77 BBY
Ruwee Naberrie (Naboo), born to Winama Naberrie
Roan Jarsan (Dantooine)
77 BBY
Ruwee Naberrie (Naboo), born to Winama Naberrie
Ara Shaleen (Toprawa)
Rom Staam (Iktotch)
76 BBY
Jobal Thule (Naboo), born to Ryoo Thule
73 BBY
Davon Varonus (Damosus)
68 BBY
Navus Sendor (Damosus), born to Galen Sendor
Navus Sendor (Damosus), born to Galen Sendor
66 BBY
Nalon Carran (Damosus)
60 BBY
Tighe Nomante (Nadiem)
Morin Tharr (Toprawa), born to Ara Shaleen
59 BBY
Viic Argen (Anaxes), born to Vorn Argen
58 BBY
Talrus Sendor (Damosus), born to Galen Sendor
Espaa Valorum (Coruscant), born to Finis Valorum
54 BBY
58 BBY
Talrus Sendor (Damosus), born to Galen Sendor
Espaa Valorum (Coruscant), born to Finis Valorum
54 BBY
Maul (Dathomir), born to Kycina
52 BBY
Korin Zar (Kiffu)
51 BBY
Korin Zar (Kiffu)
51 BBY
Gilad Pellaeon (Corellia)
50 BBY
Sola Naberrie (Naboo), born to Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie
Asajj Ventress (Dathomir)
49 BBY
Zale Ven (Coruscant)
48 BBY
Leosa Vantare (Kooriva)
Zale Ven (Coruscant)
48 BBY
Leosa Vantare (Kooriva)
47 BBY
A'Sharad Hett / Darth Krayt (Tatooine), born to Sharad Hett and K'Sheek
46 BBY
Padme Naberrie / Padme Amidala (Naboo), born to Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie
45 BBY
Nil Nihan (Coruscant)
Nil Nihan (Coruscant)
Lor San Tekka
44 BBY
Bron Korus (Coruscant)
43 BBY
Aron Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Roan and Sandra Jarsan
Kro Sadoon (Dorin)
42 BBY
44 BBY
Bron Korus (Coruscant)
43 BBY
Aron Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Roan and Sandra Jarsan
Kro Sadoon (Dorin)
42 BBY
Xanus Baran (Alderaan)
Adon Valrisa (Sedratis)
Adon Valrisa (Sedratis)
41 BBY
Galos Carran (Damosus), born to Nalon Carran
Raela (Ryloth)
Galos Carran (Damosus), born to Nalon Carran
Raela (Ryloth)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Tatooine), born to Shmi Skywalker
39 BBY
39 BBY
Rumun Inrull / Darth Mordus (Duro)
Plun Kil (Ojom)
Borix Thorne (Narq)
38 BBY
Borix Thorne (Narq)
38 BBY
Naya Sendor (Damosus), born to Navus Sendor
Paron Varonus (Damosus), born to Davon Varonus
37 BBY
Sladru Nalas (Yag'Dhul)
36 BBY
Nasoth Alarin (Yag'Dhul), born to Carvath Alarin
35 BBY
Tars Hill (Muunilinst), born to San Hill
Jahlan (Sriluur)
Darius Onneir
37 BBY
Sladru Nalas (Yag'Dhul)
36 BBY
Nasoth Alarin (Yag'Dhul), born to Carvath Alarin
35 BBY
Tars Hill (Muunilinst), born to San Hill
Jahlan (Sriluur)
Darius Onneir
Thrackan Sal-Solo (Corellia), born to Randil Sal and Tiion Solo
Mera Vizsla (Concordia)
34 BBY
Argus Ordo (Ordo)
34 BBY
Argus Ordo (Ordo)
Treb "Smarty" Retarc (Mileva)
33 BBY
33 BBY
Andreo Tagge (Tepasi)
32 BBY
Boba Fett (Kamino), cloned from Jango Fett
Zavar Rarnok / Darth Ravage (Iridonia)
31 BBY
Syal Antilles (Corellia), born to Jagged and Zena Antilles
Jard Valmar (Serenno)
30 BBY
Van-Sar-Nodan (Cerea)
29 BBY
Roon Altor (Taris)
Van-Sar-Nodan (Cerea)
29 BBY
