Note: This merges Legends and Canon together because I don't feel like having to repeat characters who are in both continuities.
Supreme Chancellor
Pre-Ruusan Reformations
Fillorean (fl. 15,500 BBY)
Introduced in Coruscant and the Core Worlds (2003)
Affeltelti (After 13,000 BBY)
Introduced in Galaxy at War (2009); cut content
Pers'lya (-11,987 BBY)
Homeworld: Bothawui
Species: Bothan
Introduced in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji (2009)
Contispex I (11,987-11,947 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Essential Chronology (2005)
Contispex II (11,947 BBY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Contispex XI (fl. 11,591 BBY)
Introduced in Strongholds of Resistance (2015)
Contispex XIX (-10,966 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Biel Ductavis (10,966 BBY-)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Blotus (bt. 9000-8000 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Introduced in The New Essential Chronology (2005)
Nagratha (fl. 7786 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut (2014)
Fattum (fl. 5010 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Atlas (2009)
Pultimo (fl. 5000 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Atlas (2009)
Vocatara (fl. 4800 BBY)
Introduced in The New Essential Guide to Droids (2006)
Sidrona (-3996 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1995)
Tol Cressa (fl. 3963-3946 BBY)
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (2008)
Berooken (-3653 BBY)
Species: Mon Calamari
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Paran Am-Ris (3653 BBY)
Species: Cerean
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Dorian Janarus (3653-3640 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Leontyne Saresh (3640-3632 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Jebevel Madon (3632-3630 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (2015)
Galena Rans (3630 BBY-)
Species: Mirialan
Introduced in The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne (2016)
Vedij (fl. 3017 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Genarra (fl. 1032 BBY)
Introduced in Knight Errant (2011)
Post-Ruusan Reformations
Tarsus Valorum (1000-992 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Essential Guide to Characters (2002)
Anwis Eddicus (fl. 700 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Eixes Valorum
Introduced in Labyrinth of Evil (2005)
Vaila Pecivas (fl. 60 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Thoris Darus (60 or 56-52 BBY)
Homeworld: Corulag
Species: Human
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Frix (52-48 BBY)
Introduced in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji (2009)
Kalpana (48-40 BBY)
Introduced in The New Essential Guide to Characters (2002)
Finis Valorum (40-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Palpatine (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Unspecified period
Signet Mezzileen
Introduced in Coruscant and the Core Worlds (2003)
Vice Chair / Vice Chancellor
Mas Amedda (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Champala
Species: Chagrian
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Minister of State
Emppu Praji-Barck (fl. 4225 BBY)
Introduced in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji (2009)
Minister of Defense
Netus (fl. 3996 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1995)
Koa Delko (fl. 3963 BBY)
Species: Quermian
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2009)
Minister of Finance
Jideon Praji (60 BBY)
Introduced in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji (2009)
Supreme Commander
Revan (3962-3960 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Rans (-3643 BBY; -3640 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Stantorrs (fl. 3643 BBY)
Species: Duros
Introduced in The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (2010)
Jace Malcom (3640 BBY-)
Homeworld: Barcaria
Species: Human
Introduced in Hope (2010)
Lord Hoth (1010-1000 BBY)
Homeworld: Kaal
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Valenthyne Farfalla (1000 BBY)
Species: Half-Bothan
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Dooku (24-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Serenno
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Grievous (19 BBY)
Homeworld: Kalee
Species: Kaleesh
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Nute Gunray (19 BBY)
Homeworld: Neimoidia
Species: Neimoidian
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Galactic Empire
Palpatine (19 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Sate Pestage (4-5 ABY)
Homeworld: Ciutric IV
Species: Human
Introduced in Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993)
Paltr Carvin (5 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing Rogue Squadron (1998)
