Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977)
Wilhuff Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)-- Captain
Wullf Yularen (male Human, Coruscant)-- Admiral
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (May 1980)
Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)-- Senator, Supreme Chancellor
Episode VI Return of the Jedi (May 1983)
Janus Greejatus (male Human, Chommell Minor)-- Senator
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)-- Senator
Episode I The Phantom Menace (May 1999)
Yeb Yeb Adem'thorn (male Swokes Swokes)-- Senator
Agrippa Aldrete (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Mas Amedda (male Chagrian, Champala)-- Vice Chair
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo)-- Senator
Bail Antilles (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Passel Argente (male Koorivar, Kooriva)-- Senator
Edcel Bar Gane (male Roonan, Roona)-- Senator
Tendau Bendon (male Ithorian, Ithor)-- Senator
Jar Jar Binks (male Gungan, Naboo)-- Senator
Lott Dod (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)-- Senator
Onaconda Farr (male Rodian, Rodia)-- Senator
Grebleips (male Asogian, Brodo Asogi)-- Senator
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)-- Senator
Zo Howler (male Anx)-- Senator
Aks Moe (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Po Nudo (male Aqualish, Ando)-- Senator
Mot-Not Rab (male Tarnab)-- Senator
Horox Ryyder (male Anx, Gravlex Med)-- Senator
Orn Free Taa (male Twi'lek, Ryloth)-- Senator
Sei Taria (female Human, Spira)-- Staff Aide
Ainlee Teem (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Tikkes (male Quarren, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Toonbuck Toora (female Sy Myrthian, Sy Myrth)-- Senator
Yeb Yeb Adem'thorn (male Swokes Swokes)-- Senator
Agrippa Aldrete (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Mas Amedda (male Chagrian, Champala)-- Vice Chair
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo)-- Senator
Bail Antilles (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Passel Argente (male Koorivar, Kooriva)-- Senator
Edcel Bar Gane (male Roonan, Roona)-- Senator
Tendau Bendon (male Ithorian, Ithor)-- Senator
Jar Jar Binks (male Gungan, Naboo)-- Senator
Lott Dod (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)-- Senator
Onaconda Farr (male Rodian, Rodia)-- Senator
Grebleips (male Asogian, Brodo Asogi)-- Senator
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)-- Senator
Zo Howler (male Anx)-- Senator
Aks Moe (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Po Nudo (male Aqualish, Ando)-- Senator
Mot-Not Rab (male Tarnab)-- Senator
Horox Ryyder (male Anx, Gravlex Med)-- Senator
Orn Free Taa (male Twi'lek, Ryloth)-- Senator
Sei Taria (female Human, Spira)-- Staff Aide
Ainlee Teem (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Tikkes (male Quarren, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Toonbuck Toora (female Sy Myrthian, Sy Myrth)-- Senator
Finis Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)-- Supreme Chancellor
Horace Vancil (male Human, Naboo)-- Senator
Yarua (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)-- Senator
Baskol Yeesrim (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Horace Vancil (male Human, Naboo)-- Senator
Yarua (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)-- Senator
Baskol Yeesrim (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Episode II Attack of the Clones (May 2002)
Ask Aak (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Ronet Coorr (male Human, Iseno)-- Senator
Lexi Dio (female Human, Uyter)-- Senator
Tundra Dowmeia (male Quarren, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Sly Moore (female Umbaran, Umbara)-- Staff Aide
Bail Organa (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Ister Paddie (male Human, Sermeria)-- Senator
