House Sendor
Galen Sendor I (8023 BBY)
Rosen Sendor (7020 BBY)
Calsen Sendor (fl. 6938 BBY)
Calsen Sendor (fl. 6938 BBY)
Grandson of Rosen Sendor
Taloc Sendor (fl. 6697 BBY)
Children: Tulia (daughter)
Taloc Sendor (fl. 6697 BBY)
Children: Tulia (daughter)
Tulia Sendor (6720 BBY)
Parents: Taloc Sendor (father)
Silva Sendor
Children: Nalia (daughter)
Nalia Sendor (5836 BBY)
Parents: Silva Sendor (mother)
Children: Galen II (son)
Galen Sendor II (5801 BBY)
Parents: Nalia Sendor (mother)
Eden Sendor (4095 BBY)
Partners: Brom Valsas
Children: Otton (son)
Waller Sendor (4091 BBY)
Children: Benjam (son)
Benjam Sendor (4066 BBY)
Parents: Waller Sendor (father)
Parents: Waller Sendor (father)
Children: Adam (son), Eve (daughter)
Adam Sendor (4019 BBY)
Parents: Benjam Sendor (father)
Partners: Calina Galarus
Children: Veya (daughter)
Eve Sendor (4016 BBY)
Parents: Benjam Sendor (father)
Partners: Taarn Soral
Children: Kalon (son)
Veya Sendor (3974 BBY)
Parents: Adam Sendor (father), Calina Galarus (mother)
Partners: Sadroth Talvron
Children: (son)
Cale Sendor (3972 BBY)
Parents: Adam Sendor (father), Calina Galarus (mother)
Orlan Sendor (3735 BBY)
Children: Galran (son)
Galran Sendor (3710 BBY)
Parents: Orlan Sendor (father)
Children: Valon (son)
Valon Sendor / Lord Valsen (3678 BBY)
Parents: Galran Sendor (father)
Partners: Olana Varonus
Children: Arkus (son)
Arkus Sendor (3635 BBY)
Parents: Valon Sendor (father), Olana Varonus (mother)
Children: Verona (daughter)
Verona Sendor (3604 BBY)
Parents: Arkus Sendor (father)
Alron Sendor (1027 BBY)
Galen Alron Sendor VI (377 BBY)
Children: Tarness (daughter)
Tarness Sendor (345 BBY)
Parents: Galen Sendor VI (father)
Children: Damus (son)
Damus Sendor (315 BBY)
Parents: Tarness Sendor (mother)
Partners: Lera Carran
Children: Galen VII (son), Xena (daughter), Tarn (son)
Galen Damus Sendor VII (290 BBY)
Parents: Damus Sendor (father), Lera Carran (mother)
Partners: Lady Valsas
Xena Sendor (286 BBY)
Parents: Damus Sendor (father), Lera Carran (mother)
Tarn Sendor (282 BBY)
Parents: Damus Sendor (father), Lera Carran (mother)
Children: Damus II (son)
Damus Sendor II (257 BBY)
Parents: Tarn Sendor (father)
Galen Sendor (93 BBY)
Children: Navus (son), Talrus (son)
Navus Sendor (68 BBY)
Parents: Galen Sendor (father)
Children: Naya (daughter)
Talrus Sendor (58 BBY)
Parents: Galen Sendor (father)
Children: Vandos (son), Andros (son)
Naya Sendor (38 BBY)
Parents: Navus Sendor (father)
Partners: Aron Jarsan
Children: Toah (son)
Vandos Sendor (24 BBY)
Parents: Talrus Sendor (father)
Andros Sendor (21 BBY)
Parents: Talrus Sendor (father)
Partners: Brisha Syo
Children: Orran (son), Varon (stepson)
Orran Sendor (11 ABY)
Parents: Andros Sendor (father), Brisha Syo (mother)
Varon Sendor / Varon Krul / Darth Taral (13 ABY)
Parents: Kalon Soral (father), Brisha Syo (mother), Andros Sendor (stepfather)
Partners: Lysira Naris
Children: Kalon (son)