Ysanne Isard (5-6 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (1996)
Thrawn (8-9 ABY)
Homeworld: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Palpatine (-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human (clone)
Introduced in Dark Empire (1991)
Carnor Jax (11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire (1997)
Burr Nolyds (11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (1998)
Xandel Carivus (11 ABY)
Homeworld: Ord Cantrell
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (1998)
Imperial Remnant
Gilad Pellaeon (12-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Jagged Fel (41-44 ABY)
Homeworld: Nirauan
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin (2000)
Vitor Reige (44 ABY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant (2003)
Fel Empire
Jagged Fel
Fel II
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Roan Fel (-130 ABY; 130-138 ABY in exile)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Darth Krayt (130-138 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Republic (1999)
Marasiah Fel (138 ABY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Supreme Commanders
Chiefs of State
Galactic Empire
Darth Vader (-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Paltr Carvin (5 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing Rogue Squadron (1998)
Teren Rogriss
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Solo Command (1999)
Thrawn (8-9 ABY)
Homeworld: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Alix Balan (10 ABY)
Introduced in Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993)
Luke Skywalker (10 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Sedriss QL (10 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Dark Empire II (1994)
Xecr Nist (10-11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Dark Empire II (1994)
Redd Wessel (11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire (1997)
Immodet (11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (1998)
Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire
Morlish Veed (-138 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Directors of IntelligenceArmand Isard (-0 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (1996)
Ysanne Isard (0 BBY-7 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (1996)
Nyna Calixte (-138 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Darth Maladi (130-138 ABY)
Homeworld: Devaron
Species: Devaronian
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Fehlaaur (138 ABY-)
Species: Chiss
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Grand InquisitorsMalorum (-18 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission (2005)
Hydra (18 BBY-)
Introduced in The Last of the Jedi: Secret Weapon (2007)
Laddinare Torbin (-4 BBY)
Introduced in The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987)
Ja'ce Yiaso (fl. 1 ABY)
Introduced in Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed (2004)
NEW REPUBLICChiefs of State
New Republic
Mon Mothma (4-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Chandrila
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983)
Leia Organa Solo (11-18 ABY; 21-23 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Ponc Gavrisom (18-21 ABY)
Species: Calibop
Introduced in Specter of the Past (1997)
Borsk Fey'lya (23-27 ABY)
Homeworld: Kothlis
Species: Bothan
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Galactic Alliance
Cal Omas (27-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime (1999)
Cha Niathal (40-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Dac
Species: Mon Calamari
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Jacen Solo / Darth Caedus (40-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in The Last Command (1993)
Natasi Daala (41-44 ABY)
Homeworld: Irmenu
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi Search (1994)
Saba Sebatyne (44 ABY) [Triumvir]
Homeworld: Barab I
Species: Barabel
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Star by Star (2001)
Haydnat Treen (44 ABY) [Triumvir]
Homeworld: Kuat
Species: Human
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (2010)
Merratt Jaxton (44 ABY) [Triumvir]
Species: Human
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Abyss (2009)
Padnel Ovin (44 ABY)
Homeworld: Klatooine
Species: Klatooinian
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Conviction (2011)
Rokari Kem (44 ABY)
Homeworld: Qaras
Species: Jessar
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (2011)
Wynn Dorvan (44 ABY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Omen (2009)
Bail Antilles (-130 ABY) [Triumvir]
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2008)
Gial Gahan (-130 ABY) [Triumvir]
Homeworld: Dac
Species: Mon Calamari
Introduced in Legacy (2008)
Nu Toreena (-130 ABY) [Triumvir]
Species: Ithorian
Introduced in Legacy (2008)
Gar Stazi (130 ABY-)
