For the sake of preservation, I will be republishing/reuploading lost Star Wars content to my blog. There are other sites out there that already do this, but I'm always paranoid of data being lost, so... what's one more resource?
by Nathan O'Keefe
Dr. Gabriel Treon, Byblos Journal of Historical Science
Kuat. Tagge. Valorum. Draay. Humbar. Phoenix. Vanicus. Fg'wz. The ancient history of our galaxy echoes with the names of legendary political dynasties, most of which emerged, flourished, and fell within an eyeblink of the Republic that bore them.
The Praji family, on the other hand, descends from one of the original Founding Parents yet clings to influence after most of its contemporaries have been left by the wayside of history. To outsiders they sometimes seemed as harsh and cruel as the ice storms of Ensolica, but to their own they were nothing if not loyal. This is their tale.
Founding Fathers (25,200 -- 17,000 BBY)
"Whoever thinks any institution can persist unchanged for any length of time has strayed far from true reason, for change is the imperative of the sentient experience. A static society is a dying one." -- Lanius of Ucret
In our era, the Praji are noted as one of the old Coruscanti families, but their origins lie on bucolic Kaikielius, at the edge of the Deep Core on the once vital Koros Trunk Line.
It had been colonized by one of the even older Core Worlds in the two centuries of cultural panspermia between the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the forming of the Old Republic.
Their earliest recorded progenitor was Governor Tyler Sapius Praji, an early ruler of Kaikielius. Given the fragmentary nature of records from this era, old almost beyond belief, we only know of him because he was a signer of the Galactic Constitution, which superseded local hegemonies like the Esselian Empire and the Durosian Sodality with a new ecumene radiating from Coruscant.
The House Praji has kept its own archives, but still there are, unsurprisingly, vast gaps in our received knowledge: records from the exuberant Great Manifest period were not well-maintained, and in fact the entire millennium of the Pius Dea Crusades is absent from official chronicles. Most scholars attribute this redaction to later scions trying to forget their ancestors' involvement, and fortunately we have outside sources for the period.
During the first millennium of the Republic a number of local aristocracies emerged, some ennobled by the Supreme Chancellor but most bearing titles straight from corporate pocketbooks.
Since earliest memory the enemies of the Prajii had been the Vahalii and the Juonii. Persistent legend says that these three Houses originated from the fragmentation of the original colony, the lines of division being drawn following some no-longer-remembered doctrinal dispute. More likely they were simply the most potent of the families then vying for control. In any event they institutionalized into competing Great Houses dubbed the Triad. Collectively theirs became an important voice on Coruscant. Lesser families orbited this triple sun, and from time to time a Triad House would absorb one or simply suborn it against others.
Probably because of Tyler's role, House Praji had always been the one with the strongest ties to the capital. The Vahalii persisted nearly to the present day but House Juoni was a casualty of the First Alsakan Conflict in 17,000 BBY. They had overextended themselves into the Expansion Region and unwisely sided with Alsakan against Coruscant -- only to have all their Expansion Region holdings reduced to fused glass for their trouble. Soon the heads of the House were breaking rocks at Centax-1 Maximum Correctional; their successors were cowed but destitute and, with shocking rapidiy, collapsed altogether, leaving the planet to the Prajii and the Vahalii.
The Goddess Wills It (12,000 - 11,000 BBY)
"Here we stand, at the extremity of our exertion, having cast behind us the idols of our fathers, to once again carry to our foe the penalties due their sacrilege. Come perdition or hard vacuum, the Republic expects that every citizen will do his duty." -- Supreme Chancellor Contispex, Fourth Inaugural Oration
We here pass over the Corellian Interregnal and several other millennia -- during which the Prajii grew in power at home but Kaikielius receded from the galactic eye -- to the Pius Dea Crusades.
Approximately 12,000 BBY a theocratic conspiracy, centuries in the offing, impeached Chancellor Pers'lya and placed its own man, Contispex, in the seat. Interspecies tensions had simmered since the very dawn of the Republic, Contispex and his successors exploited prohuman sentiment for increasingly violent jihads on what was then its periphery. His opening target was the perennially unpopular Hutt Empire, but the program soon expanded to unbelievers of less evident threat. These gave as good as they got, and "cold" and "hot" wars alternated for a thousand years -- while the Republic flagellated itself with inquisitions -- until Pius Dea rule met its end in that famous encounter which hardly needs retelling here.
