Original Trilogy
Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977)
9000 Z001 landspeeder (Ubrikkian Industries)
A-1 Deluxe Floater (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
BTL-A4 Y-wing starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Class-6 escape pod (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
CR90 corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Tantive IV]
GR-45 medium transport (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards) [Devastator]
T-16 skyhopper (Incom Corporation)
T-65 X-wing starfighter (Incom Corporation)
TIE Advanced x1 (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/ln starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
V-35 Courier (SoroSuub Corporation)
Void Spider TX-3 Air Taxi (Bespin Motors)
YT-1300 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Millennium Falcon]
X-34 landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
XP-38 sport landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (May 1980)
All Terrain Armored Transport "AT-AT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Scout Transport "AT-ST" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Armored Transport "AT-AT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Scout Transport "AT-ST" (Kuat Drive Yards)
EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
Executor-class Star Dreadnought (Kuat Drive Yards) [Executor]
Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft (Kuat Systems Engineering) [Slave I]
GR-75 medium transport (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft (Kuat Systems Engineering) [Slave I]
GR-75 medium transport (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud car (Bespin Motors)
T-47 airspeeder (Incom Corporation)
TIE/br boarding shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sa bomber (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sh VIP shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/br boarding shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sa bomber (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sh VIP shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Episode VI Return of the Jedi (May 1983)
74-Z speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter (Slayn & Korpil)
74-Z speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter (Slayn & Korpil)
Bantha-II cargo skiff (Ubrikkian Industries)
Braha'tok-class gunship (Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate)
Braha'tok-class gunship (Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate)
Lambda-class T-4a shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems) [Tydirium]
Luxury-class sail barge (Ubrikkian Industries) [Khetanna]
MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Home One]
MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Liberty]
RZ-1 A-wing interceptor (Incom Corporation)
Tector-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
TIE/IN interceptor (Sienar Fleet Systems)
MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Home One]
MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Liberty]
RZ-1 A-wing interceptor (Incom Corporation)
Tector-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
TIE/IN interceptor (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Prequel Trilogy
Episode I The Phantom Menace (May 1999)
Armored Assault Tank "AAT" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
Armored Assault Tank "AAT" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
BT310 Quadra (Balta-Trebaat)
C-9979 landing craft (Haor Chall Engineering)
Consular-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Radiant VII]
CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Perpetuus]
Consular-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Radiant VII]
CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Perpetuus]
EasyRide passenger airspeeder (Hyrotii Corporation)
Eddicus-class planetary shuttle (Kuat Systems Engineering)
FC-20 speeder bike (Razalon)
Gozanti-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation/Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
J-type 327 Nubian royal starship (Nubia Star Drives, Inc./Theed Hangars)
Lucrehulk-class battleship (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
Eddicus-class planetary shuttle (Kuat Systems Engineering)
FC-20 speeder bike (Razalon)
Gozanti-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation/Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
J-type 327 Nubian royal starship (Nubia Star Drives, Inc./Theed Hangars)
Lucrehulk-class battleship (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
Multi-Troop Transport "MTT" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
N-1 starfighter (Theed Hangars)
Multi-Troop Transport "MTT" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
N-1 starfighter (Theed Hangars)
Platoon Attack Craft "PAC" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
Seraph-class urban landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Sheathipede-class transport shuttle (Haor Chall Engineering) [Lapiz Cutter]
Sheathipede-class transport shuttle (Haor Chall Engineering) [Lapiz Cutter]
Single Trooper Aerial Platform "STAP" (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
Star Courier / Sith Infiltrator (Republic Sienar Systems) [Scimitar]
Star Courier / Sith Infiltrator (Republic Sienar Systems) [Scimitar]
Tribubble bongo / Gungan bongo submarine (Otoh Gunga Bongameken Cooperative)
V-19 landspeeder / Gian speeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Episode II Attack of the Clones (May 2002)
AA-9 Coruscant freighter (Botajef Shipyards) [Jendirian Valley]
Acclamator-class assault ship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer "AT-TE" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Berenko-class gondola speeder (Varykino Workshop)
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Diamond-class cruiser (Commerce Guild)
Flitknot speeder (Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective)
AA-9 Coruscant freighter (Botajef Shipyards) [Jendirian Valley]
Acclamator-class assault ship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer "AT-TE" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Berenko-class gondola speeder (Varykino Workshop)
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Diamond-class cruiser (Commerce Guild)
Flitknot speeder (Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective)
Gaba-18 airspeeder
Giga-class transport [Ultimo Vista]
H-type Nubian yacht (Nubia Star Drives, Inc./Theed Hangar)
Hardcell-class interstellar transport (Techno Union)
Hardcell-class interstellar transport (Techno Union)
J-type diplomatic barge (Theed Palce Space Vessel Engineering Corps)
J12 twin-pod airspeeder
KE-8 Enforcer (Kamino Engineering)
Koro-2 all-environment exodrive airspeeder (Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation)
Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry "LAAT/i" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Koro-2 all-environment exodrive airspeeder (Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation)
Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry "LAAT/i" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Magnaline 3000 airbus (GoCorp)
Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter (Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective)
Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop (Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective)
Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery "SPHA" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Taylander shuttle (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
XJ-6 airspeeder (Narglatch AirTech prefabrication kit)
XJ-6 airspeeder (Narglatch AirTech prefabrication kit)
Zephyr-G swoop (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (May 2005)
All Terrain Attack Pod "AT-AP" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Open Transport "AT-OT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Recon Transport "AT-RT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
ARC-170 starfighter (Incom Corporation)
BARC speeder (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Belbullab-22 starfighter (Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies) [Soulless One]
CR70 corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Sundered Heart]
All Terrain Open Transport "AT-OT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Recon Transport "AT-RT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
ARC-170 starfighter (Incom Corporation)
BARC speeder (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Belbullab-22 starfighter (Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies) [Soulless One]
CR70 corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Sundered Heart]
DC0052 speeder (Daystar Craft)
E3-standard starship lifeboat (His Grace the Duke Gadal-Herm's Safety Inspectorate)
Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor (Kuat Systems Engineering)
HAVw A6 Juggernaut (Kuat Drive Yards)
Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor (Kuat Systems Engineering)
HAVw A6 Juggernaut (Kuat Drive Yards)
High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 "HAET-221" (Mekuun Corporation)
Homemade evacuation pod (Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans)
Infantry Support Platform "ISP" (Uulshos Manufacturing/Aratech Repulsor Company)
J-type star skiff (Nubia Star Drives, Inc./Theed Hangar)
Mankvim-814 light interceptor (Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies)
Munificent-class star frigate (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer (Techno Union)
Oevvaor jet catamaran (Appazanna Engineering Works)
Porax-38 starfighter (Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices)
Providence-class carrier/destroyer (Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps) [Invisible Hand]
Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft (Appazanna Engineering Works)
J-type star skiff (Nubia Star Drives, Inc./Theed Hangar)
Mankvim-814 light interceptor (Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies)
Munificent-class star frigate (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer (Techno Union)
Oevvaor jet catamaran (Appazanna Engineering Works)
Porax-38 starfighter (Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices)
Providence-class carrier/destroyer (Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps) [Invisible Hand]
Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft (Appazanna Engineering Works)
Recusant-class light destroyer (Hoersch-Kessel, Inc.)