Gume Saam (male Ishi Tib)-- Senator
Ask Aak (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Ronet Coorr (male Human, Iseno)-- Senator
Lexi Dio (female Human, Uyter)-- Senator
Tundra Dowmeia (male Quarren, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Sly Moore (female Umbaran, Umbara)-- Staff Aide
Bail Organa (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Ister Paddie (male Human, Sermeria)-- Senator
Gume Saam (male Ishi Tib)-- Senator
Wat Tambor (male Skakoan, Skako)-- Representative
Zil Topur (male Quarren)
Bogg Tyrell (female Aleena)-- Senator
Gorothin Vagger (male Aqualish, Andosha II)-- Senator
Rogwa Wodrata (female Holwuff)-- Senator
Bogg Tyrell (female Aleena)-- Senator
Gorothin Vagger (male Aqualish, Andosha II)-- Senator
Rogwa Wodrata (female Holwuff)-- Senator
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (May 2005)
Nee Alavar (female Human, Lorrd)-- Senator
Veedaaz Awmeth (male alien, Sarrish)-- Senator
Fema Baab (female Human)-- Senator
Bana Breemu (female Human, Humbarine)-- Senator
Tanner Cadaman (male Human, Feenix)-- Senator
Sweitt Concorkill (male Vurk)-- Senator
Neb Creip (male Human)-- Senator
Giddean Danu (male Human, Kuat)-- Senator
Ivor Drake (female Human, Kestos Minor)-- Senator
Eeusu Estornii (female Zeuol, Ord Zeuol)-- Senator
Male-Dee (male Human, Uyter)-- Senator
Nee Alavar (female Human, Lorrd)-- Senator
Veedaaz Awmeth (male alien, Sarrish)-- Senator
Fema Baab (female Human)-- Senator
Bana Breemu (female Human, Humbarine)-- Senator
Tanner Cadaman (male Human, Feenix)-- Senator
Sweitt Concorkill (male Vurk)-- Senator
Neb Creip (male Human)-- Senator
Giddean Danu (male Human, Kuat)-- Senator
Ivor Drake (female Human, Kestos Minor)-- Senator
Eeusu Estornii (female Zeuol, Ord Zeuol)-- Senator
Male-Dee (male Human, Uyter)-- Senator
Barrow Oicunn (male Human, Humbarine)
Chi Eekway Papanoida (female Pantoran, Wroona)-- Senator
Silya Shessaun (female Human, Thesme)-- Senator
Gem Sirrom (female Human, Dahvil)-- Senator
Terr Taneel (female Human, Neelanon)-- Senator
Meena Tills (female Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Solipo Yeb (male Human)-- Senator
Fang Zar (male Human, Sern Prime)-- Senator
Chi Eekway Papanoida (female Pantoran, Wroona)-- Senator
Silya Shessaun (female Human, Thesme)-- Senator
Gem Sirrom (female Human, Dahvil)-- Senator
Terr Taneel (female Human, Neelanon)-- Senator
Meena Tills (female Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)-- Senator
Solipo Yeb (male Human)-- Senator
Fang Zar (male Human, Sern Prime)-- Senator
The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
Solomahal (male Lutrillian)
Droids (1985)
Terrinald Screed (male Human)
The Clone Wars (2008)
Aang (male Roonan)-- Senator
Lux Bonteri (male Human, Onderon)-- Senator
Mina Bonteri (female Human, Onderon)-- Senator
Halle Burtoni (female Kaminoan)-- Senator
Mina Bonteri (female Human, Onderon)-- Senator
Halle Burtoni (female Kaminoan)-- Senator
Nix Card (male Muun)-- Senator
Christo (male Quarren)-- Senator
Christo (male Quarren)-- Senator
Riyo Chuchi (female Pantoran, Pantora)-- Senator
Rush Clovis (male Human, Scipio)-- Senator
Rush Clovis (male Human, Scipio)-- Senator
Mee Deechi (male Umbaran)-- Senator
Jakker-Sun (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Jakker-Sun (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Kharrus (male Gran)-- Senator
Tal Merrik (male Human, Kalevala)-- Senator
Zinn Paulness (male Human)-- SenatorPhilo (male Gran)-- Senator
Kin Robb (female Human, Taris)-- Senator
Dantum Roohd (male Human)-- Senator
Stonk (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Bounty Hunter (November 2002)
Connus Trell (male Twi'lek)-- Senator
Connus Trell (male Twi'lek)-- Senator
Knights of the Old Republic (July 2003)
