Supreme Chancellors
Indecta Era
Fillorean (fl. 15,500 BBY)
Kymoodon Era
Pers'lya (-11,987 BBY)
Homeworld: Bothawui
Species: Bothan
Pius Dea Era
Contispex I / Aldon Contispex (11,987-11,947 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Contispex II (11,947 BBY-)
Species: Human
Contispex X / Leinad Valrisa
Homeworld: Sedratis
Species: Human
Contispex XI (fl. 11,591 BBY)
Contispex XIX (-10,966 BBY)
Ductavis Era
Biel Ductavis (10,966 BBY-)
Rianitus Period
Blotus (9000-8725 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Subterra Period
Nagratha (fl. 7786 BBY)
Manderon Period
Ammerha (fl. 7000 BBY)
Homeworld: Ithor
Species: Ithorian
Luluwuul (fl. 6697 BBY)
Homeworld: Revyia
Species: Revwien
Adis Fattum (fl. 5010 BBY)
Pultimo (fl. 5000 BBY)
Post-Manderon Period / Old Sith Wars
Vocatara (fl. 4800 BBY)
Sidrona (4004-3996 BBY)
Homeworld: Mull
Species: Mulask
Netus (3996-3988 BBY)
Species: Human
Karawn Olan (3988-3980 BBY)
Homeworld: Ryloth
Species: Twi'lek
Takkel Ravin (3980-3972 BBY)
Homeworld: Mon Cala
Species: Quarren
Jador Humbar (3972-3966 BBY)
Homeworld: Humbarine
Species: Human
Tol Cressa (3966- BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Inter-Sith Wars
Iden Vanicus (3900-3892 BBY)
Homeworld: Corulag
Species: Human
Onasi (fl. 3699 BBY)
Homeworld: Telos IV
Species: Human
Vin Zondarus (3688-3680 BBY)
Homeworld: Gravlex Med
Species: Anx
Berooken (3656-3653 BBY)
Homeworld: Mon Cala
Species: Mon Calamari
Paran Am-Ris (3653 BBY, interim)
Homeworld: Cerea
Species: Cerean
Dorian Janarus (3653-3641 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Leontyne Saresh (3641-3633 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Jebevel Madon (3633-3630 BBY)
Galena Rans (3630 BBY-)
Species: Mirialan
Ayra Foon (fl. 3442 BBY)
Homeworld: Quermia
Species: Quermian
Rolann Nole Vedij (fl. 3017 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Draggulch Period / New Sith Wars
Genarra (fl. 1032 BBY)
Sarin Vaa (-1000 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Great Peace of the Republic
Tarsus Valorum (1000-992 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Nyla Junara (992-984 BBY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Sorgen Valrisa (984-976 BBY)
Homeworld: Sedratis
Species: Human
Ove Loona (968-960 BBY)
Homeworld: Duro
Species: Duros
Alron Sendor (960-952 BBY)
Homeworld: Tralon IV
Species: Human
Erala Chaar (740-732 BBY)
Homeworld: Sembla
Species: Vurk
Anwis Eddicus (fl. 700 BBY)
Homeworld: Anaxes
Species: Human
Cera Teem (fl. 472 BBY)
Homeworld: Malastare
Species: Gran
Oberon (fl. 197 BBY)
Eixes Valorum
Vaila Pecivas (fl. 60 BBY)
Thoris Darus (56-52 BBY)
Homeworld: Corulag
Species: Human
Frix (52-48 BBY)
Skor Kalpana (48-40 BBY)
Species: Human
Finis Valorum (40-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Sheev Palpatine (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Vice Chair / Vice Chancellor
Parsh Var'syk (-32 BBY)
Species: Bothan
Mas Amedda (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Champala
Species: Chagrian
Supreme Commander
Revan (3962-3960 BBY)
Species: Human
Rans (-3643 BBY; -3640 BBY)
Species: Human
Stantorrs (3643 BBY)
Species: Duros
Jace Malcom (3640 BBY-)
Homeworld: Barcaria
Species: Human
Lord Hoth (1010-1000 BBY)
Homeworld: Kaal
Species: Human
Valenthyne Farfalla (1000 BBY)
Species: Half-Bothan
Emperors / Heads of State / Supreme Leaders
Galactic Empire / Dark Empire
Sheev Palpatine (19 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Sate Pestage (4-5 ABY)
Homeworld: Ciutric IV
Species: Human
