-39:6: The Kaarenth Dissension attacks Endor with a worldcraft styled after the Death Star. The Alliance destroys it with the help of a Star Tours transport.
-39:8: The Nagai-Tof War ends with the Battle of Saijo.
-39:11: The Battle of Malrev IV occurs.
-39:12: The Battle of Brentaal IV occurs.
Births: Eelysa, Protas
-40:3: The Evacuation of Ciutric occurs. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage (or his clone) is killed by Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel. Ysanne Isard eliminates the Tribunal and takes over the Empire.
-The Trioculus affair occurs.
-The Mindor campaign occurs.
-Kyle Katarn defeats Jerec and the Seven Dark Jedi before they can use the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan. The spirits trapped within the Valley are freed.
Births: Sinker
-Rogue Squadron is reformed by Wedge Antilles.
-The Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor arrives in the galaxy.
Births: Eryl Besa, Jagged Fel, Zekk
-The Bacta War occurs.
-The Hunt for Zsinj begins.
Births: Raf Othrem
-The Hunt for Zsinj ends.
-Han Solo and Leia Organa are married.
-Grand Admiral Thrawn returns from the Unknown Regions.
Births: Cadrin Awel, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Raynar Thul
-Grand Admiral Thrawn launches a campaign against the New Republic.
10 ABY
Births: Anakin Solo, Alema Rar
-The Dark Empire emerges led by a clone of Emperor Palpatine.
-Operation Shadow Hand begins.
11 ABY
Births: Dinua Jeban
-Operation Shadow Hand ends with the final death of Palpatine during the Battle of Onderon and the destruction of Byss.
-Royal Guardsman Carnor Jax takes over the Empire. His short-lived reign comes to an end when he is killed by his fellow Royal Guardsman Kir Kanos.
-Burr Nolyds takes over the Imperial Ruling Council only to be assassinated by Nom Anor. Xandel Carivus then becomes Emperor before being killed by Kir Kanos.
-Luke Skywalker establishes the Jedi Praxuem on Yavin 4.
-Exar Kun's spirit possesses Kyp Durron and uses the Sun Crusher to destroy Carida.
-Exar Kun's spirit is exorcised from Kyp Durron and destroyed once and for all.
-Leia Organa Solo is elected Chief of State.
-Corran Horn trains as a Jedi in order to save his wife Mirax Terrik from the Invids.
12 ABY
Births: Seff Hellin, Doran Sarkin-Tainer, Evlyn Tabory, Malinza Thanas
-The Eye of Palpatine is destroyed.
-Admiral Daala executes the Deep Core warlords before creating the Imperial Remnant from their forces, ending the Imperial Civil War.
-Durga the Hutt attempts to use the Darksaber against the New Republic but is thwarted.
-Under the command of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, the Imperial Remnant commences the Orinda campaign.
-Kyle Katarn returns to the Jedi Praxeum and defeats Desann and the Reborn.
13 ABY
Births: Valin Horn, Sannah, Tahiri Veila
-The planet Adumar is discovered and unified by the New Republic.
-The Battle of Nam Chorios occurs.
-The Battle of Orinda occurs. Kir Kanos kills Ennix Devian while the Restored Empire is destroyed by the Imperial Remnant.
14 ABY
-The Empire Reborn is defeated at Crseih Station.
-The Disciples of Ragnos, led by Tavion Axmis, attempt to free the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord Marka Ragnos but are stopped by Jaden Korr.
15 ABY
Births: Dur Gejjen, Dab Hantaq
-Brakiss flees from the Jedi Praxeum after being confronted with his fall to the dark side.
16 ABY
Births: Jysella Horn
-Streen is promoted to Jedi Master.
-The Black Fleet Crisis begins.
17 ABY
Births: Syal Antilles, Voryam Bhao
-The Black Fleet Crisis ends.
-The Almanian Uprising occurs.
-The Imperial Skirmishes occur, reducing the Imperial Remnant's territory to eight sectors.
18 ABY
Births: Myri Antilles
-The Corellian Crisis occurs.
-The Constitutional Protectorate of Prakith sues for peace.
-Ponc Gavrisom is elected Chief of State of the New Republic.
-Kam Solusar and Tionne are married.
19 ABY
-The Caamas Document Crisis occurs.
-The Galactic Civil War ends with the signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty.
-Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade are married on Coruscant.
-Viqi Shesh is elected Senator of Kuat.
20 ABY
Births: Anyul, Keura Fallatte
21 ABY
-Leia Organa Solo is re-elected Chief of State.
-Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker have a second honeymoon on Maicombe.
-Dean Jinzler joins Talon Karrde's organization.
-Fenn Shysa dies on Shogun, his dying request for Boba Fett to take up the mantle of Mand'alor.
-The remains of the Super Star Destroyer Intimidator is discovered in the Unknown Regions.
22 ABY
Births: Seha Dorvald, Barit Saiy
-Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo begin training at the Jedi Praxeum.
-Luke and Mara Skywalker discover a colony in the Redoubt formed by the survivors of the Outbound Flight project. After stopping a Vagaari attack, the colonists join the Empire of the Hand.
-How to Succeed in Everything by Lando Calrissian is published.
23 ABY
-The Second Imperium Crisis occurs.
-Borsk Fey'lya is elected Chief of State of the New Republic.
24 ABY
25 ABY
-The Yuuzhan Vong War begins.
26 ABY
Births: Ledina Chott, Ben Skywalker
- (Balance Point)
-The Jedi Praxeum is destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong.