Species: Duros
Introduced in Legacy (2007)
Chairs of the SenateBehn-kihl-nahm (fl. 16 ABY)
Introduced in Before the Storm (1996)
Nensu Kaatik (-44 ABY)
Species: Chagrian
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (2011)
Kameron Suldar / Ivaar Workan (44 ABY)
Homeworld: Kesh; B'nish (false identity)
Species: Human
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Omen (2009)
Ministers of StateLeia Organa Solo (9-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Carlist Rieekan (11-13 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Mokka Falanthas (fl. 16 ABY)
Introduced in Shield of Lies (1996)
Releqy A'Kla (27 ABY-)
Species: Caamasi
Introduced in I, Jedi (1998)
Minister of Justice / Chief Justice
Borsk Fey'lya (5-23 ABY)
Homeworld: Kothlis
Species: Bothan
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Ta'laam Ranth (23-29 ABY)
Homeworld: Antar 4
Species: Gotal
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (2000)
Uved Pledesin (fl. 43 ABY)
Homeworld: Lorrd
Species: Lorrdian
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (2009)
Supreme CommandersGial Ackbar (5-23 ABY)
Homeworld: Dac
Species: Mon Calamari
Introduced in Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983)
Sien Sovv (23-29 ABY; 29-36 ABY)
Species: Sullustan
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial (2000)
Traest Kre'fey (29 ABY)
Species: Bothan
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught (2000)
Gilad Pellaeon (36-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Introduced in Heir to the Empire (1991)
Cha Niathal (40-41 ABY)
Species: Mon Calamari
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Nek Bwua'tu (43 ABY-)
Homeworld: Ruweln
Species: Bothan
Introduced in Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen (2005)
Gar Stazi (130 ABY-)
Species: Duros
Introduced in Legacy (2007)
Directors of IntelligenceAiren Cracken (fl. 12-16 ABY)
Homeworld: Contruum
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983)
Carlist Rieekan (fl. 16-17 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Dif Scaur (-29 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial (2000)
Belindi Kalenda (29-40 ABY; 41 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Heol Girdun (40-41 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (2006)
Borath Maddeus (41-44 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Mercy Kill (2012)
Garik Loran (44 ABY-)
Homeworld: Pantolomin
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (1998)
JEDIGrand Masters / Leaders
Awdrysta Pina (-24,500 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Emperor's Pawns (2001)
Biel Ductavis (fl. 10,966 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Nomi Sunrider (fl. 3986 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Zym (-3653 BBY)
Species: Kel Dor
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Satele Shan (c.3651-3637 BBY)
Homeworld: Brentaal IV
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Genarra (fl. 1032 BBY)
Introduced in Knight Errant (2011)
Fae Coven (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Jenet
Introduced in The Jedi Path (2010)
Yoda (-19 BBY)
Species: Unknown
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Luke Skywalker
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Kenth Hamner (43-44 ABY, acting)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (2000)
Saba Sebatyne (44 ABY, acting)
Homeworld: Barab I
Species: Barabel
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Star by Star (2001)
Kol Skywalker (-130 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Kao Cen Darach (-3681 BBY)
Species: Zabrak
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Jun Seros (-3641 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
"Hero of Tython" (3641 BBY-)
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Lord Hoth (-1010 BBY)
Homeworld: Kaal
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Skarch Vaunk (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Anx
Introduced in The Jedi Path (2010)
Cin Drallig (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Lavisar
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Kam Solusar (11-13 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Dark Apprentice (1994)
Kyle Katarn (13 ABY-)
Homeworld: Sulon
Species: Human
Introduced in Dark Forces (1995)
Caretaker of First Knowledge
Restelly Quist (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Jedi Path (2010)
Astaal Vilbum (fl. 30 BBY)
Species: Baragwin
Introduced in Republic (2001)
Chief LibrariansAtris (-3951 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Gnost-Dural (fl. 3653 BBY)
Species: Kel Dor
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Barra-Rona-Ban (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Cerean
Introduced in Darth Bane: Rule of Two (2007)
Restelly Quist (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Jedi Path (2010)