But long before the end, in 11,660 BBY, a stable hyperspace jump point was discovered in the Zarracina system, and acquiring its inhabited third planet became a priority for the Republic. The Zarracines refused to accommodate Coruscant's envoys and on the verge of capture the entire ruling council killed themselves to avoid conversion and spite their conquerors.
In retaliation, Commodore Daymont "Veracity" Praji bombed Zarracina III into radioactive winter. The Republic annexed the system and the few surviving Zarracines became a nomadic species. Harboring much hatred for the destroyers of their world, they kept to themselves, although many joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems and later Nolaa Tarkona's Diversity Alliance.
The Dual Suns Eclipsed (11,000 - 4,800 BBY)
"The scientist discovers, the merchant exploits. The worker produces, the owner distributes. The producer makes, the consumer destroys. The reconciliation of these forces is called capitalism" - The Omicron Talva Heresy
The Kaikielii had been a key power at the dawn of the Republic, and its governors accepted homage from numerous colony planets -- Ruan, the moons of Jonsior, even Foerost. But over the millennia, these achieved full membership and shifting fate left the hub behind.
Besides Coruscant, Jewel of the Core, Kaikielius' main rival had been Koros. The ascendancy of the latter was prevented by wars among its nine worlds, and of the former by antagonism between the Houses at a time when they should have combined forces. Whichever system could unify first would hold the advantage.
In 5,000 BBY, two important shifts occurred. With the Battle of Kirrek, Empress Teta united the system that would bear her name. And during the Great Hyperspace War, she gained much favor with Coruscant for her role in defeating Naga Sadow. Koros became a powerhouse eclipsing Kaikielius within that century.
In frenzied attempts to compete, unchecked industrial sprawl ate into the Kaikieli countryside but neglected the urban cores. Once-shining cosmopoli decayed from the inside out. Formerly-state-of-the-art resiblocks were left to rot into skyscraping tenements and pre-Republic war memorials abandoned to the elements in overgrown parks. "Block-busting" Neimoidian developers moved in. Respectable citizens migrated to the exurbs before fleeing offworld.
This gave rise to the infamous ring-cities that poxed the planet as desperate mayors literally walled off their cities' dying centers, cutting off utilities and communications to the gangrenous slums. Anarchy broke out within while construction still expanded in concentric rings of development.
The system became home to Hutts and other unscrupulous types -- at first in secret, then openly. As both Houses hemorrhaged credits, the Prajii hedged their bets by moving most operations to Coruscant.
Exodus (4,800 - 4,225 BBY)
"The galactic economy is a hypercomplex system, full of unexpected movements and ill-discerned effects, where the flutter of a pigeon on Trantor may create a typhoon on Bal'demnic. It is a mathemetical organism with enough dependent variables to make the most devout Givin theoretician throw up his hands in defeat. This has by no means prevented attempts to harness it for political ends." - the Golden Emperor of Prekaz
Especially hard hit by the Quake Years at the turn of 4,800 BBY, the Prajii finally cut their losses and abandoned Kaikielius for Coruscant. They sold their ancestral holdings at a tremendous loss to local slumlords, leaving them with no real estate except on the capital, but stock in businesses across the Republic. Economically they did not recover for centuries -- since losing their institutional center each branch of the family had to fend for itself and some mismanaged their remaining resources right into obscurity -- but the move placed them at the nerve center of the galaxy.
House Praji ceased to exist as a formal entity, but its informal influence grew as it elected scions to high office and consolidated its wealth into a majority share in the Bank of the Core. By marrying a few sons to daughters of the Draay family, the Prajii even produced Jedi Knights with their surname, the first since the Rianitus Period, although this branch went extinct after the modern marriage proscriptions were enacted following the Exar Kun War.
It was shrewdly calculated on another level because it left the Vahalii in sole possession of a disastrously deteriorating planet. The Prajii simply waited to pick up the pieces. Vahalii got themselves elected to all levels of the planetary government and struggled to reclaim it from the criminal element, but this only pulled them further into the quagmire. The system became a haven for pirates; the main approach to the system was nicknamed Butcher's Alley after the death toll exacted on unwary visitors.
For the six decades she was its Minister of State, Emppu Praji-Barck filibustered Republic intervention, watching the planet bleed the Vahalii dry. But once the ring cities devolved into police-on-gang warfare with the Odominic kajidic providing black-market weapons in quantity, the Chancellor had no choice but to step in. With a foreign power involved, it was no longer a local law enforcement matter but one of Republic security.
