Je'daii Order
Je'daii Order
Founding (36,453 BBY)
Padawan Kesh: Nordia Gral
Padawan Kesh: Nordia Gral
Pre-Force Wars
Akar Kesh: Telaat (male)
Stav Kesh: Vor'Dana
Force Wars (25,793 BBY)
Akar Kesh: Ketu (male Human)
Anil Kesh: Quan-Jang (male)
Bodhi: Jake Fenn (male Human)
Kaleth: Kora Ryo (female Twi'lek)
Mahara Kesh: Calleh (female Selkath) / Naro (male Selkath)
Padawan Kesh: Ruhr (male Wookiee)
Qigong Kesh: Miarta Sek (female Sith)
Stav Kesh: Lha-Mi (male Talid)
Vur Tepe: Tem Madog (male Cathar)
Jedi OrderAnil Kesh: Quan-Jang (male)
Bodhi: Jake Fenn (male Human)
Kaleth: Kora Ryo (female Twi'lek)
Mahara Kesh: Calleh (female Selkath) / Naro (male Selkath)
Padawan Kesh: Ruhr (male Wookiee)
Qigong Kesh: Miarta Sek (female Sith)
Stav Kesh: Lha-Mi (male Talid)
Vur Tepe: Tem Madog (male Cathar)
Cala Brin (female Human, Tython)
Garon Jard (male Human, Tython)
Rajivari (male Human, Tython)
Ters Sendon (male Zabrak, Tython)
Cala Brin (female Human, Tython)
Garon Jard (male Human, Tython)
Rajivari (male Human, Tython)
Ters Sendon (male Zabrak, Tython)
Mandalorian Wars (3976-3960 BBY)
Seat 1: Nomi Sunrider (female Human, Darada)
Seat 2: Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Seat 3: Vandar Tokare (male Yoda's species)
Seat 4: Atris (female Human)
Seat 5: Zez-Kai Ell (male Human)
Seat 6: Kavar (male Human)
Seat 7: Lonna Vash (female Human)
Seat 8: Dorjander Kace (male Human); Lucien Draay (male Human, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Varn Xala (male Teevan)
Seat 10: Hazar Bailum (male Human, Telerath)
Seat 11:
Seat 12:
Jedi Civil War / Dark Wars (3959-3951 BBY)
Seat 1: vacant [Nomi Sunrider on sabbatical]
Seat 2: Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Seat 3: Vandar Tokare (male Yoda's species)
Seat 4: Atris (female Human)
Seat 5: Zez-Kai Ell (male Human)
Seat 6: Kavar (male Human)
Seat 7: Lonna Vash (female Human)
Seat 8:
Seat 9: Varn Xala (male Teevan)
Seat 10: Hazar Bailum (male Human, Telerath)
Seat 11:
Seat 12:
(3950 BBY-)
Seat 1: Bastila Shan (female Human, Talravin)
Vima Sunrider (female Human, H'ratth)
(3699 BBY)
Seat 1: Orkam (male Human)
Seat 7: Ram-Parr (male Cathar)
Seat 9: Nikil Nobil (male Thisspiasian)
Seat 10: Irma Yorr (female Tholothian)
Zym (male Kel Dor)
Great Galactic War (3681-3653 BBY)
Seat 1: Zym (male Kel Dor)
Seat 2:
Seat 3:
Seat 4:
Seat 5:
Seat 6:
Seat 7: Ram-Parr (male Cathar); Wens Aleusis (male Mirialan, Coruscant)
Seat 8: Belth Allusis (male Human); Giffis Fane (female Anomid, Jedha)
Seat 9: Nikil Nobil (male Thisspiasian)
Seat 10: Irma Yorr (female Tholothian); Gnost-Dural (male Kel Dor)
Seat 11: Shol Bestros (male Miraluka)
Seat 12: Tol Braga (male Kel Dor)
Navek Dulrahk (male Devaronian)
Niro Fenn (male Twi'lek)
Zanaah Te (female Togruta)
Cold War / Galactic War (3653-3636 BBY)
Seat 1: Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Seat 2: Syo Bakarn (male Human, Corellia); Tylos Harn (male Mirialan, Balmorra)
Seat 3: Orgus Din (male Human, Rishi); Cedral Gend (male Human)
Seat 4: Jaric Kaedan (male Human)
Seat 5: Bela Kiwiiks (female Togruta)
Seat 6: Oteg (male Yoda's species); Oric Traless (male Nautolan)
Seat 7: Wens Aleusis (male Mirialan, Coruscant)
Seat 8: Giffis Fane (female Anomid, Jedha)
Seat 9: Nikil Nobil (male Thisspiasian)
Seat 10: Gnost-Dural (male Kel Dor)
Seat 11: Shol Bestros (male Miraluka)
Seat 12: Tol Braga (male Kel Dor)
Desolation War (3442-3439 BBY)
Seat 1: Axon Roden (male Vurk)
Seat 2: Niira Baelar (female Iktotchi)
Seat 3: Kotu Vissola (female Pantoran)
Seat 4: Tolada Boorr (female Ithorian)
Seat 5: Berkuss (male Gand)
Seat 6: Mela Seibb (female Sullustan)
Seat 7: Hahkann (male Dowutin)
Seat 8: Grulah Lanami (female Heptooinian)
Seat 9: Caario (male Ovissian)
Seat 10: Vinthec (male Tognath)
Seat 11: Ona Lesim (female Ardennian)
Seat 12: Jodon Starbreaker (male Human)
(89 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Yula Braylon (female)