Jocasta Nu (52-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Tionne Solusar (fl. 35 ABY)
Homeworld: Rindao
Species: Near-Human
Introduced in Dark Apprentice (1994)
Markre Medjev (fl. 44 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Balance Point (2000)
SITHKings of Korriban
Adas (28,000-27,700 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi Companion (1996)
Dathka Graush (7000-6950 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Introduced in Korriban: Planet of Lost Souls (2003)
Hakagram Graush (-6900 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Introduced in Book of Sith: Secrets of the Dark Side (2012)
Dark Lords of the Sith
Ajunta Pall (6900 BBY-)
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Tulak Hord
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Marka Ragnos (-5000 BBY)
Species: Sith
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1995)
Naga Sadow (5000 BBY)
Homeworld: Ziost
Species: Sith
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Ludo Kressh (5000 BBY, contested)
Homeworld: Rhelg
Species: Sith
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1996)
Vitiate (4999-3640 BBY)
Homeworld: Medriaas
Species: Sith
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Freedon Nadd (4400 BBY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Exar Kun (3997-3996 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Ulic Qel-Droma (3997-3996 BBY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Darth Revan (3959-3957 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Darth Malak (3957-3956 BBY)
Homeworld: Quelii
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Darth Traya (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvir]
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Darth Nihilus (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvir]
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Darth Sion (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvir]
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Darth Acina (3636-3630 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (2013)
Darth Vowrawn (3630 BBY-)
Species: Sith
Introduced in The Old Republic (2010)
Darth Desolous (After 3522 BBY)
Species: Pau'an
Introduced in The Force Unleashed (2008)
New Sith Wars era
Darth Ruin (2000 BBY-)
Species: Umbaran
Introduced in Vader: The Ultimate Guide (2005)
Dark Underlord (-1750 BBY)
Introduced in Heroes & Rogues (1995)
Darth Rivan
Species: Zelosian
Introduced in Living Force Campaign Guide (2001)
Belia Darzu (1250-1230 BBY)
Species: Shi'ido
Introduced in The Dark Side Sourcebook (2001)
Skere Kaan (1010-1000 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Bane (1000-980 BBY)
Homeworld: Apatros
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode I novelization (1999)
Darth Zannah (980 BBY-)
Homeworld: Somov Rit
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Darth Cognus
Species: Iktotchi
Introduced in The Dark Forces Saga (2005) / Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties (2006)
Darth Vectivus
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Darth Gravid (-533 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Darth Gean (533 BBY-)
Species: Twi'lek
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Darth Ramage
Introduced in Coruscant Nights III: Patterns of Force (2009)
Darth Tenebrous (-67 BBY)
Species: Bith
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Darth Plagueis (67-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Mygeeto
Species: Muun
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Darth Sidious (32 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Lumiya (4-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1981)
Darth Caedus (40-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Introduced in The Last Command (1993)
Darth Krayt (-138 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Republic (1999)
Shadow Hands
Mand'alor / Mandalores
Darth Bandon (-3956 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Visas Marr (3952-3951 BBY)
Homeworld: Katarr
Species: Miraluka
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Darth Zannah (1000-980 BBY)
Homeworld: Somov Rit
Species: Human
Introduced in Jedi vs. Sith (2001)
Darth Cognus (980 BBY-)
Species: Iktotchi
Introduced in The Dark Forces Saga (2005) / Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties (2006)
Darth Millennial
Species: Human (mutant)
Introduced in The Dark Forces Saga (2005)
Darth Gean (-533 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Darth Plagueis (-67 BBY)
Homeworld: Mygeeto
Species: Muun
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Darth Sidious (65-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Darth Maul (-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Dathomir
Species: Zabrak