Ysanne Isard (5 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Darth Sidious (6-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Byss
Species: Human (clone)
Burr Nolyds (11 ABY)
Species: Human
Xandel Carivus (11 ABY)
Homeworld: Ord Cantrell
Species: Human
Darius Onneir (11-25 ABY)
Species: Human
Crimson Empire
Espaa Valorum (-25 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Darth Vorath (25-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Imperial Remnant
Gilad Pellaeon (26-34 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Rolan Verradun (34-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Eriadu
Species: Human
First Order
Species: Unknown
Supreme Commander
Galactic Empire / Dark Empire
Darth Vader (-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Gallius Rax (5 ABY)
Homeworld: Jakku
Species: Human
Thrawn (5-6 ABY; 6-10 ABY)
Homeworld: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Titus Klev (11 ABY)
Homeworld: Alsakan
Species: Human
Crimson Empire
Aay Zavos (25-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Carida
Species: Human
First Order
Armitage Hux
Homeworld: Arkanis
Species: Human
NEW REPUBLICChief of State
Mon Mothma (4-12 ABY)
Homeworld: Chandrila
Species: Human
Jenssar SoBilles (12-20 ABY)
Homeworld: Duro
Species: Duros
Fyve Fanb (20-24 ABY)
Homeworld: Sullust
Species: Sullustan
Jenssar SoBilles (24-25 ABY)
Homeworld: Duro
Species: Duros
Atha Prime / Finis Valorum (25-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Leia Organa Solo (26-30 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Lanever Villecham (30-34 ABY)
Homeworld: Tarsunt
Species: Tarsunt
Cal Omas (34-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Via Eerin (37-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Mon Cala
Species: Mon Calamari
Luewet Wuul (40-42 ABY)
Homeworld: Sullust
Species: Sullustan
Tyron Valrisa (42 ABY-)
Homeworld: Sedratis
Species: Human
Chair of the Senate
Behn-kihl-nahm (fl. 16 ABY)
Species: Cerean
Trik Regan (-25 ABY)
Homeworld: Ithor
Species: Ithorian
Borsk Fey'lya (25-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Kothlis
Species: Bothan
Ponc Gavrisom (26 ABY-)
Species: Calibop
Zana Arda (34-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Chandrila
Species: Human
Nensu Kaatik (37 ABY-)
Homeworld: Champala
Species: Chagrian
Supreme Commander
Gial Ackbar (4-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Mon Cala
Species: Mon Calamari
Garm Bel Iblis (11-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Wedge Antilles (26 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Sien Sovv (-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Sullust
Species: Sullustan
Mile "Hawk" Dorian (37-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Taanab
Species: Human
Nek Bwua'tu (41 ABY-)
Homeworld: Ruweln
Species: Bothan
Director of Intelligence
Airen Cracken
Homeworld: Contruum
Species: Human
Carlist Rieekan
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Dif Scaur (-29 ABY)
Species: Human
Belindi Kalenda (29-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Heol Girdun (40 ABY-)
Species: Human
Garik "Face" Loran (40-41 ABY) [as co-director]
Homeworld: Pantolomin
Species: Human
Chief of Security
Species: Human
Grand Master
Awdrysta Pina (-24,500 BBY)
Species: Human
Biel Ductavis (fl. 10,966 BBY)
Memit Nadill (fl. 5000 BBY)
Species: Unknown
Odan-Urr (4600-3996 BBY)
Species: Draethos
Nomi Sunrider (3995-3964 BBY)
Homeworld: Darada
Species: Human
Bastila Shan (3950 BBY-)
Homeworld: Talravin
Species: Human
Orkam (3729-3691 BBY)
Species: Human
Zym (3691-3653 BBY)
