Destiny I: The New Republic (June 2012)
Brodo Asogi (Perinn sector, Outer Rim) [the Asogians (T'toille)]
Byss (Deep Core) [Palpatine clones]
Chandrila (Bormea sector, Core Worlds) [Zana Arda, Darth Glovoc, Nave Noradan]
Ciutric IV (Ciutric sector, Outer Rim) [Sate Pestage]
Commenor (Rachuk sector, Colonies) [Jasel and Jester Dane, Naia Sulvara]
Coruscant (Corusca sector, Core Worlds) [Kalon Soral/Darth Vorath]
Dantooine (Raioballo sector, Outer Rim) [Toah Jarsan]
Dorin (Deadalis sector, Expansion Region) [the Kel Dor (Kro Sadoon)]
Dromund Kaas (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Endor (Moddell sector, Outer Rim)
Glee Anselm (Jalor sector, Mid Rim) [the Nautolans (Zin Jato)]
Kashyyyk (Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim) [the Wookiees (Gaaraddik)]
Korriban (Esstran sector, Outer Rim) [the Sith (Darth Trayus)]
Mygeeto (Albarrio sector, Outer Rim)
Nar Shaddaa (Hutt Space)
Neimoidia (Colonies) [the Neimoidians (Su Koda)]
Ruusan (Teraab sector, Mid Rim)
Sed'tral (Wild Space) {original}
Taanab (Inner Rim) [Hawk Dorian, Darth Voren]
Tatooine (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [Kaden Rand]
Teth (Baxel sector, Outer Rim)
Tython (Deep Core)
Destiny II: Rise of the Dark Empire (July 2012)
Belsmuth II (Belsmuth sector, Outer Rim)
Elom (Sertar sector, Outer Rim) [the Elom, the Elomin]
Had Abbadon (Deep Core)
Hettsk (Belsmuth sector, Outer Rim)
Iego (Ash Worlds, Outer Rim)
Naboo (Chommell sector, Mid Rim) [Narus]
Ralok (Deep Core) [the Ralons (Harkon Dell)] {original}
Socorro (Kibilini sector, Outer Rim) [Avon Novus]
Yavin 4 (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Zegris (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim) [the Zegrins] {original}
Destiny III: The Emperor's Wrath (July 2012)
Abanol (Deep Core)
Alderaan (Alderaan sector, Core Worlds) [Xanus Baran]
Alsakan (Alsaka sector, Core Worlds) [Titus Klev]
Dathomir (Quelii sector, Outer Rim) [the Dathomirians (Zekla)]
Empress Teta (Koros sector, Deep Core) [Nik Netor]
Kothlis (Bothan sector, Mid Rim) [Askrut "Ace" Ral'kre]
Praetus {original}
Telos IV (Kwymar sector, Outer Rim) [Kyla Kishanti, Viron]
Recruitment (July 2012)
Nal Hutta (Hutt Space)
Taris (Ojoster sector, Outer Rim) [Jast Kyjar, Roon Altor, Rex Dan'wal]
Destiny IV: Calm Before the Storm (July 2012)
Almas (Thaere sector, Expansion Region)
Bastion (Braxant sector, Outer Rim) [Thrak Jal'daan]
Csilla (Chiss Space, Unknown Regions) [the Chiss (Thrawn)]
Duro (Duro sector, Core Worlds) [the Duros (Darth Mordus)]
Hoth (Anoat sector, Outer Rim)
Oricon (Corva sector, Outer Rim)
Ossus (Auril sector, Outer Rim)
Prakith (Sector 5, Deep Core) [Darth Andeddu]
Ziost (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Destiny V: Seeds from the Past (August 2012)
Cathar (Quelii sector, Outer Rim) [the Cathar (Wiskin)]
Concord Dawn (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim) [Kadar, Kale Karsa]
Katarr (Vensori sector, Mid Rim)
Lehon (Unknown Regions) [the Rakata]
Malachor V (Chorlian sector, Outer Rim)
Mandalore (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim) [Atinar Cabur]
Mon Cala (Calamari sector, Outer Rim) [the Mon Calamari, the Quarren]
Destiny VI: The End of All Days (August 2012)
Kessel (Kessel sector, Outer Rim)
Kessel (Kessel sector, Outer Rim)