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Darth Tyranus (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Serenno
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Darth Vader (19 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Grand LordsYaru Korsin (5000-4975 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice (2009)
Nida Korsin (4975-4896 BBY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon (2010)
Lillia Venn (3961-3960 BBY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory (2010)
Candra Kitai (3960 BBY-)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory (2010)
Dann Itra
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium (2012)
Varner Hilts (3000 BBY-)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pantheon (2011)
Darish Vol (-44 ABY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Omen (2009)
Mand'alor / Mandalores
Mandalore the First (fl. 7000 BBY)
Introduced in The History of the Mandalorians (2005)
Mandalore the Conqueror
Introduced in The Old Republic: Revan (2011)
Mandalore the Indomitable (-3996 BBY)
Species: Taung
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1995)
Mandalore the Ultimate (3996-3960 BBY)
Species: Taung
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1995)
Mandalore the Preserver / Canderous Ordo (3954 BBY-)
Homeworld: Ordo
Species: Human
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Mandalore the Lesser (3667-3653 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Galactic Timeline (2009)
Mandalore the Vindicated / Artus Lok (3653 BBY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Mandalore the Avenger / Shae Vizla (fl. 3637 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Mandalore the Uniter / Aga Awaud (fl. 1051 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012)
Jaster Mereel (60-52 BBY)
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Species: Human
Introduced in Jango Fett: Open Seasons (2002)
Jango Fett (52-22 BBY)
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Pre Vizsla (19 BBY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2010)
Mandalore the Resurrector / Spar (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Human (clone)
Introduced in Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (2004)
Fenn Shysa (19 BBY-21 ABY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1982)
Boba Fett (23-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Human (clone)
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Chernan Ordo (-127 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy (2009)
Yaga Auchs (127 ABY-)
Species: Human
Introduced in Legacy (2009)
Death Watch Overlords
Tor Vizsla (60-42 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Jango Fett: Open Seasons (2002)
Pre Vizsla (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2010)
Lorka Gedyc (19 BBY)
Introduced in Imperial Commando: 501st (2009)
Alexi Garyn (-33 BBY)
Homeworld: Ralltiir
Species: Human
Introduced in Darth Maul (2000)
Dal Perhi (29-19 BBY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (2001)
Xizor (19 BBY-3 ABY)
Homeworld: Falleen
Species: Falleen
Introduced in Shadows of the Empire (1996)
Savan (4 ABY)
Species: Falleen
Introduced in Shadows of the Empire: Evolution (1998)
Fliry Vorru
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Introduced in X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble (1996)
Y'ull Acib (fl. 11 ABY)
Species: Human
Introduced in Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (1998)
Durga Besadii Tai (12 ABY)
Homeworld: Nal Hutta
Species: Hutt
Introduced in Darksaber (1995)
Czethros (-24 ABY)
Introduced in Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell (1998)
Hutt CartelSupreme Mogul
Barabbula (fl. 3841 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Introduced in The Old Republic Encyclopedia (2012)
Karagga (3841-3639 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Toborro (3639 BBY-)
Species: Hutt
Introduced in The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (2013)
InterGalactic Banking Clan
Caar Damask
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Tonith (fl. 67 BBY)
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
San Hill (-19 BBY)
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Trade FederationHask (fl. 44 BBY)
Introduced in Republic (2001)
Nute Gunray (-19 BBY)
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Sentepeth Findos (19 BBY)
Introduced in Insider #84 (2005)
Koro Ziil (-43 ABY)
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (2009)
Tila Mong (43 ABY-)
Introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (2009)
ConfederationPrime Ministers
Aidel Saxan (-40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Denjax Teppler (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Thrackan Sal-Solo (40 ABY)
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Dur Gejjen (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (2006)