Homeworld: Dorin
Species: Kel Dor
Satele Shan (-3637 BBY)
Homeworld: Brentaal IV
Species: Human
Axon Roden (3500-3439 BBY)
Homeworld: Sembla
Species: Vurk
Niira Baelar (3439-3419 BBY)
Homeworld: Iktotch
Species: Iktotchi
Fae Coven (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Jenet
Yoda (-19 BBY)
Species: Unknown
Luke Skywalker (10-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Xanus Baran (26-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Kro Sadoon (37-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Dorin
Species: Kel Dor
Master of the Order
Nomi Sunrider (3995-3964 BBY)
Homeworld: Darada
Species: Human
Vrook Lamar (3964-3951 BBY)
Species: Human
Fae Coven (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Jenet
Mace Windu (-22 BBY)
Homeworld: Haruun Kal
Species: Human
Yoda (22-19 BBY)
Species: Unknown
Xanus Baran (10-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Kro Sadoon (26-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Dorin
Species: Kel Dor
Noran Raun (37-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Corulag
Species: HumanJacen Solo (41 ABY-)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Species: Human/Echani
Kao Cen Darach (-3681 BBY)
Species: Zabrak
Jun Seros (-3641 BBY)
Species: Human
Larisa Soral (fl. 3638 BBY)
Homeworld: Deralia
Species: Near-Human
Dion Sazon (-3452 BBY)
Homeworld: Utapau
Species: Pau'an
Hahkann (3452 BBY-)
Homeworld: Dowut
Species: Dowutin
Lord Hoth (-1010 BBY)
Homeworld: Kaal
Species: HumanSkarch Vaunk (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Anx
Species: Anx
Cin Drallig (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Lavisar
Homeworld: Lavisar
Species: Human
Morin Tharr (10-27 ABY)
Homeworld: Toprawa
Homeworld: Toprawa
Species: Human
Kyle Katarn (27 ABY-)
Homeworld: Sulon
Homeworld: Sulon
Species: Human
Chief Librarian
Atris (-3951 BBY)
Species: Human
Species: Human
Irma Yorr (fl. 3699 BBY)
Species: Tholothian
Gnost-Dural (fl. 3653 BBY)
Species: Kel Dor
Tolada Boorr (3542-3439 BBY)
Species: Ithorian
Barra-Rona-Ban (990 BBY)
Species: Cerean
Restelly Quist (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Human
Jocasta Nu (52-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Appa Nakil (10-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Thisspias
Species: Thisspiasian
Tionne (26 ABY-)
Homeworld: Rindao
Species: Human
Warden of the Order / Barsen'thor
Lorjan Sakku
Pyrr-Vara (fl. 6900 BBY)
Species: Cathar
Tylos Harn (3643 BBY-)
Homeworld: Balmorra
Species: Mirialan
King of Korriban
Adas (28,000-27,700 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Dathka Graush (c.7000-6950 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Hakagram Graush (-6900 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
Sith Empire
Ajunta Pall (6900 BBY-)
Species: Human
Tulak Hord
Jarak Null
Species: Sith
Vendak Vor (-6493 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Norak Vor (6493-6490 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Darth Trayus (6490-6400 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Darth Andeddu (6400-6390 BBY)
Homeworld: Prakith
Species: Human
Vorak Zal (6390 BBY-)
Species: Sith
Marka Ragnos (5150-5000 BBY)
Species: Sith
Naga Sadow (5000 BBY)
Homeworld: Ziost
Species: Sith
Old Sith Wars
Freedon Nadd (4400 BBY-)
Species: Human
Exar Kun (3997-3996 BBY)
Species: Human
Ulic Qel-Droma (3997-3996 BBY)
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Darth Revan (3959-3957 BBY)
Species: Human
Darth Malak (3957-3956 BBY)
Homeworld: Quelii
Species: Human