Kalon Sendor (37 ABY)
Parents: Varon Sendor (father), Lysira Naris (mother)
House Carran
Valos Carran (fl. 7991 BBY)
Partners: Lona Varonus
Zane Carran I (6699 BBY)
Zane Carran (3716 BBY)
Laros Carran I
Children: Lodar (son), Lera (daughter)
Lodar Carran (315 BBY)
Parents: Laros Carran I (father)
Children: Laros II (son)
Lera Carran (311 BBY)
Parents: Laros Carran I (father)
Partners: Damus Sendor
Children: Galen VII (son), Xena (daughter), Tarn (son)
Laros Carran II (280 BBY)
Parents: Lodar Carran (father)
Nalon Carran (66 BBY)
Children: Galos (son)
Galos Carran (41 BBY)
Parents: Nalon Carran
House Galarus
Raln Galarus (fl. 7829 BBY)
Children: Deraln (son)
Deraln Galarus (fl. 7819 BBY)
Parents: Raln Galarus (father)
Ardoln Galarus (fl. 6990 BBY)
Calina Galarus
Partners: Adam Sendor
Children: Veya (daughter), Cale (son)
Erva Galarus (fl. 2927 BBY)
Laron Galarus (274 BBY)
Erva Galarus (fl. 2927 BBY)
Laron Galarus (274 BBY)
Children: Talen (son)
Talen Galarus (242 BBY)
Talen Galarus (242 BBY)
Parents: Laron Galarus (father)
House Talvron
Hart Talvron (8033 BBY)
Roth Talvron (fl. 5171 BBY)
Sadroth Talvron
Partners: Veya Sendor
Children: (son)
Ardas Talvron (2019 BBY)
House Valsas
Deneth Valsas (fl. 7991 BBY)
Brom Valsas
Partners: Eden Sendor
Children: Otton (son)
Otton Valsas (4056 BBY)
Parents: Brom Valsas (father), Eden Sendor (mother)
Larith Valsas (fl. 960 BBY)
Leon Valsas (15 ABY)
House Varonus
Ralen Varonus (12,015 BBY)
Alon Varonus (9036 BBY)
Olan Varonus (fl. 8891 BBY)
Lona Varonus (8021 BBY)
Partners: Valos Carran
Kane Varonus (6984 BBY)
Droma Varonus (fl. 5171 BBY)
Arkus Varonus
Children: Jarson (son), Darven (son)
Jarson Varonus (3716 BBY)
Parents: Arkus Varonus (father)
Darven Varonus (3711 BBY)
Parents: Arkus Varonus (father)
Children: Morven (son), Olana (daughter)
Morven Varonus (3681 BBY)
Parents: Darven Varonus (father)
Partners: Zela Valrisa
Olana Varonus (3678 BBY)
Parents: Darven Varonus (father)
Partners: Valon Sendor
Children: Arkus (son)
Davon Varonus (73 BBY)
Children: Paron (son)
Paron Varonus (38 BBY)
Parents: Davon Varonus (father)
House Valrisa
Leinad Valrisa
Olin Valrisa (fl. 7000 BBY)
Selani Valrisa / Rissa Vala-Sel (4277 BBY)
Zela Valrisa (fl. 3636 BBY)
Partners: Morven Varonus
Sorgen Valrisa (1039 BBY)
Adon Valrisa (42 BBY)
Partners: Sareth
Children: Tyron (son)
Tyron Valrisa (4 BBY)
Parents: Adon Valrisa (father), Sareth Valrisa (mother)
Partners: Ederlathh Pallopides
Jarsan family (Dantooine)
Noah Jarsan (4042 BBY)
Partners: Nyla Sanar
Children: Sana (daughter)
Sana Jarsan (4011 BBY)
Parents: Noah Jarsan (father), Nyla Sanar (mother)
Children: Samnt (son)
Samnt Jarsan (3983 BBY)
Parents: Sana Jarsan (mother)
Partners: Elise Montagne
Vorn Jarsan (fl. 113 BBY)
Roan Jarsan (78 BBY)
Partners: Sandra Latari
Children: Aron (son)
Aron Jarsan (43 BBY)
Parents: Roan Jarsan (father), Sandra Latari (mother)
Partners: Naya Sendor
