Original Trilogy
Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977)
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (May 1980)
Darth Sidious / Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Prequel Trilogy
Episode I The Phantom Menace (May 1999)
Darth Maul (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Episode II Attack of the Clones (May 2002)
Darth Tyranus / Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (May 2005)
Darth Plagueis / Hego Damask (male Muun, Mygeeto)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
The Clone Wars (2008)
Savage Opress (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Visions (2021)
Kouru (female Human)
Knights of the Old Republic (July 2003)
Kel Algwinn (male Human)
Yuthura Ban (female Twi'lek, Sleheyron)
Yuthura Ban (female Twi'lek, Sleheyron)
Darth Bandon (male Human)
Veren Gal (male)
Galas (male Selkath)
Hijata (male Human)
Veren Gal (male)
Galas (male Selkath)
Hijata (male Human)
Tulak Hord (male)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Ben Hu'al (male)
Elassa Huros (female Human)
Lashowe (female Human)
Galon Lor (male Human)
Ben Hu'al (male)
Elassa Huros (female Human)
Lashowe (female Human)
Galon Lor (male Human)
Darth Malak / Alek (male Human, Quelii)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Thalia May (female Human)
Mekel (male Human)
Nayama (female Human, Ukatis)
Thalia May (female Human)
Mekel (male Human)
Nayama (female Human, Ukatis)
Dustil Onasi (male Human, Telos IV)
Ajunta Pall (male Human)
Darth Revan (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Selene (female Human)
Shaardan (male Human)
Selene (female Human)
Shaardan (male Human)
Bastila Shan (female Human, Talravin)
Tamlen (male Human)
Tariga (male Human)
Tamlen (male Human)
Tariga (male Human)
Jorak Uln (male Human)
Dak Vesser (male Human, Dantooine)
Dak Vesser (male Human, Dantooine)
Uthar Wynn (male humanoid)
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (December 2004)
Visas Marr (female Miraluka, Katarr)
Darth Nihilus (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Sion (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Traya / Kreia (female Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
The Force Unleashed (September 2008)
Darth Desolous (male Pau'an)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Phobos (female Theelin, Korriban)
Starkiller / Galen Marek (male Human, Kashyyyk)
Battle of the Sith Lords (cancelled in 2011)
Darth Inexor (male)
Darth Kroan (male)
Darth Nix (female Human)
Darth Tigran (male Zabrak)
Darth VaGhal (female Human)
The Old Republic (2011)
The Old Republic (December 2011)
Player characters
Darth Nox / Darth Imperius / Darth Occlus -- Dark Council
"Empire's Wrath"
Dark Councilors
Darth Acharon (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Anathel (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Arctis (male)-- Dark Council
Darth Arho (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Azamin -- Dark Council
Darth Decimus (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Ekkage (female Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Gorgos (female)-- Dark Council
Darth Hadra (female Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Jadus (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Malgus / Veradun (male Human, Dromund Kaas)-- Dark Council
Darth Malora (female Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Mortis (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Ravage (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Sajar (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Savik (female Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Shaar (female Sith)-- Dark Council
