For the sake of simplicity, I'm only including mostly pre-2008 Clone Wars media (with some exceptions).
Great Peace of the Republic
1000 BBY
-The New Sith Wars end. Lord Kaan activates a thought bomb which wipes out the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Army of Light.
-Darth Bane reforms the Sith Order under the Rule of Two, taking on Zannah as his apprentice.
-Tarsus Valorum is elected Supreme Chancellor and initiates the Ruusan Reformations.
998 BBY -Darth Zannah learns sorcery from Freedon Nadd's holocron.
997 BBY -Sarro Xaj is made a Jedi Knight.
996 BBY -Darth Zannah constructs a double-bladed lightsaber.
992 BBY -An unidentified woman succeeds Tarsus Valorum as Supreme Chancellor.
990 BBY -Darth Bane recovers the holocron of Belia Darzu from Tython. He and Darth Zannah then fight and killed Jedi Masters Valenthyne Farfalla and Raskta Lsu and their apprentices.
-Bodo Baas' master recites a prophecy foretelling the Skywalker twins' role in defeating the reborn Emperor.
987 BBY
796 BBY
738 BBY
-After killing Salto Zandar, Lucia becomes Serra's bodyguard.
980 BBY -Darth Zannah kills Darth Bane on Ambria and takes on Darth Cognus as her apprentice.
915 BBY
Births: Sise Fromm
902 BBY -Jedi Master Noga-ta ends the Barabel War.
900 BBY -The Quintad families emigrate to Eriadu.
899 BBY -The Pact of Almera is signed between the Echani and Thyrsians, recognizing the latter's independence from the Echani Command.
896 BBY Births: Yoda
881 BBY Births: Popara Anjiliac Diresto
868 BBY -Naboo joins the Republic.
850 BBY -An ancient lightsaber is discovered on Ossus.
832 BBY -The city of Theed is founded by King Jafan on Naboo.
822 BBY -The Mrlsst Center for Linguistic Studies is established.
800 BBY796 BBY
-Yoda becomes a Jedi Master.
750 BBY738 BBY
-The Mandalorian Excision occurs. The New Mandalorian government is formed in the wake of Mandalore's devastation.
737 BBY -A penal colony is established on Nam Chorios by the Grissmath Dynasty.
722 BBY -The Dacho District on Coruscant is abandoned.
719 BBY -The Royal Palace of Alderaan is constructed.
704 BBY -The Outer Expansion Zone project is ended.
700 BBY Births: Gardulla Besadii the Elder
-Chancellor Anwis Eddicus plays a role in ending the Death Seed plague.
-The B'omarr Order arrives on Tatooine and constructs a monastery.
-The Jedi Minch encounters a Bpfasshi Dark Jedi on Dagobah.
654 BBY
-Members of the Order of the Sith Lords begin visiting Kursid to hone their skills against the natives.
600 BBY
Births: Jabba Desilijic Tiure
-Jedi Master Bodo Baas inherits the Tedryn Holocron.
-The fallen Jedi Allya is exiled to Dathomir.
-The planet Christophsis is altered by Tapani nobles.
533 BBY
400 BBY
-Darth Gravid attempts to destroy the Sith's collection of lore but is stopped by his apprentice Darth Gean.
522 BBY -The Citadel is constructed on Lola Sayu.
509 BBY Births: Yaddle
402 BBY -The Battle of Sintheti begins between the Mandalorians and the Sun Guard.
401 BBY400 BBY
-Cloud City is constructed on Bespin.
-Jedi Knights Beldorion and Taselda are sent to Nam Chorios.
-The planet Dyspeth is rediscovered.
-Susevfi is settled by expatriates from the Corporate Sector.
399 BBY -The Battle of Sintheti ends around this time.
220 BBY
-The planet Drongar is discovered.
206 BBY Births: Oppo Rancisis, Quagga?
200 BBY Births: Chewbacca
[more TBA]
181 BBY
-The Dark Jedi Conflict ends with the death of Kibh Jeen.
167 BBY Births: Barosa Warren
-Darth Tenebrous kills his master after the latter creates a rend in the Force, alerting the Jedi Order to the presence of the dark side.
161 BBY -The Tarasin Revolt begins.
115 BBY -The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force receives its third printing.
112 BBY -C-3PO's units are constructed.
104 BBY -Darth Tenebrous brings his apprentice Plagueis to Kursid.
103 BBY -Thame Cerulian attains the rank of Jedi Knight.
102 BBY Births: Dooku
-The Andoan Free Colonies are established by this time.