Rian-327 airspeeder
Theta-class T-2c shuttle (Cygnus Spaceworks)
Theta-class T-2c shuttle (Cygnus Spaceworks)
Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike (Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation)
Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport "UT-AT" (Kuat Drive Yards/Mekuun Corporation)
Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
XJ-2 airspeeder (Narglatch AirTech prefab kit)
Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
XJ-2 airspeeder (Narglatch AirTech prefab kit)
Sequel Trilogy
Episode VII The Force Awakens (December 2015)
AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
All Terrain Mobile Artillery "AT-MA"
All Terrain Patrol Droid "AT-PD"
AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
All Terrain Mobile Artillery "AT-MA"
All Terrain Patrol Droid "AT-PD"
Avandor-class fighter/transport (Incom-FreiTek) [Guavian Ship]
Baleen-class heavy freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Eravana]
Gian-211 patrol speeder
Jakku Raider Speeder
Light Infantry Utility Vehicle "LIUV" (Aratech-Loratus Corporation)
Baleen-class heavy freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Eravana]
Gian-211 patrol speeder
Jakku Raider Speeder
Light Infantry Utility Vehicle "LIUV" (Aratech-Loratus Corporation)
Montura-class shuttle
Resistance transport (Slayn & Korpil)
Resurgent-class Star Destroyer (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Finalizer]
T-70 X-wing starfighter (Incom-FreiTek)
TIE/fo space superiority fighter (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TIE/sf space superiority fighter (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TUG-b13 (Subpro Corporation)
Upsilon-class command shuttle (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
WTK-85A interstellar transport (Subpro Corporation) [Bestoon Legacy]
Resistance transport (Slayn & Korpil)
Resurgent-class Star Destroyer (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Finalizer]
T-70 X-wing starfighter (Incom-FreiTek)
TIE/fo space superiority fighter (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TIE/sf space superiority fighter (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TUG-b13 (Subpro Corporation)
Upsilon-class command shuttle (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
WTK-85A interstellar transport (Subpro Corporation) [Bestoon Legacy]
Episode VIII The Last Jedi (December 2017)
All Terrain Heavy Hauler "AT-HH" (Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards)
All Terrain Heavy Scout "AT-HS"
All Terrain MegaCaliber Six "AT-M6" (Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards)
Cantonica Zephyr GB-134 speeder (Trochiliad Motors)
Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Ninka]
Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Fulminatrix]
MC85 Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Raddus]
Mega-class Star Dreadnought (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Supremacy]
MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 / B/SF-17 heavy bomber (Slayn & Korpil)
Nebulon-C escort frigate (Kuat Drive Yards) [Anodyne]
All Terrain Heavy Hauler "AT-HH" (Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards)
All Terrain Heavy Scout "AT-HS"
All Terrain MegaCaliber Six "AT-M6" (Kuat-Entralla Drive Yards)
Cantonica Zephyr GB-134 speeder (Trochiliad Motors)
Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Ninka]
Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Fulminatrix]
MC85 Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Raddus]
Mega-class Star Dreadnought (Kuat-Entralla Engineering) [Supremacy]
MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 / B/SF-17 heavy bomber (Slayn & Korpil)
Nebulon-C escort frigate (Kuat Drive Yards) [Anodyne]
RZ-2 A-wing interceptor (Kuat Systems Engineering)
TIE/vn space superiority fighter "TIE Silencer" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
U-55 orbital loadlifter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
V-4X-D ski speeder (Roche Machines)
Vakbeor-class cargo frigate (Kuat Drive Yards) [Vigil]
Xi-class light shuttle (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TIE/vn space superiority fighter "TIE Silencer" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
U-55 orbital loadlifter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
V-4X-D ski speeder (Roche Machines)
Vakbeor-class cargo frigate (Kuat Drive Yards) [Vigil]
Xi-class light shuttle (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker (December 2019)
125-Z Treadspeeder bike (Aratech-Loratus Corporation)
Arunskin 75D skimmer (GoCorp)
BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
DN-25 treadable (Pasaana Kitha-Garra-du)
125-Z Treadspeeder bike (Aratech-Loratus Corporation)
Arunskin 75D skimmer (GoCorp)
BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
DN-25 treadable (Pasaana Kitha-Garra-du)
Drovan Freighter
HS-19 cargo loading transport skimmer (SoroSuub Corporation)
HS-19 cargo loading transport skimmer (SoroSuub Corporation)
Hynestian Star Cruiser
Oubliette-class transport (Osseriton Assemblages) [Night Buzzard]
TIE/dg starfighter "TIE dagger" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TIE/wi modified interceptor "TIE whisper" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
Urban Assault Triped Transport "UA-TT" (Kuat-Entralla Engineering)
Xyston-class Star Destroyer (Kuat-Entralla Engineering)
YC-123B transport hauler (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Fortitude]
Oubliette-class transport (Osseriton Assemblages) [Night Buzzard]
TIE/dg starfighter "TIE dagger" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
TIE/wi modified interceptor "TIE whisper" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
Urban Assault Triped Transport "UA-TT" (Kuat-Entralla Engineering)
Xyston-class Star Destroyer (Kuat-Entralla Engineering)
YC-123B transport hauler (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Fortitude]
Rogue One (December 2016)
All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport "AT-ACT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Delta-class T-3c shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems) [ST 149 "Pteradon"]
Eta-class supply barge (Telgorn Corporation)
Gian V-44
HCVw A9 turbo tank (Kuat Drive Yards)
MC75 star cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) {Profundity}
TIE/rp Reaper attack lander "TIE Reaper" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sk x1 experimental fighter "TIE striker" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft (Incom Corporation)
Zeta-class cargo shuttle (Telgorn Corporation/Sienar Fleet Systems)
All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport "AT-ACT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Delta-class T-3c shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems) [ST 149 "Pteradon"]
Eta-class supply barge (Telgorn Corporation)
Gian V-44
HCVw A9 turbo tank (Kuat Drive Yards)
MC75 star cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards) {Profundity}