Darth Traya (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvirate]
Species: Human
Darth Nihilus (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvirate]
Species: Human
Darth Sion (3955-3951 BBY) [Triumvirate]
Species: Human
Resurgent Sith Empire
Vitiate (4999-3640 BBY)
Homeworld: Medriaas
Species: Sith
Acina (3636 BBY-)
Species: Human
Vowrawn (3630 BBY-)
Species: Sith
Inter-Sith Wars
Darth Desolous (3452-3439 BBY)
Homeworld: Utapau
Species: Pau'an
New Sith Wars
Darth Ruin (2000-1997 BBY)
Homeworld: Umbara
Species: Umbaran
Darth Eradicus
Homeworld: Bakkah
Species: Zeltron
Dark Underlord (-1750 BBY)
Zoiya Relle
Darth Rivan (-1250 BBY)
Homeworld: Zelos II
Species: Zelosian
Belia Darzu (1250-1230 BBY)
Species: Shi'ido
Darth Mortilus (fl. 1100 BBY)
Skere Kaan (1010-1000 BBY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Bane (1000-980 BBY)
Homeworld: Apatros
Species: Human
Darth Zannah (980-960 BBY)
Homeworld: Somov Rit
Species: Human
Darth Cognus (960 BBY-)
Species: Iktotchi
Darth Vectivus (-543 BBY)
Homeworld: Ayceezee
Species: Human
Darth Gravid (543-533 BBY)
Species: Human
Darth Gean (533 BBY-)
Homeworld: Lorrd
Species: Twi'lek
Darth Desecrus
Homeworld: Sullust
Species: Sullustan
Darth Erebus
Species: Human
Darth Furor
Species: Devaronian
Darth ??? (-167 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Darth Tenebrous (167-67 BBY)
Species: Bith
Darth Plaguies (67-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Mygeeto
Species: Muun
Darth Sidious (32 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Darth Vorath (4-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Lumiya (26-37 ABY)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Species: Human
Darth Sedriss (37-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Transel
Species: Human
Darth Taral (41 ABY)
Homeworld: Damosus
Species: Human
Darth Krayt (41 ABY-)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Shadow Hand
Sith Empire
Ortan Cela
Rakar Val (6493-6490 BBY)
Homeworld: Korriban
Species: Sith
Darth Andeddu (6490-6400 BBY)
Homeworld: Prakith
Species: Human
Old Sith Wars
Darth Malak (3959-3957 BBY)
Homeworld: Quelii
Species: Human
Darth Bandon (3957-3956 BBY)
Homeworld: Belderone
Species: Human
Visas Marr (3952-3951 BBY)
Homeworld: Katarr
Species: Miraluka
New Sith Wars
Eradicus (2000-1997 BBY)
Homeworld: Tralon IV
Species: Human
Order of the Sith Wars
Darth Zannah (1000-980 BBY)
Homeworld: Somov Rit
Species: Human
Darth Cognus (980-960 BBY)
Species: Iktotchi
Darth Millennial (960- BBY)
Homeworld: Tralon IV
Species: Human (mutant)
Darth Gean (-552 BBY)
Species: Twi'lek
Darth Furor
Species: Devaronian
Darth Tenebrous (-167 BBY)
Species: Bith
Darth Plaguies (-67 BBY)
Homeworld: Mygeeto
Species: Muun
Darth Sidious (65-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Darth Maul (38-32 BBY)
Homeworld: Dathomir
Species: Zabrak
Darth Tyranus (32-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Serenno
Species: Human
Darth Vader (19 BBY-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Human
Darth Ravage (-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Iridonia
Species: Zabrak
Darth Nemesis (-26 ABY)
Species: Human (clone)
Carnor Jax (-37 ABY)
Species: Human
Grand LordYaru Korsin (5000-4975 BBY)
Species: Human
Nida Korsin (4975-4896 BBY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Lillia Venn (3961-3960 BBY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Candra Kitai (3960 BBY-)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Dann Itra