Skustell (Tarabba sector, Outer Rim) [the Ongree]
Utapau (Tarabba sector, Outer Rim) [the Pau'an (Rion Sadon)]
Invasion I: The Lost Hero (January 2013)
Champala (Inner Rim) [the Chagrians (Mar Voran)]
Champala (Inner Rim) [the Chagrians (Mar Voran)]
Corellia (Corellian sector, Core Worlds)
Fondor (Tapani sector, Colonies)
Kuat (Kuat sector, Core Worlds) [Jak and Tasen Denon]
Kuat (Kuat sector, Core Worlds) [Jak and Tasen Denon]
Manaan (Inner Rim) [the Selkath]
Ralltiir (Darpa sector, Core Worlds) [Kalvin Sivel]
Sullust (Sullust system, Brema sector, Outer Rim) [the Sullustans (Sev Nep)]
Invasion II: Ghosts of Time (January 2013)
Belderone (Belderone sector, Outer Rim) [Darth Bandon]
Borosk (Prefsbelt sector, Outer Rim)
Cadomai Prime (Aparo sector, Outer Rim) [the Snivvians (Zarmach)]
Dxun (Inner Rim)
Kamino (Wild Space)
Kodai (Belderone sector, Outer Rim)
Nyssa (Tapani sector, Colonies)
Onderon (Inner Rim) [Orion Kira]
Ord Radama (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Thyrsus (Inner Rim)
Vjun (Nuiri sector, Outer Rim)
Invasion III: Prelude to Invasion (March 2013)
Christophsis (Savareen sector, Outer Rim)
Eshan (Inner Rim) [the Echani]
Kintan (Si'Klaata Cluster, Hutt Space) [the Nikto (Narrakar Von)]
Kuar (Deep Core)
Ord Mantell (Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim) [Scur Bodalla]
Rodia (Savareen sector, Outer Rim) [the Rodians (Taaku)]
Vinsoth (Quelii sector, Outer Rim) [the Chevin (Hahgalor Mos)]
Invasion IV: Wrath of the Glorians (April 2013)
Abraxas (Yushan sector, Mid Rim)
Corbos (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Denon (Iseno sector, Inner Rim) [Wallen Nix, Thaddeus Ivan]
Kaal (Yushan sector, Mid Rim) [Lhi Dumed]
Kinyen (Bes Ber Bikade sector, Expansion Region) [the Gran]
Moonus Mandel (Bothan sector, Mid Rim) [the Veknoid (Sao)]
Ryloth (Gaulus sector, Outer Rim) [the Twi'leks (Darth Scythe)]
Seoul 5 (Wild Space)
Sleheyron (Hutt Space) [Tessa Xash]
Terminus (Kallea sector, Outer Rim)
Is There Something You Need Killed, Master? (April 2013)
Concordia (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim)
Invasion V: Twilight of the Jedi (May 2013)
Agamar (Lahara sector, Outer Rim) [Devon Zanab]
Agamar (Lahara sector, Outer Rim) [Devon Zanab]
Alzoc III (Sujimis sector, Outer Rim)
Belkadan (Dalonbian sector, Outer Rim)
Belsavis (Bozhnee sector, Outer Rim)
Boz Pity (Halla sector, Mid Rim)
Ilum (Unknown Regions)
Maridun (Rolion sector, Outer Rim)
Mortis (Wild Space)
Nal Yeshu (Hutt Space)
Orto Plutonia (Sujimis sector, Outer Rim)
Pantora (Sujimis sector, Outer Rim) [the Pantorans (Typha Lorr)]
Varl (Hutt Space)
Invasion VI: Change of Tide (June 2013)
Ando Prime (Lambda sector, Mid Rim) [the Talid (Zhi-Hu)]
Draukyze (Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Dungal Lem (Tobali system, Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Felucia (Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Jovax {original}
Mash Shareo (Tobali system, Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Mustafar (Mustafar system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Rhen Var (Tobali system, Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Sarafur (Moddell sector, Outer Rim)
Sriluur (Tharin sector, Outer Rim) [the Weequays (Odan Murk)]
Toola (Nilgaard sector, Outer Rim)