27 ABY
Births: Vestara Khai
-The Battle of Coruscant occurs. The Yuuzhan Vong take over Coruscant. The New Republic is left fragmented with the death of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya and relocates to Dac.
-The voxyn queen is destroyed. Anakin Solo is killed while his brother Jacen is captured by the Yuuzhan Vong.
28 ABY
Births: Adra Passik
-Cal Omas is elected Chief of State of the New Republic.
-The Battle of Ebaq 9 occurs. Warmaster Tsavong Lah is killed.
[more TBA]
29 ABY
-The Yuuzhan Vong War ends with the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar. Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane is killed by Luke Skywalker while Jacen Solo vanquishes the true ruler of the Yuuzhan Vong, Onimi.
30 ABY
-A secret Corellian defense fleet begins construction.
31 ABY
32 ABY
Births: Grace
-Leia Organa Solo brokers peace with ex-Peace Brigadiers on Metalorn.
33 ABY
Births: Shalk, Kitaya Shuul
-Jacen Solo instructs Nelani Dinn. [possibly in error; might be 30 ABY instead]
-The Broken Columns Clan is founded on Dathomir.
34 ABY
Births: Kiara Olvidan
-Jacen Solo begins training with the Baran Do.
35 ABY
-The Dark Nest Crisis begins.
-The New Essential Chronology by Voren Na'al is published.
36 ABY
Births: Allana Solo
-The Dark Nest Crisis ends. The Killiks are exiled back into the Unknown Regions.
-Luke Skywalker officially claims the title of Grand Master at the Conclave on Ossus.
37 ABY
Births: Deevan Plirr, Tikk
-Vestara Khai obtains a uvak on Kesh.
-Sector Defense Limits are imposed by the Galactic Alliance on its member worlds.
38 ABY
39 ABY
-The Hutts refuse to join the Five Worlds.
40 ABY
-The Second Galactic Civil War begins.
-Jacen Solo falls to the dark side and becomes the Sith apprentice of Lumiya.
-Jacen Solo and Admiral Cha Niathal stage a coup against Chief of State Cal Omas, ousting him and taking over the Galactic Alliance.
-Lumiya is killed on Terephon by Luke Skywalker. As the sole Dark Lord of the Sith, Jacen Solo adopts the name Darth Caedus.
41 ABY
-The Second Galactic Civil War ends with the Battle of Uroro Station. Darth Caedus is killed by his sister Jaina Solo.
-Natasi Daala is elected Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance.
-Jaden Korr investigates a cloning facility on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions.
42 ABY
-The Jedi Qwallo Mode disappears while on a mission to the Tapani sector.
43 ABY
Births: Anji
-Han Solo and his family investigate the history of the Millennium Falcon.
-Luke Skywalker is exiled from the Jedi Order by Chief of State Daala. Kenth Hamner is named acting Grand Master.
44 ABY
-Saba Sebatyne becomes acting Grand Master of the Jedi after Kenth Hamner's death.
-Natasi Daala is removed as Chief of State and replaced by a Triumvirate consisting of Senator Haydnat Treen, General Merratt Jaxton, and Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne.
-Luke Skywalker returns as Grand Master. The Triumvirate disbands and the Senate elects Padnel Ovin as interim Chief of State. However, the dark side entity Abeloth possesses Senator Rokari Kem and is able to replace Ovin and take over the Galactic Alliance.
-Abeloth is destroyed. The Lost Tribe of Sith are defeated. Wynn Dorvan is elected interim Chief of State.
-Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel are married on Coruscant.
- (X-Wing: Mercy Kill)
45 ABY
- (Crucible)
- (Good Hunting)
55 ABY
-Mitth'raw'nuruodo Reconsidered: A Patriot's Perspective by Lenang O'Pali is published.
81 ABY
-Portraits in Late Galactic History by Thull Kabanard is published.
92 ABY
-The MC140 Scythe-class battlecruiser enters service.
104 ABY
-R2-D2 relates the story of the Skywalkers to the Keeper of the Whills.
-Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji is published.
116 ABY
Births: Cade Skywalker, Shado Vao
122 ABY
-Ossus is restored to its original terrain by the Yuuzhan Vong, kicking off the Ossus Project to heal other worlds damaged by the Yuuzhan Vong War.
123 ABY
-Kol Skywalker conducts a report on Order 66.
126 ABY
-The Ossus Project is brought to Wayland.
127 ABY
-The Sith-Imperial War begins.
-The Battle of Botajef occurs. Mand'alor Chernan Ordo is killed by the pro-Sith Yaga Auchs. The Mandalorian Hondo Karr survives by disguising himself as a stormtrooper and joining Joker Squad.
128 ABY
-The One Sith publicly allies with the Fel Empire.
130 ABY
-The Sith-Imperial War ends. The Galactic Alliance surrenders to the Fel Empire. Darth Krayt overthrows Roan Fel as Emperor.
-The Third Jedi Purge begins. The One Sith attack Ossus and kill Kol Skywalker.
132 ABY
-Darth Vurik is sent to Nyriaan to investigate rumors of Darth Glovoc. (Galaxy of Intrigue)
137 ABY
138 ABY
-The Second Imperial Civil War ends. Antares Draco is forced to kill Emperor Roan Fel. Darth Krayt is killed by Cade Skywalker.
-The Galactic Federation Triumvirate is formed, consisting of Empress Marasiah Fel, Admiral Gar Stazi, and Jedi Master K'Kruhk.
139 ABY
-Darth Wredd's insurgency ends with his death and the destruction of the One Sith.
140 ABY
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