Due to the sheer number of characters in this game, I'm going to try to make a comprehensive series of posts for them, separating them between storylines and expansions. The original post from when I first started these character guide will remain, this will mainly serve as an expansion/addendum.
Edited 8/17/2022 Merged all the classes.
Sith Warrior party
"Empire's Wrath"
Broonmark (male Talz, Alzoc III)
Pierce (male Human, Ziost)
Malavai Quinn (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Vette / Ce'na (female Twi'lek, Nar Shaddaa)
Jaesa Willsaam (female Human, Alderaan)
Sith Inquisitor party
"Darth Nox / Darth Imperius / Darth Occlus"
Talos Drellik (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Andronikos Revel (male Human, Corellia)
Khem Val (male Dashade, Urkupp)
Xalek (male Kaleesh, Kalee)
Ashara Zavros (female Togruta, Coruscant)
Imperial Agent party
"Cipher Nine"
Kaliyo Djannis (female Rattataki, Rattatak)
Vector Hyllus (male Human, Jurio)
Eckard Lokin (male Human)
SCORPIO (droid, Iokath)
Raina Temple (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Bounty Hunter party
Blizz (male Jawa, Tatooine)
Torian Cadera (male Human, Geonosis)
Mako (female Human, Nar Shaddaa)
Gault Rennow / Tyreius Lokai / "Gellar Roing" (male Devaronian, Coruscant)
Skadge (male Houk, Lijuter)
Sith Emperor
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Dark Council
Darth Acharon (male Human)
Darth Baras (male Human)
Darth Ekkage (female Human)
Darth Jadus (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Marr (male Human)
Darth Mortis (male Human)
Darth Ravage (male Human)
Darth Thanaton (male Human)
Darth Vengean (male Human)
Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Darth Zhorrid (female Human)
Emperor's Hands
Servant One (male Sith)
Servant Two (male Sith)
Servant Eleven (female Sith)
Abaron (male Sith)
Darth Achelon (male Human)
Darth Angral (male Human) [holocron]
Calaverous (male Human)
Charnoq (male Human)
Cineratus / Jevan (male Human)
Draahg (male Human)
Drowl (male Human)
Darth Enraj (male Human)
Goss (male Human)
Grathan (male Human)
Haresh (male Zabrak)
Ilikith (male Human)
Darth Iratus (male Human)
Darth Kallous (male)
Khreusis (male Human)
Kirnon (male Human)
Kras (male Human)
Melicoste (male Human)
Ogathu (male Human)
Paladius (male Sith)
Pharshol (male) [spirit]
Qet (male Human)
Rathari (male Human)
Razer / Shakren san Jukii (male Kaleesh)
Renning (male Human)
Reyzek (female Human)
Rolan (male Human)
Skar (male Human)
Darth Skotia (male Human)
Andreaus Thos (male Sith)
Darth Tormen (male Sith)
Vacuus (male) [spirit]
Darth Vilus [mentioned]
Darth Zash (female Human)
Arzanon (male Human)
Urinth (female Human)
Zyn (male Human)
Harkun (male Human)
Prithor (male Human)
Ragate (female Human)
Tremel (male Human)
Acolytes and apprentices
Alif (male Human)
Ffon Althe (male Sith)
Argog (male Gran)
Dri'kill Ba'al (male Human)
Balek (male Human)
Hiran Bessiker (male Human)
Corrin (female Human)
Dolgis (male Human)
Vereta Fraabaal (female Human)
Gerr (male Human)
Girik (male Zabrak)
Beelzlit Grathan (male Human)
Eskella Gryton (female Human)
Jaxun (male Human)
Kaal (male Human)
Esorr Kayin (male) [mentioned]
Klemral (male Human)
Kory (female Human)
Malora (female Human)
Niloc (male Human)
Ortosin (male Human)
Phyne (female Human)
Seferiss (male Twi'lek)
Seh-run (male Abyssin)
Seran (female Human)
Teeno (male Human)