Thame Cerulian (male Human, Corellia)
Tor Difusal (male)
Tera Sinube (male Cosian)
Stark Hyperspace War (44 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Micah Giett (male Human)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: T'un (male)
Seat 12: Tyvokka (male Wookiee)
Yinchorri Uprising (33 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Micah Giiett (male Human)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Invasion of Naboo (32 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Yaddle (female Yoda's species)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant)
Seat 9: Yarael Poof (male Quermian, Quermia)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Clone Wars (22-19 BBY)
Seat 1: Yoda (male alien)
Seat 2: Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
Seat 3: Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Seat 4: Saesee Tiin (male Iktotchi, Iktotch)
Seat 5: Shaak Ti (female Togruta, Shili)
Seat 6: Even Piell (male Lannik, Lannik); Coleman Kcaj (male Ongree)
Seat 7: Oppo Rancisis (male Thisspiasian, Thisspias); Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 8: Adi Gallia (female Tholothian, Coruscant); Stass Allie (female Tholothian, Tholoth)
Seat 9: Coleman Trebor (male Vurk, Sembla); Kit Fisto (male Nautolan, Glee Anselm)
Seat 10: Eeth Koth (male Zabrak, Nar Shaddaa); Agen Kolar (male Zabrak, Coruscant)
Seat 11: Depa Billaba (female Human, Chalacta); Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Seat 12: Plo Koon (male Kel Dor, Dorin)
Founding / Imperial Sith War (10-26 ABY)
Seat 1: Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 2: Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Seat 3: Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Seat 4: Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Seat 5: Ean Marrab (male Mon Calamari)
Seat 6: Appa Nakil (male Thisspiasian)
Seat 7: Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Seat 8: Morin Tharr (male Human, Toprawa)
Seat 9: Van-Sar-Nodan (male Cerean)
Glorian War (35-37 ABY)
Seat 1: Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Seat 2: Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 3: Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Seat 4: Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Seat 5: Taana Di (female Togruta)
Seat 6: Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Seat 7: Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Seat 8: Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Seat 9: Van-Sar-Nodan (male Cerean)
Seat 10: Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Seat 11: Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Seat 12: Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Sith Insurgency (40-41 ABY)
Seat 1: Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Seat 2: Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 3: Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Seat 4: Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Seat 5: Taana Di (female Togruta)
Seat 6: Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Seat 7: Kam Solusar (male Human)
Seat 8: Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Seat 9: Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Seat 10: Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Seat 11: Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Seat 12: Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
(42 ABY)
Seat 1: Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant); Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Seat 2: Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Seat 3: Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Seat 4:
Seat 5: Saba Sebatyne (female Barabel)
Seat 6: Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Seat 7: Kam Solusar (male Human)