100 BBY99 BBY
-Darth Plagueis goes on his first mission with Darth Tenebrous.
93 BBY
86 BBY
82 BBY
-Anchorhead is reestablished.
-A nine-year-old Dooku wins the Twelve-and-Under push-feather tournament.
92 BBY Births: Qui-Gon Jinn, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Tahl
90 BBY -The planet Coveway is colonized.
-The planet Illarreen joins the galactic community.
-Droids settle the moon Uffel.
89 BBY Births: Grubber Vapps
-Lorian Nod is expelled from the Jedi Order for stealing the Dark Holocron.
-Jedi Master Thame Cerulian takes on Dooku as his apprentice.
-Zonama Sekot is settled by the Ferroans.
-A settlement is established on the planet Eol Sha.
-The planet Abonshee is charted by Republic scouts.
88 BBY -Ki-Adi-Mundi is brought into the Jedi Order.
-Plett's Well is built on Belsavis.
87 BBY86 BBY
Births: Locus Geen
85 BBY Births: Tel Angor
-Mos Eisley is founded on Tatooine.
84 BBY -The Wheel is constructed by Doffen Gaitag.
83 BBY82 BBY
Births: Cliegg Lars, Palpatine
-Dooku becomes a Jedi Knight and takes on Qui-Gon Jinn as his apprentice.
-Yoda takes on Ki-Adi-Mundi as his apprentice.
81 BBY80 BBY
-Mos Espa is established on Tatooine.
-New Ator is colonized.
-The chronicler Succate encounters the Sorcerers of Rhand.
79 BBY -Qui-Gon Jinn obtains a stone from the River of Light.
78 BBY
78 BBY
-Qui-Gon Jinn meets Didi Oddo.
77 BBY
77 BBY
Births: Ruwee Naberrie, Dal Perhi
76 BBY Births: Jobal Thule
-Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn cross paths with Lorian Nod while protecting Senator Blix Annon.
75 BBY -Drewwa is colonized.
-Oggem Baobab arrives on Roon.
74 BBY73 BBY
Births: Kassar Kosciusko
72 BBY
72 BBY
Births: Meekerdin-maa, Shmi Skywalker, Mace Windu
-The YT-1300 model is introduced.
-Riboga the Hutt begins sponsoring races on Eskaron.
-Naat Lare is committed to the Bedlam Institution for the Criminally Demented.
71 BBY -The Grand ChikatLik prison on Ord Cestus is converted into a hotel.
-Kif miners on Gadon 3 begin selling high-energy ores on the open market.
70 BBY Births: Savielk Trey'dra
-The Kira Run is discovered.
-Tatooine's mining industry collapses.
-An Iktotchi prophetess settles on Saleucami.
69 BBY Births: Clat'Ha, Xanatos
-The ruins of Wiyentaah are uncovered by Kallidahin archaeologists on Polis Massa.
-The fallen Jedi Byrch Dyshkava attacks Bartyn's Landing. Following the attack, Mix Liddell is named Chief of Security at Bartyn's Landing.
-The Trade Conflicts begin between Daimar and surrounding Rodian worlds.
68 BBY Births: Andras Pell, Stalnus, Essara Till
-Tem Chesko departs Cirus II for Tatooine.
-Nejaa Halcyon is taken on as a Padawan.
67 BBY Births: Bail Organa
-Ki-Adi-Mundi is made a Jedi Knight.
-Darth Plagueis kills his master Darth Tenebrous on Bal'demnic.
66 BBY
Births: Dorja, Jango Fett, Dren Melne
-Shmi Skywalker is sold into slavery.
-The Seswenna Defense Forces, led by Ranulph Tarkin, defeat the Delmaasi pirates.
65 BBY Births: Jan Dodonna (?), Maw
-Tatooine falls under the rule of the Hutts.
-After killing his family, Palpatine becomes the apprentice of Darth Plagueis and takes on the name Darth Sidious.
-The Theed Hangar is built.
64 BBY Births: Sunchoo
63 BBY Births: Otto
62 BBY
62 BBY
Births: Guther Bartyn, Quarsh Panaka, Vana Sage?, Komari Vosa, Tork Winger
-Palpatine enters the political scene of Naboo.
-Jocasta Nu joins the Jedi High Council.
61 BBY -Colony ships are purchased by the H'kig to find a suitable world to settle on.
60 BBY Births: Beju, Shilaea Motacc, Tannon Praji, Raith Sienar
-Thoris Darus is elected Supreme Chancellor.