Forn Dodonna (female Human)-- Admiral
Saul Karath (male Human, Corellia)-- Admiral
Carth Onasi (male Human, Telos IV)
Forn Dodonna (female Human)-- Admiral
Saul Karath (male Human, Corellia)-- Admiral
Carth Onasi (male Human, Telos IV)
The Old Republic (2011)
Alauni (female Twi'lek, Saleucami)-- Senator
Wain Andrell (male Human, Ralltiir)-- Senator
Arnus (male Human)-- Senator
Doli-bur Barc (male Human)-- Senator
Aphiram Clay (male)-- Senator
Nalrin Daheel (male Ugnaught)-- Senator
Gunaray Dod (male Neimoidian)-- Senator
Bevera Dodonna (female Human, Commenor)-- Senator
Wain Andrell (male Human, Ralltiir)-- Senator
Arnus (male Human)-- Senator
Doli-bur Barc (male Human)-- Senator
Aphiram Clay (male)-- Senator
Nalrin Daheel (male Ugnaught)-- Senator
Gunaray Dod (male Neimoidian)-- Senator
Bevera Dodonna (female Human, Commenor)-- Senator
Evran (male Human)-- Senator
Fouchiert (male)-- Senator
Tobas Grell (male Sarkhai, Sarkhai)-- Senator
Tobas Grell (male Sarkhai, Sarkhai)-- Senator
Dorian Janarus (male Human, Coruscant)-- Supreme Chancellor
Vanara Kayl (female Human, Coruscant)-- Senator
Zorin Krasul (male Cathar)-- Senator
Vanara Kayl (female Human, Coruscant)-- Senator
Zorin Krasul (male Cathar)-- Senator
Jace Malcom (male Human, Barcaria)-- Supreme Commander
Nehal (female)-- Senator
Nehal (female)-- Senator
Nohrwan (male)-- Senator or General
Oodora (from Manaan)-- Senator
Oranda (female Human, Agamar)-- Senator
Gaul Panteer (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Glearius Parvil (male)-- Senator
Milo Phipps (male Human, Dantooine)-- Senator
Querit (male Human)-- Senator
Rans (male Human)-- Supreme Commander
Clento Rone (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Oodora (from Manaan)-- Senator
Oranda (female Human, Agamar)-- Senator
Gaul Panteer (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Glearius Parvil (male)-- Senator
Milo Phipps (male Human, Dantooine)-- Senator
Querit (male Human)-- Senator
Rans (male Human)-- Supreme Commander
Clento Rone (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Leontyne Saresh (female Twi'lek)-- Supreme Chancellor
Starsnow (male Human)-- Senator
Verre Sydia (female)-- Senator
Tal Teff (from Alzoc III)-- Senator
Tudos (male Human)-- Senator
Vericks (male)-- Senator
Voralla (female Mirialan)-- Senator
Jol Zackin (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Grom Zian (male Chagrian, Solu Five)-- Senator
Starsnow (male Human)-- Senator
Verre Sydia (female)-- Senator
Tal Teff (from Alzoc III)-- Senator
Tudos (male Human)-- Senator
Vericks (male)-- Senator
Voralla (female Mirialan)-- Senator
Jol Zackin (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Grom Zian (male Chagrian, Solu Five)-- Senator
The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (October 2015)
Gryyzak (male Wookiee)-- Senator
Keenig -- Senator
Gryyzak (male Wookiee)-- Senator
Keenig -- Senator
Jebevel Madon -- Supreme Chancellor
The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne (December 2016)
Galena Rans (female Mirialan)-- Supreme Chancellor
Galena Rans (female Mirialan)-- Supreme Chancellor
The Old Republic: Onslaught (October 2019)
Deja Nebet (female Human, Onderon)-- Senator
Deja Nebet (female Human, Onderon)-- Senator
Star Wars (1977)
Simon Greyshade (male Human, Columex)-- Senator
Dark Empire (1991)
Spince (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Tales of the Jedi (1993)
Netus (male Human)-- Minister of Defense
Netus (male Human)-- Minister of Defense
Sidrona (male alien)-- Supreme Chancellor
Republic (1998)
Dorr-Femi-Bonmi (male Cerean)-- Senator
Chom Frey Kaa (male Twi'lek)-- Senator
Jheramahd Greyshade (male Human, Columex)-- Senator
Vidar Kim (male Human, Naboo)-- Senator
Viento (male Human)-- Senator
Ranulph Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)-- Governor-General, Senator