Sadras Koyan (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Exile (2007)
Minister of War / Supreme Commanders
Thrackan Sal-Solo (40 ABY)
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Rorf Willems (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Tempest (2006)
Eternal EmpireValkorion (-3637 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (2015)
Arcann (3637-3632 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (2015)
Vaylin (3632-3630 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (2015)
Prophets of the Dark SideDarth Millennial (After 980 BBY)
Introduced in The Dark Forces Saga (2005)
Kadann (Before 5 ABY)
Introduced in The Glove of Darth Vader (1992)
"Kadann" / Rajah Ubooki (fl. 5 ABY)
Introduced in The Glove of Darth Vader (1992)
Yuuzhan Vong EmpireSupreme Overlords
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime (1999)
Quoreal (-29 BBY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy (2003)
Shimrra Jamaane (29 BBY-29 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial (2000)
Onimi (29 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth (2001)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime (1999)
Czulkang Lah (-24 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream (2002)
Tsavong Lah (24-28 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin (2000)
Nas Choka (28-30 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial (2000)
Darrus Alde
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Silara Panteer (fl. 3667-3653 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Bouris Ulgo (-3641 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic (2009)
Mazicia Organa (fl. 38 BBY)
Introduced in Insider #90 (2006)
Breha Organa (-0 BBY)
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
BakuraPrime Ministers
Deredith Arden (fl. 150 BBY)
Introduced in The Truce at Bakura (1994)
Yeorg Captison (2 BBY-7 ABY)
Introduced in The Truce at Bakura (1994)
Gaeriel Captison (7-14 ABY)
Introduced in The Truce at Bakura (1994)
Molierre Cundertol (16-28 ABY)
Introduced in Shield of Lies (1996)
BespinBaron Administrators of Cloud City
Ulumahal (-22 BBY)
Homeworld: Lutrillia
Species: Lutrillian
Introduced in The Jewel of Yavin (2014)
Ellisa Shallence
Introduced in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin (1989)
Dominic Raynor (-1 ABY)
Homeworld: Tion
Species: Human
Introduced in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin (1989)
Lando Calrissian (1-3 ABY; 5 ABY)
Homeworld: Socorro
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Hugo Treece (3 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1981)
Zorba Desilijic Tiure (5-10 ABY)
Homeworld: Nal Hutta
Species: Hutt
Introduced in Zorba the Hutt's Revenge (1992)
Lobot (fl. 16 ABY)
Homeworld: Bespin
Species: Human
Introduced in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Species: Ugnaught
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1981)
Ormo Haddon (fl. 130 ABY)
Species: Ithorian
Introduced in Legacy Era Campaign Guide (2009)
First MinisterTomlin Gorastor (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Berethon (fl. 1000 BBY)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut (2014)
Berethron e Solo (fl. 312 BBY)
Introduced in The Courtship of Princess Leia (1994)
Korol Solo (fl. 120 BBY)
Introduced in The Courtship of Princess Leia (1994)
Dikats / Governor-Generals
Shyla Merricope (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Dupas Thomree (-2 BBY)
Introduced in Assault at Selonia (1995)
Daclif Gallamby (fl. 12 ABY)
Introduced in Assault at Selonia (1995)
Micamberlecto (-18 ABY)
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Thrackan Sal-Solo (18 ABY; 26-28 ABY)
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Marcha (18-26 ABY)
Introduced in Assault at Selonia (1995)
Heads of State
Thrackan Sal-Solo (39-40 ABY)
Introduced in Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Dur Gejjen (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (2006)
Denjax Teppler (-43 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Supreme Commanders
Vara Karathas (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (2006)
Wedge Antilles (40 ABY)
Introduced in Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Genna Delpin (40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Exile (2007)
Aven'sai'Ulrahk (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in Jedi: Aayla Secura (2003)
Arak Drayen III (-3749 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Actavarus III (fl. 3643 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic (2011)
Rana Mas Trehalt
Introduced in Mission from Mount Yoda (1993)
Introduced in Mission from Mount Yoda (1993)
Introduced in Mission from Mount Yoda (1993)
Chief Representative Officer
Hoolidan Keggle (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Teta (fl. 5000 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1996)