-After Jaster Mereel becomes Mand'alor, the Mandalorian Civil War breaks out between Mereel's True Mandalorians and Tor Vizsla's Death Watch.
-The Kaleesh-Bitthaevrian War ends.
-The Yam'rii colonize Kalee and enslave the native Kaleesh.
-H'kig refugees from Galand settle on Rishi.
-Nejaa Halcyon attains the rank of Jedi Knight.
-The ship that would become known as the Millennium Falcon is constructed.
59 BBY Births: Karl Mathieu Ancher, Mikka Reekeene, Roan Shryne, Taroon, Sheeka Tull
-Nejaa Halcyon marries Scerra in secret on Corellia.
-Qui-Gon Jinn takes on Xanatos as his second Padawan learner.
-A wirt-cough epidemic breaks out on Mandalore.
58 BBY Births: Retter Lewis, Luminara Unduli
-After Death Watch kills his parents and kidnaps his sister, Jango Fett is taken into the True Mandalorians by Jaster Mereel.
-Mace Windu builds his lightsaber on Hurikane.
-Jabba the Hutt arrives on Tatooine.
-The Yinchorri are given representation in the Galactic Senate.
57 BBY Births: Alani, Bruck Chun, Eritha, Obi-Wan Kenobi, O-Nena, Reeft, Quinlan Vos
-The Venan civil war begins. Baron Kindoro rises to the throne of Vena.
-The Andoan Wars begin.
-Ranulph Tarkin is made Governor-General of the Seswenna sector.
56 BBY Births: Rabe, Rithgar
-Lanius Qel-Bertuk becomes headmaster of the Almas Academy after Nerra Ziveri disappears.
55 BBY Births: Bant Eerin, Siri Tachi
-Mix Liddell wins the Landing Shootout at Baryn's Landing.
54 BBY Births: Rhys Dallows, Grath, Darth Maul, Lens Reekeene
53 BBY Births: Bossk, Tarn Innis, Yaana
-Xanatos leaves the Jedi Order after his father Crion is killed by Qui-Gon Jinn.
-Jorus C'baoth attends the Mirnic University.
-The Corulag Academy is established by this point.
52 BBY Births: Jar Jar Binks, Owen Lars, Dalla Solo
-Senator Vidar Kim is killed by Maladian assassins and succeeded by Palpatine.
-Maladian assassins hired by Senator Pax Teem attack the Order of the Canted Circle, killing all but Hego Damask. Damask then sends his apprentice Sidious to assassinate Senator Teem.
-Jaster Mereel is killed by Tor Vizsla on Korda Six, leading Jango Fett to take up the mantle of Mand'alor.
-The Sevarcos Dispute is resolved by Jedi Master Dooku.
-Jaster Mereel is killed by Tor Vizsla on Korda Six, leading Jango Fett to take up the mantle of Mand'alor.
-The Sevarcos Dispute is resolved by Jedi Master Dooku.
-Frix is elected Supreme Chancellor.
51 BBY Births: Del Hunter, Gilad Pellaeon, Silya Shessaun, Aurra Sing, Brace Tarkosa
-Jafer Torles becomes the Jedi Watchman of the Prackla sector.
-Jorus C'baoth enters the service of Senator Palpatine as an adviser.
-Ruwee Naberrie and Jobal Thule are married.
50 BBY Births: Jorj Car'das, Gorm, Par Lankin, Sola Naberrie
-The Arkanian Revolution occurs.
-The Moddell sector joins the Republic.
49 BBY
Births: Keela Egast, Talesan Fry, Lorana Jinzler, Claria Labreezle, Slvyn, Pter Thanas, Eogan Truax, Chas Uliar
-The fallen Jedi Byrch Dyshkava is captured by the Menahuun.
-Essara Till leaves Naboo and takes up work as a mercenary.
48 BBY
Births: Gaen Drommel, Arani Korden, Arndall Lott, Mon Mothma, Sayer Mon Neela, Aayla Secura, Gornt Seron, Rej Taunt, Toba
-Kalpana is elected Supreme Chancellor.
47 BBY
Births: Lohn Genden, A'Sharad Hett, Honi, Rann I-Kanu?, Dean Jinzler, Sena Lekivold Midanyl, Carlist Rieekan, Denlace Sachoore, Pello Scrambas, Halagad Ventor, Sia-Lan Wezz, Beru Whitesun
-Sharad Hett leaves the Jedi Order.