Jedi (2003)
Elsah'sai'Moro (female Devaronian)-- Senator
Elsah'sai'Moro (female Devaronian)-- Senator
Navi (male Sephi)-- Senator
Vien'sai'Malloc (female Devaronian)-- Senator
Zurros (male Falleen)-- Senator
Vien'sai'Malloc (female Devaronian)-- Senator
Zurros (male Falleen)-- Senator
Clone Wars Adventures (2004)
Bezz Drexx (male alien)-- Senator
Knights of the Old Republic (January 2006)
Koa Delko (male Quermian)-- Minister of Defense
Koa Delko (male Quermian)-- Minister of Defense
Haydel Goravvus (male Hamadryas hybrid, Taris)-- Senator
Graw (male Ithorian)-- Senator
Morvis (female Human, Chandrila)-- Senator
Dallan Morvis (male Human)-- Admiral
Morvis (female Human, Chandrila)-- Senator
Dallan Morvis (male Human)-- Admiral
The Old Republic (February 2009)
Paran Am-Ris (male Cerean)-- Supreme Chancellor
Berooken (male Mon Calamari)-- Supreme Chancellor
Mareesh (male Rodian)
Mareesh (male Rodian)
Thrawn Trilogy (1991)
Garm Bel Iblis (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Hiram Drayson (male Human, Chandrila)
Ralrracheen (male Wookiee)-- Senator
The New Rebellion (December 1996)
Gno (male)-- Senator
Planet of Twilight (May 1997)
Seti Ashgad (male Human)-- Senator
Cloak of Deception (May 2001)
Com Fordox (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Bor Gracus (male, Sluis Van)-- Senator
Com Fordox (male Human, Corellia)-- Senator
Bor Gracus (male, Sluis Van)-- Senator
Maxim (male Human)-- Senator
Rodd (male Human, Fondor)-- Senator
Rodd (male Human, Fondor)-- Senator
The Approaching Storm (January 2002)
Nemrileo irm-Docubac (male Tanjayan)-- Senator
Nemrileo irm-Docubac (male Tanjayan)-- Senator
Mousul (male Ansionian)-- Senator
Jedi Trial (October 2004)
Jannie Ha'Nook (female Human, Glithnos)
Jannie Ha'Nook (female Human, Glithnos)
Republic Commando (October 2004)
Ihu Niopua (male)-- Senator
Den Skeenah (male Human, Chandrila)-- Senator
Ihu Niopua (male)-- Senator
Den Skeenah (male Human, Chandrila)-- Senator
Labyrinth of Evil (January 2005)
Eixes Valorum (male Human)-- Supreme Chancellor
Revenge of the Sith (April 2005)
Iridik'k-stallu (female)-- Senator
Millennium Falcon (October 2008)
Des'sein (male humanoid)-- Senator
Largetto (male alien)-- Senator
Des'sein (male humanoid)-- Senator
Largetto (male alien)-- Senator
The Clone Wars: No Prisoners (May 2009)
Herbin (male)-- Senator
Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth (February 2010)
Yufwa (male Gran)
The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (July 2010)
Stantorrs (male Duros)-- Supreme Commander
Vuub (female Neimoidian)-- Senator
Yufwa (male Gran)
The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (July 2010)
Stantorrs (male Duros)-- Supreme Commander
Vuub (female Neimoidian)-- Senator
Darth Plagueis (January 2012)
Thoris Darus (male Human, Corulag)-- Supreme Chancellor
Eelen Li (female Triffian)-- Senator
Pax Teem (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Eelen Li (female Triffian)-- Senator
Pax Teem (male Gran, Malastare)-- Senator
Catalyst (November 2016)
Chasen Piian (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Queen's Shadow (March 2019)
Caelor Gaans (male, Bromlarch)-- Senator
Oshadam (female, Naboo)-- Senator
Master & Apprentice (April 2019)
Kirames Kaj (female Togruta)-- Supreme Chancellor
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi (January 2021)
Izzet Noor (male Human, Serenno)-- Senator
Lina Soh (female Human, Daghee)-- Supreme Chancellor
Lina Soh (female Human, Daghee)-- Supreme Chancellor
The High Republic: A Test of Courage (January 2021)
Ghirra Starros (female Human, Hosnian Prime)-- Senator
The High Republic: The Rising Storm (June 2021)
Digrenara -- Supreme Chancellor
Larep Reza (male Kalleran)-- Vice Chancellor
Tia Toon (male Sullustan)-- Senator
Vaadu (male Phindian)-- Senator
Jedi Apprentice (1999)
