Jedi Order
Jedi High Council
Je'daii Order
Pre-Force Wars
Akar Kesh: Telaat (male)
Padawan Kesh: Nordia Gral
Stav Kesh: Vor'Dana
Force Wars (25,793 BBY) [Dawn of the Jedi]
Akar Kesh: Ketu (male Human)
Anil Kesh: Quan-Jang (male Human)
Bodhi: Jake Fenn (male Human)
Kaleth: Kora Ryo (female Twi'lek)
Mahara Kesh: Calleh (female Selkath) and Naro (male Selkath)
Padawan Kesh: Ruhr (male Wookiee)
Qigong Kesh: Miarta Sek (female Sith)
Stav Kesh: Lha-Mi (male Talid)
Vur Tepe: Tem Madog (male Cathar)
Jedi Order
Cala Brin (female Human)
Garon Jard (male Human)
Rajivari (male Human)
Ters Sendon (male Zabrak)
Mandalorian Wars (-3960 BBY) [Knights of the Old Republic]
Seat 1: Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Seat 2: Vandar Tokare (male Yoda's species)
Seat 3: Atris (female Human)
Seat 4: Zez-Kai Ell (male Human)
Seat 5: Dorjander Kace (male Human); Lucien Draay (male Human, Coruscant)
Seat 6: Kavar (male Human)
Seat 7: Lonna Vash (female Human)
Great Galactic War (3681-3653 BBY)
Seat 1: Zym (male Kel Dor)
Belth Allusis (male Human)
Cold War (3653-3642 BBY) [The Old Republic]
Seat 1: Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Wens Aleusis
Giffis Fane
Nikil Nobil (male Thisspiasian)
Oteg (male Yoda's species)
Oric Traless (male Nautolan)
Galactic War (3642-3636 BBY) [The Old Republic]
Seat 1: Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Seat 2: Syo Bakarn (male Human, Corellia); "The Barsen'thor"
Seat 3: Orgus Din (male Human, Rishi)
Seat 4: Jaric Kaedan (male Human)
Seat 5: Bela Kiwiiks (female Togruta)
Seat 6: Shol Bestros (male Miraluka)
Seat 7: Tol Braga (male Kel Dor)
Seat 8: Gnost-Dural (male Kel Dor)
Seat 9: Oric Traless (male Nautolan)
Cedral Gend (male Human) [possibly replaced Orgus Din]
(990 BBY) [The Jedi Path]
Seat 1: Fae Coven (female Jenet)
(89 BBY) [Legacy of the Jedi]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Thame Cerulian (male Human, Corellia)
Tor Difusal (male)
(53 BBY) [Jedi - The Dark Side
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 3: Micah Giiett (male Human)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Stark Hyperspace War (44 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Micah Giett (male Human)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: T'un (male)
Seat 12: Tyvokka (male Wookiee)
Yinchorri Uprising (33 BBY) [Jedi Council: Acts of War]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Micah Giiett (male Human)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Invasion of Naboo (32 BBY) [Episode I The Phantom Menace]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Clone Wars (22-19 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Shaak Ti (female Togruta, Shili)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik); Coleman Kcaj (male Ongree)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias); Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant); Stass Allie (female Tholothian, Tholoth)
Seat 9: Coleman Trebor (male Vurk, Sembla); Kit Fisto (male Nautolan, Glee Anselm)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa); Agen Kolar (male Zabrak, Coruscant)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta); Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Second Galactic Civil War (40-41 ABY) [Legacy of the Force]
Seat 1: Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 2: Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Seat 3: Kyp Durron (male Human, Deyer)
Seat 4: Kenth Hamner (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 5: Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 6: Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Seat 7: Tresina Lobi (female Chev)
Seat 8: Octa Ramis (female Human, Chandrila)