Invasion VII: Terrors of the Underworld (July 2013)
Carratos (Inner Rim)
Carratos (Inner Rim)
Lianna (Allied Tion sector, Outer Rim)
M'haeli (Majoor sector, Expansion Region) [the H'drachi (Ph'ban)]
Malastare (Dustig sector, Mid Rim) [the Dugs (Karada)]
Mon Gazza (Lambda sector, Mid Rim)
Rhand (Unknown Regions)
Serenno (D'Astan sector, Outer Rim) [Tyr Valmar]
Umbara (Ghost Nebula, Expansion Region) [the Umbarans (Ryssa Synn)]
Invasion VIII: The Star Forge (August 2013)
Deralia (Tammuz sector, Outer Rim) [Larisa]
Mindor (Inner Rim)
Invasion IX: Dawn of Armageddon (September 2013)
Bespin (Anoat sector, Outer Rim)
Botajef (Belsmuth sector, Outer Rim)
Bothawui (Bothan sector, Mid Rim) [the Bothans]
Castell (Colonies) [the Gossam (Xiri Gan)]
Crseih Station (Pakuuni sector, Outer Rim)
Desevro (Tion Hegemony, Outer Rim)
Kooriva (Inner Rim) [the Koorivar (Leosa Vantare)]
Mullan (Keldrath sector, Outer Rim)
Naos III (Wild Space)
Pakuuni (Pakuuni sector, Outer Rim)
Invasion X: Judgment Day (October 2013)
Lao-mon / Sh'shuun (Unknown Region) [the Shi'ido]
Randon (Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim)
Abandoned (December 2013)
Taloraan (freestanding subsectors, Expansion Region)
Endgame I: The Elusive Shadow (April 2014)
Arkania (Colonies) [the Arkanians (Sal Tyrius)]
Ayceezee (Kanz sector, Outer Rim) [Darth Vectivus]
Begeren (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Devaron (Duluur sector, Colonies) [the Devaronians]
Jaguada (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Metalorn (Talcene sector, Mid Rim)
Nyriaan (Trans-Vulta sector, Mid Rim)
Odryn (Noonian sector, Outer Rim) [the Feeorin (Scav)]
Phaeda (Cademimu sector, Outer Rim) [Dax Goldam]
Riflor (Narrant sector, Mid Rim) [the Advozsec (Pol Zurn)]
Vaklin (Inner Rim)
Endgame II: The Dying Sun (June 2014)
Drall (Corellian sector, Core Worlds) [the Drall]
Drall (Corellian sector, Core Worlds) [the Drall]
Falleen (Doldur sector, Mid Rim) [the Falleen (Xalren Mithric)]
Fhost (Wild Space)
Orinda (Irishi sector, Mid Rim)
Vulta (Trans-Vulta sector, Mid Rim) [the Vultans]
Endgame III: The Forgotten Man (July 2014)
Lotho Minor (Wazta sector, Outer Rim)
Ophuchi (Colonies)
Endgame IV: The Yesterday Jedi (August 2014)
Cato Neimoidia (Colonies)
Cato Neimoidia (Colonies)
Phaegon III (Grumani sector, Outer Rim)
A Delayed Invasion (October 2014)
Adumar (Wild Space)
Adumar (Wild Space)
Endgame V: The Gathering Force (January 2015)
Kesh (Wild Space) [the Keshiri]
Prefsbelt IV (Prefsbelt sector, Outer Rim)
The Wheel (Maldrood sector, Mid Rim)
Endgame VI: The Lifted Veil (February 2015)
Antar 4 (Inner Rim) [the Gotal]
Iridonia (Glythe sector, Mid Rim) [the Zabrak (Donhran Remker)]
Vohai (Parmel sector, Outer Rim)
Endgame Finale: The Final Destiny (April 2016)
Birren (Inner Rim)
Cheelit (Semagi sector, Mid Rim)
D'Qar (Sanbra sector, Outer Rim)
Da Soocha (Hutt Space)
Damosus / Tralon IV (Ojoster sector, Outer Rim) [Varon Krul] {original}
Jakku (Inner Rim)
Kursid (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Megalox Beta (Bes Ber Bikade sector, Expansion Region)
Ord Cantrell (Fath sector, Outer Rim)
Ordo (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim) [Corda Ordo]
Takodana (Tashtor sector, Mid Rim)
Tralus (Corellian sector, Core World) [Wegar "Doc" Janlor]