Vassek (male Chagrian)
Vemrin (male Human)
Wydr (male Human)
Ghost Sith
Darth Andru (male Human)
Ergast (male Human)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Kalatosh Zavros (male Togruta)
Vaius Antinus (male) [mentioned]
Ortan Cela (male) [mentioned]
Devotek (male Human)
The Entity (female)
FimmRess (male Human)
Murbek Gehn (male Human)
Cellvanta Grathan (female Human)
Knash (male Human)
Urtel Moren (male Human)
Ralesk (male Human)
Spindrall (male Human)
Dolus (male Human)
Graham (male Human)
Hurdenn (male Human)
Masken (male Human)
Valion Pyron (male Human)
Alvon Zamar (male Human)
Bessiker (male Human)
Brukarra (female Human)
Eben (male Human)
Eisek (male Human)
Garrett (male Human)
Greist (male Human)
Hetter (male Human)
Ilun (male Human)
Jillins (male Human)
Joris (male Human)
Kaid (male Human)
Kligton (male Human)
Kullin (male)
Lanklyn (male Human)
Loren (male Human)
Elios Maliss (male Human)
Mallohe (female Human)
Oklart (male Human)
Ollien (male Human)
Revinal Orzik (male Human)
Phenter (male Human)
Pritch (male Human)
Rollo (male Human)
Senks (male Human)
Corian Shye (male Human)
Slarin (male Human)
Slinte (male Human)
Sylas (female Human)
Trill (female Human)
Yashia (female Human)
Imperial Guard
Naman Fal (male Human)
Keeper / Minister of Intelligence (male Human)
Fawste (male Chiss)
Fixer Twelve (male Human)
Shara Jenn / Watcher Two / Keeper (female Human)
Jheeg (male Arcona)
Lodenth Kashar (male Duros)
Bax Kholer (male Human)
Sanju Pyne (male Human)
Lekern Renald (male Human)
Watcher Three (male Human)
Watcher Six (female Human)
Watcher Seven (male Human)
Watcher X (male Human)
Vyord Yanol (male Human)
Reclamation Service
Auselio Gann (male Human)
Rogers (male Human)
Shalora (probe droid)
Sorrel (male Human)
Diplomatic Service
Athelis Kallis (female Sith)
Rul Jophen (male Human)
Spy network
Dellocon (male Human)
Monk (male Human)
Rylon (male Human)
Sharack Breev (female Human)
Dorotsech (male Human)
Sunder Ghettz (male Human)
NR-02 (protocol droid)
Halidrell Setsyn (female Human)
Shadow (male Human)
Skarsk (male Trandoshan)
Skeesk (male Trandoshan)
Iannos Tyrek (male Human)
Veshikk Urk (male Dashade)
Injaye (female Human)
Kellian Jarro (male Human)
Joce (male Miraluka)
Nomen Karr / "Lord Retrost" (male Human)
Ocera (male Human)
Nomar Organa (male Human, Alderaan)
Rubatin (male Human)
Ryen (male Cathar)
Jun Seros (male Human)
Somminick Timmns (male Mirialan)
Wyellett (male Human)
Yonlach (male Human)
Yul-Li (male Human)
Adeline Marr (female Miraluka)
Mashallon (female Human)
Tyler Thello (male Human)
Ulldin (male Human)
Volryder (male Human)
Xerender (male Human)
Zylixx (male Human)
Yadira Ban (female Twi'lek)
Cassius (male Human)
Eli (male Human)
Thendys Noori (female Mirialan)
Sewlor (male Human)
Varek (male Human)
Quorian Dorjis (male Human)
Supreme Chancellor
Dorian Janarus (male Human, Coruscant)
Anders (male Human)
Deulo (male Nautolan)
Durant (male Human)
Durmat (male Human)
Eligyn (male Human)
Faraire (male Human)
Elaxis Frellka (male Human)
Karastace Gonn (male Human)
Khourlet (male Human)
Minst (male Rodian)
Naughlen (male Human)
Ofaree (male Human)
Rans (male Human)
Thelonia Redrish (female Human, Kuat)
Riss (male Human)
Trey-yen (male Human)
Weggland (male Human)
Zixx (male Human)
Strategic Information Service
Chance (male Human)
Dhal / "Peyton Swole" (male Human)
Neyla Hawkins (female Human)
