The Clone Wars (2008)
Gampassa (creature)
Rebels (2014)
The Clone Wars (2008)
Gampassa (creature)
Rebels (2014)
Cob Tier
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Empire at War (2006)
Tani Ab'yla
Battle of the Sith Lords (canceled)
Empire at War (2006)
Tani Ab'yla
Battle of the Sith Lords (canceled)
Bix Creo
Darth Inexor
Darth Kroan
Gareth Lorca
Darth Nix
Darth Tigran
Darth VaGhal
Nexus Wan
Knights of the Old Republic III (canceled)
The Old Republic (2011)
Darth Kallomena
Project Ragtag (canceled)
Dodger Boon
Buck Freeborn
Gudon (species)
Robie Mattox
Wil Nightstar
Korzan Sable
Oona Sable
Jedi: Fallen Order (2019)
Mag Zaroff
Jedi (2003)
Darth Homiiz
Darth Maul--Son of Dathomir (2014)
Shatterax (creature)
The New Jedi Order (1999)
Ultimate Adversaries (2004)
Naia Sendar
Galaxy at War (2009)
NamesJedi: Fallen Order (2019)
Mag Zaroff
Jedi (2003)
Darth Homiiz
Darth Maul--Son of Dathomir (2014)
Shatterax (creature)
The New Jedi Order (1999)
Ultimate Adversaries (2004)
Naia Sendar
Galaxy at War (2009)
Star Wars / A New Hope (1977)
Annikin Starkiller / Justin Valor
Kane Starkiller / Akira Valor
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Lando Kadar (later became Lando Calrissian)
Sana Robben (later became Tian Chyler)
Ttaz (planet)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Sicemon (planet)
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Ip Numeth (later became Rango Tel)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Ambu Fett (later became Jango Fett)
J'mee Fett (later became Jango Fett)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Zett Jukassa -- Tado Jukassa; Titi Jukassa
Romeo Treblanc -- Bor Nameloc
The Force Awakens (2015)
Kira (later became Rey) [reused for Solo (as Qi'ra)]
Rogue One (2016)
Jerris Kestal
Dray Nevis
Senna (later became Moroff) [reused for Solo]
Ria Talla [reused for Rebels]
The Last Jedi (2017)
Solo (2018)
Clone Wars (2003)
Juno Eclipse (later became Juno Eclipse) [reused for TFU]
The Clone Wars (2008)
Plun Kil (later became Pong Krell)
Lamoth (later became Lotho Minor)
Lev'loa (later became Halsey)
Jayfo Ong (later became Halsey)
Tucker Van Loo (later became Halsey)
Rebels (2014)
Jebble (later became Vaux)
Argin Relik (later became Goran)
Jona Wren (later became Tristan Wren)
Sacha Wren (later became Tristan Wren)
Video Games
Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Sareth Dorn (later became Bastila Shan)
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (2003)
Atton Rand (later became Jaden Korr) [reused for KOTOR II]
The Force Unleashed (2008)
Jacob Nion (later became Galen Marek)
Kento Nion (later became Kento Marek)
The Old Republic (2011)
Benor Unaw (later became Unaw Aharo)
Legacy (2006)
Borasco (later became Piers Petan)
Cloak of Deception (2001)
Margrave M'Buele (later became Arwen Cohl)
Legacy of the Force (2006)
Vessin Ghif (later became Mirta Gev)
Darth Kallus (placeholder name for Darth Caedus)
Lost Tribe of the Sith (2009)
Squab -- Squib
Adari Vaal -- Adair
Phasma (2017)
Vi Moradi -- Amaka
Gamer magazine (2000)
Waldan L'lacielo (later became Awdrysta Pina)
Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Kyprianus von Urron zu Hoth (later became Rohlan/Lord Hoth)
