The Lost Hero (November 2012) [35 ABY]
Galactic Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Zana Arda (female Human, Chandrila)
Chelch Dravvad (male Human, Corellia)
Via Eerin (female Mon Calamari)
Nensu Kaatik (male Chagrian)
Tian Nek (male Sullustan)
Haydnat Treen (female Human, Kuat)
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Jester Dane (male Human, Commenor)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Zanjaar Naar (male Iktotchi)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Rogue Squadron
Jak Denon (male Human, Kuat)
Shyra Jaaz (female Zabrak)
Seph Kisto (male Nautolan)
Lensi (male Duros)
Soos Marko (male Phuii)
Kral Nevil (male Quarren)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Jer Topaz (male Balosar)
Nek Bwua'tu (male Bothan, Ruweln)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Norr Ruk'thri (male Bothan)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Tomas (male Human)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Korriban strike team
Tenel Ka Djo (female Human, Dathomir)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Lowbacca (male Wookiee)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
High Council
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Gaaraddik (male Wookiee)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Stak Bar'la (male Bothan) [mentioned]
Jaka (male Ithorian)
Kelbis Narik (male Rodian)
Imperial Remnant
Moff Council
Ephin Sarreti (male Human, Coruscant)
Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Sor Tonith (male Muun)
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Jokar's Squad
Ronn Jokar (male Human, Borosk)
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
501st Legion
Jax Astar (male Human, Ralltiir)
Jaron (male Human)
Doran Krotan (male Human)
Jagged Fel (male Human, Nirauan)
Nave Noradan (male Human, Chandrila)
Tokar (male) [mentioned]
Darth Maleval (male Quarren)
Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Xiana (female Twi'lek)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone)
Glorian Empire
Necros (male)
Corellian Council
Anato (male Human)
Thrackan Sal-Solo (male Human)
Aidel Saxan (female Human)
Denjax Teppler (male Human)
Ghosts of Time (December 2012) [35 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Zanjaar Naar (male Iktotchi)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
V'almarok (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
Imperial Remnant
Jokar's Squad
Ronn Jokar (male Human, Borosk)
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Levat Nuruk (male Duros)
Tesara Resan (female Human, Ord Thoden)
Kalvin Sivel (male Human, Ralltiir)
Lumiya's Sith
Carnor Jax (male Human)
Lumiya (female Human, Coruscant)
Order of the Sith Lords
Darth Erebus / Thanor Jax (male Human) [flashbacks]
Darth Furor (male Devaronian) [flashbacks]
Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo) [flashbacks]
Darth Tenebrous (male Bith) [flashbacks]
Darth Tenebrous's Sith Master (male Twi'lek) [flashbacks]
Stalker (male Human clone, Kamino)
Leon Valsas (male Human, Damosus)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist / Kaden Rand (male Human, Tatooine)
Glorian Empire
Naet (male Neimoidian)
Shadow (male)
Umbra (male)
Zordo (male)
Barados (male Klatooinian)
Harido Kanu (male Rodian)
Nekuz (male Sissoran, Sissor)
Veshira Rath (female Zabrak)
Rokara (male Klatooinian)
Snoova (male Wookiee)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
InterGalactic Banking Clan
Tars Hill (male Muun)
Mecrosa Order
Zandra Balis (female Human)
Remulus Horne (male Snivvian)
Jago (male) [mentioned]
Prelude to Invasion (January 2013) [35 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Via Eerin (female Mon Calamari)
Zrask Krey'lis (male Bothan)
Moog Ulur (male Rodian)
Versanus / "Deceiver" (male Echani)
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Zanjaar Naar (male Iktotchi)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Belindi Kalenda (female Human, Coruscant)
Jak Kasra (male Human)
Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Xemer (male Kel Dor)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Tahiri Veila (female Human, Tatooine)
High Council
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Van-Sar-Nodan (male Cerean)