Roon Altor (Taris)
Han Solo (Corellia), born to Jonash Solo
28 BBY
28 BBY
Ryoo Naberrie (Naboo), born to Sola Naberrie and Darred Janren
27 BBY
Enric Pryde (Alsakan)
26 BBY
Cassian Jeron Andor (Fest)
25 BBY
Pooja Naberrie (Naboo), born to Sola Naberrie and Darred Janren
Pooja Naberrie (Naboo), born to Sola Naberrie and Darred Janren
Aay Zavos (Carida), born to Cov Zavos
24 BBY
Etus Kender / Kerran Khan (Corulag)
24 BBY
Etus Kender / Kerran Khan (Corulag)
Donhran Remker (Iridonia)
Vandos Sendor (Damosus), born to Talrus Sendor
23 BBY
Kyle Katarn (Sulon), born to Morgan and Patricia Katarn
Vandos Sendor (Damosus), born to Talrus Sendor
23 BBY
Kyle Katarn (Sulon), born to Morgan and Patricia Katarn
Vizun Naris (Talravin)
Sareth (Sedratis)
22 BBY
Kalina Zar (Kiffu), born to Korin Zar
21 BBY
Wedge Antilles (Corellia), born to Jagged and Zena Antilles
Sareth (Sedratis)
22 BBY
Kalina Zar (Kiffu), born to Korin Zar
21 BBY
Wedge Antilles (Corellia), born to Jagged and Zena Antilles
Jyn Erso (Vallt), born to Galen and Lyra Erso
Andros Sendor (Damosus), born to Talrus Sendor
20 BBY
Tarr-Nar-Mal (Cerea)
19 BBY
Flint (Belderone), born to Flint Torul and Zana
20 BBY
Tarr-Nar-Mal (Cerea)
19 BBY
Flint (Belderone), born to Flint Torul and Zana
Leia Amidala Skywalker / Leia Organa (Alderaan), born to Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), born to Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala
Naaro Viin (Iktotch)
18 BBY
Corran Horn (Corellia), born to Hal and Nyche Horn
Darth Nemesis / Kane Skywalker (Dromund Kaas), cloned from Anakin Skywalker
Nens-Coro (Ord Biniir)
Nens-Coro (Ord Biniir)
"Alor Onab" (Corellia)
17 BBY
Vin Borgas (Anaxes)
17 BBY
Vin Borgas (Anaxes)
Mara Jade
Dezal Lorn
Narrakar Von
16 BBY
Thrak Jal'daan (Bastion)
Dezal Lorn
Narrakar Von
16 BBY
Thrak Jal'daan (Bastion)
Kelbis Narik (Rodia)
Kal Nkai /Dem Hazon (Cona)
Unkar Plutt (Crul)
15 BBY
Mile "Hawk" Dorian (Taanab)
Kale Karsa (Concord Dawn)
Tares Mal (Coruscant)
Dolar Ven'sol (Bothawui)
Ver-Su-Tus / Versutus (Cerea)
Kale Karsa (Concord Dawn)
Tares Mal (Coruscant)
Dolar Ven'sol (Bothawui)
Ver-Su-Tus / Versutus (Cerea)
14 BBY
Vral Chaar (Sembla)
Via Eerin (Mon Cala)
Vral Chaar (Sembla)
Via Eerin (Mon Cala)
Ean Marrab (Mon Cala)
Wallen Nix (Denon), born to Trevon Nix
Wallen Nix (Denon), born to Trevon Nix
Vynda Tareth (Phelarion)
13 BBY
Toah Jarsan (Dantooine), born to Aron and Naya Jarsan
12 BBY
Kyta (Zolan)
V'almarok (Kintan)
11 BBY
Andor Chasan (Jelucan)
Andor Chasan (Jelucan)
Ronn Jokar (Borosk)
Temmin "Snap" Wexley (Akiva), born to Brentin and Norra Wexley
10 BBY
Atinar Cabur (Mandalore)
10 BBY
Atinar Cabur (Mandalore)
Gavin Darklighter (Tatooine), born to Jula and Silya Darklighter
Noran Raun (Corulag)
Kyle Gorshun (Eadu)
Odan Murk (Sriluur)
Zarmach II (Cadomai Prime), born to Zornach
Mar Voran (Champala)
Kyp Durron (Deyer)
Noran Raun (Corulag)
Kyle Gorshun (Eadu)
Odan Murk (Sriluur)