Children: Toah (son)
Toah Jarsan (13 BBY)
Parents: Aron Jarsan (father), Naya Sendor (mother)
Skywalker family (Tatooine)
Shmi Skywalker (72 BBY)
Partners: Cliegg Lars
Children: Anakin (son)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (41 BBY)
Parents: Shmi Skywalker (mother)
Partners: Padme Amidala
Children: Luke (son), Leia (daughter), Kane (clone)
Luke Skywalker (19 BBY)
Parents: Anakin Skywalker (father), Padme Amidala (mother)
Partners: Mara Jade
Children: Owen (son)
Leia Amidala Skywalker / Leia Organa (19 BBY)
Parents: Anakin Skywalker (father), Padme Amidala (mother)
Adoptive parents: Bail Organa (father), Breha Organa (mother)
Partners: Han Solo
Children: Ben (son), Jacen (son), Jaina (daughter), Anakin (son)
Kane Skywalker / Darth Nemesis (18 BBY)
Parents: Anakin Skywalker (cloning template)
Owen Skywalker (26 ABY)
Parents: Luke Skywalker (father), Mara Jade Skywalker (mother)
Solo family (Corellia)
Jonash e Solo (fl. 3017 BBY)
Benethor e Solo (fl. 470 BBY)
Berethron e Solo (fl. 312 BBY)
Korol Solo
Children: Dalla / Denn (son)
Dalla Solo / Denn Solo
Parents: Korol Solo (father)
Partners: Tira Gama
Children: Jonash (son), Tiion (daughter)
Jonash Solo
Parents: Dalla/Denn Solo (father), Tira Gama Solo (mother)
Partners: Jaina
Children: Han (son)
Tiion Solo
Parents: Dalla/Denn Solo (father), Tira Gama Solo (mother)
Partners: Randil Sal
Children: Thrackan (son)
Thrackan Sal-Solo (35 BBY)
Parents: Tiion Solo (mother), Randil Sal (father)
Han Solo (29 BBY)
Parents: Jonash Solo (father)
Partners: Leia Organa
Children: Ben (son), Jacen (son), Jaina (daughter), Anakin (son)
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren (5 ABY)
Parents: Han Solo (father), Leia Organa Solo (mother)
Jacen Solo (9 ABY)
Parents: Han Solo (father), Leia Organa Solo (mother)
Partners: Tenel Ka Djo
Children: Allana (daughter)
Jaina Solo (9 ABY)
Parents: Han Solo (father), Leia Organa Solo (mother)
Anakin Solo (10 ABY)
Parents: Han Solo (father), Leia Organa Solo (mother)
Partners: Tahiri Veila
Children: Cassa (daughter)
Cassa Solo (42 ABY)
Parents: Anakin Solo (father), Tahiri Veila (mother)
Qel-Droma family (Alderaan)
Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma
Children: Ulic (son), Cay (son)
Ulic Qel-Droma (4023 BBY)
Parents: Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma (mother)
Cay Qel-Droma
Parents: Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma (mother)
Duron Qel-Droma
Sanar family (Dantooine)
Nyla Sanar (4032 BBY)
Partners: Noah Jarsan
Children: Sana (daughter)
Kyun Sanar (4028 BBY)
Brother of Nyla Sanar
Shan family (Talravin)
Helena Shan
Children: Bastila (daughter)
Bastila Shan (3976 BBY)
Parents: Helena Shan (mother)
Partners: Revan
Children: Vaner (son)
Vaner Shan (3954 BBY)
Parents: Bastila Shan (mother), Revan (father)
Partners: Emess
Children: Bress (son), Reesa (daughter)
Bress Shan
Parents: Vaner Shan (father), