Imperial Warlords (February 2017)
Central faction
Ubrik Adelhard (male Human)
Brothic (male Human)
Paltr Carvin (male Human)
Natasi Daala (female Human, Irmenu)
Lerr Duvat (male Human)
Armand Isard (male Human)
Ysanne Isard (female Human, Coruscant)
Delak Krennel (male Human, Corulag)
Afsheen Makati (male Human)
Betl Oxtroe (female Human)
Ederlatth Pallopides (female Human)
Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)
Gilad Pellaeon (male Human, Corellia)
Sate Pestage (male Human, Ciutric IV)
Gallius Rax (male Human, Jakku)
Rae Sloane (female Human, Ganthel)
Wilhuff Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)
Thrawn / Mitth'raw'nuruodo (male Chiss, Csilla)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Wullf Yularen (male Human, Coruscant)
Prophets of the Dark Side
Kadann (male Bimm)
Zsinj's Empire
Zsinj (male Human, Fondor)
Zsinj's Empire
Zsinj (male Human, Fondor)
Trioculus' Empire
Bertroff Hissa (male Human/Sephi)
Trioculus (male Human mutant, Kessel)
Deep Core Warlords
Blitzer Harrsk (male Human)
Treuten Teradoc (male Human, Er'Kit)
Deep Core Warlords
Blitzer Harrsk (male Human)
Treuten Teradoc (male Human, Er'Kit)
Dark Empire
Xandel Carivus (male Human)
Ragez D'Asta (male Human)
Kir Kanos (male Human)
Burr Nolyds (male Human)
Darius Onneir (male Human)
Restored Empire
Ennix Devian (male Human, Abregado-rae)
Empire Reborn
Tavion Axmis (female Human)
Desann (male Chistori)
Galak Fyyar (male Human)
Hethrir (male Firrerreo, Firrerre)
Crimson Empire
Espaa Valorum (male Human)
Empire Reborn
Tavion Axmis (female Human)
Desann (male Chistori)
Galak Fyyar (male Human)
Hethrir (male Firrerreo, Firrerre)
Crimson Empire
Espaa Valorum (male Human)
Imperial Remnant
Sorik / Kras'ori'kallv (male Chiss)
First Order
Kylo Ren (male Human, Chandrila)
Darth Nemesis (male Human clone)
Darth Plagueis / Hego Damask (male Muun, Mygeeto)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant)
Dark Jedi
Brakiss (male Human, Msst)
Toah Jarsan II (male Human clone)
Sei Taria (female Human, Spira)
Finis Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)
Toah Jarsan II (male Human clone)
Sei Taria (female Human, Spira)
Finis Valorum (male Human, Coruscant)
New Republic
Jan Ors (female Human, Alderaan)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Jan Ors (female Human, Alderaan)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Iella Wessiri (female Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Reelo Baruk (male Rodian)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Reelo Baruk (male Rodian)
Naboo native
Cosinga Palpatine (male Human)
Bon Tapalo (male Human)
Triclops (male Human mutant)
Waru (male entity)
Darksiders (November 2017)Waru (male entity)
Ancient Sith
Adas (male Sith, Korriban)
Sith Empire
Darth Andeddu / Ortan Cela (male Human, Prakith)
Remulus Dreypa (male Human)
Darth Andeddu / Ortan Cela (male Human, Prakith)
Remulus Dreypa (male Human)
Garu (male)
Tulak Hord (male)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Karness Muur (male)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Karness Muur (male)
Ajunta Pall (male Human)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Sorzus Syn (female)
Darth Trayus / Rakar Val (male Sith)
Norak Vor (male Sith)
XoXaan (female)
Marka Ragnos (male Sith)
Sorzus Syn (female)
Darth Trayus / Rakar Val (male Sith)
Norak Vor (male Sith)
XoXaan (female)
Freedon Nadd (male Human)
Amanoa (female Human, Onderon)
Brotherhood of the Sith
Exar Kun (male Human)
Darth Revan's Sith Empire
Darth Bandon / Deren Saran (male Human, Belderone)
Darth Glovoc / Bor Glovoc (male Human, Chandrila)
Darth Malak (male Human, Quelii)
Darth Revan (male Human)
Darth Voren / Voren Renstaal (male Human, Taanab)
Vitiate's Sith Empire
Darth Drear (male)
Arthron Kallig / Darth Imperius (male Human)
Darth Bandon / Deren Saran (male Human, Belderone)
Darth Glovoc / Bor Glovoc (male Human, Chandrila)
Darth Malak (male Human, Quelii)
Darth Revan (male Human)
Darth Voren / Voren Renstaal (male Human, Taanab)
Vitiate's Sith Empire
Darth Drear (male)
Arthron Kallig / Darth Imperius (male Human)
Xadira Kallig / Darth Nox (female Human)
Darth Thanaton (male Human)
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Darth Vitus (male Sith)
Darth Zash (female Human)