Darth Vengean (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Xarion (male)-- Dark Council
Darth Zhorrid (female Human)-- Dark Council
Lords (Darths)
Darth Achelon (male Human)
Darth Andru (male Human)
Darth Atroph (male)
Darth Betton (female)
Darth Charnus (male Human)
Darth Enraj (male Human)
Darth Fastus (male)
Darth Gravus (male Human)
Darth Ikoral (male Sith)
Darth Iratus (male Human)
Darth Jaga (female Human)
Darth Kallous (male)
Darth Lachris (female Human)
Darth Minax (female Sith)
Darth Nacheria (female)
Darth Nephantes (male)
Darth Nurin (female Human)
Darth Ordrem (male)
Darth Nephantes (male)
Darth Nurin (female Human)
Darth Ordrem (male)
Darth Ouzal (male)
Darth Perash
Darth Serevin (female Sith)
Darth Shattra
Darth Silthar (male Human)
Darth Skotia (male Human)
Darth Synar (female Sith)
Darth Synn (male Human)
Darth Tormen (male Sith)
Darth Viktus (male Human)
Darth Vilus
Darth Zash (female Human)
Lords (non-Darths)
Atren (male Human)
Tari Darkspanner (female Human)
Draahg (male Human)
Ergast (male Human)
Haresh (male Zabrak)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Kherus (male Sith)
Vodal Kressh (male Sith)
Terrak Morrhage (male)
Necus / Darth Necus? (male)
Paladius (male Sith)
Pharshol (male)
Qet (male Human)
Renning (male Human)
Retrost / Nomen Karr (male Human)
Sadic (male)
Spindrall (male Human)
Vivicar / Parkanas Tark (male Human)
Zavrasha (female Sith)
Zyn (male Human)
Anyarah (female)
Dri'kill Ba'al (male Human)
Ortan Cela (male)
Morrun Dokaas (male Chagrian)
Lerek Serrus (male Human, Balmorra)
Vemrin (male Human)
Thana Vesh (female Human)
Jaesa Willsaam (female Human, Alderaan)
Xalek / Xivhkalrainik (male Kaleesh, Kalee)
Vaverone Zare / Darth Alluress (female Human)
Kalatosh Zavros (male Togruta)
Cut content
Darth Akanthos
Darth Arkov
Darth Kallomena (female)
Darth Legius (male Sith)
Darth Macerus
Darth Morias
Darth Norok
Darth Parios
Darth Pulsiva
Darth Sorranos
Darth Tagros
Darth Vexus
Darth Wrend
Cinematic Trailers
Adraas (male Human)
Adraas (male Human)
Darth Atroxa (female Twi'lek)
Darth Vindican (male Sith)
The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (April 2013)
Darth Acina (female Human)-- Dark Council, Sith Empress
Dark Arkous (male Sith)-- Dark Council
Lana Beniko (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Cytharat (male Sith)
Cytharat (male Sith)
Darth Soverus (male Sith)-- Dark Council
Tagriss (male Human)
The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter (December 2013)
Darth Immern (male)
Darth Krovos (female Sith)-- Dark Council
Tagriss (male Human)
The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter (December 2013)
Darth Immern (male)
Darth Krovos (female Sith)-- Dark Council
The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan (December 2014)
Kantale (male Sith)
Kantale (male Sith)
The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (October 2015)
Darth Arrid (male)-- Dark Council
Darth Val (female Zabrak)
Darth Vax (female)-- Dark Council
Darth Arrid (male)-- Dark Council
Darth Val (female Zabrak)
Darth Vax (female)-- Dark Council
The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne (December 2016)
Aayu (female Twi'lek)
Darth Ben'hade (male)
Aayu (female Twi'lek)
Darth Ben'hade (male)
Darth Hexid (female Zabrak)
Darth Kinsho (male)
Vindis (female Sith)
Vindis (female Sith)
The Old Republic: Onslaught (2019)
Feng (female Human)
Darth Legius (male Sith)
Darth Nul / Raniah (female)
Darth Pharov (female Sith)
Darth Rivix (male Sith)
Darth Yun (female Togruta)
Darth Rivix (male Sith)
Darth Yun (female Togruta)
The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith (2021)