Hirosho (male Human)
Hunter (female Human)
Ardun Kothe (male Human, Dantooine)
Saber (female Twi'lek)
Grik Sonosan (male Human)
Varl (male Human)
Wheel (droid)
Albea (female Human)
Zale Barrows (male Human)
Ianna Cel (female Human)
Dean (male Kubaz)
Playt (male Human)
Vernon [mentioned]
Sadus Vraal (male Human)
Mandalore the Vindicated / Artus Lok (male Human)
Tarro Blood (male Human)
Jicoln Cadera (male Human)
Vorten Fett (male Human)
Huntsmaster (male Wookiee)
Jogo (male Human)
Sedyn Kyne (male Human)
Lek (male Human)
Renegrin (male Devaronian)
Hedarr Soongh (male Human)
Hutt Cartel
Anuli (male Human)
Carnus (male Houk)
Voontara Fa'athra (male Hutt)
Gele'ren (male Twi'lek)
Glorificent (female Human)
Karrels Javis (male Human)
Juda (female Twi'lek)
Suudaa Nem'ro (male Hutt)
Odeph (male Evocii)
Qiltakka (male Hutt)
Solash (male Chiss)
Toth'lazhen (male Twi'lek)
Tsar'alla (female Twi'lek)
Nohn Veyaiko (male Neimoidian)
Yalt (male Human)
Ybann (male Hutt)
Black Sun
Razak (male Human)
The Circle
Bolan (male Nikto)
Grokan (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Cult of the Screaming Blade
Gar-Nok (male Weequay)
Shar-Nok (male Weequay)
Var-Nok (male Weequay)
Lady of Pain (female Rattataki)
Casey Rix (female Human)
Ruso Zin (male Human)
White Maw
Ayor-v9 (male Gran)
Muglund (male Gamorrean)
Ki-Ta Kren (male Abyssin)
Pashok (male Chagrian)
Gradak Ungan (male Advozse)
Reneget Vause (male Trandoshan)
Xan (male Human)
Eagle's network
Eagle (male Human)
Denri Ayl (male Human, Alderaan)
Mia Hawkins (female Human)
Aphel Jaarn (male Human, Dantooine)
Raythen Predot (male Human)
Chorto Rinn (male Human)
Targen's gang
Luunti (female Rodian)
Targen (male Human)
Brehg (male Neimoidian)
Haze (male) [mentioned]
Davon Kull (male Human)
Nerrik (male) [mentioned]
Paal (male Human)
Slestack (male Human)
Solentz (female Human)
TuMarr (male Houk)
Sylas Wilkes (male Human)
Chiss Ascendancy
Hadro / Shah'adrom'illithyr (male Chiss)
Khel (male Chiss)
Saganu (male Chiss)
Infinite Empire
Ashaa / Mother Machine (device)
Gorshaa (male Rakata)
Star Cabal
Albathius (male Human)
The Creeper / Trilag (male Human)
Kolovish (female Twi'lek)
Yem Leksende (male Human)
NA-71 (droid)
The Prince (male Human, Alderaan)
Starrunner crew
Quellon (male Chagrian)
Alderaan native
Renata Alde (female Human)
Altaca (male Human)
Blenks (male Human)
Chay Cortess (female Human)
Pashon Cortess (male Human)
Peyar Cortess (male Human)
Corwin / Durasteel Duke (male Human)
Muriel Corwin (female Human)
Dargus (male Human)
Ferrin (male Human)
Aitalla Girard (female Human)
Heitor Girard (male Human)
Raffid Girard (male Human)
Zacar Girard (male Human)
Inivon (male Human)
Kan'grell (male Human)
Savorin Malfus the Seventh (male Human)
Marcum (male Human)
Gesselle Organa (female Human)
Vala Organa (female Human)
Perovius (male Human)
Prinn (male Human)
Lord Rist (male Human)
Maddor Rist (male Human)
Markos Rist (male Human) [mentioned]
Rehanna Rist (female Human)
Elana Thul (female Human)
Kendoh Thul (male Human)
Gregor Willsaam (male Human)
Parvin Willsaam (female Human)
Windredd (male Human)
Balmorra native
Gray Star (male Gran)
Chemish Or (female Human)
Pyther (male Human)
Vorr (male Human, Corellia)
Vye (female Human, Corellia)
Corellia native
Shrona Bel-Il (female Selonian)
Jonah Carter (male Human)
Cal Falcone (male Human)
Harlon Fane (male Human)
Dromund Kaas native
Avoira (female) [mentioned]