Darth Desolous / Dion Sazon (male Pau'an, Utapau)
Darth Phobos (female Theelin, Korriban)
New Sith
Adriav / Lord Dread VII (male Zeltron, Bakkah)
Dark Underlord (male)
Dev (male Human, Lothal)
Darth Eradicus / Ardas Talvron (male Human, Tralon IV)
Miden Finn (male Human, Lexrul)
Lydia (female Human)
Marka (female Human)
Momin (male Sephi)
Darth Ruin / Phanius (male Umbaran)
Shaa (female)
Klyto Sygnus / Lord Dread VI (male Twi'lek)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Thanaton (male Human)
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Darth Vitus (male Sith)
Darth Zash (female Human)
Darth Desolous / Dion Sazon (male Pau'an, Utapau)
Darth Phobos (female Theelin, Korriban)
New Sith
Adriav / Lord Dread VII (male Zeltron, Bakkah)
Dark Underlord (male)
Dev (male Human, Lothal)
Darth Eradicus / Ardas Talvron (male Human, Tralon IV)
Miden Finn (male Human, Lexrul)
Lydia (female Human)
Marka (female Human)
Momin (male Sephi)
Darth Ruin / Phanius (male Umbaran)
Shaa (female)
Klyto Sygnus / Lord Dread VI (male Twi'lek)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Bane (male Human, Apatros)
Darth Maul (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Savage Opress (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Darth Plagueis (male Muun, Mygeeto)
Darth Maul (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Savage Opress (male Zabrak, Dathomir)
Darth Plagueis (male Muun, Mygeeto)
Darth Sidious / Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Tyranus / Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Darth Tyranus / Dooku (male Human, Serenno)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Darth Vectivus (male Human)
Darth Zannah (female Human, Somov Rit)
Darth Zannah (female Human, Somov Rit)
Vorath's Sith
Darth Vorath / Kalon Soral (male Human, Coruscant)
Lumiya's Sith
Flint (male Human, Belderone)
Carnor Jax (male Human)
Lumiya / Shira Elan Colla Brie / "Brisha Syo" (female Human, Coruscant)
Sedriss' Sith
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus)
Lysira Naris / Darth Sedriss (female Human, Transel)
Other dark side users
Dark Side Elite
Sedriss QL (male Human)
Kam Solusar (male Human)
Emperor's Hands
Jeng Droga (male Human)
Mara Jade (female Human)
Sarcev Quest (male Human)
Emperor's Elite
Grand Inquisitor (male Pau'an)
Second Sister / Trilla Suduri (female Human)
Fifth Brother (male alien)
Sixth Brother / Bil Valen (male alien)
Seventh Sister (female Mirialan)
Eighth Brother (male Terrelian Jango Jumper)
Ninth Sister / Masana Tide (female Dowutin)
Tenth Brother / Prosset Dibs (male Miraluka)
Hydra (female Human)
Jerec (male Miraluka)
Malorum (male Human)
Laddinare Torbin (male)
Antinnis Tremayne (male Human, Coruscant)
Ja'ce Yiaso (male Zabrak)
Kycina (female Dathomirian)
Talzin (female Dathomirian)
Tavion Axmis (female Human)
Desann (male Chistori)
Brakiss (male Human, Msst)
Emperor's Elite
Grand Inquisitor (male Pau'an)
Second Sister / Trilla Suduri (female Human)
Fifth Brother (male alien)
Sixth Brother / Bil Valen (male alien)
Seventh Sister (female Mirialan)
Eighth Brother (male Terrelian Jango Jumper)
Ninth Sister / Masana Tide (female Dowutin)
Tenth Brother / Prosset Dibs (male Miraluka)
Hydra (female Human)
Jerec (male Miraluka)
Malorum (male Human)
Laddinare Torbin (male)
Antinnis Tremayne (male Human, Coruscant)
Ja'ce Yiaso (male Zabrak)
Kycina (female Dathomirian)
Talzin (female Dathomirian)
Tavion Axmis (female Human)
Desann (male Chistori)
Brakiss (male Human, Msst)
Joruus C'baoth (male Human clone)
Set Harth (male Human)
Kueller / Dolph (male Human, Almania)
Zekk (male Human, Ennth)
Kueller / Dolph (male Human, Almania)
Zekk (male Human, Ennth)
Old Sith Wars era
Old Sith Wars era
Zee Huna (female Rodian)
Aamaw Vadon (male Ithorian)
Inter-Sith Wars era
Niira Baelar (female Iktotchi)
Axon Roden (male Vurk)
New Sith Wars era
Murrtaggh (male Togorian)
Clone Wars / Dark Times era
Ferren Barr (male Iktotchi)
Ezra Bridger (male Human, Lothal)
Kanan Jarrus (male Human, Coruscant)
Qui-Gon Jinn (male Human)
Cere Junda (female Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Cal Kestis (male Human)
Dav Kylanu (male)
Ferus Olin (male Human)
Ahsoka Tano (female Togruta, Shili)
Flint Torul (male Human)
Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal)
New Jedi Order
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Tighe Nomante (male Human, Nadiem)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo)
Fiaid Dollan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rex (male Human clone, Kamino)
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo)
Fiaid Dollan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rex (male Human clone, Kamino)
Grievous (male Kaleesh, Kalee)
Rebel Alliance / New Republic
Jan Ors (female Human, Alderaan)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Rebel Alliance / New Republic
Jan Ors (female Human, Alderaan)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Cronal / Blackhole (male Human, Rhand)
Hethrir (male Firrerreo, Firrerre)
Hethrir (male Firrerreo, Firrerre)
Ysanne Isard (female Human, Coruscant)
Kir Kanos (male Human)
Gilad Pellaeon (male Human, Corellia)
Sate Pestage (male Human, Ciutric IV)
Thrawn (male Chiss, Csilla)
Espaa Valorum (male Human)
Pre Vizsla (male Human, Mandalore)
Bron Vuhar (male Zabrak)
Pre Vizsla (male Human, Mandalore)
Bron Vuhar (male Zabrak)
Glorian Empire
Shadow (male Glorian)
Crimson Dawn
Dryden Vos (male Near-Human)
Crimson Dawn
Dryden Vos (male Near-Human)
Sun Guard
Kenix Jir (male Human)
Risha Drayen (female Human, Nar Shaddaa)
Risha Drayen (female Human, Nar Shaddaa)
Talon Karrde (male Human)
Ailyn Vel (female Near-Human)
Belderone native
Zana (female Human)
Damosus native
Belderone native
Zana (female Human)
Damosus native
Andros Sendor (male Human)
Kalon Sendor (male Human)
Onderon native
Vaklu (male Human)
OtherOnderon native
Vaklu (male Human)
Atha Prime (male)
Wanted by Cracken (March 2019)
Black Sun
Mal Banvor (male Skakoan)
Xalren Mithric (male Falleen)
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Hutt Clans
Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Black Sun
Mal Banvor (male Skakoan)
Xalren Mithric (male Falleen)
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Hutt Clans
Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo (male Hutt)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Barados (male Klatooinian)
Barados (male Klatooinian)
Bossk (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
Rex Dan'wal (male Human, Taris)
Dem Hazon / Kal Nkai (male Arcona)
Jahlan (male Weequay)
Dem Hazon / Kal Nkai (male Arcona)
Jahlan (male Weequay)
Kanaj (male Zabrak)
Harido Kanu (male Rodian)
Kale Karsa (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Kerran Khan / Etus Kender (male Human, Corulag)
Mujambo / "Embo" (male Kyuzo)
Nekuz (male Sissoran, Sissor)
Alor Onab (male Human, Corellia)
Kyta Parasitti (female Clawdite)
Ran-Dal (male Bogg, Bogg 4)
Ran-Dal (male Bogg, Bogg 4)
Veshira Rath (female Zabrak)
Loopan Rem / "Cad Bane" (male Duros)
Rokara (male Klatooinian)
Smarty (male Siniteen)
Rokara (male Klatooinian)
Smarty (male Siniteen)
Tarr-Nar-Mal (male Cerean)
Manier Vemson (male Human)
Naaro Viin (male Iktotchi)
Viper (female Ubese)
Viper (female Ubese)
Zoran (male Falleen)
Zuckuss (male Gand, Gand)
Cad Bane (male Duros)
Jas Emari (female Zabrak)
Hondo Ohnaka (male Weequay)
Hondo Ohnaka (male Weequay)
Cato Parasitti (female Clawdite)
New Republic
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Thrak Jal'daan (male Human, Bastion)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Soontir Fel (male Human, Corellia)
Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)
Zale Ven (male Human, Coruscant)
Zale Ven (male Human, Coruscant)
Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Raven Priest (female Human)
Lokos Tenau (male)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Jedi Archives (March 2019)
First Great Schism
Awdrysta Pina (male Human)
Pius Dea Era
Biel Ductavis (male)
Pre-Sith Wars era
Ky-Lisi-Merr (female Cerean)
Memit Nadill (male alien)
Pyrr-Vara (female Cathar)
Lorjan Sakku (male)
Lyhesh Sakku (male)
Old Sith Wars era
Atris (female Human)
Vodo-Siosk Baas (male Krevaaki)
Ood Bnar (male Neti)
Chamma (male Devaronian)
Arca Jeth (male Arkanian)
Vrook Lamar (male Human)
Nova Larisa (female Sephi)
Odan-Urr (male Draethos)
Ulic Qel-Droma (male Human, Alderaan)
Bastila Shan (female Human, Talravin)
Tolaris Shim
Andur Sunrider (male Human, Darada)
Jev Sunrider (male Human)
Nomi Sunrider / Nomi Da'Boda (female Human, Darada)
Vima Sunrider (female Human, H'ratth)