Andor Chasan (male Human, Jelucan) [mentioned]
Lexa Varr (female Kel Dor)
Imperial Remnant
Moff Council
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Jokar's Squad
Ronn Jokar (male Human, Borosk)
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Avon Novus (male Human, Socorro)
Levat Nuruk (male Duros)
Tesara Resan (female Human, Ord Thoden)
Kalvin Sivel (male Human, Ralltiir)
Glorian Empire
Avatar (male)
Creno (male)
Necros (male)
Nuuba (male)
Shadow (male)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
HK-47 (HK-series assassin droid)
Kashyyyk native
Barakka (male Wookiee)
Ciiranta (male Wookiee) [mentioned]
Lumpawaroo (male Wookiee)
M-3PX (protocol droid)
Wrath of the Glorians (March 2013) [36 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Izrin Arapto (female Duros)
Tian Nek (male Sullustan)
Izrin Arapto (female Duros)
Tian Nek (male Sullustan)
Rolo (male, Taris) [mentioned]
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Mynock Squad
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Drokk (male Chagrian)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Samakalii (male Dressellian)
Sanso Shu (male Zelosian)
Zix (male Verpine)
Green Squadron
Kyle Gorshun (male Human, Eadu)
Rylo (male Mon Calamari)
Mynock Squad
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Drokk (male Chagrian)
Reeda Kanu (female Rodian)
Samakalii (male Dressellian)
Sanso Shu (male Zelosian)
Zix (male Verpine)
Green Squadron
Kyle Gorshun (male Human, Eadu)
Rylo (male Mon Calamari)
Avreet (male Mon Calamari)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Maltar (male Duros)
Marria (female Human)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Maltar (male Duros)
Marria (female Human)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Jaden's team
Jovan Drark (male Rodian)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Tal Natura (male Twi'lek)
Naia Sulvara (female Human, Commenor)
Koria Tyrnak (female Zabrak)
Lexa Varr (female Kel Dor)
High Council
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Van-Sar-Nodan (male Cerean)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Dolar Ven'sol (male Bothan)
Imperial Remnant
Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Karness Muur (male humanoid)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone)
Bor Teron (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Karness Muur (male humanoid)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone)
Glorian Empire
Morge (male Gen'Dai)
Necros (male)
Shadow (male)
Starka (male)
Violet (female)
Morge (male Gen'Dai)
Necros (male)
Shadow (male)
Starka (male)
Violet (female)
Janusinmend (male Troig)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Janusinmend (male Troig)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Kaal native
Hali (female Human)
Jaller (male Human)
Vakam (male Human)
Taris native
Al'rin (male Bith)
Elev (male Sullustan)
HK-47 (HK-series assassin droid)
Ribb (male Rybet)
Twilight of the Jedi (April 2013) [36 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Rancor Squad
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Mynock Squad
Jasel Dane (female Human, Commenor)
Drokk (male Chagrian)
Samakalii (male Dressellian)
Sanso Shu (male Zelosian)
Zix (male Verpine)
Nek Bwua'tu (male Bothan, Ruweln)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Wurf'al (male Bothan)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Xemer (male Kel Dor)
Kane Skywalker (male Human clone, Dromund Kaas)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
High Council
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Nira Maren (female Mirialan)
Odan Murk (male Weequay)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Van-Sar-Nodan (male Cerean)
Keyan Farlander (male Human, Agamar)
Bal Jal'var (male Bith)
Sadi Karria (female Tholothian)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Narrakar Von (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Imperial Remnant
Jokar's Squad
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Tesara Resan (female Human, Ord Thoden)
Kalvin Sivel (male Human, Ralltiir)
Adas (male Sith, Korriban) [flashbacks]
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine) [illusion]
Dark Jedi
Tasen Denon (male Human, Kuat)
Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Kaden Rand (male Human, Tatooine)
Dria Shiko (female Woostoid)
Viron (male Human, Telos IV)
Glorian Empire
Starka (male)
Valkor (male)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Dah-lurga (male Herglic)
Partem Durus (male Zilkin)
Zerev Tol (male Siniteen)
Xilus (male Ortolan)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Lumpawaroo (male Wookiee)
Change of Tide (May 2013) [36 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Rancor Squad
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Rogue Squadron
Jak Denon (male Human, Kuat)
Shyra Jaaz (female Zabrak)
Seph Kisto (male Nautolan)
Soos Marko (male Phuii)
Kral Nevil (male Quarren)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Jer Topaz (male Balosar)
Vral Chaar (male Vurk)
Eshka Dan'yar (female Bothan)
Marko (male Human, Corellia)
Sakul Rolav (male Human, Trantor)
Ulen Valsar (male Weequay)
Zennefra (female Elomin)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Je'daii Order
Ror Fer (male Cathar) [flashbacks]
Ketu (male Human) [flashbacks]
Tag Mat [mentioned]
Je'daii Order
Ror Fer (male Cathar) [flashbacks]
Ketu (male Human) [flashbacks]
Tag Mat [mentioned]
Imperial Remnant
Jokar's Squad
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Tesara Resan (female Human, Ord Thoden)
Kalvin Sivel (male Human, Ralltiir)
Trebor Horan (male Human, Coruscant)
Trebor Horan (male Human, Coruscant)
Thaddeus Ivan (male Human, Denon)
Darth Eradicus (male Zeltron, Bakkah) [mentioned]
Carnor Jax (male Human)
Lumiya (female Human, Coruscant)
Dark Jedi
Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Starkiller (male Human clone, Kamino)
Aran Cabur (male Human) [mentioned]
Atinar Cabur (male Human, Mandalore)
Glorian Empire
Dalax (male)
Shadow (male)
The Watcher (male)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Infinite Empire
Sal'kar (male Rakata) [flashbacks]
Shen (female Human) [flashbacks]
Order of Dai Bendu
Zhi-Hu (male Talid) [flashbacks]
Dral Chaar (male Vurk) [mentioned]
Dral Chaar (male Vurk) [mentioned]
Lumpawaroo (male Wookiee)
Terrors of the Underworld (June 2013) [36 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Belindi Kalenda (female Human, Coruscant)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Xemer (male Kel Dor)
Orsalan (male Human)
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Thann Mithric (male Falleen)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Valisa Tor (female Rattataki)
Lysira Naris (female Human, Transel)
Tyr Valmar (male Human, Serenno)
Glorian Empire
Necros (male)
Salvan Tai (male Sakiyan)
Black Sun
Karada (male Dug)
Azul Obez (male Twi'lek)
Scar (male Cathar)
Harido Kanu (male Rodian)
Nekuz (male Sissoran, Sissor)
Ragath (male Barabel)
Veshira Rath (female Zabrak)
Vejo (male Devaronian)
Viper (female Ubese)
Dax's crew
791 (assassin droid)
Alyson Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Redclaw (Wookiee)
Kadar (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Nora Sulk (male Weequay)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
The Star Forge (July 2013) [37 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Forge Seeker crew
Cyclops (male Rybet, Aquilaris)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Lumpawaroo (male Wookiee)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Sol Paun (male Zabrak)
Zerev Tol (male Siniteen)
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Lhi Dumed (male Human, Kaal)
Triebakk (male Wookiee)
Gavin Darklighter (male Human, Tatooine)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Ahar (male Bith)
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
R6-O3 (R6-series astromech droid)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Jacen Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Zaylii (female Verpine)
Imperial Remnant
Jokar's Squad
Par Je'mak (male Kaleesh)
Ronn Jokar (male Human, Borosk)
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Tesara Resan (female Human, Ord Thoden)
Kalvin Sivel (male Human, Ralltiir)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone)
Dria Shiko (female Woostoid)
Glorian Empire
Creno (male) [flashbacks]
Eclipse (male)
Barados (male Klatooinian)
Harido Kanu (male Rodian)