TIE/rp Reaper attack lander "TIE Reaper" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sk x1 experimental fighter "TIE striker" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft (Incom Corporation)
Zeta-class cargo shuttle (Telgorn Corporation/Sienar Fleet Systems)
Solo (May 2018)
20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport (Kuat Drive Yards)
A-A4B landspeeder (Trast Heavy Transports)
All Terrain Defense Turret "AT-DT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
C-PH patrol speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport (Kuat Drive Yards)
A-A4B landspeeder (Trast Heavy Transports)
All Terrain Defense Turret "AT-DT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
C-PH patrol speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
Halberd-441 / Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike (Caelli-Merced)
M-68 landspeeder (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Skyblade-330 (Caelli-Merced)
TIE/rb heavy starfighter "TIE brute" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Y-45 armored transport (Kuat Drive Yards)
Halberd-441 / Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike (Caelli-Merced)
M-68 landspeeder (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Skyblade-330 (Caelli-Merced)
TIE/rb heavy starfighter "TIE brute" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Y-45 armored transport (Kuat Drive Yards)
Droids (1985)
C/L-82 landspeeder (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Gladiator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards) [Demolisher]
R-22 Spearhead (Kuat Systems Engineering)
R-22 Spearhead (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Starrunner-class starship (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Sand Sloth]
X-X landspeeder (zZip Product Concepts Limited)
Clone Wars (2003)
105-K lancer bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
105-K lancer bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
CR-20 troop carrier (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Ginivex-class starfighter (Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective)
Seismic tank (Haor Chall Engineering)
V-19 Torrent starfighter (Slayn & Korpil)
The Clone Wars (2008)
Aka'jor-class shuttle (MandalMotors)
Aka'jor-class shuttle (MandalMotors)
Arquitens-class light freighter (Kuat Drive Yards)
BTL-B Y-wing fighter-bomber (Koensayr Manufacturing)
CK-6 swoop bike (Bespin Motors)
Corona-class armed frigate (Haor Chall Engineering)
Droch-class boarding ship (Colicoid Creation Nest)
Eta-class shuttle (Cygnus Spaceworks)
Eta-class shuttle (Cygnus Spaceworks)
G9 Rigger-class light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Twilight]
GS-100 salvage ship (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
H-2 executive shuttle (Slayn & Korpil)
HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class Reugeot 905 freighter (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
HH-87 Starhopper (MandalMotors)
IPV-2C Stealth Corvette (Sienar Design Systems) [Carrion Spike]
Kom'rk-class fighter/transport (MandalMotors)
LAAT/le patrol gunship (Santhe Corporation/Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Nau'ur-class yacht (Kalevala Spaceworks) [Coronet; First Light]
Nebula-class freighter [Silver Angel]
Nu-class transport (Cygnus Spaceworks)
Nu-class transport (Cygnus Spaceworks)
Omicron-class attack shuttle [Havoc Marauder]
One Man Submersible "OMS" Devilfish (Kuat Drive Yards)
Paladin-class corvette (Rendili Vehicle Corporation) [Crucible]
Pelta-class frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
Pelta-class frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
Praxis Mk. I turbo speeder (Slayn & Korpil)
Rainhawk-class transport (Kuat Systems Engineering) [Falfa]
RGC-16 airspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Rho-class transport shuttle
Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighter (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighter (Baktoid Armor Workshop)
RX-200 Falchion-class assault tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
S-130 Shelter speeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Sarisa-class gunship
Shekelesh-class freight gunship (Techno Union)
SS-54 assault ship (Botajef Shipyards) [Halo]
Subjugator-class heavy cruiser (Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps) [Malevolence]
Terrapin-class Bulk Tanker / Goji-DF / Turtle Tanker (Corellia Mining Corporation)
Undicur-class jumpspeeder (Kuat Vehicles)
WLO-5 speeder tank (Ubrikkian Transports)
YV-865 Aurore-class freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Rebels (October 2014)
614-AvA speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Arquitens-class command cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
Auzituck anti-slaver gunship (Appazanna Engineering Works)
C-ROC Gozanti-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Broken Horn]
Auzituck anti-slaver gunship (Appazanna Engineering Works)
C-ROC Gozanti-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Broken Horn]
Fang-class (MandalMotors/SoroSuub Corporation)
Gozanti-class Assault Carrier (Corellian Engineering Corporation; Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Joben T-85 speeder bike (Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation)
RGC-18 landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Star Commuter 2000 (Sacul Industries)
TIE Advanced v1 (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE Advanced v1 (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/mg Mining Guild starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TX-225 GAVr "Occupier" combat assault tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
VCX-100 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Ghost]
Resistance (2018)
Darius G-class freighter (Darius)
Novahawk-class assault transport (Sabaoth Industries) [Dalkor Dagger]
TIE/ba Baron Space Superiority Interceptor / TIE Baron (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
Trantor-class supertanker fuel depot (Kuat Drive Yards) [Titan]
The Mandalorian (2019)
712-AvA speeder bike (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Cumulus-class corsair
HCVw A9.2 juggernaut transport (Kuat Drive Yards)
Heavy industrial crane transport "HI-CT"
Helix J-104 starfighter
M-350 landspeeder (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Outland TIE fighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Pammant Prowler-250 (United Dac Engineering Corps)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-111 (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Razor Crest]
Trexler 906 Armored Marauder (Trexler)
Zephyr-J speeder bike (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
The Bad Batch (May 2021)
All Terrain Armored Cannon "AT-AC"
CHM-series light freighter (Sublights Products Corporation) [Outcast]
Justifier-class assault transport (Kuat Drive Yards) [Justifier]
YG-4214 mining freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Remora]
Visions (October 2021)