Seat 9: Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel)
Seat 10: Mara Jade Skywalker (female Human)
Seat 11: Kam Solusar (male Human)
Seat 12: Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Seat 3: Kyp Durron (male Human, Deyer)
Seat 4: Kenth Hamner (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 5: Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 6: Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Seat 7: Tresina Lobi (female Chev)
Seat 8: Octa Ramis (female Human, Chandrila)
Seat 9: Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel)
Seat 10: Mara Jade Skywalker (female Human)
Seat 11: Kam Solusar (male Human)
Seat 12: Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Lost Tribe of Sith insurgency (43-44 ABY) [Fate of the Jedi]
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Kyp Durron (male Human, Deyer)
Kenth Hamner (male Human, Corellia)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Octa Ramis (female Human, Chandrila)
Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel)
Kam Solusar (male Human)
Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Kyp Durron (male Human, Deyer)
Kenth Hamner (male Human, Corellia)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Octa Ramis (female Human, Chandrila)
Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel)
Kam Solusar (male Human)
Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Barratk'l (female Yuzzem)
Jaina Solo Fel (female Human, Coruscant)
Sith-Imperial War (-130 ABY)
Kol Skywalker (male Human)
K'Kruhk (male Whiphid)
Tili Qua (female Chadra-Fan)
T'ra Saa (female Neti)
K'Kruhk (male Whiphid)
Tili Qua (female Chadra-Fan)
T'ra Saa (female Neti)
Council of First Knowledge
(990 BBY)
Caretaker: Restelly Quist (female Human)
Obba (male Ithorian)
(33 BBY)
Caretaker: Astaal Vilbum (male Baragwin)
Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
T'un (male)
Council of Reassignment
Council of Reconciliation
Dantooine Jedi Council
Great Hunt (3993 BBY)
Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Bala Nisi (female Human)
Qual (male Selkath)
Aleco Stusea (female Near-Human)
Jedi Civil War (3956 BBY) [Knights of the Old Republic]
Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Dorak (male Human)
Zhar Lestin (male Twi'lek)
Vandar Tokare (male Yoda's species)
Sith Council
Golden Age of the Sith (5000 BBY)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Dor Gal-ram (male Sith)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Ludo Kressh (male Sith, Rhelg)
Naga Sadow (male Sith, Ziost)
Simus (male Sith)
Circle of Lords
(3960 BBY) [Lost Tribe of the Sith]
Grand Lord: Lillia Venn (female Human); Candra Kitai (female Human)
High Lord #1: Dernas (male Human)
High Lord #2: Pallima (male Human)
Insurgency (43-44 ABY) [Fate of the Jedi]
Grand Lord: Darish Vol (male Human)
High Lord #1: Sashal (female Keshiri)
High Lord #2: Sarasu Taalon (male Keshiri)
High Lord #3: Ivaar Workan (male Human)
High Lord #4: Takaris Yur (male Human)
Lord #1: Ysadria Kaladris
Lord #2: Korelei (female Keshiri)
Lord #3: Olaris Rhea (female Human)
Lord #4: Sammul Sharsha (female Human)
Lord #5: Jesko Umarn
Dark Council
Founding (4980 BBY)
Seat 10: Darth Zavakon (male)
(4043 BBY)
Darth Qalar
Darth Victun
Nathema conspiracy (3954-3950 BBY) [The Old Republic: Revan]
Darth Igrol (male Sith)
Darth Nyriss (female Sith)
Darth Xedrix (male Human)
Great Galactic War (3681-3653 BBY)
Seat 1: Darth Marr (male Human)
Seat 2: Darth Vengean (male Human)
Seat 3: Darth Azamin; Darth Decimus (male Human)
Seat 5: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Seat 9: Darth Mekhis (female humanoid)
Unknown placement
Darth Ekkage (female Human)
Darth Sajar (male Human)