Meetra Surik (female Human, Dantooine)
Thon (male Tchuukthai)
Post-Old Sith Wars era
Mical (male Human)
Bress Shan (male Human)
Reesa Shan (female Human)
Galactic Wars era
Belth Allusis (male Human)
Kira Carsen (female Human, Korriban)
Kao Cen Darach (male Zabrak)
Orgus Din (male Human, Rishi)
Gnost-Dural (male Kel Dor)
Tylos Harn (male Mirialan, Balmorra)
Tau Idair (female Human)
Shigar Konshi (male Kiffar)
Larisa (female Near-Human, Deralia)
Nikil Nobil (male Thisspiasian)
Yuon Par (female Human)
Jun Seros (male Human)
Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Tasiele Shan (female Human)
Ngani Zho (male Human)
Zym (male Kel Dor)
Desolation War
Niira Baelar (female Iktotchi)
Tolada Boorr (female Ithorian)
Hahkann (male Dowutin)
Axon Roden (male Vurk)
Kotu Vissola (female Pantoran)
New Sith Wars / Ruusan Reformations
Barra-Rona-Ban (male Cerean)
Fae Coven (female Jenet)
Hoth (male Human, Kaal)
Phanius / Darth Ruin (male Umbaran)
Restelly Quist (female Human)
Skarch Vaunk (female Anx)
Late Great Peace / Clone Wars era
Ashka Boda (male)
Neema Da-Boda (female Human)
Vima Da-Boda (female Human)
Vima Da-Boda (female Human)
Dooku / Darth Tyranus (male Human, Serenno)
Cin Drallig (male Human, Lavisar)
Leor Hal (male Human)
Qui-Gon Jinn (male Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Serra Keto (female Human)
Leor Hal (male Human)
Qui-Gon Jinn (male Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Serra Keto (female Human)
Jocasta Nu (female Human, Coruscant)
Tolrus Rawn / Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Yoda (male Yoda's species)
New Jedi Order
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Appa Nakil (male Thisspiasian)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Morin Tharr (male Human, Toprawa)
Tionne (female Human, Rindao)
Old Sith Wars
Exar Kun (male Human)
Lana Beniko (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Malgus (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Tormen (male Sith)
Darth Vindican (male Sith)
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Vivicar (male Human)
Old Sith Wars
Exar Kun (male Human)
Darth Malak (male Human, Quelii)
Darth Nihilus (male Human)
Darth Revan (male Human)
Darth Traya / Kreia (female Human)
Resurgent Sith EmpireLana Beniko (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Malgus (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Tormen (male Sith)
Darth Vindican (male Sith)
Vitiate (male Sith, Medriaas)
Vivicar (male Human)
Inter-Sith Wars
Darth Desolous / Dion Sazon (male Pau'an)
New Sith Wars
Darth Eradicus (male Human, Tralon IV)
Skere Kaan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rule of Two
Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Desolous / Dion Sazon (male Pau'an)
New Sith Wars
Darth Eradicus (male Human, Tralon IV)
Skere Kaan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rule of Two
Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Taral (male Human, Damosus)
Darth Vorath / Kalon Soral (male Human, Coruscant)
Dark Jedi
Legions of Lettow
Arden Lyn (female Human)
Xendor (male Human)
Supreme Chancellors
Legions of Lettow
Arden Lyn (female Human)
Xendor (male Human)
Supreme Chancellors
Contispex XIX (male Human)
Ayra Foon (female Quermian)
Dorian Janarus (male Human, Coruscant)
Iden Vanicus (female Human, Corulag)
Dorian Janarus (male Human, Coruscant)
Iden Vanicus (female Human, Corulag)
Theron Shan (male Human)
Vaner Shan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rebel Alliance
Jun Seros (male Whiphid)
Vaner Shan (male Human, Coruscant)
Rebel Alliance
Jun Seros (male Whiphid)
Eternal Empire
Arcann (male Human, Zakuul)
Braden (male Human)
Raj Braven (male Human, Balmorra)
Braden (male Human)
Raj Braven (male Human, Balmorra)
Ethril (male Human clone)
Helena Shan (female Human)
Waru (male entity)
Helena Shan (female Human)
Waru (male entity)
Imperial Records (TBA)
Grand Moffs
Wilhuff Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)
Conan Antonio Motti (male Human, Seswenna)
Garoche Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)
Thalassa Motti-Tarkin (female Human, Phelarion)
Motti family
Lithio Motti (male Human, Phelarion)
Zivon Motti (male Human, Phelarion)
House Praji
Gyla Praji (female Human)
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