Book of Sith (2012)
Sanguinus Syn (later became Sorzus Syn)
Star Wars / A New Hope (1977)
Annikin Starkiller / Justin Valor
Kane Starkiller / Akira Valor
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Lando Kadar (later became Lando Calrissian)
Sana Robben (later became Tian Chyler)
Ttaz (planet)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Sicemon (planet)
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Ip Numeth (later became Rango Tel)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Ambu Fett (later became Jango Fett)
J'mee Fett (later became Jango Fett)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Zett Jukassa -- Tado Jukassa; Titi Jukassa
Romeo Treblanc -- Bor Nameloc
The Force Awakens (2015)
Kira (later became Rey) [reused for Solo (as Qi'ra)]
Rogue One (2016)
Jerris Kestal
Dray Nevis
Senna (later became Moroff) [reused for Solo]
Ria Talla [reused for Rebels]
The Last Jedi (2017)
Solo (2018)
Clone Wars (2003)
Juno Eclipse (later became Juno Eclipse) [reused for TFU]
The Clone Wars (2008)
Plun Kil (later became Pong Krell)
Lamoth (later became Lotho Minor)
Lev'loa (later became Halsey)
Jayfo Ong (later became Halsey)
Tucker Van Loo (later became Halsey)
Rebels (2014)
Jebble (later became Vaux)
Argin Relik (later became Goran)
Jona Wren (later became Tristan Wren)
Sacha Wren (later became Tristan Wren)
Video Games
Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Sareth Dorn (later became Bastila Shan)
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (2003)
Atton Rand (later became Jaden Korr) [reused for KOTOR II]
The Force Unleashed (2008)
Jacob Nion (later became Galen Marek)
Kento Nion (later became Kento Marek)
The Old Republic (2011)
Benor Unaw (later became Unaw Aharo)
Legacy (2006)
Borasco (later became Piers Petan)
Cloak of Deception (2001)
Margrave M'Buele (later became Arwen Cohl)
Legacy of the Force (2006)
Vessin Ghif (later became Mirta Gev)
Darth Kallus (placeholder name for Darth Caedus)
Lost Tribe of the Sith (2009)
Squab -- Squib
Adari Vaal -- Adair
Phasma (2017)
Vi Moradi -- Amaka
Gamer magazine (2000)
Waldan L'lacielo (later became Awdrysta Pina)
Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Kyprianus von Urron zu Hoth (later became Rohlan/Lord Hoth)
Book of Sith (2012)
Sanguinus Syn (later became Sorzus Syn)
Cybertron (2005)
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Backlash (female Dinobot)
The Transformers (1984)
Bumblebee -- Goldbug
Cliffjumper -- Blow-Out
Ravage -- Stalker
Starscream -- Ulchtar
Sunstreaker -- Spinout
Trailbreaker -- Guzzle
Windcharger -- Sprint
Blaster -- Blastbox, Pulse
Cosmos -- Shooting Star, Spaceracer, Spaceshot
Grimlock -- Jawbreaker, Trapjaw, Tyrannobot, Tyrex
Hoist -- Winch
Jetfire -- Fireball
Scrapper -- Gravedigger
Groove -- Cruiser
Overkill -- Gouge
Slugfest -- Crunchback
Iguanus -- Snakeskin
Bumblebee -- Goldbug
Cliffjumper -- Blow-Out
Ravage -- Stalker
Starscream -- Ulchtar
Sunstreaker -- Spinout
Trailbreaker -- Guzzle
Windcharger -- Sprint
Blaster -- Blastbox, Pulse
Cosmos -- Shooting Star, Spaceracer, Spaceshot
Grimlock -- Jawbreaker, Trapjaw, Tyrannobot, Tyrex
Hoist -- Winch
Jetfire -- Fireball
Scrapper -- Gravedigger