-Dorumaa is terraformed.
46 BBY
Births: Yeorg Captison, Airen Cracken, Blaine Harris, Nason Laric, Padme Naberrie
-Blackart becomes King of Solay.
-Construction of the Katana fleet is completed.
-The Candorian plague decimates the Candorian colonies.
-Ars Veruna is elected King of Naboo.
45 BBY
Births: Raymus Antilles?, Brandei, Larisselle Chatrunis, Cryle Cavv, Egome Fass, O-Lana (Olana Chion)
-The Katana fleet is lost.
-The planet Toong'L is devastated by comets.
44 BBY
-The Stark Hyperspace War occurs.
-The Battle of Galidraan occurs. The True Mandalorians are wiped out by the Jedi, with Mand'alor Jango Fett being arrested and sold into slavery.
-Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn takes on Obi-Wan Kenobi as his apprentice. (Essential Force)
43 BBY
Births: Tor Aramatha, Quintus Farel, Bardan Jusik, Leddar, Triv Pothman, Rethorn, Kar Vastor
-Hego Damask hosts the last Gathering on Sojourn. (Darth Plagueis)
42 BBY
Births: Reymet Autem, Silya Darklighter, Drextar Pym, Seek, Anakin Skywalker, Gillam Tarturi, Tohno, Tru Veld
-Jango Fett escapes captivity and kills Tor Vizsla on Corellia.
-The Malarian Alliance is formed.
-The Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught is constructed.
-Jedi Master Omo Bouri passes away.
41 BBY
Births: Kitster Chanchani Banai, Ordith Huarr, Shea Sadashassa, Darra Thel-Tanis
-Jedi Master Kit Fisto takes on Bant Eerin as his apprentice after the death of her former master Tahl.
-Sheeka Tull meets Jango Fett in the Meridian sector.
40 BBY
Births: Fisonna?, Barriss Offee, Sheltay Retrac, Sien Sovv?
-Senator Finis Valorum is elected Supreme Chancellor.
-Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi investigate a sabotage on Vorzyd V.
39 BBY
Births: Arawynne, Telloti Cillmam'n, Kornell Divini, Gilad Halsek, Firmus Piett, Mako Spince, Gaor Tembon, Kass Tod
[more tba]
38 BBY
Births: Alamar, Amee, Garonnin, Kaine Paulsen, Wan Sandage, Orman Tagge, Qell Tepine, W. Wald
-Padme Naberrie joins the Apprentice Legislature.
-Shadda-Bi-Boran is destroyed by a supernova.
-Tayvor Mandirly's remains are discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
-Shmi Skywalker and her son Anakin are sold into the service of Gardulla the Hutt.
37 BBY
Births: Dom Antyll, Tour Aryon, Conno, Hiram Drayson, Iolan Gendarr, Pori Nate, Nahdonnis Praji, Zothip
-The Vagaari begin moving through Chiss space.
36 BBY
Births: Bey, Kallie Calwell, Etsero, Ahsoka Tano, Nenevanth Tion
-Ffib fanatics settle on Vex Major.
-Raith Sienar receives his last contract from the Republic.
-Gilad Pellaeon enters Raithal Academy.
35 BBY
Births: Borofir, Coniel, Ekria, Jedgar?, Kharys, Lena Missa, Hortel Ossilege, Dor Reder, Thrackan Sal-Solo, Corf Sarb, Eremin Tarn, Jann Tosh, Serdif Tount, Aubrie Wyn
-The Techno Union claims Saleucami as one of its mechworlds.
-Essara Till returns to Naboo and becomes leader of Bravo Squadron.
-Garm Bel Iblis becomes Senator of Corellia.
-The Siege of Niele occurs. Terrinald Screed loses his left eye in the battle.
34 BBY
Births: Bene, Hanna Ding, Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, Lena Missa, Sintas Vel, Tyber Zann
-Saren Valek is turned to the dark side by Karae Nalvas.
-Padme Amidala becomes the Princess of Theed.
-Dren Melne returns to Naboo and enters a relationship with Essara Till.
33 BBY
Births: Corf Binalie, Kolor Delan, Tardon Golor, Pendor Gyrr, Gumbrak Hoxz, Nuru Kungurama, Whie Malreaux, Teela Panjarra, Boo Rawl
32 BBY
Births: Anselm, Apailana, Kant Aryon, Boc Aseca, Tekil Barje, Denid, Needo Farr, Boba Fett, Trever Flume, Garr, Roget Jiriss, Drake Lo'gaan, Kea Moll, Atresh Pikil, Rotta, Tantor, Doby Tyerell
-The Invasion of Naboo occurs. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is killed by Darth Maul who is then severed in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Trade Federation and their droid army are defeated.
