Grand Masters
Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Sixth Line
Garault (male Human)
Landai (female Mirialan)
Onok (male Twi'lek)
Surro (female Human)
Athleenia Dannuz (female Human)
Orgus Din (male Human, Rishi) [spirit]
Travecao Govan (female Human)
Arlo Grennen (male) [mentioned]
Incki Kunzler (female Human)
Halsta Labiqon (female Nautolan)
Notka (female Nautolan)
Kutri O'a (male Bothan)
Obai (male Human)
Demas Reyalmid (male Human)
Suutrar (male Zabrak)
Woir Ur'naght (male Near-Human)
Speran Yagvon (male Zabrak)
Zunor (female Cathar)
Supreme Chancellor
Leontyne Saresh (female Twi'lek)
Strategic Information Service
Ardun Kothe (male Human, Dantooine)
Theron Shan (male Human)
Antar Bintaghr (male Human)
Camrov [mentioned]
Cara (female Human)
Bodakus Emol (male Human)
Arven Ershall [mentioned]
Farseam (male Human)
Elin Garza (female Human, Coruscant)
Geiz (male Human)
Hethna (male Human)
Horan (male Human)
Kelvi [mentioned]
Milenec (male Human)
Mochiri [mentioned]
Orton [mentioned]
Straden (female Human)
Stroh (male Kel Dor)
Varn (male Zabrak)
Edrinu Zaya (female Zabrak)
Eclipse Squad
Nol Corovani (male Human)
Mak'eef (male Human)
Noray / "Rigor" (male Human)
Parisa / "Blink" (female Human)
Revai / "Tap" (male Human)
Udanara / "Glory Hound" (female Human)
Viridian Squad
Era Jung (female)
Tso (male Human)
Dakarus Cridmeen (male Selkath)
Order of Revan
Revan (male Human)
Tari Darkspanner (female Human)
Mokan (male Rattataki)
Rarrook (male Wookiee)
Djeon Thilloch (male)
Sith Emperor
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Dark Council
Darth Marr (male Human)
Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Emperor's Hand
Servant One (male Sith)
Lana Beniko (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Beraxil (female Human)
Fa'ann (male Sith)
Ivress (male Human)
Kantale (male Sith)
Khandrex (male)
Kurse (male Sith)
Madreeeg [mentioned]
Ray'en (male)
Teraah (male Human)
Xarovit Tovar (male)
Veijel (male Human)
Vodd (female Sith)
Tulak Hord (male)
Exar Kun (male Human)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Naga Sadow (male Sith, Ziost)
Salth Dysar (male)
Gromm Kyral (male)
Lorain (female Sith)
Montrose (female Human)
Bestul Pelizmo (male Human)
Engdo Taliav (male Sith)
Joal Torviss (female)
Zenna Vont (female)
Imperial Guard
Iven (male Human)
Balko (male Human)
Burr (male Human)
Dhuramav (male Human)
Inkari (female Human)
Jarenthi (male Human)
Jenarian (male)
Marko Ka (male)
Krigg [mentioned]
Lex (male Human)
Grundorsen Maelo (male)
Raygus Mol (male Human)
Sager (male Human)
Sorven [mentioned]
Stel (male Human)
Tarsten (male Human)
Minister of Intelligence (male Human)
Biabru (female Human)
D2-0A (protocol droid)
Deddo (male Chiss)
Keeper / Shara Jenn (female Human)
Rane Kovach (male Human)
Diu Sofla (female Human)
ISD-80 (medical droid)
Marvon (male Twi'lek)
Masha (male Human)
Erik Orentiis (male Human)
Rhea Orentiis (female Human)
Sabri (female Human)
Sano Thrica (male Twi'lek)
Jem Waulse (male Rodian)
X-124D (probe droid)
X-361D (probe droid)
X-662J (probe droid)
X-R37T (probe droid)
Shae Vizla / "Torch" (female Human)
Jos Beroya (male)
Valk Beroya (female)
Deron Cadoruso (male Human)