Zarmach II (Cadomai Prime), born to Zornach
Mar Voran (Champala)
Kyp Durron (Deyer)
Belindi Kalenda (Coruscant)
Rolan Verradun (Eriadu)
Tral Vizsla (Concord Dawn), born to Mera Vizsla
Orde Kaburn (Cheravh)
Tral Vizsla (Concord Dawn), born to Mera Vizsla
Orde Kaburn (Cheravh)
Cynda Teramo (Serenno), born to Valdar Teramo
Viron (Telos IV)
Viron (Telos IV)
Ranulf Vorsen (Valahari), born to Rodolf Vorsen
Kepor Vram / Darth Maleval (Nar Shaddaa)
Kepor Vram / Darth Maleval (Nar Shaddaa)
Jaden Korr (Coruscant)
Nira Maren (Mirial)
Benor Sardan (Concord Dawn)
Myna Tasseva / Saarai (Champala)
Tyr Valmar (Serenno), born to Jard Valmar
Jaden Korr (Coruscant)
Nira Maren (Mirial)
Benor Sardan (Concord Dawn)
Myna Tasseva / Saarai (Champala)
Tyr Valmar (Serenno), born to Jard Valmar
Ziar Vizsla / Kadar (Concord Dawn), born to Mera Vizsla
Corda Ordo (Ordo), born to Argus Ordo
Corda Ordo (Ordo), born to Argus Ordo
Ederlathh Pallopides
Tyron Valrisa (Sedratis), born to Adon and Sareth Valrisa
Tyron Valrisa (Sedratis), born to Adon and Sareth Valrisa
Taana Di (Shili)
Vyad Kishanti, born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
0 BBY / 0 ABY
Barados (Klatooine)
Taana Di (Shili)
Vyad Kishanti, born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
0 BBY / 0 ABY
Barados (Klatooine)
Armitage Hux (Arkanis), born to Brendol Hux
Dalus Nurn (Sullust)
Kaden Rand (Tatooine)
Kaden Rand (Tatooine)
Rokara (Klatooine)
Zarin Kal (Kiffu), born to Xavian and Kalina Zar
Kyla Kishanti (Telos IV), born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
Poe Dameron (Yavin 4), born to Kes Dameron and Shara Bey
Zarin Kal (Kiffu), born to Xavian and Kalina Zar
Kyla Kishanti (Telos IV), born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
Poe Dameron (Yavin 4), born to Kes Dameron and Shara Bey
Askrut "Ace" Ral'kre (Kothlis)
Myra Kishanti, born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
Myra Kishanti, born to Lyan and Nira Kishanti
Sal Tyrius (Arkania)
Kalen Rusher
Kalen Rusher
Leinad Tagge (Tepasi), born to Andreo Tagge and Sareth Valrisa
Vara Wendik (Naboo)
Mill Arkham (New Alderaan)
Dia'han (Ryloth)
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren (Chandrila), born to Han and Leia Organa Solo
Sev Nep (Sulon)
Sev Nep (Sulon)
Phasma (Parnassos)
Naia Sulvara (Commenor)
Jagged Fel (Nirauan), born to Soontir and Syal Antilles Fel
Zin Jato (Glee Anselm)
Moru Mora (Bosph)
Remar Almor (Hosnian Prime)
Arek Cobalt (Corulag), born to Wallis and Evlyn Cobalt
Draida Tarsiq (Dromund Kaas), born to Rumun Inrull
Arek Cobalt (Corulag), born to Wallis and Evlyn Cobalt
Draida Tarsiq (Dromund Kaas), born to Rumun Inrull
Jacen Solo (Coruscant), born to Han and Leia Organa Solo
Jacen Solo (Coruscant), born to Han and Leia Organa Solo
Jaina Solo (Coruscant), born to Han and Leia Organa Solo
Sharik Vyys (Teth)
10 ABY
Malvra Dare (Serenno)
Nat Jato (Glee Anselm)