Lord Keto (-3997 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Satal Keto (3997 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Aleema Keto (3997-3996 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Alor Keto (fl. 0 BBY)
Introduced in Nexus of Power (2016)
KaminoLama Su (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Koa Ne (fl. 40 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (2006)
Mon CalaMorn (fl. 4500 BBY)
Introduced in Strongholds of Resistance (2015)
Yos Kolina (-21 BBY)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2011)
Lee-Char (21 BBY-)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2011)
NabooMonarch of Naboo
Narmle (fl. 2000 BBY)
Introduced in Galaxies (2003)
Jafan (fl. 832 BBY)
Introduced in Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I (2000)
Yram (fl. 500 BBY)
Introduced in Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I (2000)
Bob Tapalo (65-46 BBY)
Introduced in Darth Plagueis (2012)
Ars Veruna (46-33 BBY)
Introduced in Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala (1999)
Amidala (33-25 BBY)
Introduced in Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Jamillia (25-22 BBY)
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Neeyutnee (22 BBY-)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2009)
Apailana (-18 BBY)
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Kylantha (18 BBY-)
Introduced in Galaxies (2003)
Introduced in The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut (2014)
OnderonFreedon Nadd (4400 BBY-)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Ommin and Amanoa (-4000 BBY)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1994)
Galia and Oron Kira (4000 BBY-)
Introduced in Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Talia (fl. 3951 BBY)
Introduced in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
Lina (fl. 3633 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (2014)
Regalun Petryph (fl. 3630 BBY)
Introduced in The Old Republic: Onslaught (2019)
Ramsis Dendup (-22 BBY; 20 BBY-)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2012)
Sanjay Rash (22-20 BBY)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2012)
Modon Kira (fl. 11 ABY)
Introduced in Empire's End (1995)
RodiaGrand Protectors
Harido Kavila
Introduced in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, Second Edition (1994)
Navik (17 BBY-26 ABY)
Introduced in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina (1995)
SerennoCount of Serenno
Kostanza Dooku (-32 BBY) [as regent]
Introduced in Agent of the Empire (2012)
Dooku (32-19 BBY)
Introduced in Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Adan Dooku (19-3 BBY)
Introduced in Agent of the Empire (2012)
Orom Malvern (3 BBY-)
Introduced in Agent of the Empire (2012)
Beolars Bribbs (fl. 22 BBY)
Introduced in HoloNet News (2002)
Siin Suub (fl. 2 BBY)
Introduced in The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987)
Katuunko (-21 BBY)
Introduced in The Clone Wars (2008)
Introduced in Lords of Nal Hutta (2015)
UtapauTimon Medon
Introduced in Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary (2005)
Tion Medon (fl. 19 BBY)
Introduced in Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Telan Medon (fl. 138 ABY)
Introduced in Legacy (2010)
Sakins (-27 ABY)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (2002)
Apelben Werl (27 ABY-)
Introduced in The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (2002)
Doffen Gaitag (fl. 84 BBY)
Species: Qiraash
Introduced in Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel (2013)
Skijid Vrescot
Species: J'feh
Introduced in Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel (2013)
Kelek the Blue
Species: Tefaun
Introduced in Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel (2013)
Dominic Raynor
Homeworld: Tion
Species: Human
Introduced in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin (1989)
Cody Sunn-Childe (22-17 BBY)
Homeworld: Jashwa
Species: Jashwik
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1981)
Simon Greyshade (17 BBY-0 ABY)
Homeworld: Columex
Species: Human
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1978)
Mulchive Wermis (0-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Anaxes
Species: Human
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1978)
Master-Com / "Old Silver Eyes" (4-101 ABY; 101-104 ABY)
Introduced in Marvel Star Wars (1978)
Dov Paploush (104-130 ABY)
Species: Biituian
Introduced in Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel (2013)
Pol Temm (130-138 ABY)
Species: Kel Dor
Introduced in Legacy (2007)
Attatag Gosem (138 ABY-)
Species: Gotal
Introduced in Legacy (2006)
Zonama Sekot
Leor Hal (89 BBY-)
Introduced in Rogue Planet (2000)
Jabitha Hal
Introduced in Rogue Planet (2000)
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