The Elusive Shadow (April 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Gavin Darklighter (male Human, Tatooine)
Jorg Sacul (male Human, Tatooine)
Heol Girdun (male Human, Coruscant)
Garik Loran (male Human, Pantolomin)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Taaku (male Rodian)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Jana Koral (female Human)
M-3PO-613 "Dash" (M-3PO-series protocol droid)
Far Wanderer crew
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
R6-O3 (R6-series astromech droid)
High Council
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Dia'han (female Twi'lek)
Jomesh (male Mon Calamari)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Valisa Tor (female Rattataki)
Koria Tyrnak (female Zabrak, Iridia)
Narrakar Von (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Imperial Remnant
Trebor Horan (male Human, Coruscant)
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus)
Prodd (male Quarren)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Darth Vidius (male Sith) [mentioned]
Vorak Zal (male) [mentioned]
Goran Beviin (male Human)
Atinar Cabur (male Human)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Idris Kyrek (male Human)
Benor Sardan (male Human)
Black Sun
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Varak (male Devaronian)
Pol Zurn (male Advozse)
Loth Ja'far (male Bothan) [mentioned]
Myra Kishanti (female Mirialan)
Vuren Rackus (male Twi'lek)
The Dying Sun (May 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Rik Callum (male Human)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Traest Kre'fey (male Bothan)
Jorg Sacul (male Human, Tatooine)
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Sirul Rosk (male Shistavanen)
Arila Vurn (female Sullustan)
Devon Zanab (male Human)
Yin Zarn (male Kel Dor)
Garik Loran (male Human, Pantolomin)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Wraith Squadron
Myri Antilles (female Human, Corellia)
Trey Courser (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Turman Durra (male Clawdite)
Wegar "Doc" Janlor (male Human, Tralus)
Voort saBinring (male Gamorrean)
Jesmin Tainer (female Human)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Serra Kardi (female Human, Nadiem)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Tighe Nomante (male Human, Nadiem)
R6-O3 (R6-series astromech droid)
Sedriss' Sith
Karis (female S'kytri)
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Darth Revan's Sith
Oris Bruvar (male Human, Foerost) [flashbacks]
Darth Glovoc (male Human, Chandrila)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Black Sun
Sal Tyrius (male Arkanian)
Lok Revenants
Tar Dukk (male Hiitian)
Jaxis (male Anomid)
Jym (male Feeorin)
Scav (male Feeorin)
Ka Var (male Blood Carver)
Sidor Visora (male Tunroth)
Koyi Korr (female Twi'lek) [mentioned]
Zaven Korr (male Zabrak) [mentioned]
The Forgotten Man (July 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Wraith Squadron
Myri Antilles (female Human, Corellia)
Trey Courser (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Turman Durra (male Clawdite)
Wegar "Doc" Janlor (male Human, Tralus)
Garik Loran / "Castin Phanan" / "Kal Berri" (male Human, Pantolomin)
Voort saBinring (male Gamorrean)
Jesmin Tainer / "Zilaash Kuh" (female Human)
Fost Bramsin (male Human, Coruscant)
Haydnat Treen (female Human, Kuat)
Merratt Jaxton (male Human)
Heol Girdun (male Human, Coruscant)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Hrym Mawarr / "Mal Banvor" (male Skakoan)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Empire / Imperial Remnant
"Blue" (male Human)
"Gray" (female Human)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus) [voice]
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus) [voice]
Orde Kaburn (male Human, Cheravh) [flashbacks]
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Corda Ordo (female Human, Ordo) [flashbacks]
Tessa Xash (female Theelin hybrid, Sleheyron) [flashbacks]
Black Sun
Mal Banvor (male Skakoan) [flashbacks]