A Matter of Perspective (4,225 BBY)
"The primitive can become sophisticated more easily than the sophisticate can make himself primitive. Becoming 'civilized' is no more than the incorporation of new behaviors, but once internalized these are not readily parted from the whole. The same principle underlies Jedi instruction. The infant is an intellectual naive so we must begin before he or she absorbs habits that cannot be unlearned--passion, avarice, vanity, and all the rest." - Master Simikarty, Teyan Apologia, Book Six
Derrica Praji's Jedi potential was discovered when he was twelve -- old enough to know of his family's enmity with House Vahali, but without more than a superficial understanding. Rather than instruct Derrica on Coruscant, Vandar Tokare brought him to Ossus, where he was then in residence. Though the master never begrudged Derrica corresponding with his parents, he emphasized to him that his ultimate loyalty lay with the Republic, not his birth family.
Over time, Derrica came to care less for the wordly matters of his former life, but could hardly avoid encountering relatives in history texts or as minor celebrities in the holomedia. Although he felt indefinably obligated, deep down he could not imagine a scenario where he would have to choose between them and the Republic. Now Master Vandar had volunteered himself and his two Padawans for the Kaikielius cleanup campaign, not missing the significance for his soon-to-be-graduated eldest student.
Familiar with his master's idea of character-building, Derrica saw the make-or-break nature of the mission from light-years away. It would mean handing the prize back to his ancestral enemies and negating centuries of plotting. Master Vandar told him cryptically, "The eye sees, but cannot see itself. Anyone can be the eye, but the key to Jedi training is to be able to see oneself."
Spending the hyperspace transit in meditation, Derrica realized that he was not willing to turn his back on the Order for an inherited vendetta in which he had no personal grievance. His great-aunt Emppu and the rest would be furious but it couldn't be helped. His decision behind him, he stepped up and fought with a clear conscience in what came to be called the Kaikieli Reconquista. For months the three Jedi spearheaded Republic troops into the most infested ring-cities, but data tapes Derrica chanced upon in the capital of Kesipli shook his newfound resolve.
It turned out that the Odominic had been manipulated by the Prajii into supplying both sides -- a fact of which Derrica wished he had remained blissfully unaware. Emppu had overplayed her hand. Stalling Republic involvement was one thing, but the Hutts were an enemy government and this was sedition -- especially heinous after all those wars that had been fought to keep the kajidics out of Republic affairs.
Reckoning a sin of omission to be the lesser one, Derrica made this allowance to his heritage and cut the tapes to pieces with his lightsaber. He felt he had truly fulfilled both of his allegiances and subsequently severed contact with his irate family. When the last Republic destroyer returned to Ossus he received the rank of Jedi Knight.
Billions and Billions (4,225 - 60 BBY)
"Madam, this board IS the economy." - Bank of the Core Executive Board Chair Jideon Praji to Senator Tash Metonae, Alderaan
The Reconquista was devastating but effective, and once the Hutts and other undesirables had been driven out, the Vahalii were free to rebuild as they wished. The Prajii fumed at the failure of their strategy but in reality they were in no position to complay. They had long since accepted Coruscant as their home.
With Jedi help, Kaikielius was made better than before, but its most notable features had been leveled during the pirate occupation and the Reconquista. If Coruscant was the galaxy's urban center, the reimagined Kaikielius was a cookie-cutter suburb. Yet due to its location it was a target of opportunity for would-be conquerors of Coruscant from Exar Kun to the resurgent Sith Emperor to Kaan to General Grievous. Over the intervening age the Praji expansion continued apace.
Following the abolition of the aurodium standard the Bank of the Core became a key backer of the Republic Treasury Reserve, and for millennia a Praji was on the BOTC Executive Board. In one notable instance, Chancellor Vaila Pecivas appointed its chair Jideon Praji as her Minister of Finance; he served for mere days before holomedia uproar and Senatorial inquiry into the conflict of interest forces him to step down.
Members of the patrician class preferred not to intermarry with the rabble but with each other. Centuries before the present, Lithio Motti married a Praji heiress to secure startup capital for his megonite-moss-mining enterprise on Phelarion. The inheritors of his fortune today control that industry and their Thalassa Motti even married into the Eriadu Tarkins.
By the Clone Wars the Praji Estate, near the Financial District's Bank of the Core Plaza, dwarfed provincial capitals on Rimward planets. Thousands of offices for the family's employees encircled a park large enough to land a Venator-class Star Destroyer and maintained by its own chapter house of Ho'Din gardeners.