Darth Norok (male Human)
Marvel Comics
Darth Caedus / Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Star Wars (1977)
Flint (male Human, Belderone)
Kalgrath (male Massassi)
Lumiya / Shira Brie (female Human, Coruscant)-- Dark Lady of the Sith
Dark Horse ComicsTales of the Jedi (1993)
Crado (male Cathar)
Shar Dakhan (male Sith)
Gav Daragon (male Human, Koros Major)
Dor Gal-ram (male Sith)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Aleema Keto (female Human, Empress Teta)
Ludo Kressh (male Sith, Rhelg)
Zona Luka (female Vultan)
Freedon Nadd (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Ulic Qel-Droma (male Human, Alderaan)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Naga Sadow (male Sith, Ziost)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Simus (male Sith)
Oss Wilum (male Vultan)
Oss Wilum (male Vultan)
Zythmnr (male Massassi)
Crimson Empire (December 1997)
Carnor Jax (male Human)
Star Wars / Republic (December 1998)
Darth Andeddu (male, Prakith)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Andeddu (male, Prakith)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Krayt / A'Sharad Hett (male Human, Tatooine)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Tales (1999)
Finn (male Human)
Marka (female Human)
Jedi vs. Sith (April 2001)
Githany (female Human)
Kopecz (male Twi'lek)
Lahzar (male)
Kopecz (male Twi'lek)
Lahzar (male)
Darth Zannah / Rain (female Human, Somov Rit)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Jedi (February 2003)
Darth Homiiz (male alien) [cut content]
Darth Homiiz (male alien) [cut content]
Asajj Ventress (female Dathomirian, Dathomir)
Knights of the Old Republic (January 2006)
Dossa (female Nautolan)
Remulus Dreypa (male Human)-- Exiles
Dossa (female Nautolan)
Remulus Dreypa (male Human)-- Exiles
Haazen / "Darth Hayze" (male Human)
Ieldis (male)
Elcho Kressh (male Sith)
Karness Muur (male humanoid)
Urbuluh (male alien)
Legacy (June 2006)
Darth Azard (male Quarren)
Elcho Kressh (male Sith)
Karness Muur (male humanoid)
Urbuluh (male alien)
Legacy (June 2006)
Darth Azard (male Quarren)
Bokar (male)
Darth Havok / Eshkar Niin (male Iktotchi)
Vul Isen (male Givin, Korriban)
Darth Kruhl (male humanoid)
Darth Maladi / Malincha (female Devaronian)
Darth Maleval (male Quarren)
Darth Maleval (male Quarren)
Darth Nihl (male Nagai, Nagi)
Darth Rauder (female humanoid)
Darth Reave (male Devaronian)
Darth Ruyn (male Twi'lek)
Darth Ruyn (male Twi'lek)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Darth Stryfe (male Human)
Darth Talon (female Twi'lek, Korriban)
Darth Wyyrlok I (male Chagrian)
Darth Wyyrlok II (female Chagrian)
Darth Wyyrlok III (male Chagrian)
Darth Talon (female Twi'lek, Korriban)
Darth Wyyrlok I (male Chagrian)
Darth Wyyrlok II (female Chagrian)
Darth Wyyrlok III (male Chagrian)
XoXaan (female humanoid)-- Exiles
Yuln (female)
The Old Republic (February 2009)
Darth Angral (male Human)
Darth Baras (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Angral (male Human)
Darth Baras (male Human)-- Dark Council
Calypho (male Human)
Ekage (male)
Exal Kressh (female Sith)
Malichose (male Human)
Darth Marr (male Human)-- Dark Council
Ekage (male)
Exal Kressh (female Sith)
Malichose (male Human)
Darth Marr (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Mekhis (female humanoid)-- Dark Council
Nankrang (male)
Darth Thanaton / Teneb Kel (male Human)-- Dark Council
Nankrang (male)
Darth Thanaton / Teneb Kel (male Human)-- Dark Council
Vitiate / Tenebrae / Valkorion (male Sith, Medriaas)-- Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Emperor
Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)-- Dark Council, Sith Emperor
Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)-- Dark Council, Sith Emperor
Knight Errant (October 2010)
Daiman (male Human)
Daiman (male Human)
Doyan (female Feeorin)
Glenk (male Kubaz)
Odion (male Human)
Odion (male Human)
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Spiral (August 2012)
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Spiral (August 2012)
Galathos (male Human)
Takara Hilts (female Human)
Takara Hilts (female Human)
Legacy vol. 2 (March 2013)
Fanoste (male Twi'lek)
Darth Luft (male Twi'lek)
Darth Wredd (male Human, Mala)
Darth Wredd (male Human, Mala)
Marvel Comics (2015)
Star Wars (January 2015)
Darth Atrius (male)
Lando (July 2015)
Darth Momin (male)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (2017)
Darth Shaa (female)
Galaxy's Edge (2019)
Khashyun (male Dowutin)
Khashyun (male Dowutin)
Dark Horse Comics (Canon)
The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi (2023)
Darth Ravi
Bantam Spectra
Thrawn Trilogy (1991)Darth Caedus / Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Jedi Academy Trilogy (March 1994)
Exar Kun (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Del Rey (Legends)
The Phantom Menace (April 1999)
Darth Bane / Dessel (male Human, Apatros)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
The New Jedi Order (1999)
Lomi Plo (female Human, Dathomir)
Welk (male Human)
Lomi Plo (female Human, Dathomir)
Welk (male Human)
Legacy of the Force (May 2006)
Dician (female Human)
Morto (male Togorian)
Darth Vectivus (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
White Eyes (male Human)
Darth Bane Trilogy (September 2006)
Hetton (male Human, Serenno)
Kas'im (male Twi'lek, Nal Hutta)
Llokay (male Zabrak)
Na'daz (male Twi'lek)
Qordis (male Human)
Kas'im (male Twi'lek, Nal Hutta)
Llokay (male Zabrak)
Na'daz (male Twi'lek)
Qordis (male Human)
Sirak (male Zabrak)
Yevra (female Zabrak)
Coruscant Nights (June 2008)
Darth Ramage (male)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Fate of the Jedi (March 2009)
Mor Akrav (male Keshiri)
Mor Akrav (male Keshiri)
Dekta Amon (male)
Tola Annax (female Keshiri)
Anyul (female Human)
Fardan Dei (male Human)
Querdan Dei (male Human)
Leeha Faal (female Keshiri)
Kayala Fei (female Human)
Viun Gaalan (male Keshiri)
Hara (female Keshiri)
Vyn Holpur (male Human)
Jashvi (Keshiri)
Kaara (female Human)
Ysadria Kaladris
Gavar Khai (male Human)
Lahka Khai (female Human)
Thallis Khai (male Human)
Vestara Khai (female Human, Kesh)
Vestara Khai (female Human, Kesh)
Korelei (female Keshiri)
Marjaak (male Keshiri)
Enara Massar (female Human)
Muura (female Keshiri)
Ruku Myal (male)
Ahri Raas (male Keshiri)
Revar (male)
Olaris Rhea (female Human)
Olaris Rhea (female Human)
Tela Rovas (female Human)
Rulin (Keshiri)
Tura Sanga
Sashal (female Keshiri)
Sazat (male Keshiri)
Sammul Sharsha (female Human)
Vantsuri Shia (Keshiri)
Taneka Shirru (female Keshiri)
Shura (female Human)
Suhale (female Human)
Sumar (female)
Syndor (male)
Sarasu Taalon (male Keshiri)
Tooley (male Human)
Tsiat (male Keshiri)
Turg (male Human)
Jesko Umarn
Jestat Vhool (male Keshiri)
Viti (female Human)
Darish Vol (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Darish Vol (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Vran (male Human)
Baad Walusari (male Keshiri)
Ivaar Workan (male Human)
Ivaar Workan (male Human)
Yasvan (female)
Takaris Yur (male Human)
Takaris Yur (male Human)
Yuvar Xal (male Human)
Axela Zin (female Human)
Lost Tribe of the Sith (May 2009)
Korsin Bentado (male Human)
Varner Hilts (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Korsin Bentado (male Human)
Varner Hilts (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Dann Itra -- Grand Lord