Jurithus (male Rodian)
Rennith (male) [mentioned]
Sathun (male) [mentioned]
Weng Wrightsyn (male Human)
Hoth native
Fetzellen (male Talz)
Slam Streever (male Human)
Nal Hutta native
Huttsbane (male Evocii)
Mistress Yalt (female Human)
Nar Shaddaa native
Rylee Dray (female Human)
Mila Escalus (female Human)
JT-02 (protocol droid)
JT-10 (battle droid)
JT-11 (battle droid)
Ekayn Liistot (male Nautolan)
Sabaya Liistot (female Nautolan)
Gord Madel (male Duros)
Netula Pahn (female Twi'lek)
Gyl Rosen (male Human)
Daegin Strell (male) [mentioned]
Jordel Tlan (male Human)
Destris Veran (male Human)
Quesh native
Kroius (male Anomid)
Tatooine native
Ka'van Aip (male Twi'lek)
Ann'ya (female Twi'lek)
Borga (male Gamorrean)
BZ-9D (droid)
Fell Dargun (male Human)
Dindo (male Human)
Izzeebowe Jeef (male Human)
NK-33 (droid)
The Old Man (male Human)
Regg (male Rodian)
Isbet Varta (female Human)
Milosh Varta (male Human)
Webb (male Human)
Datto Wys (male Human)
Voss native
Ali-Le (female Voss)
Alor-Wan (male Voss)
Amin-Le (female Voss)
Asa-Ku (male Voss)
Bas-Ton (male Voss)
Biddeck-Va (male Voss)
Char-Le (male Voss)
Dal-Rin (male Voss) [spirit]
Dokath-Ra (male Voss)
Fadith-Ki (male Voss)
Godan-Ur (male Voss)
Gunta-Mer (male Voss)
Hadrik (male Gormak)
Jokull (male Gormak0
Keyo-So (male Voss)
Lucen-Tok (male Voss)
Madaga-Ru (male Voss)
Mar-Da (male Voss) [spirit]
Nen-Ji (female Voss)
Ono-Mi (male Voss)
Phi-Ton (male Voss)
Shajahm-Do (male Voss)
Sel-Makor (male entity)
Sonn-Vi (male Voss)
Sor-Nak (male Voss)
Therod-Ton (male Voss)
Vana-Xo (female Voss)
Weylin-Po (female Voss)
Xanar (male Gormak)
Yana-Ton (female Voss)
Layek Davos (male Human)
Leo Furth (male Human)
Jakker (male Human)
Lett-Shara (male Human)
Nedecca (female Human)
Needa (male Human)
Paril (male Human)
Sanos (male Human)
Thent / Ath'en'terro (male Chiss)
Trage (male Human)
Imperial Guard
Churnis (male Human)
CR-97 (battle droid)
Ri Farrona (male Human)
Samara Mindak (female Human)
Theovor Mindak (male Human)
Obenth (male Human)
Tenus Paato (male Human)
Ibellia Ran (female Human)
Dark Jedi
Cult of Ki Sazen
Ki Sazen (female Zabrak)
Chevuk (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Belsavis prisoners
Chaney Barrow (female Human)
Ohta (male Human)
Paarkos (male Gand)
Kanjon Slyke (male Human)
Red Blade
Dheno Rey (male Zabrak)
Mining colony
Phytus (male Human)
Omana Tragg (male Mirialan)
Bounty hunters
Bloodworthy (male Human)
Braden (male Human)
Defenestrator (droid)
Gornik (male Ugnaught)
Grataa (male Kaleesh)
Jory (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Veeboo Lunx (male Rodian)
Crysta Markon (female Human)
Murghir (female Cathar)
Nails (female Rodian)
Jewl'a Nightbringer (female Zabrak)
Q'kal (male Human)
Rarsk (male Trandoshan)
Iopiane Ratle (female Mirialan)
Slatblath (male Ugnaught)
Ugmir (male Ugnaught)
Bilikin Drell (male Human)
Kayla Perlis (female Zabrak)
Vexx (male Human, Corellia)
Evlen (male Human)
Fraabaal (male Human)
Gargun (male Human)
Horn (male Human)
Ivernus (male Human)
Krau (male Human)
Medle (male Human)
Parson (male Human)
Petrak (male Human)
Pirrell (male Human)
Sartius (male) [mentioned]
Wallax (male Human)
Dak-Ah (female Human)
Gleelan (male Twi'lek)
ODX-9 (protocol droid)
Methias Yoran (male Human)
Zalia (female Human)
Eidolon Security
Eidolon (male Zabrak)
Zee K'lin (male Bith)
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