Trylos {original}
Vandyne (Morshdine sector, Outer Rim)
The Eye of Kaas I: Miserable Woe (January 2017)
Corulag (Bormea sector, Core Worlds) [Arek Cobalt]
Corulag (Bormea sector, Core Worlds) [Arek Cobalt]
Kooda (Herglic Space, Colonies)
New Alderaan (Ash Worlds, Outer Rim)
Ord Talavos (Tashtor sector, Mid Rim) {original}
The Last of the Old (January 2018)
New Holstice (Maldrood sector, Mid Rim)
Spira (Lytton sector, Core Worlds)
The Eye of Kaas II: The Dragon's Claw (January 2018)
Amethia Prime (Inner Rim)
Amethia Prime (Inner Rim)
Bar'leth (Core Worlds)
Endymion (Kalamith sector, Outer Rim)
The Eye of Kaas III: Withering Glare (April 2019)
Belasco (Belasco sector, Expansion Region)
Belasco (Belasco sector, Expansion Region)
Jedha (Terrabe sector, Mid Rim)
Sedratis (Core Worlds) [Sare Valrisa]
Vergence I: The Corellian Conspiracy (March 2021)
Druckenwell (Doldur sector, Mid Rim)
Dubrillion (Myto sector, Outer Rim)
Durollia (Kalamith sector, Outer Rim)
Espinar (Core Worlds)
Exegol (Unknown Regions)
Hosnian Prime (Core Worlds) [Remar Almor]
Hypori (Ferra sector, Outer Rim)
Kalevala (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim)
Montross (Mid Rim)
Nam Chorios (Meridian sector, Outer Rim)
Orto (Sluis sector, Outer Rim) [the Ortolans (Bedo)]
Osseriton (Unknown Regions)
Pydyr (Mortex sector, Wild Space)
Quantxi (Bright Jewel system, Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Ord Mantell
Ryvester (Meridian sector, Outer Rim)
Void Station (Bothan sector, Mid Rim)
Vergence II: Walkers in the Sky (July 2021)
Bestoon [Ochi]
Bimmiel (Kanz sector, Outer Rim)
Denova (Ojoster sector, Outer Rim)
Kedorzha (Senex sector, Mid Rim) [the Kedorzhans (Taod Dront)]
Lothal (Dominus sector, Outer Rim) [Dev]
Mantero (Serenno system, D'Astan sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Serenno
Ord Sigatt (Noonian sector, Outer Rim)
Pallaxides (Ojoster sector, Outer Rim)
Quermia (Nilgaard sector, Outer Rim) [the Quermians (Roo Matha)]
Skorrupon (Trans-Vulta sector, Mid Rim)
Talravin (Core Worlds) [Bastila Shan, Vizun Naris]
Desolation (July 2021)
Halmad (Quelii sector, Outer Rim)
Yaga Minor (Prefsbelt sector, Outer Rim)
Vergence III: The Seventh Heir (September 2021)
Batuu (Trilon sector, Outer Rim)
Cerea (Semagi sector, Mid Rim) [the Cereans (Van-Sar-Nodan)]
Dagobah (Sluis sector, Outer Rim)
Kijimi (Bryx sector, Mid Rim)
Telerath (Nouane sector, Inner Rim) [Hazar Bailum]
Tepasi (Core Worlds)
Varnak (Mid Rim)
The Path of Revan (September 2021)
Byblos (Colonies)
Of Wraiths and Razor Crests (June 2022)
Balmorra (Colonies) [Raj Braven]
Necropolis (Core Worlds)
Nevarro (Dalicron sector, Outer Rim)
Obroa-skai (Inner Rim)
Ord Biniir (Relgim sector, Outer Rim) [Nens-Coro]
Ring of Kafrene (Thand sector, Expansion Region)
Rishi (Abrion sector, Outer Rim)
Trigalis (Juris sector, Outer Rim)
Wielu (Inner Rim)
Tales from the Jedi Order (June 2022)
Galidraan (Thanium sector, Outer Rim)
Gallus (Outer Rim)
Geonosis (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [the Geonosians]
JanFathal (Fath sector, Outer Rim)
Virujansi (Inner Rim)
Wasskah (Kashyyyk system, Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim)
Vergence IV: There Be Dragons (June 2022)
Arkanis (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [Armitage Hux, Niera Vallem]