Cold War / Galactic War (3653-3636 BBY) [The Old Republic]
Seat 1: Darth Marr (male Human)
Seat 2: Darth Vengean (male Human); Darth Baras (male Human); Darth Arho (male Human); Darth Malgus (male Human); Darth Arkous (male Sith)
Seat 3: Darth Decimus (male Human)
Seat 4: Darth Mortis (male Human)
Seat 5: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Seat 6: Darth Ravage (male Human)
Seat 7: Darth Jadus (male Human); Darth Zhorrid (female Human)
Seat 8: Darth Acharon (male Human)
Seat 9: Darth Mekhis (female humanoid); Darth Hadra (female Human); Darth Karrid (female Falleen); Darth Acina (female Human)
Seat 10: Darth Arctis (male); Darth Thanaton (male Human); "Darth Nox"
Seat 11: Darth Rictus (male)
Seat 12: Darth Aruk
Unknown placement
Darth Arrid (male) [replaced Darth Vax]
Darth Gorgos (female)
Darth Howl (male Human)
Darth Soverus (male Sith)
Darth Vax (female)
Third Galactic War (3628 BBY-) [The Old Republic: Onslaught]
Emperor: Acina (female Human); Vowrawn (male Sith)
Seat 1: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith); Darth Shaar (female Sith)
Seat 2: Darth Xarion (male)
Seat 3: Darth Krovos (female Sith)
Seat 4: Darth Malora (female Human); Darth Savik (female Human)
Seat 5: Darth Anathel (male Human); "Sith Inquisitor"
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Separatist Council
Episode II Attack of the Clones (22 BBY)
Head of State: Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Passel Argente (male Koorivar, Kooriva)
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)
San Hill (male Muun, Muunilinst)
Shu Mai (female Gossam, Castell)
Po Nudo (male Aqualish, Ando)
Poggle the Lesser (male Geonosian, Geonosis)
Wat Tambor (male Skakoan, Skako)
Tikkes (male Quarren, Dac)
Rogwa Wodrata (female Holwuff, Alliga)
Galactic Empire
Imperial Ruling Council
Under Palpatine (-4 ABY)
Grand Vizier: Sate Pestage (male Human, Ciutric IV)
Sim Aloo (male Human, Coruscant)
Kren Blista-Vanee (male Human)
Ragez D'Asta (male Human)
Ars Dangor (male Human)
Kinman Doriana (male Human, Naboo)
Janus Greejatus (male Human, Chommell Minor)
Sly Moore (female Umbaran, Umbara)
Alec Pradeux (male)
Crueya Vandron (male Human)
X-Wing Rogue Squadron (4-5 ABY)
Paltr Carvin (male Human)
Challer (male Human)
Plumba (male Human)
Dark Empire (10-11 ABY)
Emperor: Palpatine (male Human clone)
Nefta (male humanoid)
Sa-Di (male Human)
Crimson Empire (11 ABY)
Emperor: Carnor Jax (male Human)
Sarcev Quest (male Human)
Redd Wessel (male Human)
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (11 ABY)
Emperor: Burr Nolyds (male Human); Xandel Carivus (male Human)
Llon Banjeer (male Human)
Ch'Unkk (male Whiphid)
Immodet (male Human)
Feena D'Asta (female Human, Nez Peron)
Jeratai (male Human)
Norym Kim (male Myke)
Kooloota-Fyf (male Givin)
Manos (male Devaronian)
Tann Starpyre (male Human)
Mahd Windcaller (female Human)
Za (male Defel)
Council of Moffs
Hand of Thrawn duology (19 ABY)
Braxant sector: Vilim Disra (male Human)
Braxant sector: Vilim Disra (male Human)
Yuuzhan Vong War (25-29 ABY) [The New Jedi Order]
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Perinn sector: Crowal (female Human)
Prefsbelt sector: Kurlen Flennic (male Human)
Freyborn (male Human)
Second Galactic Civil War (40-41 ABY) [Legacy of the Force]
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Quille (male)
Rosset (male)
Siralt (male)
Post-Fondor additions
Voryam Bhao
Jowar (male)
Krom Rethway (male Human)
Kosimo Westermal
Fate of the Jedi (43-44 ABY)
Calron (male)
Garreter (male)
Tol Getelles (male Human)
Jowar (male)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Malvek (male)
Poliff (male)
Quillan (male Human)
Trevin (male Human)
Porrak Vansyn (male Human)