Seat 8: Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Seat 9: Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Seat 10: Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Seat 11:
Seat 12: Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Sith Empire
Nep Chung (male Phuii)
Dardo (male Rodian)
Darnada (male Dug)
Mother Dean (female Human)
Morn (male Mon Calamari)
Narees (male Iktotchi)
Whee Tillatch (male Yarkora)
Under Dal Perhi (29-19 BBY)
Antonin (male Human)
Ziro Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt, Sleheyron)
Shiltu (male Hutt)
Xist (male Falleen)
Under Prince Xizor (19 BBY-3 ABY)
Durga Besadii Tai (male Hutt)
Clezo (male Rodian)
Green (male Human)
Kreet'ah (male Kian'thar)
Lonay (male Twi'lek)
Perit (male Mon Calamari)
Sprax (male Nalroni)
Vekker (male Quarren)
Wumdi (male Etti)
Under Prince Xalren (30-40 ABY)
Karada (male Dug)
Azul Obez (male Twi'lek)
Scav (male Feeorin)
Raze Sevrak (male Shistavanen)
Ryssa Synn (female Umbaran)
Tesska (female Quarren)
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Varak (male Devaronian)
Pol Zurn (male Advozse)
Mustafar lineup
Scur Bodalla (male Human)
Tars Hill (male Muun)
Agmar Hork (male Houk)
Saiga Kas'lya (female Bothan)
Sidor Visora (male Tunroth)
Sith Empire
Under Marka Ragnos (-5000 BBY)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith/Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Dor Gal-ram (male Sith)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Ludo Kressh (male Sith hybrid, Rhelg)
Naga Sadow (male Sith/Human, Ziost)
Resurgent Sith Empire (Dark Council)
1: Military Command
1: Defense of the Empire
2: Military Offense
3: Military Strategy
2: Civil Administration
4: Laws and Justice
5: Production and Logistics
3: Galactic Influence
6: Expansion and Diplomacy
7: Imperial Intelligence
4: Scientific Advancement
8: Biotic Science
9: Technology
5: Sith Doctrine
10: Ancient Knowledge
11: Mysteries
12: Sith Philosophy
Founding (4980 BBY)
Seat 10: Darth Zavakon (male)
Seat 11: Darth Vitus (male Sith)
Pre-Sith Wars
Darth Lokess
(4043 BBY)
Darth Qalar
Darth Victun
Nathema conspiracy (3954-3950 BBY)
Seat 10: Darth Nyriss (female Sith)
Darth Igrol (male Sith)
Darth Xedrix (male Human)
(3950- BBY)
Seat 10: Darth Vidius (male Sith)
Great Galactic War (3681-3653 BBY)
Seat 1: Darth Marr (male Human)
Seat 3: Darth Azamin
Seat 5: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Seat 9: Darth Mekhis (female)
Seat 12: Darth Sajar (male Human)
Cold War / Galactic War (3643-3636 BBY)
Seat 1: Darth Marr (male Human)
Seat 2: Darth Vengean (male Human); Darth Baras (male Human); Darth Arho (male Human); Darth Malgus (male Human); Darth Arkous (male Sith)
Seat 3: Darth Decimus (male Human)
Seat 4: Darth Mortis (male Human)
Seat 5: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Seat 6: Darth Ravage (male Human)
Seat 7: Darth Jadus (male Human); Darth Zhorrid (female Human)
Seat 8: Darth Acharon (male Human)
Seat 9: Darth Hadra (female Human); Darth Karrid (female Falleen); Darth Acina (female Human)
Seat 10: Darth Arctis; Darth Thanaton (male Human); Darth Nox (female Twi'lek)
Seat 11: Darth Rictus (male)
Seat 12: Darth Aruk
Unsorted: Darth Ekkage; Darth Gorgos; Darth Howl; Darth Soverus
Third Galactic War (3628 BBY-)
Seat 1: Darth Krovos (female Sith)
Seat 2: Darth Anathel (male Human)
Seat 3: Darth Malora (female Human); Darth Savik (female Human)
Seat 4: Darth Vowrawn (male Sith); Darth Shaar (female Sith)
Seat 5: Darth Xarion (male)
Vorath's Sith
(5-26 ABY)
Dark Lord: Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant)
Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Darth Mordus (male Duros)
Darth Oculus (male Miraluka)
Darth Stalker (male Human clone, Kamino)
Under Darth Scythe (26-35 ABY)
Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Darth Maleval (male Quarren)
Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Darth Maleval (male Quarren)
Sedriss' Sith
