Old Sith Wars
4000 BBY
Births: Lucien Draay, Vima Sunrider
-The Battle of Iziz occurs. Queen Amanoa is killed, ending the Beast Wars of Onderon.
3999 BBY
-Following the death of her husband Andur, Nomi Sunrider begins training as a Jedi under Master Thon.
3998 BBY
-The Naddist Uprising occurs.
3997 BBY
-The fallen Jedi Exar Kun is trained by the spirit of Freedon Nadd.
-Ulic Qel-Droma infiltrates the Krath and is seduced to the dark side by Aleema Keto. After joining forces with Exar Kun, the two are anointed Dark Lords of the Sith by the spirit of Marka Ragnos and form the Brotherhood of the Sith.
3996 BBY
-The trial of Ulic Qel-Droma occurs. Chancellor Sidrona is assassinated by Exar Kun.
-The Great Sith War ends. Exar Kun is killed and his spirit is trapped on Yavin 4.
3995 BBY
-The Great Hunt begins as the Jedi track down Sithspawn creatures leftover from the Sith War.
-The Republic enters a Restoration Period.
3994 BBY
Births: Murtog, Carth Onasi, Revan
-Ulic Qel-Droma revisits Yavin 4.
3993 BBY
-The Great Hunt ends. Duron Qel-Droma, Shaela Nuur, and Guun Han Saresh perish during their respective hunts.
-Krynda Draay is inspired to create the Jedi Covenant after meeting the young Miraluka seer Q'Anilia.
3990 BBY
Births: Kessarah/Chantique
3988 BBY
Births: Edessa/Jarael
-Krynda Draay first prophesies the Prophecy of the Five.
3986 BBY
-A Jedi Conclave convenes on Exis Station.
-Ulic Qel-Droma trains Vima Sunrider before being killed by Hoggon.
3985 BBY
Births: Orielle Kitai
-The Coruscant Financial Exchange Establishment Act is passed to speed the restoration of the Republic.
3984 BBY
-Darth Xedrix joins the Dark Council.
3982 BBY
Births: Zayne Carrick
3980 BBY
-Vima Sunrider records an entry on Ulic Qel-Droma's redemption in the Great Holocron.
3978 BBY
-Mandalore the Ultimate and an emissary of the Sith Empire discover the tomb of Lord Dramath the Second on Rekkiad.
3977 BBY
-Zayne Carrick begins training at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.
-Vortex joins the Republic.
3976 BBY
Births: Brianna, Visas Marr, Mical
-The Mandalorian Wars begin with the Battle of Althir.
-Zaalbar is banished from Kashyyyk.
-Jolee Bindo and Freyyr exile themselves to the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk.
-A swoop gang war breaks out between the Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars.
3974 BBY
Births: Mira
3973 BBY
-The Mandalorians commit genocide against the people of Cathar.
3970 BBY
Births: Mission Vao
-Provisional Governor Myrial declares the Kanz sector's independence, renaming it the Argazdan Redoubt.
-The Kanz Disorders begin.
3969 BBY
-The five Jedi Masters of the First WatchCircles take on Padawans and train them on Taris.
3968 BBY
-Adascorp begins offering "genetic solutions" to Arkanian Offshoots.
3967 BBY
-Jelph Marrian joins the Jedi Covenant after being expelled from the Jedi Order.
3966 BBY
-Taris is given a seat in the Galactic Senate. Haydel Goravvus becomes the first Senator of Taris.
-The warlord Ugroth swears fealty to Darth Nyriss after losing his sector to the Sith Empire.
3965 BBY
-The Mandalorians begin combat with the Republic navy.
3964 BBY
-The masters of the Jedi Covenant kill their Padawans and pin the crime on the sole surviving apprentice Zayne Carrick.
-The Battle of Vanquo occurs, marking the official start of the Mandalorian Wars.
3963 BBY
-Haazen initiates Vindication, an insurrection by the Jedi Covenant against the Jedi Order. The Jedi Covenant is ultimately destroyed along with Haazen.
3962 BBY
-The Mandalorians launch a two-pronged attack from the Outer Rim, eventually capturing Duro.
-Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa names Revan Supreme Commander of the Republic forces.
-Zayne Carrick is conscripted into the Mandalorian Knights but eventually defeats their leader Dorjander Kace.
3961 BBY
-Revan accesses the Star Map of Kashyyyk.
-Lillia Venn becomes Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith.
3960 BBY
-The Mandalorian Wars end with the Battle of Malachor. Mandalore the Ultimate is killed by Revan.
-Revan and Malak depart into the Unknown Regions. They are lured to Dromund Kaas and corrupted by the Sith Emperor.
-Now Sith Lords, Darth Revan and Darth Malak arrive on Rakata Prime and gain access to the Star Forge.
3959 BBY
-Darth Revan and Darth Malak return as leaders of a new Sith Empire and wage war against the Republic, starting the Jedi Civil War.
-HK-47 is constructed by Darth Revan.
-The Battle of Foerost occurs.
-The Battle of Iridonia occurs.
3958 BBY
-Griff Vao abandons his sister Mission on Taris.
-Admiral Saul Karath defects to the Sith Empire.
-The Bombing of Telos IV occurs.
3957 BBY
-Bastila Shan leads a Jedi strike team onto Darth Revan's flagship. During the ensuing fight, Darth Malak's ship fires on Revan's, knocking out the Dark Lord. Revan is then brought to the Jedi Order and has his mind reprogrammed so that the Jedi can locate the Star Forge. Meanwhile, Darth Malak becomes the new Dark Lord of the Sith.
3956 BBY
-The Jedi Civil War ends with the Battle of Rakata Prime. Darth Malak is killed by a redeemed Revan.
3955 BBY
-Chancellor Cressa begins the Telosian Restoration Project.
-Darth Traya forms the Sith Triumvirate, taking over the remnants of Darth Revan's Sith Empire.
-The Dark Wars begin.
3954 BBY
Births: Vaner Shan
-Canderous Ordo reclaims Mandalore's Mask, declaring himself Mandalore the Preserver.
-Lord Scourge joins Darth Nyriss's conspiracy against the Sith Emperor.
-Revan travels to Nathema and is captured by Darth Nyriss.
-Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion turn against Traya, stripping her of the Force and exiling her from the Sith.
-The First Jedi Purge begins.
3953 BBY
3952 BBY
-A Jedi Conclave is convened on Katarr only to be wiped out by Darth Nihilus.
-Visas Marr, sole survivor of Katarr's devastation, becomes the Sith apprentice of Darth Nihilus.
3951 BBY
-The Dark Wars end. The Sith Triumvirate is defeated by the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik.
3950 BBY
-The Sith Civil War ends. The Republic reclaims worlds that had been under Sith control.
-Meetra Surik departs in search of Revan. After freeing him on Dromund Kaas, she joins him and Lord Scourge in confronting the Sith Emperor, only for Scourge to turn against them and kill Surik while Revan becomes the Sith Emperor's prisoner.
-After discovering Darth Nyriss' conspiracy, the Sith Emperor eliminates the Dark Council and replaces their members.
Inter-Sith Wars
3946 BBY
-Chancellor Cressa organizes a campaign to retake territory in the Gordian Reach after it had been taken over by G0-T0 droids.
3900 BBY
-Naboo is colonized by Kwilaan.
-Vaner Shan runs for Supreme Chancellor.
3843 BBY
-Lurkers are discovered in the Torch Nebula.
3838 BBY
Births: Bowdaar
3809 BBY
-Sraato sustains damage from a meteor storm.
3781 BBY
-The Sith Empire prepares to invade the Republic.
3758 BBY
Births: Qawohl (Maggot)
3756 BBY
-Jedi Master Barel Ovair and his apprentice Eison Gynt travel to Yavin 4. Secretly a Sith spy, Ovair attempts to destroy Naga Sadow's spirit but fails and abandons Gynt in the Sith Lord's tomb. Naga Sadow then possess Eison Gynt and returns to Coruscant only to be killed by Barel Ovair.
