Original Trilogy
Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977) [George Lucas]
Alderaan (Alderaan sector, Core Worlds) [Leia Organa]
Corellia (Corellian system, Corellian sector, Core Worlds) [Han Solo]
Dantooine (Raioballo sector, Outer Rim) [the Dantari; Davish Krail]
Ghomrassen (Tatoo system, Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Tatooine
Guermessa (Tatoo system, Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Tatooine
Guermessa (Tatoo system, Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Tatooine
Kessel (Kessel system, Kessel sector, Outer Rim)
Tatooine (Tatoo system, Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [the Jawa, the Tusken Raiders; Luke and Anakin Skywalker]
Yavin Prime (Yavin system, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Yavin 4 (Yavin system, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)-- moon of Yavin Prime [Poe Dameron]
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (May 1980) [Irvin Kershner]
Bespin (Bespin system, Anoat sector, Outer Rim) [Lobot]
Dagobah (Dagobah system, Sluis sector, Outer Rim) [the Hepsalum Tash]
Haven (Minos Cluster, Outer Rim)
Hoth (Hoth system, Anoat sector, Outer Rim) [the Wampas, the Tauntauns]
Ord Mantell (Bright Jewel system, Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim) [the Mantellian Savrips]
Episode VI Return of the Jedi (May 1983) [Richard Marquand]
Endor / Tana (Endor system, Moddell sector, Outer Rim)
Endor / Forest Moon of Endor (Endor system, Moddell sector, Outer Rim) [the Ewoks (Wicket)]
Sullust (Sullust system, Brema sector, Outer Rim) [the Sullustans (Nien Nunb)]
Taanab (Inner Rim) [Wes Janson]
Prequel Trilogy
Episode I The Phantom Menace (May 1999) [George Lucas]
Coruscant (Coruscant system, Corusca sector, Core Worlds) [Finis Valorum]
Iego (Ash Worlds, Outer Rim) [the Diathim, the Maelbi]
Malastare (Malastare system, Dustig sector, Mid Rim) [the Dugs (Sebulba)]
Naboo (Naboo system, Chommell sector, Mid Rim) [the Gungans (Jar Jar Binks); Padme Amidala, Palpatine]
Nubia (Nubus system, Corellian sector, Core Worlds)
Ohma-D'un (Chommell sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Naboo
Veruna (Chommell sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Naboo
Episode II Attack of the Clones (May 2002) [George Lucas]
Chenini (Tatoo system, Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Tatooine
Geonosis (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [the Geonosians (Poggle the Lesser)]
Kamino (Wild Space) [the Kaminoans (Taun We); Boba Fett]
Shadda-Bi-Boran (Shadda-Bi-Boran system, Toblain sector, Outer Rim) [the Shadda-Bi-Boran]
Subterrel (Subterrel sector, Outer Rim)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (May 2005) [George Lucas]
Boz Pity (Boz Pity system, Halla sector, Mid Rim)
Cato Neimoidia (Quellor sector, Colonies)
Felucia (Felucia system, Thanium sector, Outer Rim) [the Felucians]
Jestefad (Mustafar system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Kashyyyk (Kashyyyk system, Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim) [the Wookiees (Chewbacca)]
Lefrani (Mustafar system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Mustafar (Mustafar system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim) [the Mustafarians]
Mygeeto (Mygeeto system, Albarrio sector, Outer Rim) [the Lurmen; Darth Plagueis]
Polis Massa (Subterrel sector, Outer Rim)
Saleucami (Saleucami system, Suolriep sector, Outer Rim) [Warda Gojun]
Utapau (Utapau system, Tarabba sector, Outer Rim) [the Pau'ans (Tion Medon), the Utai]
Sequel Trilogy
Episode VII The Force Awakens (December 2015) [J.J. Abrams]
Ahch-To (Unknown Regions) [the Lanai]
D'Qar (Sanbra sector, Outer Rim)
Hosnian Prime (Hosnian system, Core Worlds) [Korr Sella, Kazuda Xiono]
Jakku (Inner Rim) [the Teedo, the Uthuthma; Rey, Gallius Rax]
Nantoon (Colonies)
Ponemah Terminal (Outer Rim) {grid H-16 (Zuma sector?)}
Takodana (Tashtor sector, Mid Rim) [Maz Kanata]
Trillia (Expansion Region) {grid P-13 (Imberlin sector?)}
Episode VIII The Last Jedi (December 2017) [Rian Johnson]
Cantonica (Corporate Sector, Outer Rim)
Chyron Belt (Expansion Region) {grid J-16 (Har Worlds?)}
Crait (Bon'nyuw-Luq sector, Outer Rim)
Oetchi (Outer Rim) {grid N-17 (Grumani or Bon'nyuw-Luq sector?)}
Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker (December 2019) [J.J. Abrams]
Ajan Kloss (Cademimu sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Ajara
Ansett (Outer Rim) {grid N-5 (Tragan Cluster or Ciutric sector?)}
Bestoon [Ochi]
Cardovyte (Outer Rim) {grid M-6 (Noonian sector?)}
Exegol (Unknown Regions) [Snoke]
Griq (Unknown Regions)
Ivexia (Tennuutta sector, Mid Rim)
Kef Bir (Moddell sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Endor
Kijimi (Bryx sector, Mid Rim) [Zorii Bliss]
Pasaana (Ombakond sector, Expansion Region) [the Aki-Aki]
Sinta Glacier (Hune sector, Mid Rim)
Rogue One (December 2016) [Gareth Edwards]
Eadu (Bheriz sector, Outer Rim)
Jedha (Terrabe sector, Mid Rim) [Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, Bodhi Rook]
Lah'mu (Raioballo sector, Outer Rim)
Ring of Kafrene (Thand sector, Expansion Region)
Scarif (Abrion sector, Outer Rim)
Wobani (Bryx sector, Mid Rim)
Solo (May 2018) [Ron Howard]
Ardennia (Outer Rim) [the Ardennians (Rio Durant)] {grid K-6 (Fath sector?)}
Numidian Prime (Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim)
Savareen (Savareen sector, Outer Rim)
Vandor (Sloo sector, Mid Rim)
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