Art for Art's Sake (60-22 BBY)
"The Merchants, whose power had become exorbitant during the terms of Frix and Kalpana, and whom the prudence of Valorum had scarce reduced into some degree of subjection to the chancellery, had now resumed their ancient license in its utmost extent: despising the feeble interference of the Senate, fortifying their worlds, increasing the number of their dependants, reducing all around them to a state of vassalage, and striving by every means in their power to place themselves each at the head of such forces as might enable him to make a figure in the galactic convulsions which appeared to be impending." - Wottlet Scarsir, Historia Galactica Volume Seventy: Iaco Stark to the Clone Wars
Despite his calculating nature, Tannon Praji was also an armchair aesthete, for his mother had instilled in her three sons an interest in culture and the fine arts. These could be found in abundance on Coruscant but she insisted that they experience life outside the Capital. Thus family vacations often visited places like the museums on Porus Vida or the spectacular Sharu ruins of the Rafa system.
Yet he was no spendthrift dandy, and his favorite saying was the Ralltiiri aphorisim, "Look after the credits and the billions will look after themselves." He used his inheritance to build a fortune separate from the Estate coffers and continued his family's investment in the Bank of the Core, although he himself had nothing to do with its day-to-day operations.
He was one of the first appointees of Palpatine's administration and became the Second Minister of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress, under First Minister Zelebitha Effhod. Initially the job was uneventful, but as Separatist tensions ramped up, migrants clogged the spacelanes. Billions materialized on Coruscant's doorstep, looking for opportunity or asylum or a handout.
Fortunately, Tannon was able to make the painful decisions that Effhod could not, and persuaded the First Minister to close Coruscant's borders to newcomers indefinitely. They clogged spaceport terminals in hordes. Overcrowded transports that had already spent months in holding pattern faced the choice of abandoning their spot in line or waiting for clearance that might never come. Those hopefuls that somehow made it through the cordons were readily exploited as menial servants or worse.
Effhod's death from Quannot's Syndrom could not have come at a worse time. At the age of 38, on the eve of the Battle of Geonosis, Tannon Praji was elevated to First Minister of the CMoI.
Groups like the Refugee Relief Movement painted him as an uncaring elitist. And it is true that he considered the grimmest episode of the Clone Wars the destruction of the Museum of Light on Tandis Four, orchestrated by Count Dooku to demoralize Loyalists in the region. The aristocracy of Serenno counted several Prajii in their family tree, and Tannon was appalled to see any relative, however distant, conduct himself in so barbaric a manner. Despite his rhetoric Dooku waged his war like any common heathen, no better than his minions Durge or Grievous.
But while Tannon took quite a flogging in the holomedia, and he was certainly no bleeding heart, he did find his position morally taxing. He felt caught between the Black Hole of Nakat and the Magataran Maelstrom as he juggled contradicting pressures from lobists, interest groups, and shadowy powers much higher in the administration.
Man of the People (22-19 BBY)
"Think of wealth like potential energy. It doesn't need to be used for any particular thing. It just lies poised, waiting to be unleashed into kinetic force. The trouble is that it might be unleashed in ways you didn't anticipate!" - the Golden Emperor of Prekaz
The Clone Wars were fought not just on the battlefield but also in the more abstract arena of of galactic finance. The Republic took steps to destabilize the Confederate credit and deny assets to Separatists so they could not be spent on weapons. This was the rationale behind the Republic campaign on Mygeeto and, conversely, the repeated Separatist attacks on Circarpous IV. The Separatists also moved against the Bank of the Core, but were foiled by its trusted "special agent" Ottegry Grey.
After COMPOR persuaded Tannon to deport billions of Aqualish, Gossam, and other species whose homeworlds had gone Separatist -- a goal never fully enforceable -- he was the target of a number of assassination and kidnapping attempts. So the Bank of the Core offered Grey's services for a nominal fee, and soon he was handling both Tannon's accounts and his physical security. He proved his worth before the first month was out: foiling CIS-backed Zarracine terrorists who tried to board the Minister's repulsorlimo in a harrowing chase and aerial fisticuffs. Three fell to their deaths, and Grey delivered the other two into Republic custody.
Few outside Tannon's staff were aware that Grey was more than an accountant, but not even Tannon knew that he answered directly to the Chancellor. Palpatine's and Tannon's connections allowed Grey almost free rein with the Republic coffers, provided his bookkeeping gymnastics did not draw attention.
In fact, he had been maneuvering behind Tannon's back all the while, siphoning money into Palpatine's slush funds, and the favor that had earned Grey and Tannon the pass to the Galaxies Opera House was paid for with Tannon's own credits.