Gemini-class Star Destroyer
Obi-Wan Kenobi (May 2022)
08-Z transport (Marmoth Factories)
AM-719 speeder (Thon Motors)
CSL-430 hover transport
FMR-385 cargo speeder (Mekuun Corporation)
JT-731 Broadhorn transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Phi-class shuttle [Scythe]
TR-286 transport (SoroSuub Corporation)
Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
TS-485 Lota-class light shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems/Cygnus Space Workshops)
Andor (2022)
57-D delivery speeder
BTY-180 carrier (Consolidated Holdings of Preox-Morlana Corporation)
Dayvan (Koensayr Manufacturing) [Breon HDY-39]
FR-193D hauler (Ferrix Field Yards)
HFY-3920 shuttle ferry (Ferrix Field Yards)
JPP-192 limospeeder
NovaKite 35-E Porto (Ikas-Adno)
RK-392 mobile tac-pod (Consolidated Holdings of Preox-Morlana Corporation)
V-21.1 Chevlex light haulcraft (Fondor Yards Commercial Ventures)
Zambi-35 speeder chariot (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Young Jedi Adventures (May 2023)
Chellatine-class shuttle (Mejson Spaceworks) [Crimson Firehawk]
HT-150 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Iron Talon]
Renning-class shuttle (Koensayr Manufacturing) [Star Seeker]
Ahsoka (August 2023)
Defender-class shipyards (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
RP82 Fiend fighter
The Acolyte (June 2024)
DTE-CSA-17 Calaboose prison ship (Kazellan Corporation) [Palwick]
Polan-717 Jedi transport (Lantillian Shipwrights)
VKCE-7100x Starcutter (Valkeri-Kuat Consolidated Enterprises) [Cantaros]
WD-2550 Whydah-class yield conveyor [Fallon]
X-Wing (February 1993)
BFF-1 bulk freighter (Damorian Manufacturing Corporation)
CR92a Assassin-class corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
TIE Fighter (July 1994)
MC40a light cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
MC40a light cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
R-41 Starchaser (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
R60 T-wing interceptor (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
SCT Scout craft (Mesens Corporation)
TIE/ad starfighter "TIE Avenger" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/D Defender (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Dark Forces (February 1995)
HWK-290 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Moldy Crow]
Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire (November 1995)
TIE/ph phantom "TIE Phantom" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
HWK-290 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Moldy Crow]
Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire (November 1995)
TIE/ph phantom "TIE Phantom" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Shadows of the Empire (November 1996)
Flare-S swoop (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
Sentinel-class landing craft (Sienar Fleet Systems/Cygnus Spaceworks)
StarViper-class attack platform (MandalMotors) [Virago]
YT-2400 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Outrider]
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (October 1997)
MC30c frigate (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
MC30c frigate (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Rebellion (February 1998)
CC-7700 frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
CC-9600 frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Force Commander (March 2000)
All Terrain Anti-Aircraft "AT-AA" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Starfighter (2001)
Dagger-class starfighter (Republic Sienar Systems)
Dianoga-class assault starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Lupus-class missile frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
MorningStar-A starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
MorningStar-B starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
MorningStar-C starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Scurrg H-6 prototype bomber (Nubian Design Collective) [Havoc]
Galactic Battlegrounds (November 2001)
Dagger-class starfighter (Republic Sienar Systems)
Dianoga-class assault starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Lupus-class missile frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
MorningStar-A starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
MorningStar-B starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
MorningStar-C starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Scurrg H-6 prototype bomber (Nubian Design Collective) [Havoc]
Galactic Battlegrounds (November 2001)
Rebel combat speeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
TIE/IT Interdictor starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/IT Interdictor starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Jedi Starfighter (March 2002)
Cutlass-9 patrol fighter (SoroSuub Corporation) [Sharp Spiral]
The Clone Wars (November 2002)
All Terrain Experimental Transport "AT-XT" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Bounty Hunter (November 2002)
Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry "AIAT/i" (Kuat Drive Yards) [Jaster's Legacy]
TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Bounty Hunter (November 2002)
Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry "AIAT/i" (Kuat Drive Yards) [Jaster's Legacy]
KT-RB "Doomtreader" (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Hell's Anvil]
Galaxies (2003)
TIE Sentinel (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE Sentinel (Sienar Fleet Systems)
USV-5 Modified Landspeeder
X-31 landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Knights of the Old Republic (July 2003)
Knights of the Old Republic (July 2003)
AeroChaser speeder bike (Lhosan Industries)
Aurek-class tactical strikefighter (Republic Fleet Systems)
Aurek-class tactical strikefighter (Republic Fleet Systems)
Dynamic-class freighter (Core Galaxy Systems) [Ebon Hawk]
Foray-class blockade runner (Republic Fleet Systems)
G-Type light shuttle (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
Foray-class blockade runner (Republic Fleet Systems)
G-Type light shuttle (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
Hammerhead-class cruiser (Rendili Hyperworks) [Endar Spire]
Herald-class shuttle (Republic Fleet Systems)
Herald-class shuttle (Republic Fleet Systems)
Interdictor-class cruiser (Republic Sienar Systems) [Leviathan]
KT-400 military droid carrier (Republic Fleet Systems)
Lethisk-class armed freighter (Arakyd Industries)
S-250 Chela-class starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Sith fighter (Star Forge)
KT-400 military droid carrier (Republic Fleet Systems)
Lethisk-class armed freighter (Arakyd Industries)
S-250 Chela-class starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Sith fighter (Star Forge)
TT-6 landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Twin-228 airspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed (October 2004)
AEG-77 Vigo
AEG-77 Vigo
G1-M4-C Dunelizard fighter (MandalMotors)
Ixiyen-class fast attack craft (TransGalMeg Industries, Inc.)