Xalren Mithric (male Falleen)
Jass Kropp (male Zabrak)
Junker crew
Khedryn Faal (male Human)
Marr Idi-Shael (male Cerean)
Alpha (male Human clone)
Hunter (female Human clone)
Runner (male Human clone)
Seer (female Human clone)
Fhost native
Borgaz (male Houk)
Feemus (male Squalris)
Himher (dealer droid)
"Mother" (female entity)
Reegas Vance (male Human)
The Yesterday Jedi (July 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Wraith Squadron
Drikall Bessarah (male Devaronian)
Trey Courser (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Turman Durra (male Clawdite)
Thaymes Fodrick (male Human)
Huhunna (female Wookiee)
Sharr Latt (male Human, Coruscant)
Garik Loran (male Human, Pantolomin)
Wran Narcassan (male Human)
Voort saBinring (male Gamorrean)
Fost Bramsin (male Human, Coruscant)
Haydnat Treen (female Human, Kuat)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Heol Girdun (male Human, Coruscant)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Taaku (male Rodian)
Borath Maddeus (male Human)
Hrym Mawarr (male Skakoan)
Lon Shevu (male Human, Coruscant)
Teram (male Human)
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Relin Druur (male Human, Ossus)
Drev Hassin (male Askajian) [flashbacks]
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Dalus Nurn (male Sullustan)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Teeva (female Rodian)
Imperial Remnant
Vin Borgas (male Human, Anaxes)
Los Dor (male Sith) [flashbacks]
Drophan (male Massassi) [flashbacks]
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus)
Prodd (male Quarren)
Saes Rrogon (male Kaleesh)
Naga Sadow (male Sith, Ziost) [flashbacks]
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Remar Almor (male Human, Hosnian Prime)
Jass Kropp (male Zabrak)
Merlok / "Saltai Deen" / "Cal Sulet" (male Shi'ido)
Sharbrook (male Wookiee)
Junker crew
Khedryn Faal (male Human)
Marr Idi-Shael (male Cerean)
Rikk-Deri (male)
The Gathering Force (August 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Via Eerin (female Mon Calamari)
Keala Y'arn (female Bith)
Yusan (male Gotal)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Nyyra (female Cathar) [mentioned]
Imperial Remnant
Vin Borgas (male Human, Anaxes)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Rion Scorpius (male Human, Kaddak)
Sorik (male Chiss)
Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Zelmer (male Human)
Followers of Taral
Malvra Dare (female Zeltron)
Karis (female S'kytri)
Varon Krul (male Human, Damosus)
Zashra Malincha (female Devaronian)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Lost Tribe of Sith
Vestara Khai (female Human, Kesh)
Olaris Rhea (female Human)
Sarasu Taalon (male Keshiri)
Darish Vol (male Human)
Takaris Yur (male Human)
Taral / Riidik Kressh (female Sith, Rhelg) [possessing Sith Meditation Sphere]
Kadar / Ziar Vizsla (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Tral Vizsla (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Black Sun
Scur Bodalla / "Besh" (male Human)
Tars Hill / "Isk" (male Muun)
Agmar Hork / "Herf" (male Houk)
Saiga Kas'lya / "Esk" (female Bothan)
Xalren Mithric (male Falleen)
Sidor Visora (male Tunroth)
Z-9D7 (9D7-class advisor droid)
Renegade crew
Bedo (male Ortolan)
Keera (female Farghul)
Kyla Kishanti (female Mirialan, Telos IV)
Vessin Ordo (female Human, Mandalore)
Askrut "Ace" Ral'kre (male Bothan)
R9-K7 "Shriek" (R9-series astromech droid)
Wiskin (male Cathar)
Remar Almor (male Human, Hosnian Prime)
Mal Banvor (male Skakoan) [voice]
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Merlok / "Fefar Flashblade" (male Shi'ido)
Ragath (male Barabel)
Vondara Ramesh Kai (male Hutt)
Sharbrook (male Wookiee)
Viper (female Ubese)
Abeloth (female entity)
Master-Com (droid)
Seer (female Human clone)
Shadow (male Shi'ido)
The Lifted Veil (August 2014) [40 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Sirul Rosk (male Shistavanen)
Arila Vurn (female Sullustan)
Devon Zanab (male Human, Agamar)
Yin Zarn (male Kel Dor)
Chief of State
Via Eerin (female Mon Calamari)