3749 BBY
-King Arak Drayen III of Dubrillion is overthrown and killed.
3743 BBY
3716 BBY
Births: Darth Vowrawn
3712 BBY
-Darth Ikoral departs in search of other Sith purebloods.
3709 BBY
Births: Warhound
3708 BBY
Births: Nasan Godera
3707 BBY
Births: Eckard Lokin
3705 BBY
-Freia Kallea begins charting what becomes known as the Hydian Way.
3704 BBY -Freia Kallea charts the Morellian Trail.
3703 BBY -Freia Kallea charts the Dustig Trace.
3702 BBY
Births: Darth Marr
3701 BBY
Births: Veradun (Darth Malgus)
-Freia Kallea crash-lands on Nuvar.
3700 BBY -Ord Mantell becomes a trade post.
3699 BBY
Births: Satele Shan
3698 BBY
Births: Darth Baras
3697 BBY
Births: Gault Rennow
3696 BBY
Births: Elin Garza, Ardun Kothe
3695 BBY
Births: Teneb Kel (Darth Thanaton)
3694 BBY
Births: Rycus Kilran
-The Hydian Way is given its name.
3693 BBY -The Hydian Way is fully mapped out.
3691 BBY -A Rakatan prison complex is discovered on Belsavis.
3688 BBY Births: Darth Jadus
3685 BBY Births: Watcher X
3683 BBY -Jace Malcom joins the Republic Army.
-Lord Parnax disappears.
3681 BBY
-Gnost-Dural is made a Jedi Knight.
-The Great Galactic War begins as the resurgent Sith Empire attacks the Galactic Republic.
3682 BBY
Births: Fideltin Rusk
3680 BBY
Births: Writch Hurley, Malavai Quinn
-The Sith Empire loses control of the Rimma Trade Route.
3678 BBY
Births: Andronikos Revel, Skadge, Zenith
-Teneb Kel hunts down Exal Kressh, former apprentice of the Sith Emperor.
3676 BBY
Births: Tanno Vik
3675 BBY
Births: Qyzen Fess, Languss Tuno
3674 BBY
-The Battle of Bomodon begins. Lieutenant Elin Garza leads a ten-month campaign against the Sith Empire.
3673 BBY
Births: Felix Iresso, Aric Jorgan
-The Battle of Bomodon ends.
3672 BBY
Births: Tharan Cedrax, Kaliyo Djannis
3671 BBY
Births: Pierce
-The Seizure of the Seswenna sector occurs.
-The Battles of Bothawui occur.
3670 BBY
Births: Archiban Fodrick Kimble, Akaavi Spar, Yuun
-The Kanz Disorders end. The Lorrdians are freed from Argazdan control.
-Hylo Visz purchases the Crimson Fleece.
3669 BBY
Births: Elara Dorne, Talos Drellik, Vector Hyllus
3668 BBY
-The Dread Masters are captured by the Republic and taken to Belsavis.
3667 BBY -The Battle of Alderaan occurs.
-Imperial Intelligence sponsors a Mandalorian gladiator and push him into taking the mantle of Mand'alor, with history remembering him as Mandalore the Lesser.
3666 BBY
Births: Theron Shan, Raina Temple
-Nomar Organa calls off his engagement to Rehanna Rist and joins the Jedi Order.
3665 BBY
Births: Corso Riggs, Xivhkalrainik/Xalek
-The Battle of Hoth occurs.
3664 BBY
Births: Ce'na/Vette, Risha Drayen, Nadia Grell, Jaesa Willsaam
-Watcher X joins Imperial Intelligence.
-The Mandalorians attack a Republic envoy.
3663 BBY
Births: Kira Carsen
-T7-01 protects a Muun ambassador from GenoHaradan.
-Eckhorn Baliss is killed by Terrin Sandafar.
3662 BBY
Births: Lemda Avesta, Aven Geth, Mako, Mnah Ra'at, Arra Yooms, Ashara Zavros
3661 BBY
-Prince Shange and Lord Raxxus are imprisoned on Belsavis.
-Jedi Master Ngani Zho brings Theron Shan to Monastery so he can learn focus from the Order of the Sacred Circle.
3660 BBY
Births: Torian Cadera, Cinzia Xandret (Eldon Ax)
-A smuggler convoy breaks the Mandalorian blockade around the Hydian Way.
3659 BBY
Births: Lela Hue (?)
-Hylo Visz is rumored to be dead after crossing the Hutts.
3658 BBY
Births: Braedon Agareth
-Lema Xandret defects from the Sith Empire.
3657 BBY
-Ari Skyff acquires the Corvani.
3656 BBY
3655 BBY
-Pergus Frode begins working at the Odacer-Faustin Sith academy.
3654 BBY
3653 BBY
-The Great Galactic War ends with the Sacking of Coruscant. Chancellor Berooken is killed by Darth Angral and the Republic is forced into a peace treaty with the Sith Empire.
-Senator Paran Am-Ris serves as interim Chancellor before being succeeded by Dorian Janarus.
3652 BBY
3651 BBY
-The Jedi Order relocates to Tython after it is rediscovered by Satele Shan. Satele is subsequently promoted to Jedi Master and given a seat on the High Council.
-A colony of Chagrians on Mindor is wiped out by the Sith Empire.
-Corso Riggs joins the Peace Brigade.
3650 BBY
-Rucker begins his Sith training on Odacer-Faustin.
-Marcus Trant becomes Director of the Republic Strategic Information Service.
3649 BBY
-Jura Ostrogoth begins training at the Odacer-Faustin Sith Academy.
-Operation Starbender is carried out by Imperial Intelligence.
-The InterStellar Regulators become the police force of Makeb.
3648 BBY
-Wim Nickter arrives on Odacer-Faustin and begins training at the Sith Academy.
-The Endar Rebirth is destroyed over Taris.
-The InterStellar Regulators are hired as the defense force of Makeb.
3647 BBY
-Mnan Ra'at begins training at the Sith Academy on Odacer-Faustin.
-Construction is completed on the Jedi Temple on Tython.
3646 BBY
-Jaynes arrives on Ord Mantell during the Separatist War.
-Sixteen-year-old Lemda Avesta receives her doctorate in geophysics.
3645 BBY
-The Sickness breaks out on Odacer-Faustin. Darth Scabrous is killed by the Jedi Hestizo Trace.
-Jet Nebula acquires Clunker.
-After being betrayed by his crew, Andronikos Revel is rescued and imprisoned by the Sith Empire.
3644 BBY
-Archiban Kimble is briefly engaged to Prudy.
-Andronikos Revel is released from Imperial prison.
3643 BBY
3642 BBY
3641 BBY
-Leontyne Saresh is elected Supreme Chancellor.
-A Sith Inquisitor defeats Darth Thanaton in a Kaggath and takes his seat on the Dark Council.
-The Hero of Tython defeats the Sith Emperor.
3640 BBY
-The Republic conducts Operation End Game to destroy Darth Karrid and the Ascendant Spear.
3639 BBY
3638 BBY
3637 BBY
-The Eternal Empire emerges from Wild Space, ruled by Emperor Valkorion (in fact the Sith Emperor reborn), and attacks both the Republic and the Sith Empire.
-Prince Arcann kills Valkorion and takes the throne of the Eternal Empire.
3636 BBY
-The Republic and the Sith Empire come to a cease-fire after their worlds are blockaded by the Eternal Empire.
3635 BBY
3634 BBY
3633 BBY
-Choza Raabat is found by a Zakuulan scouting party.
3632 BBY
-Jebevel Madon is elected Supreme Chancellor.
3631 BBY
-The Outlander is freed from carbonite and forms an Alliance against the Eternal Empire.
3630 BBY
-Vitiate is vanquished by the Outlander on Zakuul. The Outlander subsequently takes over the Eternal Empire and reorganizes it as the Eternal Alliance.
-Chancellor Madon resigns and is succeeded by Galena Rans.
-Darth Vowrawn becomes the Sith Emperor.
3629 BBY
3628 BBY
-The Order of Zildrog is defeated on Nathema.
-The Invasion of Ossus occurs.
3627 BBY
3626 BBY
-The Sith Emperor attempts to return as Tenebrae by trying to take over Satele Shan's mind. He is ultimately vanquished by the Alliance Commander.
3522 BBY
Births: Darth Desolous
3500 BBY
-The Iktotchi are discovered by the Republic.
3400 BBY
-According to legends, two Sith - the Dreamer and the Monster - kill each other in combat.
3350 BBY
-The Centrality is founded.
3300 BBY
-The environmental chaos on Sraato ends.
3200 BBY
-The Yavin system is rediscovered and marked as uninhabitable.
3100 BBY
-The Korsinate League is founded.
-The Hapes Consortium isolates itself from the rest of the galaxy.
3060 BBY
Births: Varner Hilts
-The Time of the Rot begins on Kesh.
3053 BBY
-Vandelhelm is discovered by the prospectors Vandel and Helm.
3024 BBY
Births: Iliana Merko
3019 BBY
Births: Jogan Halder, Quarra Thayn
3017 BBY
-The Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict occurs. Prince-Admiral Jonash e Solo of the Corellian Hegemony negotiates a peace treaty with Supreme Chancellor Vedij at sword point.
3000 BBY
Births: Parlan Spinner
-Varner Hilts becomes Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe, marking the beginning of the Hilts Restoration.
-The War of the Gungan tribes ends, culminating in the construction of Otoh Gunga.
-The Hapan Royal Guard is formed.
-Dathomir is conquered by the Paecian Empire.
2996 BBY
-The failed Jedi Saalo Morn falls to the dark side.
2992 BBY
-The Paecian Empire collapses.
2989 BBY
2985 BBY
2980 BBY
-Grand Lord Varner Hilts assigns the Keshiri aide Squab to High Lord Korsin Bentado.
2978 BBY
-Quarra Thayne begins an affair with Jogan Halder.
2975 BBY
-The Lost Tribe of Sith invades Alanciar.
2974 BBY
-Parlan Spinner releases Baron Remulus Dreypa from his oubliette on Kesh. Dreypa releases his Leviathans and unleashes them on Tahv. The Leviathans are ultimately defeated and Dreypa is killed.
2900 BBY
2700 BBY
2510 BBY
2500 BBY
2367 BBY
-The Priole Danna Festival of Lamuir IV is first held.
2320 BBY
-Taanab is settled as an agricultural outpost.
2219 BBY
2203 BBY
-The Shapani Bypass is established.
2200 BBY
-The Mining Guild lays claim to Ruusan and other worlds in the Teraab sector.
2132 BBY
2032 BBY
2022 BBY
Draggulch Period (New Sith Wars)
2000 BBY
-The Fourth Great Schism occurs. Jedi Master Phanius leaves the Jedi Order and unites the scattered Sith clans, taking on the name Darth Ruin and starting the New Sith Wars.
-Naboo's moon Rori is colonized.
-The planet Fresia is purchased by investors.
-The planet Wen'he'dinae is discovered.
1989 BBY
-Bespin is colonized.
1960 BBY
-The Sith Amulet of Kalara is created.
1800 BBY
-The Uba system is bombarded by the Republic, forcing the surviving Ubese to relocate to Ubertica and other systems.
1750 BBY
-The Battle of Malrev IV occurs. Jedi Master Murrtaggh hires Mandalorian mercenaries to attack the Black Knights before assassinating the Dark Underlord, sacrificing himself to the dark side as a result.
1582 BBY
-The Tapani Federation is formed, marking the start of the Federal Era.
1569 BBY
1500 BBY
-A Sith incursion is stopped by the Republic on Corphelion, King's Galquek, and Gap Nine.
-The Mandalorians Durge and Jaing are used by an cyberneticist to start a war between the Mandalorians and the Sith. Jaing is later killed on the orders of Ung Kusp, leading Durge to vow revenge.
1486 BBY
-The Tapani Federation is granted representation in the Galactic Senate.