Kihraxz assault fighter (TransGalMeg Industries, Inc.)
Kihraxz assault fighter (TransGalMeg Industries, Inc.)
M3-A Syck fighter (MandalMotors)
M12-L Kimoglia heavy fighter (MandalMotors)
M22-T Krayt gunship (MandalMotors)
TIE/AG Aggressor starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
VT-49 Decimator (Kuat Drive Yards)
M22-T Krayt gunship (MandalMotors)
TIE/AG Aggressor starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
VT-49 Decimator (Kuat Drive Yards)
YKL-37R Nova Courier (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (December 2004)
Centurion-class battlecruiser [Ravager]
Heraklon-class transport (Sadon Shipwrights)
Ministry-class orbital shuttle (Zentine Dynamics)
Starscape-class yacht (Eleaor Propulsion) [Visionary]
Heraklon-class transport (Sadon Shipwrights)
Ministry-class orbital shuttle (Zentine Dynamics)
Starscape-class yacht (Eleaor Propulsion) [Visionary]
Battlefront II (November 2005)
AAC-1 speeder tank (SoroSuub Corporation)
AAC-1 speeder tank (SoroSuub Corporation)
Empire at War (February 2006)
2-M Saber-class repulsor tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
2-M Saber-class repulsor tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Aggressor-class Star Destroyer {Merciless}
Assault Frigate Mark II (Rendili StarDrive)
Broadside-class cruiser kdb-1 (Kuat Drive Yards)
Broadside-class cruiser kdb-1 (Kuat Drive Yards)
Canderous-class assault tank (MandalMotors, Mandal Hypernautics)
Crusader-class corvette (Mandal Hypernautics)
Crusader-class corvette (Mandal Hypernautics)
HTT-26 heavy troop transport (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Interceptor-class frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
RM-09 Alliance shuttle
Tartan-class patrol cruiser (Damorian Manufacturing Corporation)
Vengeance-class frigate
Tartan-class patrol cruiser (Damorian Manufacturing Corporation)
Vengeance-class frigate
The Force Unleashed (2008)
All Terrain Construction Transport "AT-CT"
The Old Republic (December 2011)
Azalus-class Hutt dreadnaught
BT-7 Thunderclap (Rendili Hyperworks)
D5-Mantis Patrol Craft (Kuat Drive Yards)
BT-7 Thunderclap (Rendili Hyperworks)
D5-Mantis Patrol Craft (Kuat Drive Yards)
Liberator-class starfighter
Manka-class armored transport
Valor-class cruiser
Valor-class cruiser
XS stock light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Uprising (2015)
Allanar N3 light freighter
Allanar N3 light freighter
Battlefront II (2017)
Raider II-class corvette (Kuat Drive Yards) [Corvus]
Vader Immortal (May 2019)
STE-series light freighter (Sublights Products Corporation) [Windfall]
Jedi: Fallen Order (November 2019)
S-161 "Stinger" XL luxury yacht (Latero Spaceworks) [Stinger Mantis]
S-161 "Stinger" XL luxury yacht (Latero Spaceworks) [Stinger Mantis]
Outlaws (2024)
EML-850 light freighter [Trailblazer]
Marvel Comics (1977)
Star Wars (1977)
Cabur-class starfighter (MandalMotors)
DP20 frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Mu-2 long range shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems) [Cobra]
Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
Pursuit-class light cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
WUD-500 star yacht (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell (February 1981)
All Terrain Advance Raider "AT-AR"
Droids (1986)
Consular III-class cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Blood Brother]
Dark Horse Comics (1991)
Dark Empire (December 1991)
A-9 Vigilance interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
A-9 Vigilance interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
Allegiance-class battlecruiser
Amphibion (SedriMotors Ltd.)
AQ-5 Waveskimmer (Hydrospeare Corporation)
Bellator-class dreadnought (Kuat Drive Yards)
Century tank / TIE crawler (Sienar Army Systems)
CloakShape fighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
E-wing escort starfighter (FreiTek Inc.)
Bellator-class dreadnought (Kuat Drive Yards)
Century tank / TIE crawler (Sienar Army Systems)
CloakShape fighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
E-wing escort starfighter (FreiTek Inc.)
Eclipse-class dreadnought (Kuat Drive Yards) [Eclipse]
Guardian-class patrol ship (Tion Mil/Sci Industries)
I-7 Howlrunner (Incom Corporation)
Lictor-class dungeon ship (MandalMotors, Rendili StarDrive)
MB-C1 medium transport (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
MC90 Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Nimbus Rider 2000 (Gefferon Pleasure Craft)
Procursator-class Star Destroyer
Procursator-class Star Destroyer
Pursuer-class enforcement ship (MandalMotors) [Slave II]
Secutor-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Seltiss-2 caravel (Ubrikkian Industries)
Storm Skimmer Patrol Sled (Uulshos Manufacturing)
TIE/D automated starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/D automated starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Core Galaxy Systems Dreadnaught (Core Galaxy Systems)
Core Galaxy Systems Dreadnaught (Core Galaxy Systems)
CX-133 Chaos fighter (Koros Spaceworks)
Delaya-class courier (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.) [SunGem]
Derriphan-class battleship (Sith Empire)
Derriphan-class battleship (Sith Empire)
Kyramud-type battleship
S-100 Stinger-class starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Shaadlar-type troopship
Star Saber XC-01 starfighter (Republic Fleet Systems)
Supremacy-class attack ship (Koros Spaceworks)
Vaya-class scout (Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.)