Slag -- Tricerabot
Sludge -- Brontobot, Bronton, Piledrive
Snarl -- Stegobot
Swoop -- Divebomb, Wing
Warpath -- Hot Shot
1986Warpath -- Hot Shot
Groove -- Cruiser
Overkill -- Gouge
Slugfest -- Crunchback
Iguanus -- Snakeskin
Skyfall -- Fireball
The Headmasters (1987)
Getsuei -- Night
Kaen -- Power
Seizan -- Plain
Shouki -- Mach
Suiken -- Storm
Yukikaze -- Snow
Raiden -- Grandliner
Return of Convoy (1991)
Grandus -- Iron Baron
Generation 2 (1993)
Terradive -- Terraswoop
Beast Wars (1996)
Injector -- Aquasting
Jawbreaker -- Cackle
Jetstorm -- Dragonfire
Poison Bite -- Scorpinox
Beast Machines (2000)
Blastcharge -- Blastrax
Botanica -- Binary
Buzzsaw -- Mudobber, Sting
Dillo -- Trench
Geckobot -- Kamilion
Jetstorm -- Skybolt
Longhorn -- Rumble
Mirage -- Burnout, Insector, Skidmark
Mol -- Burro
Obsidian -- Blitzwing
Quickstrike -- Wolfgang
Rav -- Chro
Scavenger -- Destructicon
Snarl -- Ravage
Spy Streak -- Attack Bird
Robots in Disguise (2001)
Bruticus -- Cerberus
Crosswise -- X-Tech
Slapper -- Wartoad
X-Brawn -- Strongarm
Armada (2002)
Demolishor -- Scourge
Hot Shot -- Bumblebee
Expanded Universe (2002)
CatSCAN -- Lifeline
Glyph -- Archaix
Collector's Edition (2003)
Sunstorm -- Flareburst, Flarestorm
Universe (2003)
Caliburn -- Destructicon, Vanquish
Megazarak -- Chaos Megatron
Sentinel Maximus -- Vector Prime
Shadow Striker -- Silhouette
Energon (2004)
Blight -- Scattorshot
Six Shot -- Scattorshot
Lift-Ticket -- Salvage
Nexus Maximus -- Prime Nexus, Maximus Prime
Skyklik -- Cloudwise, Popcopter
Thunder Mayhem -- Mayhem Maximus
Classics (2006)
Dirt Rocket -- Offshoot
Thunderwing -- Nightscream
Transformers (2007)
Getsuei -- Night
Kaen -- Power
Seizan -- Plain
Shouki -- Mach
Suiken -- Storm
Yukikaze -- Snow
Raiden -- Grandliner
Return of Convoy (1991)
Grandus -- Iron Baron
Generation 2 (1993)
Terradive -- Terraswoop
Beast Wars (1996)
Injector -- Aquasting
Jawbreaker -- Cackle
Jetstorm -- Dragonfire
Poison Bite -- Scorpinox
Beast Machines (2000)
Blastcharge -- Blastrax
Botanica -- Binary
Buzzsaw -- Mudobber, Sting
Dillo -- Trench
Geckobot -- Kamilion
Jetstorm -- Skybolt
Longhorn -- Rumble
Mirage -- Burnout, Insector, Skidmark
Mol -- Burro
Obsidian -- Blitzwing
Quickstrike -- Wolfgang
Rav -- Chro
Scavenger -- Destructicon
Snarl -- Ravage
Spy Streak -- Attack Bird
Robots in Disguise (2001)
Bruticus -- Cerberus
Crosswise -- X-Tech
Slapper -- Wartoad
X-Brawn -- Strongarm
Armada (2002)
Demolishor -- Scourge
Hot Shot -- Bumblebee
Expanded Universe (2002)
CatSCAN -- Lifeline
Glyph -- Archaix
Collector's Edition (2003)
Sunstorm -- Flareburst, Flarestorm
Universe (2003)
Caliburn -- Destructicon, Vanquish
Megazarak -- Chaos Megatron
Sentinel Maximus -- Vector Prime
Shadow Striker -- Silhouette
Energon (2004)
Blight -- Scattorshot
Six Shot -- Scattorshot
Wing Saber -- Superion Maximus
Cybertron (2005)
Cybertron (2005)
Crosswise -- Smokescreen
Leobreaker -- Overcast
Overhaul -- Trailbreaker
Override GTS -- Double Clutch
Quickmix -- Mix Master
Wing Saber -- Knockdown
Timelines (2005)Leobreaker -- Overcast
Overhaul -- Trailbreaker
Override GTS -- Double Clutch
Quickmix -- Mix Master
Wing Saber -- Knockdown
Lift-Ticket -- Salvage
Nexus Maximus -- Prime Nexus, Maximus Prime