-Chancellor Finis Valorum is voted out of office and replaced by Senator Palpatine of Naboo.
31 BBY
Births: Syal Antilles, Dashe Borreno, Lando Calrissian, Pax Chizzik, Ygabba Hise, Jorad Pressor, Paxi Sylo, Andov Syn
-Silya Shessaun becomes Senator of Thesme.
[more tba]
30 BBY
Births: Jor Idrall, Ysanne Isard, Kit Swens, Gen Tiraan, Auren Yomm
[more tba]
29 BBY
Births: Adem Antin, Ponda Baba, Putten Beatus, Freja Covell, Fenig Nabon, Par'tah, Warpoc Skamini, Han Solo
-Qymaen jai Sheelal is transformed into General Grievous.
[more tba]
28 BBY
Births: Bendodi Ballow-Reese, Chanceller, Dawson, Soontir Fel, Yarr Gatonne, Qan Gindoch, Mol Hedron, Daric LaRone, Ryoo Naberrie, Bria Tharen, Bom Vimdin, Laerron Woern
-Palpatine is reelected Supreme Chancellor.
-Aayla Secura is made a Jedi Knight while Quinlan Vos is promoted to Jedi Master.
-The Colicoids takes over spice processing on Nar Shaddaa.
-Anakin Skywalker constructs his first lightsaber on Ilum.
27 BBY
Births: Lune Oddo Divinian, Dorv'Tilsta, Halla Ettyk, Merili, Nykl, Urno, Sarin Virgilio
- (Outbound Flight)
-Jedi Master Yarael Poof sacrifices himself to protect Coruscant from the Infant of Shaa.
26 BBY
Births: Mari Amithest, J.K. Burtola, Adion Lang, Pooja Naberrie
[more TBA]
25 BBY
Births: Liiria Beldonna, Brasck, Tav Breil'lya, Villian Dance, Greldo Farnor, Dair Haslip, Teela Kaarz, Stevan Makintay, Morteos, Jan Ors
-Djinn Altis takes on Callista Masana as his apprentice.
-Padme Amidala becomes Senator of Naboo following Horace Vancil's resignation. Jamillia is elected Queen of Naboo.
[more TBA]
24 BBY
Births: Biggs Darklighter, Arjon F.M.P., Gorrt, Jerresk, Beyla Rus, Venka
-A five-year-old Han Solo joins the crew of the Trader's Luck.
-The Confederacy of Independent Systems is formed, starting the Separatist Crisis.
-The Emergency Powers Act is passed, extending Chancellor Palpatine's term indefinitely.
-Granta Omega attacks the Senate Building, killing twenty-one senators and nearly assassinating Chancellor Palpatine.
-Barriss Offee builds her lightsaber.
[more tba]
23 BBY
Births: Kyle Katarn, Londrah, Judder Page, Zan Pike, Zu Pike, Rodin Baem, Ten Dorne, Lar Maendin, Jade
-12:2:28: Ando and Sy Myrth secede from the Republic.
[more TBA]
22 BBY
Births: Doro, Haanen Felean, Geraldine Fleitcher, Connor Freeman, Daelar vuv Tetarmek, Nond Kend
-13:5:21: The Clone Wars begin with the Battle of Geonosis.
21 BBY
Births: Lesle Andreya, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Safonne Pendon
-14:9:19: Finis Valorum is assassinated on Coruscant.
[more TBA]
20 BBY
Births: Creb, Thurlow Harris, Tyrn Jiton, Shenir Rix, Rianna Saren, Venku Skirata
19 BBY
Births: Leia Skywalker, Luke Skywalker
-16:5:20: The Battle of Coruscant occurs. Count Dooku is killed by Anakin Skywalker.
-16:5:22: Anakin Skywalker falls to the dark side and becomes Darth Sidious' third apprentice Darth Vader.
-The Clone Wars ends with the issuing of Order 66, seeing to the death of several Jedi across the galaxy, and the assassination of the Separatist Council on Mustafar.
-16:5:23: Chancellor Palpatine declares himself Emperor and replaces the Republic with the Galactic Empire.
-16:5:23: Chancellor Palpatine declares himself Emperor and replaces the Republic with the Galactic Empire.
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