Harido Kanu (Rodia)
Tal Natura (Ryloth)
10 ABY
Malvra Dare (Serenno)
Nat Jato (Glee Anselm)
Harido Kanu (Rodia)
Tal Natura (Ryloth)
Anakin Solo (Coruscant), born to Han and Leia Organa Solo
Vossron (Iridonia)
11 ABY
Vossron (Iridonia)
11 ABY
FN-2187 / Finn
Dax Goldam (Phaeda), born to Jaxx Goldam
Darius Naberrie (Naboo), born to Ryoo Naberrie
Lysira Naris / Darth Sedriss (Transel), born to Vizun Naris
Orran Sendor (Damosus), born to Andros Sendor and Brisha Syo
Valera Teramo (Serenno), born to Calran Teramo and Sareth Valrisa
12 ABY
Jasel Dane (Commenor)
12 ABY
Jasel Dane (Commenor)
Jester Dane (Commenor)
Serra Kardi (Nadiem)
Tallissan Lintra (Pippip 3)
Rion Scorpius (Kaddak)
Rion Scorpius (Kaddak)
Lon Shevu (Coruscant)
Koria Tyrnak (Iridia)
13 ABY
Koria Tyrnak (Iridia)
13 ABY
Varon Sendor / Varon Krul / Darth Taral (Damosus), born to Brisha Syo
Lexa Varr (Dorin)
Lexa Varr (Dorin)
14 ABY
Sadi Karria (Tholoth)
Sadi Karria (Tholoth)
Ketanna (Munto Codru)
Veshira Rath (Iridonia)
Zashra'sai'Malincha (Devaron)
15 ABY
Karis (Skye)
Zashra'sai'Malincha (Devaron)
15 ABY
Karis (Skye)
Rey (Jakku)
Valisa Tor (Rattatak)
Valisa Tor (Rattatak)
Sare Valrisa (Sedratis), born to Toah Jarsan and Danielle Kieran
Leon Valsas (Damosus)
Leon Valsas (Damosus)
16 ABY
Aftab Ackbar (Mon Cala), born to Gial Ackbar
Aftab Ackbar (Mon Cala), born to Gial Ackbar
Tasen Denon (Kuat)
Natia Dorn (Dantooine)
Vex Laedo (Parshoone)
Xiana (Ryloth)
17 ABY
Syal Antilles (Corellia), born to Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri
Xiana (Ryloth)
17 ABY
Syal Antilles (Corellia), born to Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri
Typha Lorr (Pantora), born to Dryphan Lorr
Prodd (Nar Kanji), born to Kepor Vram
18 ABY
Prodd (Nar Kanji), born to Kepor Vram
18 ABY
Myri Antilles (Corellia), born to Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri
19 ABY
Kandos Ordo, born to Kadar and Corda Ordo
20 ABY
Xal Doon (Dorin)
21 ABY
Vessin Ordo (Mandalore), born to Kadar and Corda Ordo
22 ABY
Nema (Ord Mantell)
Kandos Ordo, born to Kadar and Corda Ordo
20 ABY
Xal Doon (Dorin)
21 ABY
Vessin Ordo (Mandalore), born to Kadar and Corda Ordo
22 ABY
Nema (Ord Mantell)
Lyra Voran (Champala), born to Mar Voran and Myna Tasseva
23 ABY
23 ABY
24 ABY
Reneme (Naboo)
25 ABY
26 ABY
Owen Skywalker, born to Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker
27 ABY
Vestara Khai (Kesh), born to Gavar and Lahka Khai
28 ABY
Bron Valmar (Serenno), born to Tyr and Cynda Valmar
35 ABY
36 ABY
35 ABY
36 ABY
Allana Solo (Hapes), born to Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo
37 ABY
Kalon Sendor (Damosus), born to Varon Sendor and Lysira Naris
Kalon Sendor (Damosus), born to Varon Sendor and Lysira Naris
Inherited Destiny
Inherited Destiny
944 ABY
Arkon Ralos
973 ABY
Lance Nebula
977 ABY
Serra Rimmer
979 ABY
Xirit Tranii
980 ABY
981 ABY
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