X-Wing Rogue Squadron (1995)
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Shadows of the Empire (1996)
Aggressor assault fighter (Trilon, Inc.) [IG-2000]
Tales (1999)
CR25 troop carrier (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Jango Fett: Open Seasons (2002)
Meteor-class Q-carrier (MandalMotors)
Obsession (2004)
NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter (Sublight Products Corporation)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
All Terrain Riot Control Transport "AT-RCT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Knights of the Old Republic (January 2006)
578-R space transport (Amalgamated Hyperdrive) [The Last Resort]
Baronial-class yacht (Eleaor Propulsion)
Conductor-class short-haul landing craft (Republic Fleet Systems) [Deadweight]
Davaab-type starfighter (Mandalorian Neo-Crusader War Forges)
Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship (Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards) [Courageous]
Jehavey'ir-type assault ship
Davaab-type starfighter (Mandalorian Neo-Crusader War Forges)
Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship (Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards) [Courageous]
Jehavey'ir-type assault ship
Kandosii-type dreadnought
Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Gunship [Moomo Williwaw]
PL-90 luxury speeder (Ubrikkian Repulsorlift Manufacturing)
Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Gunship [Moomo Williwaw]
PL-90 luxury speeder (Ubrikkian Repulsorlift Manufacturing)
Quartermaster-class supply carrier (Corellia StarDrive)
Teroch-type gunship
Teroch-type gunship
Urban Navigator (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Legacy (June 2006)
A519 Invader close support starfighter (Kuat Drive Yards)
Ardent-class fast frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
Besh-type personal starfighter (Slayn & Korpil)
CF9 Crossfire starfighter (Incom Corporation)
Crix-class diplomatic courier shuttler (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Fury-class starfighter (SoroSuub Corporation)
Gladius-class light freighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
GPE-3300 airspeeder (Galactic Power Engineering)
GPE-7300 space transport (Galactic Power Engineering)
Helot-class medium space transport (Cygnus Spaceworks) [Mynock]
Imperious-class Star Destroyer (Mon Calamari Shipyards) [Alliance]
J-1 shuttle (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Kybuck speeder bike (Arakyd Industries)
Kybuck speeder bike (Arakyd Industries)
MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
MC-24a light shuttle (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Model 67 Shrieker speeder bike (Ikas-Adno)
Nemesis-class patrol ship (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Nune-class Imperial shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Predator-class fighter / TIE Predators (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Predator-class fighter / TIE Predators (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Quickfire speeder bike (Mobquet Swoops and Speeders)
R-28 starfighter (Incom Corporation)
Sabertooth-class assault/rescue vessel
ShaShore-class frigate (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Sigma-class long-range shuttle (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Tri-Scythe-class frigate (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Veltiss-2 airspeeder (Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation)
X-83 TwinTail starfighter (Incom Corporation)
YX-1980 space transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Grinning Liar]
YZ-2500 heavy transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Pride of Corellia]
YZ-2500 heavy transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Pride of Corellia]
Dark Times (November 2006)
Maka-Eekai L4000 transport (Gallofree Yards, Inc.) [Uhumele]
The Old Republic (2009)
Fury-class Imperial interceptor (Sith Empire)
Harrower-class dreadnought (Taerab Starship Manufacturing)
Rendaran-class assault shuttle
Marvel Comics (2015)
Star Wars (January 2015)
YT-1010 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Volt Cobra]
Kanan (April 2015)
KST-100 Kestrel light executive transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Kasmiri]
KST-100 Kestrel light executive transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Kasmiri]
Lando (July 2015)
Cosinga-class Heavy Corvette (Sienar Fleet Systems) [Imperialis]
Target Vader (2019)
YV-580 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Broken Wing]
Bounty Hunters (March 2020)
Eskherf-class shuttle (Sublights Products Corporation) [Edgehawk]
Bantam Spectra
Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1978)BTL-S3 Y-wing starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
The Han Solo Adventures (March 1979)
Air-2 racing swoop (TaggeCo/SoroSuub Corporation)
Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive/Vaufthau Shipyards Ltd.)
Marauder-class corvette (Republic Sienar Systems)
Marauder-class corvette (Republic Sienar Systems)
Victory I-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Thrawn Trilogy (June 1991)
Action VI transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Wild Karrde]
Action VI transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Wild Karrde]
All Terrain Personal Transport "AT-PT" (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Assault Frigate Mark I (Rendili StarDrive)
Carrack-class light cruiser (Damorian Manufacturing Company)
Assault Frigate Mark I (Rendili StarDrive)
Carrack-class light cruiser (Damorian Manufacturing Company)
Class 720 freighter (Ghtroc Industries)
Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
Immobilizer 418 cruiser (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Lancer-class frigate (Kuat Drive Yards)
LAVr QH-7 Chariot (Uulshos Manufacturing)
Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 (SoroSuub Corporation) [Lady Luck]
Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 (SoroSuub Corporation) [Lady Luck]
Preybird-class starfighter (SoroSuub Corporation)
Talon I combat cloud car (Ubrikkian Transports)
YZ-775 medium transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Jedi Academy Trilogy (March 1994)
Hornet-class interceptor (Tenloss Syndicate)
The Courtship of Princess Leia (April 1994)
MC80B Star Cruiser (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
Corellian Trilogy (February 1995)
Bakura-class destroyer (Bakuran shipyards)
The Black Fleet Crisis (March 1996)
BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Endurance-class fleet carrier (Republic Engineering Corporation)
BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Endurance-class fleet carrier (Republic Engineering Corporation)
Fettet-class reconnaissance vessel (Republic Engineering Corporation)
Majestic-class heavy cruiser (Republic Engineering Corporation)
Nebula-class Star Destroyer (Republic Engineering Corporation)
Prowler-class reconnaissance vessel (Republic Engineering Corporation)
Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
Sorannan-class Star Destroyer
Shadows of the Empire (May 1996)
Conqueror-class assault ship (Surronian hive guild)
Sorannan-class Star Destroyer
Shadows of the Empire (May 1996)
Conqueror-class assault ship (Surronian hive guild)
Tales of the Bounty Hunters (December 1996)
Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry "AIAT/i" (Kuat Drive Yards) [Jaster's Legacy]
G-1A starfighter (Byblos Drive Yards) [Mist Hunter]
JumpMaster 5000 (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Punishing One]
YV-666 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Hound's Tooth]
G-1A starfighter (Byblos Drive Yards) [Mist Hunter]
JumpMaster 5000 (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Punishing One]
YV-666 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Hound's Tooth]
Hand of Thrawn duology (November 1997)
Kaloth-style battlecruiser (Kaloth)
Nssis-class Clawcraft
Del Rey (Legends)
The New Jedi Order (1999)
Gladiator-class assault fighter (FreiTek, Inc.)