Vivendi Allum (male)-- Senator
Vi Callen (male)-- Senator
Vi Callen (male)-- Senator
Crote (male Human, Frego)-- Senator
Bicon Ransa (male Human)-- Senator
Bicon Ransa (male Human)-- Senator
Uta S'orn (female Human, Belasco)-- Senator
Sano Sauro (male Human, Eeropha)-- Senator
Pi T'Egal (male)-- Senator
Pi T'Egal (male)-- Senator
Jedi Quest (2001)
Bog Divinian (male Human, Nuralee)-- Senator
Bog Divinian (male Human, Nuralee)-- Senator
Berm Tarturi (male Human, Andara)-- Senator
Legacy of the Jedi (August 2003)
Blix Annon (male Human)-- Senator
Galim Eddawan (male Human, Tyan)-- Senator
Galim Eddawan (male Human, Tyan)-- Senator
Secrets of the Jedi (March 2005)
Banno (male Bothan)-- Lieutenant
The Last of the Jedi (2005)
Rhya Taloon (female Human, Agridorn)-- Senator
Rhya Taloon (female Human, Agridorn)-- Senator
Knight Errant: Influx (October 2010)
Genarra (female)-- Supreme Chancellor
Incognito (July 2013)
Dewell Bronk (male Kedorzhan)-- Senator
Dooku: Jedi Lost (April 2019)
Bulgeski (male Sallichen)-- Senator
Tavetti (male Bivall)-- Senator
Tavetti (male Bivall)-- Senator
Imperial Sourcebook (October 1989)
Gopple (from Erigorm)-- Senator
V'troren Tara (male Twi'lek)-- Senator
Gamemaster Handbook (April 1993)
Kare Fontin (male)-- Senator
Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Three (September 1993)
Elrood -- Senator
The Last Command Sourcebook (March 1994)
Galen Derlin (male Human, Tiisheraan)-- Senator
Goroth: Slave of the Empire (March 1995)
Garlan Limoth (male Human)-- Senator
The DarkStryder Campaign (July 1995)
Han Olbeg (male, Pitann)-- Senator
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies (September 1995)
Rennimdius B'thog Indriummsegh (male Elomin)-- Senator
Garlan Limoth (male Human)-- Senator
The DarkStryder Campaign (July 1995)
Han Olbeg (male, Pitann)-- Senator
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies (September 1995)
Rennimdius B'thog Indriummsegh (male Elomin)-- Senator
Flames of Rebellion (2001)
Alet Komain (male Human, Daimar)
Living Force Campaign Guide (March 2001)
Lavina Durada-Vashne Wren (female Human)-- Senator
Alet Komain (male Human, Daimar)
Living Force Campaign Guide (March 2001)
Lavina Durada-Vashne Wren (female Human)-- Senator
Coruscant and the Core Worlds (January 2003)
Canny Mandary Bertar (female Mrlssi)-- Senator
Canny Mandary Bertar (female Mrlssi)-- Senator
Fillorean (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Signet Mezzileen (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Living Force (2001)
Jasso Toryn (male Human)-- Senator
Ultimate Adversaries (June 2004)
Ravein (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Jasso Toryn (male Human)-- Senator
Ultimate Adversaries (June 2004)
Ravein (male Human, Alderaan)-- Senator
Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook (June 2007)
Alastar Treen (male Human, Corulag)-- Senator
Alastar Treen (male Human, Corulag)-- Senator
Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (August 2008)
Tol Cressa (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Galaxy of Intrigue (January 2010)
"Domino" -- Senator
Strongholds of Resistance (March 2015)
Contispex XI -- Supreme Chancellor
Contispex XI -- Supreme Chancellor
Collapse of the Republic (June 2019)
Tas Gallin (female Karkarodon)-- Senator
Adventure Journal (February 1994)Gabrial Atanna (male, Esseles)-- Senator
Polo Se'lab (male Bothan)-- Senator
Zafiel Snopps (male Human, Corulag)-- Senator
Gamer (2001)
Silvu Donte (male Advozse)-- Senator
Silvu Donte (male Advozse)-- Senator
Insider ()
Arcel Mosbree (male Human, Brentaal IV)-- Senator
Arcel Mosbree (male Human, Brentaal IV)-- Senator
Shea Sadashassa (female Human, Herdessa)-- Senator
Streamdrinker (male Tynnan)-- Senator
The New Essential Guide to Characters (April 2002)