Endgame (19-0 BBY)
"He has the mind of an actuary in a politician's body. For your purpose he's too patient, too stingy, and too aboveboard. He'll wait years for change of regime rather than spend a few of his precious credit hurrying it along or risk being discovered dealing in - pardon me - conspiracies such as yours. No, it would be better to secure his funds without spending more time on his cooperation." - Ottegru Grey in a holocommunication to Chancellor Palpatine
In Operation: Durge's Lance, the Separatists plowed towards the capital, taking planets from Duro to Kaikielius. Refugees now began to stream into the capital not just from the outlands but from elsewhere in the Core.
Shortly the government was under new management and the Emperor's edicts rendered the Ministry of Ingress into a puppet of the Imperial Center military police. He also took sweeping steps to streamline what had become a hopelessly gridlocked economy, creating the Galactic Banking Network as a successor to the clearinghouse the Republic had used.
Not without reservations Tannon secured his position in the reorganized food chain, then took a leave to relocate his wife and daughter to Byss, a Deep Core planet not far from Kaikielius. Officially a "recolonization effort," "Emerald Splendor" was pitched to aristos as a hidden paradise, but was in reality the Emperor's secret retreat.
Hapless transients were pressganged for sinister construction projects, working alongside slaves from reconquered CIS worlds. Meanwhile, immigrants like Maree and Onnelly Praji were kept distracted with bread and circuses while Palpatine drained their Force energy to sustain himself. The planet turned fanatically Imperialist under the thrall of the dark side. On Coruscant business proceeded as usual.
A Model Officer (37-1 BBY)
"I guess I just remember the Clone Wars and how the 'hero' labels were handed out. You'd think a dozen Jedi and two dozen snubby jocks won the whole thing. Even all the years I spend pulling for peace - same as most of the rest of the folks on Alderaan - never dulled that feeling of injustice I had concerning credit for the war. Weird, eh, wanting peace enough to agree to disarmament of my home planet, yet still burning about getting credit for my part in a war?" - Captain Afyon to Commander Wedge Antilles, following the Rout of Hensara
It has been said of bluebloods everywhere that they think the universe owes them something just for being born, and Coruscant's were the galaxy's worst offenders. By the end of the Republic the Coruscanti Prajii were born fops and career bureaucrats, but some entered military service. One such was Colonel Collin Praji, in whose honor Kalander Installation on Talus was renamed Fort Praji. Another was General Nahdonnis Praji.
His father Griff was Tannon's eldest brother. From childhood Nahdonnis was interested in military history. A teenager during the Clone Wars, he grew up following the HoloNet news reports as an "armchair admiral," studying the tactics of Jedi generals and Republic fighter aces, and enlisted when he came of age, months after the war's end. "Self-respect is the first casualty of politics, the final casualty of business, and the first benefit of a military career -- your choice should be obvious," went a recruiter's coldly pragmatic advice.
Nahdonnis was no pitten-kicking megalomaniac like many Imperials. But as a member of the capital planet's ruling class, he had little respect for the "worthless Rimkin commanders" under whom he had to serve. And his dismissive attitude toward his footsoldiers was partly due to Imperial officer training, which intentionally instilled disregard for the lives of inferiors, and partly a holdover from the days when the troops had been exclusively "meat droids."
"Clones are made to be killed," more than one officer was heard to remark early in that war. But now the corps included enlisted men as well as conscripts just trying not to get killed, and he failed to keep up with the times. He was an old-fashioned military man and while he viewed the AT walkers as graceless brutes he had to admit they were effective, particularly in subduing the unruly Leffingites in the Battle of Almak.
Yet his was not a one-dimensional evil. Discipline was administered with spit-and-polish professionalism and while he preferred to delegate assignments he considered beneath him and then take credit, it would be unfair to claim his decorations were due solely to opportunism.
Second Chances (1 BBY - 3 ABY)
"Either come back with the plans or don't come back at all!" - Lord Vader's final transmission to the Devastator's 501st contingent as they touched down in the Dune Sea
As civil war percolated, Nahdonnis' unit was assigned to the Star Destroyer Vengeance and dispatched to sever Rebel supply networks. Darth Vader took command after they botched the attack at Datar, but fortunately his wrath fell on Vice Admiral Slenn who had ordered the troops into an unwinnable scenario.