Skyklik -- Cloudwise, Popcopter
Thunder Mayhem -- Mayhem Maximus
Classics (2006)
Dirt Rocket -- Offshoot
Thunderwing -- Nightscream
Transformers (2007)
Fracture -- Crasher, Catalyst
Mudflap -- Sawtooth
Wreckage -- Stryker
Universe (2008)
Acid Storm -- Acid Rain, Rainmaker
Wreckage -- Stryker
Universe (2008)
Acid Storm -- Acid Rain, Rainmaker
Overcharge -- Warfare
Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Demolishor -- Wheelbot
Rampage -- Skipjack
Power Core Combiners (2010)
Chopster -- Kick-Axe
Prime (2011)
Skystalker -- Stomrazor
Vertebreak -- Scourge
Dark of the Moon (2011)
[Note: Some of these were likely made to hide certain characters identities]
Crankcase -- Dreadwind
Crowbar -- Hooligan
Darksteel -- Dark Iron
Hatchet -- Dirtbag
Leadfoot -- Flash
Megatron -- Cyclonus
Mirage / Dino -- Enzo, Rush
Roadbuster -- Warpath
Sentinel Prime -- Ultra Magnus
Shockwave -- Blitzwing
Soundwave -- Breakdown
Topspin -- Tempest, Warpath
Wheeljack / Que -- Steeljaw
Chopster -- Kick-Axe
Prime (2011)
Skystalker -- Stomrazor
Vertebreak -- Scourge
Dark of the Moon (2011)
[Note: Some of these were likely made to hide certain characters identities]
Crankcase -- Dreadwind
Crowbar -- Hooligan
Darksteel -- Dark Iron
Hatchet -- Dirtbag
Leadfoot -- Flash
Megatron -- Cyclonus
Mirage / Dino -- Enzo, Rush
Roadbuster -- Warpath
Sentinel Prime -- Ultra Magnus
Shockwave -- Blitzwing
Soundwave -- Breakdown
Topspin -- Tempest, Warpath
Wheeljack / Que -- Steeljaw
Age of Extinction (2014)
Crosshairs -- Slingshot
Combiner Wars (2015)
Dust Up -- Crash Test
Sky Reign -- Lynx King
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Dust Up -- Crash Test
Sky Reign -- Lynx King
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Crustacion -- Prong
Nightra -- Chicane
Sawback -- Wolfwire
Sideswipe -- Fastlane
Stormshot -- Skyfire
The Last Knight (2017)
Dreadbot -- Hooligan
Hot Rod -- Side Kick
Grimstone -- n/a
Iquanox -- Fracture
Lazerbolt -- Icebolt
Bullhorn -- Bullgurr
Floodgate -- Coldsnap
Freezeout -- Gearhead
Roadhound -- Undertow
Obsidian -- Firewing
Bullwark -- Blacktop
Hemocron -- Piledriver
Liftoff -- Farside
Power Surge -- Overload
Nightra -- Chicane
Sawback -- Wolfwire
Sideswipe -- Fastlane
Stormshot -- Skyfire
The Last Knight (2017)
Dreadbot -- Hooligan
Hot Rod -- Side Kick
Grimstone -- n/a
Iquanox -- Fracture
Lazerbolt -- Icebolt
Bullhorn -- Bullgurr
Floodgate -- Coldsnap
Freezeout -- Gearhead
Roadhound -- Undertow
Obsidian -- Firewing
Bullwark -- Blacktop
Hemocron -- Piledriver
Liftoff -- Farside
Power Surge -- Overload
More than Meets the Eye (2012)
#4: Life After the Big Bang -- The Weeping Dead
#21: This Calamitous Life -- There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
The Sound of Breaking Glass -- Stronger Hearts Than Mine Lie Empty
#31: Twenty Plus One -- Murder in the Dark
Matoran (Mata Nui) - Tohunga
Jala / Jaller -- Ahi
Matoro -- Tio
Bomonga -- Nuukor
Iruini -- Lahka
Kualus -- Kuuls
Norik -- Tahkon
Pouks -- Puks
Avak -- Mekram
Hakann -- Brutaka (reused for separate character)
Reidak -- Trakka
Thok -- Wracko
Vezok -- Grraka
Zaktan -- Noxis
Avohkii -- Korusca
Mask of Mutation -- Artidax
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