Gatalenta (Core Worlds) [Amilyn Holdo]
Natalon (Piryn Shar sector, Expansion Region)
Numidian Prime (Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim)
Ronyards (Inner Rim)
Valorum (August 2022)
Eriadu (Seswenna sector, Outer Rim) [Rolan Verradun]
First Order of Business (March 2023)
Askaj (Cegul sector, Outer Rim) [the Askajians]
Broest (Core Worlds)
Delaya (Alderaan system, Alderaan sector, Core Worlds)
Dura-Kahn (Bes Ber Bikade sector, Expansion Region) [Lumina Bast]
Entralla (Velcar sector, Outer Rim)
Mimban (Circarpous sector, Expansion Region) [the Coway]
Pasaana (Ombakond sector, Expansion Region) [the Aki-Aki]
Qalydon (Sertar sector, Outer Rim)
Riosa (Inner Rim) [Ransolm Casterfo]
Valc VII (Perinn sector, Outer Rim)
Yanibar (Wild Space)
Vergence V: The Balancing Act (August 2023)
Avidich (Chiss Space, Unknown Regions) [Ap'lek]
Crait (Bon'nyuw-Luq sector, Outer Rim)
Dandoran (Hutt Space) [Jessika Pava]
Darkknell (Grumani sector, Outer Rim)
Hattaska (Unknown Regions) [Vicrul, Ren]
Ringo Vinda (Eucer sector, Mid Rim)
From the Ashes (October 2023)
Abednedo (Colonies) [the Abednedo (Chek Urhed)]
Anaxes (Azure sector, Core Worlds) [Viic Argen]
Burnin Konn (Anoat sector, Outer Rim)
Candovant (Colonies) [the Candovantan]
Chommell Minor (Chommell sector, Mid Rim)
Hosk Station (Kalarba system, Hevvrol sector, Mid Rim)
Iskalon (Trans-Nebular sector, Mid Rim)
Kalarba (Kalarba system, Hevvrol sector, Mid Rim)
Milagro (Chaykin sector, Expansion Region)
Radix (Yushan sector, Mid Rim)
Rintonne (Lambda sector, Mid Rim)
TerraAsta (Colonies)
Vandelhelm (Epsi Collective, Expansion Region)
Vardos (Core Worlds)
Tales from the Dark Side (May 2024)
Polis Massa (Subterrel sector, Outer Rim)
Scipio (Albarrio sector, Outer Rim)
X-Wing: Chasing Phantoms (TBA)
Vergence VI: The Dying of the Light (TBA)
The Destiny Documents only
[will be relocated to stories once they appear/are mentioned]
Imperial Warlords (February 2017)
Abregado-rae (Core Worlds) [Ennix Devian]
Firrerre (Zuma sector, Outer Rim) [the Firrerreo]
Irmenu (Belsmuth sector, Outer Rim)
Darksiders (November 2017)
Aargonar (Perkell sector, Mid Rim)
Almania (Mortex sector, Outer Rim)
Bakkah (Thrasybule sector, Outer Rim) [Adriav]
Malrev IV (Thrasybule sector, Outer Rim)
Malrev IV (Thrasybule sector, Outer Rim)
Nur (Mustafar system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Raada (Outer Rim)
Weerden (Corusca sector, Core Worlds)
Zeltros (Inner Rim) [the Zeltrons]
Jedi Archives (March 2019)
H'ratth (Inner Rim)
Irkalla (Unknown Regions)
Lavisar (Strabin sector, Mid Rim)
Lettow (Core Worlds)
Wanted by Cracken (March 2019)
Barab I (Albanin sector, Outer Rim) [the Barabel (Ragath)]
Bogg 4 (Bogden system, Inner Rim) [the Boggs (Ran-Dal)]
Bosph (Bosph sector, Outer Rim) [the Bosph (Moru Mora)]
Cona (Inner Rim) [the Arcona (Kal Nkai/Dem Hazon)]
Ganthel (Bormea sector, Core Worlds)
Gargon (Mandalore sector, Outer Rim)
Iktotch (Narvath sector, Expansion Region) [the Iktotchi (Naaro Viin)]
Klatooine (Hutt Space) [the Klatooinians (Barados and Rokara)]
Mileva (Mid Rim) [the Siniteen (Treb "Smarty" Retarc)]
Phatrong (Thrasybule sector, Outer Rim) [the Kyuzo (Mujambo)]
Zolan (Lambda sector, Mid Rim) [the Clawdites (Kyta)]
The Rebel Files (May 2019)
Essential Guide
Same applies here.