Skor Kalpana (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Laeca Valorum
Tarsus Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)-- Supreme Chancellor
Tullius Valorum
Skor Kalpana (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Laeca Valorum
Tarsus Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)-- Supreme Chancellor
Tullius Valorum
The New Essential Chronology (October 2005)
Blotus (male Hutt)-- Supreme Chancellor
Contispex I (male Human, Coruscant)-- Supreme Chancellor
The New Essential Guide to Droids (June 2006)
Jubben -- Senator
Jubben -- Senator
Vocatara -- Supreme Chancellor
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (December 2008)
Fird (male Human, Alsakan)-- Senator
Fird (male Human, Alsakan)-- Senator
The Essential Atlas (August 2009)
Fattum (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Pultimo -- Supreme Chancellor
The Essential Guide to Warfare (April 2012)
Ulm Brashere -- Senator
Ulm Brashere -- Senator
Contispex II (male Human)-- Supreme Chancellor
Contispex XIX (male Human)-- Supreme Chancellor
Biel Ductavis (male)-- Supreme Chancellor
Vedij -- Supreme Chancellor
Thull Yularen (male Human)
The Old Republic Encyclopedia (October 2012)
Falit -- Senator
Thranz -- Senator
Thull Yularen (male Human)
The Old Republic Encyclopedia (October 2012)
Falit -- Senator
Thranz -- Senator
The Official Star Wars Fact File (December 2001)Kalen (male)-- Senator
HoloNet News (2002)
Char Bibbeck (male, Colunda Prime)-- Senator
Tyreca Bremack (female)-- Senator
Rasit Brun (from Rintonne)-- Senator
Candabrine Bu (from Lansono)-- Senator
Darsana (male Anselmi)-- Senator
Anwis Eddicus -- Supreme Chancellor
Dodra F'ass (male Bith)-- Senator
Boganni Hrul (female Human, Ord Thoden)-- Senator
Danry Ledwellow (male Er'Kit)-- Senator
Risi Lenoan (female Human, Kuat)-- Senator
Havriso Looruya (male, Yir Tangee)-- Senator
Corlissi Ludar (male Sluissi)-- Senator
Eeshrin Ot'Hyne (male Caamasi)-- Senator
Shayla Paige-Tarkin (female Human, Eriadu)-- Senator
Vaila Pecivas (female)-- Supreme Chancellor
Jollin Resbin (male Sneevel)-- Senator
Bufus Ritsomas (from Till Chorios)-- Senator
Esu Rotsino (female, Abrion Major)-- Senator
Daggibus Scoritoles (male Givin)-- Senator
Char Bibbeck (male, Colunda Prime)-- Senator
Tyreca Bremack (female)-- Senator
Rasit Brun (from Rintonne)-- Senator
Candabrine Bu (from Lansono)-- Senator
Darsana (male Anselmi)-- Senator
Anwis Eddicus -- Supreme Chancellor
Dodra F'ass (male Bith)-- Senator
Boganni Hrul (female Human, Ord Thoden)-- Senator
Danry Ledwellow (male Er'Kit)-- Senator
Risi Lenoan (female Human, Kuat)-- Senator
Havriso Looruya (male, Yir Tangee)-- Senator
Corlissi Ludar (male Sluissi)-- Senator
Eeshrin Ot'Hyne (male Caamasi)-- Senator
Shayla Paige-Tarkin (female Human, Eriadu)-- Senator
Vaila Pecivas (female)-- Supreme Chancellor
Jollin Resbin (male Sneevel)-- Senator
Bufus Ritsomas (from Till Chorios)-- Senator
Esu Rotsino (female, Abrion Major)-- Senator
Daggibus Scoritoles (male Givin)-- Senator
Yudrish Sedran (male Human, Chalacta)-- Senator
R'shinnos Sh'neel (from Genassa)-- Senator
Tashrikam (male Human, Grizmallt)-- Senator
Jonas Wallen (male, Darlon)-- Senator
Wuja Wojaine (female Pydyrian)-- Senator
Lanus Wrede (male Human, Sermeria)-- Senator
Nagratha -- Supreme Chancellor
Jonas Wallen (male, Darlon)-- Senator
Wuja Wojaine (female Pydyrian)-- Senator
Lanus Wrede (male Human, Sermeria)-- Senator
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji (February 2009)
Frix -- Supreme Chancellor
Tash Metonae (female, Alderaan)-- Senator
Tash Metonae (female, Alderaan)-- Senator
Pers'lya (male Bothan)-- Supreme Chancellor
Tyler Sapius Praji (male Human, Kaikielius)-- Core Founder
The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut (2013)Nagratha -- Supreme Chancellor
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