Vaor Khazlan (male Human)
Corellian Run Scoundrels
Tomota (male Bith)
Kai Zykken (male Human)
Death's Claw
Setali Dexsoreco (female Human) [cut content]
Kanawyn Syndicate
Avax (female Zabrak)
Chrone (male Zabrak)
Dastid (male Zabrak)
Nova Blades
Donovarr (male Human)
Kendruh (male Human)
Dael Margok (male Zabrak)
Ralen Margok (male Zabrak) [mentioned]
O'kar A'ko [mentioned]
Blaster (droid)
Bulo (male Duros)
Coratanni (female Human)
Ruugar (male Human)
Torque (male Wookiee)
Red Meteor Consortium
Kavork (Human)
The Shroud
Shroud SF-13 [mentioned]
Slayers Three
Angol Martilla (male)
Bez Martilla (female)
Derrus Martilla (male)
Bounty hunters
Brolok (male Gamorrean)
Desiraye Dusat (male Human)
Gorro (male Rodian)
Grumm (male Whiphid)
Korussk (male Trandoshan) [mentioned]
Calman Thatch (male Zabrak)
Boruush (male Trandoshan)
C2-D4 (protocol droid)
D0-M9 (droid)
Kanner Elysar (male Human)
Onna Ferran (male Rodian)
Grumm (male Whiphid)
Jakarro (male Wookiee)
Kaya (female Human)
Shisha Mor [mentioned]
Ajen Smuckles (female Human)
Steel-Eye [mentioned]
Beryl Thorne (female Human)
Galactic Solutions Industries
Denth (male Chiss)
GS-908 (battle droid)
Teeana (female Human)
Carrick Station residents
Thaln'k (male Gree)
Rishi native
08-RD (astromech droid)
Dak'on Agapoui (male Neimoidian)
Arankau (male Rishii)
Halaib Aweti (male Human)
Azarea Balawii (female Human)
Reiyo Barnes [mentioned]
Weklae Baso (male Human)
BO-55 (astromech droid)
Laiurea Crafyt (female Human)
Robay Csoalka (male Human)
Seoath Daotyl (male Human)
Rayche Emperva (female Nautolan)
Hak Eraag (male Chiss)
Gorna (female Human)
Mezel Grumpken (female Human)
Geons Harson (male Human)
Jav (male) [mentioned]
Biguh Johs (male Jawa)
Kareena (female Human)
Bluuto Karlabasy (male Nautolan)
Morran Kovoe [mentioned]
Larvon (male Human)
Lumo (male Human)
Frod Makora (male Advozse)
Blacaa Maralt (male Kubaz)
Thera Markon (female Human)
Droaitas Mastowsh (female Human)
Tilian Moravai (male Zabrak)
Elloise Moru (female) [mentioned]
Ren Moru (male Human)
Reku Moz [mentioned]
Delakroi Paroeidag (male Human)
Juars Parrka (female Human)
Qaraah (male Rishii)
Daegots Quaslk (female Human)
Dace Ran (female Human)
Remilok (male Zabrak)
Harlow Ricks (male Human)
Caffi Shish (male Human)
Tibor (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Mak Torvu (male Human)
Ty'oper (male)
Ushanna (female Mirialan)
Jerwo Vhob (male Sullustan)
Charoal Wieloag (male Zabrak)
Ziril (female Twi'lek)
Vaiken Spacedock residents
Hathe'k (male Gree)
Jaygon Rannis (male Human)
Yavin 4 native
Malaphar (male Massassi)
Rnthmyr (male Massassi)
Ziost native
B-7G2 (droid)
B4-C0 (astromech droid) [cut content]
Ecko-Do (male Human)
Henzen (male Twi'lek)
HMC-10 (droid)
Sibba Loto (male Ortolan) [cut content]
Gil Sontain (male Human)
Orten Theb (male Human)
Aurenia [mentioned]
Moga Berganto (male) [mentioned]
Garblaque (male Hutt) [mentioned]
Lina (female Human, Onderon) [mentioned]
Lokaibus (Hutt) [mentioned]
Torrig Omal (Chagrian) [mentioned]
Tyfor Renadal (male) [mentioned]
Viril Shu (male, Denon) [mentioned]
Treek (female Ewok)
Mogg Wacho (male, Mechis III) [mentioned]
Korrick Wain [mentioned]
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