Deep Core
Ojom (Deep Core) [the Besalisk (Plun Kil)]
Core Worlds
Brentaal IV (Bormea sector)-- homeworld of Kan-Rann
Darada -- homeworld of Andur and Nomi Sunrider
Esseles (Darpa sector)-- homeworld of Kaal Novarl
Skako -- homeworld of the Skakoans (Mal Banvor's species)
Tinnel IV -- homeworld of Martok Zel
Trantor -- homeworld of Sakul Rolav
Transel -- homeworld of Lysira Naris
Inner Rim
Ambria (Airon sector)
Carida -- homeworld of Aay Zavos
Kiffex (Kiffu sector)
Kiffu (Kiffu sector)-- homeworld of the Kiffar (Zarin Kal's species)
Mull -- homeworld of the Mulask (Sidrona's species)
Yag'Dhul -- homeworld of the Givin (Nasoth Alarin's species)
Expansion Region
Thisspias (Farstey sector)-- homeworld of the Thisspiasians (Appa Nakil's species)
Mid Rim
Arthon (Ottega sector)
Ithor (Ottega sector)-- homeworld of the Ithorians (Resh Gillom's species)
Lexrul (Trax sector)-- homeworld of Miden Finn
Matacorn (Lambda sector)
Shelekar (Sevastol sector)-- homeworld of the Chiroks and Krikans [original]
Hutt Space
Tegras V -- homeworld of the Tegran [original]
Outer Rim Territories
Aldivy (Illisurevimurasi sector)
Andelm IV (Svivreni sector)
Axxila (D'Astan sector)-- homeworld of Markus Evor
Bunduki (Pacanth Reach)
Cheravh (Mandalore sector)-- homeworld of Orde Kaburn
Denab (Sluis sector)
Deyer (Anoat sector)-- homeworld of Kyp Durron
Draay 2 (Pelgrin sector)
Dweem (Calaron sector)
Eadu (Bheriz sector)-- homeworld of Kyle Gorshun
Haashimut (Ash Worlds)
Hishyim (Abrion sector)
Jagomir (Esstran sector)
Jelucan (Kwymar sector)-- homeworld of Andor Chasan
Kaddak -- homeworld of Rion Scorpius
Kegan (Calaron sector)-- homeworld of C-Tra Murik
Kowak (Sevetta sector)
Mirial (Illisurevimurasi sector)-- homeworld of the Mirialans (Nira Maren's species)
Nadiem (Baxel sector)-- homeworld of Tighe Nomante
Norval II (Calaron sector)
Onadax (Minos Cluster)
Orvax IV (Dalchon sector)
Phelarion (Seswenna sector)-- homeworld of Vynda Tareth
Rattatak (Trilon sector)-- homeworld of the Rattataki (Valisa Tor's species)
Rekkiad (Chorlian sector)
Seswenna (Seswenna sector)-- homeworld of Jori Unimar
Skye (Varada sector)-- homeworld of the S'kytri (Karis' species)
Stygeon Prime (Nuiri sector)
Sulon (Sullust system, Brema sector)-- homeworld of Kyle Katarn
Teevan (Kalamith sector)-- homeworld of the Teevans (Varn Xala's species)
Thule (Esstran sector)
Toprawa (Kalamith sector)-- homeworld of Morin Tharr
Valahari (D'Astan sector)-- homeworld of Ranulf Vorsen
Varn (Quelii sector)
Vorzyd V (Vorzyd sector)
Wild Space
Xyl -- homeworld of the Xylini
Vrogas Vas
Vrogas Vas
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