Harido Kanu (male Rodian)
Moru Mora (male Bosph)
Mujambo (male Kyuzo) [voice only]
Ragath (male Barabel)
Veshira Rath (female Zabrak)
Veshira Rath (female Zabrak)
Snoova (male Wookiee)
Vejo (male Devaronian)
Viper (female Ubese)
Raj's Crew
Cera Braven (female Human)
Raj Braven (male Human, Balmorra)
MB-RA-7 (RA-7 protocol droid)
Neelo (male Rodian)
Vima-Da-Boda (female Human)
EV-A4-V "Eve" (A4 laboratory assistant droid)
Bib Fortuna (male Twi'lek brain)
Atha Prime II / Aron Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine) [flashbacks]
Atha Prime III / Mammon Hoole (male Shi'ido)
Ph'ban (male H'drachi)
Trek (male Jawa)
Dawn of Armageddon (August 2013) [37 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Forge Seeker crew
Cyclops (male Rybet, Aquilaris)
Jaon (male Human)
Jast Kyjar (male Human, Taris)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Sol Paun (male Zabrak)
Rex (RX-series pilot droid)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Dah-lurga (male Herglic)
Partem Durus (male Zilkin)
Zerev Tol (male Siniteen)
Trek (male Jawa)
Xilus (male Ortolan)
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Cha Niathal (female Mon Calamari)
Norr Ruk'thri (male Bothan)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Squinn (male Quarren)
Xanus Baran (male Human, Alderaan)
Taana Di (female Togruta)
Natia Dorn (female Human, Dantooine)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Kro Sadoon (male Kel Dor)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Zaylii (female Verpine)
Imperial Remnant
Moff Council
Rolan Verradun (male Human, Eriadu)
Jokar's Squad
Ronn Jokar (male Human, Borosk)
Vex Laedo (male Human, Parshoone)
Niro Durlin (male Human)
Thaddeus Ivan (male Human, Denon)
Nave Noradan (male Human, Chandrila)
Rorthek (male Yinchorri)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone)
Mar Voran (male Chagrian)
Glorian Empire
Necros (male)
Benag (male)
Creno (male)
Sogi (male)
Starka (male)
Tomar (male) [mentioned]
Tomar (male) [mentioned]
Ziniku (male)
Agents of the Watcher
Eclipse (male)
Ghost (male)
Shadow (male)
Umbra (male)
Waru / The Watcher (male entity)
Xemer (male)
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Viper (female Ubese)
Blorb (male Aqualish)
HK-47 (HK-series assassin droid)
Orion Kira (male Human, Onderon)
Mystolea (female Vuvrian, Bespin)
Valtheran (male Sith god)
Judgment Day (September 2013) [37 ABY]Galactic Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Leia Organa Solo (female Human, Alderaan)
Animus (male Shi'ido)
Dah-lurga (male Herglic)
Partem Durus (male Zilkin)
Janus (male Troig)
Zerev Tol (male Siniteen)
Trek (male Jawa)
Xilus (male Ortolan)
Chief of State
Cal Omas (male Human, Alderaan)
Zrask Krey'lis (male Bothan)
Tian Nek (male Sullustan)
Lyria Valsk (female Devaronian)
Rancor Squad
Arek Cobalt (male Human, Corulag)
Sev Nep (male Sullustan)
Avreet (male Mon Calamari)
Nek Bwua'tu (male Bothan, Ruweln)
Vral Chaar (male Vurk)
Hawk Dorian (male Human, Taanab)
Sien Sovv (male Sullustan)
Wallen Nix (male Human, Denon)
Toah Jarsan (male Human, Dantooine)
Jaden Korr (male Human, Coruscant)
Anakin Solo (male Human, Coruscant)
Twin Suns Squadron
Kyp Durron (male Human, Deyer)
Corran Horn (male Human, Corellia)
Lowbacca (male Wookiee)
Tal Natura (male Twi'lek)
Cilghal (female Mon Calamari)
Zarin Kal (male Kiffar)
Kyle Katarn (male Human, Sulon)
Plun Kil (male Besalisk)
Noran Raun (male Human, Corulag)
Donhran Remker (male Zabrak)
Kane Skywalker (male Human clone)
Jaina Solo (female Human, Coruscant)
Imperial Remnant
Doran Krotan (male Human)
Darth Scythe (male Twi'lek)
Dark Jedi
Revanchist (male Human clone) [body only]
Goran Beviin (male Human)
Atinar Cabur (male Human)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Glorian Empire
Avatar (male)
Necros / Sarron Noole (male)
Waru (male)
Sogi (male)
Starka (male)
Ziniku (male)
Eclipse (male)
Shadow (male)
Umbra (male)
Xemer (male)
Hutt Grand Council
Zargga Besadii Fir (male Hutt)
Vondara Ramesh Kai (male Hutt)
Raaxus Vosadii Avak (male Hutt)
Smugglers' Alliance
Booster Terrik (male Human, Corellia)
Dax Goldam (male Human, Phaeda)
Corporate Sector Authority
Lan Olesa (male Human)
Atha Prime (male Shi'ido)
Valtheran (male Sith god)
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