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Varner Hilts (3000 BBY-)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Darish Vol (fl. 40 ABY)
Homeworld: Kesh
Species: Human
Revanite Leader
Tari Darkspanner (-3638 BBY)
Species: Human
Revan (3638 BBY)
Species: Human
Species: Human
Miden Finn (-1000 BBY)
Homeworld: Lexrul
Species: Human
Naya Sendor (20 BBY-16 ABY)
Homeworld: Tralon IV
Species: Human
MANDALORIANSMand'alor / Mandalore
Mandalore the First / Mandalore the Conqueror (7000 BBY-)
Species: Taung
Mandalore the Indomitable (-3996 BBY)
Species: Taung
Mandalore the Ultimate (3996-3960 BBY)
Species: Taung
Mandalore the Unknown (fl. 3957 BBY)
Species: Taung
Mandalore the Preserver / Canderous Ordo (3954 BBY-)
Homeworld: Ordo
Species: Human
Mandalore the Lesser (3667-3653 BBY)
Species: Human
Mandalore the Vindicated / Artus Lok (3653-3637 BBY)
Species: Human
Mandalore the Avenger / Shae Vizla (3637 BBY-)
Species: Human
Mandalore the Uniter / Aga Awaud (fl. 1051 BBY)
Mandalore the Valiant / Aran Cabur (-738 BBY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Mandalore the Butcher (fl. 132 BBY)
Jaster Mereel (60-52 BBY)
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Species: Human
Jango Fett (52-22 BBY)
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Species: Human
Mandalore the Resurrector / Spar (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Human (clone)
Fenn Shysa (19 BBY-)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Bo-Katan Kryze (fl. 1 BBY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Fenn Shysa (3-21 ABY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Boba Fett (21-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Human (clone)
Mandalore the Vengeful / Atinar Cabur (40-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Mandalore the Exonerated / Tral Vizsla (41 ABY-)
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Species: Human
Death Watch Overlord
Tor Vizsla (60-42 BBY)
Species: Human
Pre Vizsla (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Darth Maul (19 BBY)
Lorka Gedyc (19 BBY)
Atinar Cabur (-41 ABY)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Species: Human
Black Sun
Alexi Garyn (-33 BBY)
Homeworld: Ralltiir
Species: Human
Dal Perhi (29-19 BBY)
Species: Human
Xizor (19 BBY-3 ABY)
Homeworld: Falleen
Species: Falleen
Savan (4 ABY)
Homeworld: Falleen
Species: Falleen
Fliry Vorru (fl. 6 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Y'ull Acib (fl. 11 ABY)
Species: Human
Durga Besadii Tai (12 ABY)
Homeworld: Nal Hutta
Species: Hutt
Czethros (-24 ABY)
Xalren Mithric (30-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Falleen
Species: Falleen
Supreme Moguls
Barabbula (-3841 BBY)
Karagga (3841-3641 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Toborro (3641-3639 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (-4 ABY)
Species: Hutt
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (fl. 35 ABY)
Daraga (fl. 990 BBY)
Species: Hutt
Darzen (-19 BBY)
Marka Zurge (19-0 BBY)
Homeworld: Devaron
Species: Devaronian
Zoran (0-4 ABY)
Species: Falleen
Rex Dan'wal (4-11 ABY)
Homeworld: Taris
Species: Human
"Cad Bane" / Loopan Rem (11-25 ABY)
Species: Duros
Mujambo (25 ABY-)
Species: Kyuzo
InterGalactic Banking Clan
InterGalactic Banking Clan
Caar Damask
Homeworld: Muunilinst
Species: Muun
Tonith (fl. 67 BBY)
Homeworld: Muunilinst
Species: Muun
San Hill (-19 BBY)
Homeworld: Muunilinst
Species: Muun
Garsh Vapeet (before 0 BBY)
Tars Hill (-40 ABY)
Homeworld: Muunilinst
Species: Muun
Monarch of Alderaan
Silara Panteer (fl. 3667-3653 BBY)
Bouris Ulgo (-3643 BBY)