Tiurrg Drey'lye (male Bothan)
Nensu Kaatik (male Chagrian)
Kersla (female Twi'lek)
Nithal Q'Arts (male Caamasi)
Luewet Wuul (male Sullustan)
Keala Y'arn (female Bith)
Traest Kre'fey (male Bothan)
Yusan (male Gotal)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Relin Druur (male Human, Ossus)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Imperial Remnant
Kel-Raa (male Cerean)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Abrax Mal (male Human)
Tares Mal (male Human)
Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Rion Scorpius (male Human, Kaddak)
Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Followers of Taral
Varon Krul / Darth Taral (male Human, Damosus)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Taral (Sith Meditation Sphere)
Vossron (male Zabrak)
Sith Council
Acheron (male Snivvian)
Avaris / Su Koda (female Neimoidian)
Kallus (male Human, Telos IV)
Paxis (male Human, Taris)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Darth Sedriss / Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Tyran (male Human, Serenno)
Versutus (male Cerean)
Snoke (male humanoid) [voice]
Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant) [illusion]
Goran Beviin (male Human)
Boba Fett / "Jaster Mereel" (male Human clone, Kamino)
Mirta Gev (female Human)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Morgot (male Togorian)
Venku Skirata (male Human)
Medrit Vasur (male Human)
Tral Vizsla (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Renegade crew
Bedo (male Ortolan)
Keera (female Farghul)
Kyla Kishanti (female Mirialan, Telos IV)
Vessin Ordo (female Human, Mandalore)
Askrut "Ace" Ral'kre (male Bothan)
R9-K7 "Shriek" (R9-series astromech droid)
Wiskin (male Cathar)
Sintas Vel (female Kiffar)
Sintas Vel (female Kiffar)
Abeloth (female entity)
Khedryn Faal (male Human)
Lezarn (male Jenet)
Master-Com (droid)
Runner (male Human clone)
Seer (female Human clone)
Taun We (female Kaminoan)
The Final Destiny (March-September 2016) [41 ABY]
High Command
Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
High Command
Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Atha Prime / Mammon Hoole (male Shi'ido)
Xemer (male Shi'ido)
Shadow (male Shi'ido)
Wraith Squadron
Myri Antilles (female Human, Corellia)
Drikall Bessarah (male Devaronian)
Trey Courser (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Turman Durra / "Tomm Windraker" (male Clawdite)
Thaymes Fodrick (male Human)
Huhunna (female Wookiee)
Wegar "Doc" Janlor / Giganis (male Human/Shi'ido)
Sharr Latt (male Human, Coruscant)
Wran Narcassan (male Human)
Voort saBinring (male Gamorrean)
Jesmin Tainer (female Human)
Wraith Squadron
Myri Antilles (female Human, Corellia)
Drikall Bessarah (male Devaronian)
Trey Courser (male Human)
Bhindi Drayson (female Human)
Turman Durra / "Tomm Windraker" (male Clawdite)
Thaymes Fodrick (male Human)
Huhunna (female Wookiee)
Wegar "Doc" Janlor / Giganis (male Human/Shi'ido)
Sharr Latt (male Human, Coruscant)
Wran Narcassan (male Human)
Voort saBinring (male Gamorrean)
Jesmin Tainer (female Human)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Poe Dameron (male Human, Yavin 4)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Poe Dameron (male Human, Yavin 4)
Harter Kalonia (female Human)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
High Council
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Kam Solusar (male Human)
Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Ahar (male Bith)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Relin Druur (male Human, Ossus)
Bal Jal'var (male Bith)
Zin Jato (male Nautolan)
Jomesh (male Mon Calamari)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Serra Kardi (female Human, Nadiem)
Sadi Karria (female Tholothian)
Lowbacca (male Wookiee)
Kelbis Narik (male Rodian)
Tal Natura (male Twi'lek)
Novah (female Nothoiin)
Dalus Nurn (male Sullustan)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Naia Sulvara (female Human, Commenor)
Teeva (female Rodian)
Valisa Tor (female Rattataki)