Candra Kitai (female Human)-- Grand Lord
Orielle Kitai (female Human)
Orielle Kitai (female Human)
Nida Korsin (female Human)-- Grand Lord
Seelah Korsin (female Human, Rhelg)
Yaru Korsin (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Yaru Korsin (male Human)-- Grand Lord
Flen Luzo (male Human)
Sawj Luzo (male Human)
Sawj Luzo (male Human)
Lillia Venn (female Human)-- Grand Lord
Edell Vrai (male Human)
Crosscurrent (January 2010)
Kell Douro (male Anzat)
Saes Rrogon (male Kaleesh)
Kell Douro (male Anzat)
Saes Rrogon (male Kaleesh)
The Old Republic (July 2010)
Eldon Ax / Cinzia Xandret (female Human)
Eldon Ax / Cinzia Xandret (female Human)
Darth Chratis (male Human)
Dramath (male Sith)
Dramath the Second (male Sith)
Darth Howl (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Howl (male Human)-- Dark Council
Darth Igrol (male Sith)-- Dark Council
Darth Karrid / Kana Terrid (female Falleen)-- Dark Council
Darth Nyriss (female Sith)-- Dark Council
Ordez (male Human)
Quux (male Sith)
Scourge (male Sith)
Darth Xedrix (male Human)-- Dark Council
Red Harvest (December 2010)
Darth Drear (male)
Xat Hracken (male Human)
Darth Scabrous (male Human)
Darth Drear (male)
Xat Hracken (male Human)
Darth Scabrous (male Human)
Knight Errant (January 2011)
Ayanos Bactra (male Quermian)
Saaj Calician (male Krevaaki)
Arkadia Calimondra (female Human)
Vilia Calimondra (female Human)
Chagras (male Human)
Dromika (female Human)
Malakite (male humanoid)
Mandragall (male Human)
One (male Celegian)
One (male Celegian)
Quillan (male Human)
Xelian (female Human)
Darth Plagueis (January 2012)
Darth Gean (female Twi'lek)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Gravid (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Guile (male)
Naat Lare (male Nautolan)
Naat Lare (male Nautolan)
Darth Tenebrous / Rugess Nome (male Bith)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Venamis (male Bith)
Del Rey (Canon)
Aftermath Trilogy (September 2015)
Exim Panshard (male)
Master & Apprentice (April 2019)
Darth Wrend
Myths & Fables (August 2019)
Ry Nymbis (male Twi'lek)
Myths & Fables (August 2019)
Ry Nymbis (male Twi'lek)
Dark Legends (July 2020)
Darth Noctyss (female)
Darth Sanguis (male)
Darth Noctyss (female)
Darth Sanguis (male)
Darth Siberus (female)
Life Day Treasury (September 2021)
Darth Quellus (male)
Shadows of the Sith (June 2022)
Darth Voord (male)
Junior Jedi Knights (October 1995)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel (April 2020)
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight (October 1998)
Skere Kaan (male Human, Coruscant)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Skere Kaan (male Human, Coruscant)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
LaTor (male)
Light and Shadow (July 1999) [cut content from Adventure Journal]
Thannor Keth (male)
Sindra (female)
Xash (male)
Thannor Keth (male)
Sindra (female)
Xash (male)
Dooku: Jedi Lost (April 2019)
Darth Caldoth (male Duros)
Darth Krall / Radaki (male alien)
Darth Sakia (female) [fictional in-universe]
Darth Skrye (female)
Darth Caldoth (male Duros)
Darth Krall / Radaki (male alien)
Darth Sakia (female) [fictional in-universe]
Darth Skrye (female)
West End Games
Heroes & Rogues (December 1995)
Dark Underlord (male)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Tales of the Jedi Companion (August 1996)
Adas (male Sith, Korriban)
Rin Shuuir (male)
Rin Shuuir (male)
Wizards of the Coast
Child of Light saga (2000)
Janton Belos (male)
Valik Kodank (female Sith)
Sansin Koriss (male)
Dargous Tanmoul (male)
Bavik Vannor (male Human)
Janton Belos (male)
Valik Kodank (female Sith)
Sansin Koriss (male)
Dargous Tanmoul (male)