Under Darth Sedriss (37-41 ABY)
Darth Sedriss (female Human, Transel)
Acheron (male Snivvian)
Avaris (female Neimoidian)
Kallus (male Human, Telos IV)
Paxis (male Human, Taris)
Reaper (male Givin)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Saivus (male Human)
Serpriss (male Thisspiasian)
Tyran (male Human, Serenno)
Versutus (male Cerean)
Voldess (female)
Moff Council
Founding (26 ABY)
Head of State: Gilad Pellaeon (male Human, Corellia)
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Carrion sector:
Clacis sector:
Dynali sector:
Obtrexta sector:
Perinn sector: Crowal (female Human)
Prefsbelt sector: Kurlen Flennic (male Human)
Velcar sector:
Glorian War (35-37 ABY)
Grand Moff: Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Carrion sector: Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Clacis sector: Niera Vallem (female Human, Arkanis)
Dynali sector: Ranulf Vorsen (male Human, Valahari)
Obtrexta sector: Sor Tonith (male Muun)
Perinn sector:
Prefsbelt sector:
Velcar sector:
Sith Insurgency (40-41 ABY)
Grand Moff: Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Braxant sector: Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Carrion sector: Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Clacis sector: Niera Vallem (female Human, Arkanis)
Dynali sector: Ranulf Vorsen (male Human, Valahari)
Obtrexta sector: Sor Tonith (male Muun)
Perinn sector: Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Prefsbelt sector: Sorik (male Chiss)
Velcar sector: Vynda Tareth (female Human, Phelarion)
Black Sun
Under Alexi Garyn (-33 BBY)Nep Chung (male Phuii)
Dardo (male Rodian)
Darnada (male Dug)
Mother Dean (female Human)
Morn (male Mon Calamari)
Narees (male Iktotchi)
Whee Tillatch (male Yarkora)
Under Dal Perhi (29-19 BBY)
Antonin (male Human)
Ziro Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt, Sleheyron)
Shiltu (male Hutt)
Xist (male Falleen)
Under Prince Xizor (19 BBY-3 ABY)
Durga Besadii Tai (male Hutt)
Clezo (male Rodian)
Green (male Human)
Kreet'ah (male Kian'thar)
Lonay (male Twi'lek)
Perit (male Mon Calamari)
Sprax (male Nalroni)
Vekker (male Quarren)
Wumdi (male Etti)
Under Prince Xalren (30-40 ABY)
Karada (male Dug)
Azul Obez (male Twi'lek)
Scav (male Feeorin)
Raze Sevrak (male Shistavanen)
Ryssa Synn (female Umbaran)
Tesska (female Quarren)
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Varak (male Devaronian)
Pol Zurn (male Advozse)
Mustafar lineup
Scur Bodalla (male Human)
Tars Hill (male Muun)
Agmar Hork (male Houk)
Saiga Kas'lya (female Bothan)
Sidor Visora (male Tunroth)
Hutt Council
Under Jabba (-4 ABY)
Supreme Mogul: Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt)
Besadii: Arok (male Hutt)
Desilijic: Gorga Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Gorensla: Oruba (male Hutt); Bossato (female Hutt)
Qunaalac: Marlo (male Hutt)
Under Raaxus
Supreme Mogul: Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Besadii: Zargga Fir (male Hutt)
Desilijic: Gorga Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Gorensla: Drabbus (male Hutt); Jool (female Hutt)
Ramesh: Vondara Kai (male Hutt)
Naboo Royal Advisory Council
Under Queen Amidala (33-25 BBY)
Governor: Sio Bibble (male Human)
Chief Architect: Hugo Eckner (male Human)
Economic Advisor: Horace Vancil (male Human)
Education Advisor: Lufta Shif (female Human)
Master of Sciences: Graf Zapalo (male Human)
Minister of Culture: Kyu Tane (male Human)
Minister of Internal Affairs: Ruto Graven (male Human)
Music Advisor: Hela Brandes (female Human)
Under Queen Jamillia (25-22 BBY)
Governor: Sio Bibble (male Human)
Under Queen Neeyutnee
Under Queen Apailana
Under Queen Kylantha
Under Queen Soruna (fl. 4 ABY)
Governor: Donta Gesset (male Human)
Narus (male Human)
Under King Narus (8-12 ABY)
Under Queen Reneme (42 ABY-)
Governor: Thane Minnau (male Human)
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