1466 BBY -The Battle of Mizra occurs. The Jedi suffer a massive defeat at the hands of the Sith.
1419 BBY -Dreypa's Oubliette, containing Celeste Morne and the Muur Talisman, is uncovered on Jebble.
1300 BBY -The Lan system is surveyed by the Republic.
1250 BBY -Belia Darzu becomes Dark Lord of the Sith and instigates the Sictis Wars.
1230 BBY -The Sictis Wars end. Belia Darzu is killed on Tython by the Mecrosa Order.
1196 BBY -The population of Hathrox III is wiped out in a biochemical civil war.
1154 BBY -The planet Bengali rebels against the Echani Command, starting the Bengali Uprising.
1102 BBY Births: Vilia Calimondra
1100 BBY -Tatooine is declared nominally habitable by the Republic.
-The Dark Age begins with the collapse of the Galactic Republic.
1094 BBY -The city of Zehava is founded.
1092 BBY Births: Gub Tengo
1066 BBY -Vilia Calimondra instigates the Charge Matrica between her seven children.
1060 BBY -Mandalore is decimated by the Candorian plague.
1058 BBY -Aga Awaud returns to Mandalore to find his clan wiped out by the Candorian plague.
1057 BBY Births: Daiman
1052 BBY -Xelian seduces and kills Lord Mandragall.
1051 BBY -Aga Awaud claims the title of Mand'alor and takes on the name Mandalore the Uniter.
1050 BBY
Births: Kerra Holt, Tarsus Valorum
1046 BBY
Births: Dromika, Quillan
1044 BBY Births: Tan Tengo
1042 BBY Births: Lureia
-Kerra Holt is rescued by Jedi Master Vannar Treece and brought into the Jedi Order.
1041 BBY -The Sith Lord Saaj Calician meets Dromika and Quillan.
1040 BBY -The Chagras Hegemony fractures with the death of Lord Chagras. Vilia Calimondra then initiates the Second Charge Matrica between her grandchildren.
1039 BBY -Aron and Mercia Holt are sent to Sarrassia to find the Helm of Ieldis.
1038 BBY -Seese joins the Arkadianate.
-Aron and Mercia Holt destroy the Grumani temple chamber on Skarpos to keep the Helm of Ieldis out of Sith reach, taking their own lives in the process.
1037 BBY -The Dyarchy constructs its fleet.
1032 BBY -The Dark Jedi Volfe Karkko is apprehended on Kiffex.
-Jedi Knight Kerra Holt faces off against the Sith of the Second Charge Matrica.
1030 BBY Births: Argel Tenn
1026 BBY Births: Dessel (Darth Bane)
1020 BBY Births: Irtanna, Sarro Xaj
1019 BBY Births: Johun Othone
1016 BBY Births: Tallo
1013 BBY Births: Darovit
-Dessel begins working in the mines of Apatros.
1010 BBY Births: Nalia Adollu, Zannah
-The Brotherhood of Darkness is formed by Skere Kaan, Dark Lord of the Sith.
-The Sith Lord Na'daz is killed by his apprentice Kas'im.
-Jedi Lord Hoth forms the Army of Light to combat the Brotherhood of Darkness.
1009 BBY -Johun Othone is brought into the Jedi Order.
1008 BBY Births: Serra
-Dessel kills his father Hurst with the Force.
1006 BBY Births: Dannik Jerriko
-The Sith Academy on Korriban is reopened.
1005 BBY -Hetton poisons his mother Loranda after she tries to push him into joining the Brotherhood of Darkness.
1004 BBY -The Battle of Hoth occurs.
-The Battle of Dromund Kaas occurs.
-The Battle of Malrev IV occurs.
1003 BBY -Dessel joins the Sith army.
-The Battle of Kashyyyk occurs.
-The Battle of Hsskhor occurs.
1002 BBY -The Ruusan campaign begins.
1001 BBY1000 BBY
-The New Sith Wars end. Lord Kaan activates a thought bomb which wipes out the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Army of Light.
-Darth Bane reforms the Sith Order under the Rule of Two, taking on Zannah as his apprentice.
-Tarsus Valorum is elected Supreme Chancellor and initiates the Ruusan Reformations.
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