Rejuvenator-class Star Destroyer
Republic-class cruiser (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Viscount-class Star Defender (Mon Calamari Shipyards)
YT-1500 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YV-888 freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Rogue Planet (May 2000)
Captor-class heavy munitions cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
Captor-class heavy munitions cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
YT-1150 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Survivor's Quest (February 2004)
Delta-12 Skysprite-class (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Delta-12 Skysprite-class (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Labyrinth of Evil (January 2005)
Fantail-class destroyer
Fantail-class destroyer
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (2005)
Detainer CC-2200 interdictor cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Legacy of the Force (May 2006)
Aleph-class starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Turbulent-class Star Destroyer
YT-5100 Shriek-class bomber (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Imperial Commando: 501st (October 2009)
Monarch-class cargo ship (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Del Rey (Canon)
Dark Disciple (July 2015)
Lancer-class pursuit craft (MandalMotors) [Shadow Caster]
Lancer-class pursuit craft (MandalMotors) [Shadow Caster]
Aftermath Trilogy (September 2015)
Starhawk-class battleship (Nadiri Dockyards)
Starhawk-class battleship (Nadiri Dockyards)
Catalyst (2016)
qaz-class Star Destroyer
The High Republic: Phase I (January 2021)
Class A modular freight transport (Kaniff Yards) [Legacy Run]
Pacifier-class sector patrol cruiser
Galaxy of Fear (January 1997)
Helix-class light interceptor (Arakyd Industries)
Jedi Quest (2001)
Rho-1 Limulus-class Courier (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Adventures (2002)
Delta-6 Sprite-class starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Delta-6 Sprite-class starfighter (Kuat Systems Engineering)
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker (September 2009)
Selanikio Sportster
Before the Awakening (December 2015)
690 light freighter (Ghtroc Industries)
Dissident-class light cruiser
Hernon-class light freighter
Maxima-A class heavy cruiser (Kuat-Entralla Engineering)
NK-Witell-class freighter (Sanhar-Witell)
NK-Witell-class freighter (Sanhar-Witell)
Pinnacle-class luxury ship (Vekker Corp) [Hevurion Grace]
Zephra-class hauler
West End Games
BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber (Koensayr Manufacturing)
The Star Wars Sourcebook (October 1987)
TIE starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/fc starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/fc starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/gt starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/rc starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/rc starfighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Star Wars Campaign Pack (1988)
GX1 Short Hauler (Lantillian ShipWrights)
Strike Force: Shantipole (1988)
YL-2200 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Star Wars Rules Companion (1989)
Strike-class medium cruiser (Loronar Corporation)
Ton-Falk-class escort carrier (Kuat Drive Yards)
Riders of the Maelstrom (June 1989)
Zebra starfighter (Hyrotii Corporation)
Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters (June-July 1990)
Gymsnor-3 light freighter (CorelliSpace)
Light corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
Munifex-class light cruiser / Class 1000 cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
YT-1210 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (October 1990)
Munifex-class light cruiser / Class 1000 cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
YT-1210 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (October 1990)
A-A5 speeder truck (Trast Heavy Transports)
Arrow-23 landspeeder (Aratech Repulsor Company)
Gamemaster Kit (September 1991)
Crinya-class freighter (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Planet of the Mists (1992)
TL-1800 transport (Suwantek Systems)
Mission to Lianna (April 1992)
LiteVan IV (SoroSuub Corporation)
The Abduction (June 1992)
VR-10 Cuirilla-Rayl Xylines-class spacetug
The Politics of Contraband (September 1992)
YT-2550 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition (October 1992)
Guardian-class light cruiser (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley (February 1993)
Orbital service shuttle 23K (Gallofree Yards, Inc.)
Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (March 1993)
Deep-X Explorer (Uulshos Manufacturing)
MRX-BR Pacifier (Sydon Vehicle Works)
Star Seeder-class Colony Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
Gamemaster Handbook (April 1993)
YT-450a (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim (May 1993)
Y164 slave transport (Rendili StarDrive)
Han Solo and the Corporate Sector (November 1993)
K-222 Aero-Interceptor (zZip Defense Concepts)
The Last Command Sourcebook (March 1994)
Barloz-class medium freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Barloz-class medium freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
The Kathol Outback (January 1996)
HT-2200 medium freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Gamemaster Toolkit: Live-Action Adventures (December 1996)
HT-2200 medium freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Gamemaster Toolkit: Live-Action Adventures (December 1996)
YT-1000 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Instant Adventures (December 1996)
Brayl-class bulk freighter (SoroSuub Corporation)
Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (May 1997)
YT-1930 transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-2000 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-2000 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Wizards of the Coast
Living Force campaign (2001)
ILH-KK Citadel-class civilian cruiser (Koensayr Manufacturing)
ILH-KK Citadel-class civilian cruiser (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Kuat Systems Transport II (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Maelstrom-class battle cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Wayfarer-class medium transport (Kuat Systems Engineering)
YT-1220 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Rebellion Era Sourcebook (September 2001)
YV-545 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Midnight Star]
Starships of the Galaxy (December 2001)
Vindicator-class heavy cruiser (Sienar Fleet Systems)
YV-545 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Midnight Star]
Starships of the Galaxy (December 2001)
Vindicator-class heavy cruiser (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Tempest Feud (March 2002)
TL-1200 transport (Suwantek Systems)
YV-260 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Arms & Equipment Guide (October 2002)
JG-8 luxury landspeeder (SoroSuub Corporation)
Coruscant and the Core Worlds (January 2003)
TIE/Ad x7 (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/Ad x7 (Sienar Fleet Systems)
The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (September 2008)
A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
Legacy Era Campaign Guide (March 2009)
All Terrain Armored Heavy Transport "AT-AHT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
All Terrain Armored Heavy Transport "AT-AHT" (Kuat Drive Yards)
BB-2 Starfire fighter-bomber (SoroSuub Corporation)
Golan VIII space defense platform (Golan Arms)
HWK-2000 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
I4 Ionizer starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Jumpstar HPF starfighter
I4 Ionizer starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Jumpstar HPF starfighter
Mobile Spacedock 220 (Rendili StarDrive)
MT dropship (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Neutralizer-class bomber (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Phoebos-class starfighter (Ubrikkian Transports)
RC-2 Twilight scoutship (Incom Corporation)
MT dropship (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Neutralizer-class bomber (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Phoebos-class starfighter (Ubrikkian Transports)
RC-2 Twilight scoutship (Incom Corporation)
Spinward-class tender
The Unknown Regions (April 2010)
Drexl-class starfighter (SoroSuub Corporation)
Fantasy Flight Games
Enter the Unknown (December 2013)
YV-560 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Dangerous Covenants (February 2014)
YV-929 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YV-929 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Special Modifications (March 2016)
AD-1S Modular Multi-Role Starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Friends Like These (December 2016)
Raider-class corvette (Kuat Drive Yards)
AD-1S Modular Multi-Role Starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Friends Like These (December 2016)
Raider-class corvette (Kuat Drive Yards)
Unlimited Power (May 2018)
Sojourner Transport (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Knights of Fate (June 2018)
ARX-T3 Suncutter light interceptor (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Cyphers and Masks (August 2018)
IE-440 Nighthawk multi-role starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Sojourner Transport (Kuat Systems Engineering)
Knights of Fate (June 2018)
ARX-T3 Suncutter light interceptor (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Cyphers and Masks (August 2018)
IE-440 Nighthawk multi-role starfighter (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Challenge (1988)BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber (Koensayr Manufacturing)
SS-19 cargo transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Adventure Journal (February 1994)
Anxarta-class freighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Anxarta-class freighter (Sienar Fleet Systems)
Jemlaat-class in-system sail yacht (Hyrotil Engineering)
Kappa-class shuttle (Republic Sienar Systems)
Kazellis-class light freighter (Kazellis Corporation)
TIE Vanguard (Sienar Fleet Systems)
TIE/sr starfighter "TIE Scout" (Sienar Fleet Systems)
XS-800 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
XS-800 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-700 Transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Casus Belli (October 1995)
Class VI bulk freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Class VI bulk freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
ST-101 Repulsortruck (Ubrikkian Industries)
Gamer (September 2000)
PTR-3 Vedette (Core Galaxy Systems)
PTR-3 Vedette (Core Galaxy Systems)
VCX-350 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YG-4210 (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-1200 medium freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-1250 freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YT-1760 small transport (Corellian Engineering Corporation) YU-410 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YV-100 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YV-330 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Emerald Lance]
YV-330 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Emerald Lance]
YV-929 armed freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
YZ-900 freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I (October 2000)
XR12 (Bendine)
Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections (2002)
All Terrain Heavy Enforcer "AT-HE" (Kuat Drive Yards)
Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy (August 2004)
H-60 Tempest bomber (Slayn & Korpil)
H-60 Tempest bomber (Slayn & Korpil)
Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections (April 2005)
NTB-630 naval bomber (Incom Corporation/Sublight Products Corporation)
PTB-625 planetary bomber (Incom Corporation/Sublight Products Corporation)
The New Essential Chronology (October 2005)
Praetorian-class frigate (Rendili Hyperworks)
Praetorian-class frigate (Rendili Hyperworks)
The Essential Guide to Warfare (April 2012)
Altor-class replenishment ship
Assertor-class Star Dreadnought
Atgeir-class battlecruisher (Alsakan)
Auxilia-class pursuit destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Vigil-class corvette (Kuat Drive Yards)
Altor-class replenishment ship
Assertor-class Star Dreadnought
Atgeir-class battlecruisher (Alsakan)
Auxilia-class pursuit destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
Vigil-class corvette (Kuat Drive Yards)
The Rebel Files (November 2017)
Onager-class Star Destroyer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Onager-class Star Destroyer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
Kenner's Star Wars (1977)
Reconnaissance Troop Transporter "RTT" / K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport (Santhe/Sienar Technologies; Ubrikkian Industries)
HoloNet News (2002)
M-31 airspeeder (Trilon, Inc.)
Trading Card Game (2002)
BC-714 luxury transport (Techno Union)
YV-664 light freighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
Galactic Timeline (2009)
Thranta-class corvette / CR-12 corvette (Corellia StarDrive)
Thranta-class corvette / CR-12 corvette (Corellia StarDrive)
Galaxy's Edge (2019)
MPO-1400 Star Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Halcyon]
TIE/es assault shuttle "TIE Echelon" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
ZH-40 Tribune-class light freighter (Starfeld Industries) [Katooni]
MPO-1400 Star Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation) [Halcyon]
TIE/es assault shuttle "TIE Echelon" (Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems)
ZH-40 Tribune-class light freighter (Starfeld Industries) [Katooni]
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