Garreter (male)
Tol Getelles (male Human)
Jowar (male)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Malvek (male)
Poliff (male)
Quillan (male Human)
Trevin (male Human)
Porrak Vansyn (male Human)
Second Imperial Civil War (137-138 ABY)
High Moff: Morlish Veed (male Human)
Nyna Calixte (female Human)
Fehlaaur'aitel'loro (male Chiss)
Geist (male Human)
Konrad Rus (male Human)
Rulf Yage (male Human)
Rebel Alliance / New Republic / Galactic Alliance
Provisional Council
X-Wing Rogue Squadron (4-5 ABY)
Chief of State: Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Supreme Commander: Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Dac)
Doman Beruss (female Human, Corellia)
Borsk Fey'lya (male Bothan, Kothlis)
Verrinnefra B'thog Indriummsegh (male Elomin)
Kerrithrarr (male Wookiee)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Jenssar SoBilles (male Duros)
Sian Tevv (male Sullustan)
Advisory Council
New Republic
The New Jedi Order (25-29 ABY)
Chief of State: Borsk Fey'lya (male Bothan, Kothlis)
Chelch Dravvad (male Human, Corellia)
Navik (male Rodian)
Niuk Niuv (male Sullustan)
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Pwoe (male Quarren)
Fyor Rodan (male Human, Commenor)
Viqi Shesh (female Human, Kuat)
Triebakk (male Wookiee)
Galactic Alliance
The New Jedi Order (25-29 ABY)
Chief of State: Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Minister of State: Releqy A'Kla (female Caamasi)
Minister of Justice: Ta'laam Ranth (male Gotal)
Niuk Niuv (male Sullustan)
Triebakk (male Wookiee)
Black Sun
Under Alexi Garyn (-33 BBY) [Darth Maul]
Underlord: Alexi Garyn (male Human, Ralltiir)
Nep Chung (male Phuii)
Dardo (male Rodian)
Darnada (male Dug)
Mother Dean (female Human)
Morn (male Mon Calamari)
Narees (male Iktotchi)
Whee Tillatch (male Yarkora)
(32 BBY)
Yanth (male Hutt)
Under Dal Perhi (29-19 BBY)
Underlord: Dal Perhi (male Human)
Antonin (male Human)
Under Xizor (-3 ABY) [Shadows of the Empire]
Underlord: Xizor (male Falleen, Falleen)
Durga Besadii Tai (male Hutt)
Clezo (male Rodian)
Green (male Human)
Kreet'ah (male Kian'thar)
Lonay (male Twi'lek)
Perit (male Mon Calamari)
Sprax (male Nalroni)
Vekker (male Quarren)
Wumdi (male Etti)
Hityamun Kris (male Human)
Qazadi (male Falleen)
(137-138 ABY) [Legacy]
Lun Rask (male Houk)
Hutt Cartel
Hutt Ruling Council
Clone Wars (22-19 BBY) [The Clone Wars]
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt)
Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Arok (male Hutt) [Besadii kajidic]
Marlo (male Hutt) [Qunaalac kajidic]
Oruba (male Hutt) [Gorensla kajidic]
Post-Clone Wars
Bossato (female Hutt) [Gorensla kajidic]
Second Imperial Civil War (137-138 ABY) [Legacy]
Vedo Anjiliac Atirue (male Hutt)
Jool (female Hutt)
Planetary governments
Naboo Royal Advisory Council
(33 BBY)
King Ars Veruna (male Human)
Governor: Sio Bibble (male Human)
Prime Councilor: Kun Lago (male Human)
Episode I The Phantom Menace (32 BBY)
Queen Amidala (female Human)
Governor: Sio Bibble (male Human)
Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs: Ruto Graven (male Human)
Chief Architect: Hugo Eckener (male Human)
Economic Advisor: Horace Vancil (male Human)
Education Advisor: Lufta Shif (female Human)
Master of Sciences: Graf Zapalo (male Human)
Minister of Culture: Kyu Tane (male Human)
Music Advisor: Hela Brandes (female Human)
Ebenn Q3 Baobab (male Human, Manda)
Episode II Attack of the Clones (22 BBY)
Queen Jamilia (female Human)
Governor: Sio Bibble (male Human)
Master of Sciences: Graf Zapalo (male Human)
Jedi High Council
(fl. 382 BBY) [The High Republic Phase II]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: (Mikkian)
Seat 3: Xo Lahru (male Anx)
Seat 4: (Duros?)