Bavik Vannor (male Human)
Living Force Campaign Guide (March 2001)
Darsin / Darth Malus (male Human)
Farh j'Hien
Darth Rivan (male Zelosian)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Farh j'Hien
Darth Rivan (male Zelosian)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
The Dark Side Sourcebook (August 2001)
Belia Darzu (female Shi'ido)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Garu (male)
Kla (male)
Komok-Da (male Sith)
Tritos Nal (male)
Larad Noon (male)
Larad Noon (male)
Bo Vanda (female Zabrak)
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (November 2000)
Set Harth (male Human)
Korriban: Planet of Lost Souls (October 2003)
Dathka Graush (male Sith, Korriban)
Shadows in the Force (2004)
Quorlac Fornayh (male Near-Human)
Quorlac Fornayh (male Near-Human)
The Betrayal of Darth Revan (August 2008)
Darth Voren / Voren Renstaal (male Human)
Iridonian Darkness (October 2008)
Acaadi (male Zabrak)
Scum and Villainy (November 2008)
Pol Virten (male Shi'ido)
Darth Voren / Voren Renstaal (male Human)
Iridonian Darkness (October 2008)
Acaadi (male Zabrak)
Scum and Villainy (November 2008)
Pol Virten (male Shi'ido)
Jedi Academy Training Manual (May 2009)
Vulta Daanat (male)
Vulta Daanat (male)
Galaxy of Intrigue (January 2010)
Darth Glovoc (male Human)
Darth Vurik (male)
The Unknown Regions (April 2010)
Raspir (male Sith)
The Unknown Regions (April 2010)
Raspir (male Sith)
Fantasy Flight Games
Force and Destiny Core Rulebook (July 2015)
Broodica (female)
Crassus (male)
Zoiya Relle (female)
Broodica (female)
Crassus (male)
Zoiya Relle (female)
Nexus of Power (March 2016)
Casus Belli (1998)
Ku'ar Danar (male)
Dace Vinagar (male Human)
InQuest Gamer (1998?)
Bataal Bandu (male Sith/Human)
Ku'ar Danar (male)
Dace Vinagar (male Human)
InQuest Gamer (1998?)
Bataal Bandu (male Sith/Human)
Gamer (2001)
Kaox Krul (male Human)
Kaox Krul (male Human)
Najus (male)
Poxall (male)
Seviss Vaa (male)
Vader: The Ultimate Guide (July 2005)
Darth Ruin / Phanius (male Umbaran)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide of the Force (November 2007)
Wud Mortull (male Human)
Book of Sith (February 2012)
Darth Caba
Eradicus (male)
Hakagram Graush (male Sith)
Sorzus Syn (female humanoid)
Eradicus (male)
Hakagram Graush (male Sith)
Sorzus Syn (female humanoid)
Darth Venemal (male Human)
The Old Republic Encyclopedia (October 2012)
Darth Aruk -- Dark Council
The Old Republic Encyclopedia (October 2012)
Darth Aruk -- Dark Council
Darth Lokess (female)-- Dark Council
Darth Nostrem (male)
Darth Qalar -- Dark Council
Darth Rictus (male)-- Dark Council
Darth Lokess (female)-- Dark Council
Darth Nostrem (male)
Darth Qalar -- Dark Council
Darth Rictus (male)-- Dark Council
Hyron Tremel
Darth Victun -- Dark Council
Darth Victun -- Dark Council
Darth Zavakon (male)-- Dark Council
The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary (December 2019)
Darth Tanis
Darth Tanis
The Dark Forces Saga (April 2005)
Darth Cognus (female Iktotchi)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Millennial (male Human)-- Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Names (2006)
Darth Karnage
Darth Karnage
Behind the Threat: The Sith (June 2008)
Darth Vitus (male)
Darth Vitus (male)
Galactic Timeline (2009)
Barel Ovair (male Human)
Art: Visions (November 2010)
Darth Simi (female Zabrak)
Barel Ovair (male Human)
Art: Visions (November 2010)
Darth Simi (female Zabrak)
The Old Republic Holonet
Darth Vich (male)
Darth Vich (male)
The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut (2013)
Darth Vua (male Yuuzhan Vong Slayer)
Darth Vua (male Yuuzhan Vong Slayer)
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