They next moved against a base on Nar Shaddaa's Corellian Level 88. Here Nahdonnis condescended to lead from the vanguard and racked up a collateral kill count impressive even by New Order standards. Vader recognized a certain flanking tactic as one that Anakin "the Hero Without Fear" Skywalker had favored during the Clone Wars and, looking into his record, entrusted the commander with increasing responsibility and a staff position.
This campaign having concluded, Vader transferred his flag to the Devastator. There Nahdonnis no longer enjoyed a permanent command post, for most of the stormtroopers aboard were the Dark Lord's own 501st, under Daine Jir. When he and Nahdonnis failed to seize the Death Star plans on the Tantive IV, Vader assigned Nahdonnis the search and made a point of telling him to "see to it personally."
His first step was to place Captain Kosh's garrison on the task while the 501st were readied. But after a brief landfall he delegated to Kosh the command of what he expected to be a routine situation. The delay in coordinating these units with Captain Terrik's Desert Sands, coincidentally arrived via the Star Destroyer Inquisitor for training exercises, enabled the droids to escape. To his credit, Nahdonnis personally relayed the bad news to the Dark Lord. Vader had executed generals and senators for far less, and Nahdonnis had disobeyed his direct order. But unlike the typical incompetents, he was both highly loyal and too capable to waste.
After his defeat at Yavin, Vader formed Death Squadron; he retained Devastator but brought his staff over to the Executor. But General Veers managed to block Nahdonnis from the appointment and Vader, hunting for Luke Skywalker, was disinclined to waste time overruling him.
Striking from the Shadows (3-10 ABY)
"Delusions of grandeur, hah! I'd always thought that was just a figure of speech, just a needlessly pejorative bit of language contrived by lesser minds that couldn't find a better way to describe the aspirations of truly great men. But now the physical incarnation of the phrase was staring me in the face, and I don't mind telling you I didn't care for it at all." - from Voren Na'al's interview with retired Governor-General Nahdonnis Praji, describing his first and only encounter with His Immortal Majesty Palpatine, the Emperor Reborn
Palpatine died at Endor and Coruscant fell to the New Republic. The administration that was Tannon Praji's legacy was swept wholesale from the Ministry of Ingress. The Bank of the Core backed the ascendant government and its New Republic Bank. Rival Muunilinst became the financial center for the retreating Empire.
Meanwhile, Nahdonnis passed through a succession of warlord armies as each inevitably turned on another. As the hierarchy disintegrated he ascended to Generalship. His loyalty was to the institution of the Empire, not the person of the Emperor himself, so after Endor he allied with factions that seemed to do the best job of carrying on the New Order's mission. But when Palpatine's clone emerged from years of convalescence to unit the pretenders, Nahdonnis would have been insane not to join up.
Kaikielius again proved a steppingstone as successive conquering fleets drove their way to Coruscant. Kaikielius had earlier surrendered to a New Republic fleet under Admiral Ackbar, but during Operation Shadow Hand the Empire besieged it as well as Metellos.
Nahdonnis had never put much stock in his family's old vendetta but this was an opportunity too good to lose. It was with tremendous personal pleasure that he used the Shadow Hand Fleet to break the power of House Vahali by knocking their skyhook headquarters from orbit and placing the planet under the martial law it and other Core Worlds had escaped during the Civil War.
Nahdonnis' higher position in the reconstituted Empire led him to realize that the clone Palpatine's theocracy was no longer the orderly despotism he'd signed up for. Thus after subduing Kaikielius he requested it as a personal fief. The surviving Vahalii fashioned a spaceworthy conveyance and fled into the interstellar void.
Inheritance (10-104 ABY)
"Peace is for nerfs." - Commissar Tyla Praji
The events in following decades -- the Yuuzhan Vong invasions of Coruscant and Kaikielius and the participation of Nahdonnis' daughter Tyla in the Second Civil War -- have been recorded elsewhere, notably in Fortune's Sons by Doovo Bonkik, as well as Voren Na'al's interview transcriptions accessible at HoloNet node 786-12F-060540.
Suffice it here to note that when the Yuuzhan Vong xenoformed Coruscant, the Praji Estate was leveled. The Coruscanti Prajii regrouped at Kaikielius and over decades found a new niche in galactic politics, while the Vahalii resurfaced from abject penury to build a power base on Denon.
The Praji legacy runs the gamut of the sentient experience. Their name fades in and out of the history files, leaving gaps of whole centuries, but always reappears. From their resumed seat on Kaikielius, there is no reason to believe they will not continue to be actors in advances and struggles yet unforeseen.
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