Seat 5: Ela Sutan (female Caamasi)
Seat 6: Dijuka (Dybrinthe)
Seat 7:
Seat 8:
Seat 9:
Seat 10: (Human)
Seat 11: (Human)
Seat 12: (Pantoran?)
Gluth Andoi (male Morseerian)
Char-Ryl-Roy (male Cerean)
Xinith Tarl (female Bith)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Dijuka (Dybrinthe)
Seat 3: Pra-Tre Veter (male Tarnab)
Seat 4: Ela Sutan (female Caamasi)
Seat 5: ???
Nihil conflict (232-230 BBY) [The High Republic Phase I]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien); Ephru Shinn (female Mon Calamari)
Seat 2: Xo Lahru (male Anx)
Seat 3: Pra-Tre Veter (male Tarnab)
Seat 4: Keaton Murag (male Human)
Seat 5: Ada-Li Carro (female Human)
Seat 6: Teri Rosason (female Human)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adampo (male Yarkora)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Rana Kant (female Duros); Stellan Gios (male Human)
Seat 11: Soleil Agra (female Nautolan)
Seat 12: Jora Malli (female Togruta); Ry Ki-Sakka (male Human)
(90-42 BBY) [Dooku: Jedi Lost]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 12: Tera Sinube (male Cosian)
Seat ?: Yula Braylon (female); Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Jor Aerith (female Mirialan)
Gretz Droom (male)
Sifo-Dyas (male Human, Minashee)
[Tales of the Jedi]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Katri (female Mirialan); Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
(41 BBY) [JFO: Dark Temple]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Jocasta Nu (female Human, Coruscant)
Seat 8: Poli Dapatian (male Human)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 12: Tera Sinube (male Cosian)
(40 BBY) [Master and Apprentice]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 8: Poli Dapatian (male Human)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Invasion of Naboo (32 BBY) [Episode I The Phantom Menace]
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Clone Wars (22-19 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Shaak Ti (female Togruta, Shili)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik); Coleman Kcaj (male Ongree)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias); Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant); Stass Allie (female Tholothian, Tholoth)
Seat 9: Coleman Trebor (male Vurk, Sembla); Kit Fisto (male Nautolan, Glee Anselm)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa); Agen Kolar (male Zabrak, Coruscant)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta); Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Separatist Council
Clone Wars (22-19 BBY)
Head of State: Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Passel Argente (male Koorivar, Kooriva)
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)
San Hill (male Muun, Muunilinst)
Shu Mai (female Gossam, Castell)
Po Nudo (male Aqualish, Ando)
Poggle the Lesser (male Geonosian, Geonosis)
Wat Tambor (male Skakoan, Skako)
Tikkes (male Quarren, Dac)
Rogwa Wodrata (female Holwuff, Alliga)
Galactic Empire
Imperial Ruling Council
Hutt Clan
Under Palpatine (-4 ABY)
Grand Vizier: Mas Amedda (male Chagrian, Champala)
Kren Blista-Vanee (male Human)
Ars Dangor (male Human)
Janus Greejatus (male Human)
Sate Pestage (male Human)
Verge (male Human)
Grand Hutt Council
The Clone Wars (22-19 BBY)
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt)
Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Arok (male Hutt) [Besadii kajidic]
Marlo (male Hutt) [Qunaalac kajidic]
Oruba (male Hutt) [Gorensla kajidic]
War of the Bounty Hunters (3 ABY) [Canon]
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt)
Bokku (male Hutt)
Kani (female Hutt)
Marlo (male Hutt)
Meeka (Hutt)
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