Mazicia Organa (fl. 38 BBY)
Breha Organa (-0 BBY)
BespinBaron Administrator
Ellisa Shallence
Dominic Raynor (-1 ABY)
Homeworld: Tion
Species: Human
Lando Calrissian (1-3 ABY; 26 ABY-)
Homeworld: Socorro
Species: Human
Hugo Treece (3-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Lobot (4-26 ABY)
Homeworld: Bespin
Species: Human
Mystolea (fl. 37 ABY)
Species: Vuvrian
Monarch of Corellia
Berethon (fl. 1000 BBY)
Benethor e Solo (fl. 470s BBY)
Berethron e Solo (fl. 312 BBY)
Diktat / Head of State
Shyla Merricope (fl. 22 BBY)
Species: Human
Dupas Thomree (-2 BBY)
Species: Human
Daclif Gallamby (fl. 12 ABY)
Species: Human
Micamberlecto (-18 ABY)
Species: Frozian
Thrackan Sal-Solo (18 ABY)
Species: Human
Marcha (18-26 ABY)
Species: Drall
Thrackan Sal-Solo (35-37 ABY; 41-42 ABY)
Species: Human
Monarch of Naboo
Narmle (fl. 2000 BBY)
Jafan (fl. 832 BBY)
Yram (fl. 500 BBY)
Bon Tapalo (-46 BBY)
Ars Veruna (46-33 BBY)
Amidala (33-28 BBY)
Reillata (28 BBY-)
Jamillia (24-22 BBY)
Neeyutnee (22-20 BBY)
Apailana (20-18 BBY)
Kylantha (18-16 BBY)
Mairayni (16 BBY-)
Dalne (fl. 3 BBY)
Kylantha (fl. 0 ABY)
Sosha Soruna (4-8 ABY)
Narus (8-10 ABY)
Nalida (24-28 ABY)
Reneme (42 ABY-)
Monarch of Onderon
Freedon Nadd (4400 BBY-)
Ommin (4018-4000 BBY)
Consort: Amanoa
Galia (4000-3963 BBY)
Consort: Oron Kira
Talia (3963-3951 BBY)
Regalun Petryph (3633 BBY-)
Ramsis Dendup (-22 BBY; 20 BBY-)
Sanjay Rash (22-20 BBY)
Modon Kira (fl. 11 ABY)
Orion Kira (fl. 37 ABY)
Count of Serenno
Gora Dooku (fl. 102 BBY)
Ramil Dooku (-42 BBY)
Kostanza Dooku (42-32 BBY) [as regent]
Dooku (32-19 BBY)
Adan Dooku (19-3 BBY)
Orom Malvern (3 BBY-8 ABY)
Jard Valmar (8-25 ABY)
Tyr Valmar (25-42 ABY)
Tralon IV / Damosus
Governor of Tralon
Alon Varonus (8991 BBY-)
Olan Varonus (fl. 8891 BBY)
Lona Varonus (7996-7991 BBY)
Count of Tralon
Valos Carran (7991-7988 BBY)
Galen Sendor I (7988-7958 BBY)
Hart Talvron (7958-7954 BBY)
Deraln Galarus (fl. 7819 BBY)
Rosen Sendor (fl. 6990 BBY)
Kane Varonus (6963-6938 BBY)
Calsen Sendor (6938 BBY-)
Taloc Sendor (fl. 6697 BBY)
Viceroy: Tulia Sendor
Tulia Sendor (6677- BBY)
Silva Sendor (fl. 5801 BBY)
Viceroy: Nalia Sendor
Nalia Sendor (-5761 BBY)
Galen Sendor II (5761 BBY-)
Droma Varonus (fl. 5171 BBY)
Brom Valsas (-4016 BBY)
Viceroy: Otton Valsas
Benjam Sendor (4016-3986 BBY)
Viceroy: Otton Valsas
Adam Sendor (3986-3925 BBY)
Viceroy: Veya Sendor
Veya Sendor (3925-3874 BBY)
Viceroy: n/a
Orlan Sendor (3682-3653 BBY)
Viceroy: Galran Sendor
Galran Sendor (3653-3636 BBY)
Valon Sendor / Lord Valsen (3636-3583 BBY)
Viceroy: Arkus Sendor
Verona Sendor (3583 BBY-)
Ardas Talvron / Lord Eradicus (1997 BBY)
Viceroy: n/a
Galen Sendor VI (-324 BBY)
Viceroy: Tarness Sendor (briefly)
Tarness Sendor (324-288 BBY)
Viceroy: Damus Sendor
Damus Sendor (288-248 BBY)
Viceroy: Galen Sendor VII
Lodar Carran (248-220 BBY)
Viceroy: Laros Carran II
Laros Carran II (220 BBY-)
Nalon Carran (35-27 BBY)
Viceroy: n/a
Davon Varonus (27-20 BBY)
Viceroy: n/a
Galos Carran (20-17 BBY)
Viceroy: n/a
Governor of Damosus
Paron Varonus (17 BBY-)
Port Administrator
Timon Medon
Tion Medon (fl. 19 BBY)
Rion Sadon (fl. 26 ABY)
The Wheel
Doffen Gaitag (fl. 84 BBY)
Homeworld: Qiraash
Species: Qiraash
Skijid Vrescot
Homeworld: Cheelit
Species: J'feh
Kelek the Blue
Species: Tefaun
Dominic Raynor
Homeworld: Tion
Species: Human
Cody Sunn-Childe (22-17 BBY)
Homeworld: Jashwa
Species: Jashwik
Simon Greyshade (17 BBY-0 ABY)
Homeworld: Columex
Species: Human
Mulchive Wermis (0-4 ABY)
Homeworld: Anaxes
Species: Human
Master-Com (4 ABY-)
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