Koria Tyrnak (female Zabrak, Iridia)
Lexa Varr (female Kel Dor)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
Narrakar Von (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Zaylii (female Verpine)
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Kam Solusar (male Human)
Tionne Solusar (female Human, Rindao)
Ahar (male Bith)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Relin Druur (male Human, Ossus)
Bal Jal'var (male Bith)
Zin Jato (male Nautolan)
Jomesh (male Mon Calamari)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Serra Kardi (female Human, Nadiem)
Sadi Karria (female Tholothian)
Lowbacca (male Wookiee)
Kelbis Narik (male Rodian)
Tal Natura (male Twi'lek)
Novah (female Nothoiin)
Dalus Nurn (male Sullustan)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Naia Sulvara (female Human, Commenor)
Teeva (female Rodian)
Valisa Tor (female Rattataki)
Koria Tyrnak (female Zabrak, Iridia)
Lexa Varr (female Kel Dor)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
Narrakar Von (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Zaylii (female Verpine)
Galactic Alliance
Braxon (male Human)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid) [flashbacks]
Garbek (male) [mentioned]
Heol Girdun (male Human, Coruscant)
Jak Kasra (male Human)
Nazar (male Falleen) [flashbacks]
Garbek (male) [mentioned]
Heol Girdun (male Human, Coruscant)
Jak Kasra (male Human)
Nazar (male Falleen) [flashbacks]
Imperial Remnant / First Order
Supreme Leader
Supreme Leader
Snoke (male humanoid)
Moff Council
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Vynda Tareth (female Human, Phelarion)
Niera Vallem (female Human, Arkanis)
Ranulf Vorsen (male Human, Valahari)
Drikl Lecersen (male Human)
Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Vynda Tareth (female Human, Phelarion)
Niera Vallem (female Human, Arkanis)
Ranulf Vorsen (male Human, Valahari)
Vin Borgas (male Human, Anaxes)
Armitage Hux (male Human, Arkanis)
Mirska (male Human)
Nadine (female Human)
Phasma (female Human, Parnassos)
Redarn (male Human)
Jori Unimar (female Human, Seswenna)
Armitage Hux (male Human, Arkanis)
Mirska (male Human)
Nadine (female Human)
Phasma (female Human, Parnassos)
Redarn (male Human)
Jori Unimar (female Human, Seswenna)
Sith / Dark Jedi
Followers of Taral
Malvra Dare (female Zeltron)
Xal Doon (male Kel Dor)
Faust (male) [mentioned]
Karis (female S'kytri)
Varon Krul / Darth Taral (male Human, Damosus)
Zashra Malincha (female Devaronian)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Malvra Dare (female Zeltron)
Xal Doon (male Kel Dor)
Faust (male) [mentioned]
Karis (female S'kytri)
Varon Krul / Darth Taral (male Human, Damosus)
Zashra Malincha (female Devaronian)
Sao (male Veknoid)
Rion Scorpius (male Human, Kaddak)
Draida Tarsiq (female Duros) [mentioned]
Sharik Vyys (male Iktotchi, Teth)
Draida Tarsiq (female Duros) [mentioned]
Sharik Vyys (male Iktotchi, Teth)
Sedriss' Sith
Acheron / Zarmach II (male Snivvian)
Kallus (male Human, Telos IV)
Paxis (male Human, Taris)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Saivus (male Human, Talravin)
Darth Sedriss / Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Serpriss (male Thisspiasian)
Tyran (male Human, Serenno)
Knights of Ren
Kylo Ren (male Human, Chandrila)
Kallus (male Human, Telos IV)
Paxis (male Human, Taris)
Saarai (female Chagrian)
Saivus (male Human, Talravin)
Darth Sedriss / Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Serpriss (male Thisspiasian)
Tyran (male Human, Serenno)
Knights of Ren
Kylo Ren (male Human, Chandrila)
Ap'lek (male Chiss, Avidich)
Cardo (male)
Kuruk (male)
Trudgen (male)
Ushar (male)
Vicrul (male Human, Hattaska)
Lost Tribe of Sith
Darish Vol (male Human)
Xaros (male Human)
Xela (female Keshiri)
Marked Ones
Haarkon Dak (male Human, Ord Cantrell)
Lokai (male Nagai)
Naaro Viin (male Iktotchi)
Mar Voran (male Chagrian)
Xiana (female Twi'lek)
Kaa'Zeth (female Dathomirian)
Darth Glovoc (male Human, Chandrila)
Lumiya / "Brisha Syo" (female Human, Coruscant)
Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant) [flashbacks]
Lost Tribe of Sith
Darish Vol (male Human)
Xaros (male Human)
Xela (female Keshiri)
Marked Ones
Haarkon Dak (male Human, Ord Cantrell)
Lokai (male Nagai)
Naaro Viin (male Iktotchi)
Mar Voran (male Chagrian)
Xiana (female Twi'lek)
Kaa'Zeth (female Dathomirian)
Darth Glovoc (male Human, Chandrila)
Lumiya / "Brisha Syo" (female Human, Coruscant)
Darth Vorath (male Human, Coruscant) [flashbacks]
Goran Beviin (male Human)
Mirta Gev (female Human)
Danjus Ghen (male Pantoran)
Orde Kaburn (male Human, Cheravh)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
"Benor Sardan" / Starkiller (male Human clone, Kamino)
Medrit Vasur (male Human)
Tessa Xash (female Theelin hybrid, Sleheyron)
Death Watch
Atinar Cabur (male Human)
Morgot (male Togorian)
Tahur (male Twi'lek)
Lei Vevut (female Human)
Tral Vizsla (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Bron Vuhar (male Zabrak)
Goran Beviin (male Human)
Mirta Gev (female Human)
Danjus Ghen (male Pantoran)
Orde Kaburn (male Human, Cheravh)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
"Benor Sardan" / Starkiller (male Human clone, Kamino)
Medrit Vasur (male Human)
Tessa Xash (female Theelin hybrid, Sleheyron)
Death Watch
Atinar Cabur (male Human)
Morgot (male Togorian)
Tahur (male Twi'lek)
Lei Vevut (female Human)
Tral Vizsla (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Bron Vuhar (male Zabrak)
Argus Ordo (male Human) [flashbacks]
Arcos Vuhar (male) [mentioned]
Smugglers' Alliance
Cyclops (male Rybet, Aquilaris)
Talon Karrde (male Human)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Pika (female Squib)
Booster Terrik (male Human, Corellia)
Yalnis (male Togruta)
Harfran [mentioned]
Maz Kanata (female alien)
Meila [mentioned]
Argus Ordo (male Human) [flashbacks]
Arcos Vuhar (male) [mentioned]
Smugglers' Alliance
Cyclops (male Rybet, Aquilaris)
Talon Karrde (male Human)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Pika (female Squib)
Booster Terrik (male Human, Corellia)
Yalnis (male Togruta)
Renegade crew
Bedo (male Ortolan)
Keera (female Farghul)
Kyla Kishanti (female Mirialan, Telos IV)
Vessin Ordo (female Human, Mandalore)
Askrut "Ace" Ral'kre (male Bothan)
R9-K7 "Shriek" (R9-series astromech droid)
Wiskin (male Cathar)
Almor's crew
Remar Almor (male Human, Hosnian Prime)
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Merlok / "Salvan Tai" (male Shi'ido)
Sharbrook (male Wookiee)
Borix Thorne (male Narquois)
Meson Martinet crew
Sidon Ithano (male Delphidian)
Quiggold (male Gabdorin)
OthersAlmor's crew
Remar Almor (male Human, Hosnian Prime)
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Merlok / "Salvan Tai" (male Shi'ido)
Sharbrook (male Wookiee)
Borix Thorne (male Narquois)
Meson Martinet crew
Sidon Ithano (male Delphidian)
Quiggold (male Gabdorin)
Harfran [mentioned]
Maz Kanata (female alien)
Meila [mentioned]
Bothan Spynet
Eskha Dan'yar (female Bothan)
Church of the Force
Nurik (male Rodian)
Lor San Tekka (male Human)
Vonnuvi (female Ithorian)
Glorian Remnant
Benag (male Shi'ido)
Onyx (male Shi'ido)
Prax (male Shi'ido)
Damosus native
Kalon Sendor (male Human)
Orran Sendor (male Human) [flashbacks]
Vandos Sendor (male Human) [mentioned]
Jakku native
Bar'derro [mentioned]
Durkus (male Saurin)
Unkar Plutt (male Crolute)
Rey (female Human)
Abeloth (female entity)
Tars Larkin (male Human)
Balik Selvin (male Human)
Strono Tuggs (male Artiodac)
Bothan Spynet
Eskha Dan'yar (female Bothan)
Church of the Force
Nurik (male Rodian)
Lor San Tekka (male Human)
Vonnuvi (female Ithorian)
Glorian Remnant
Benag (male Shi'ido)
Onyx (male Shi'ido)
Prax (male Shi'ido)
Damosus native
Kalon Sendor (male Human)
Orran Sendor (male Human) [flashbacks]
Vandos Sendor (male Human) [mentioned]
Jakku native
Bar'derro [mentioned]
Durkus (male Saurin)
Unkar Plutt (male Crolute)
Rey (female Human)
Abeloth (female entity)
Tars Larkin (male Human)
Balik Selvin (male Human)
Strono Tuggs (male Artiodac)
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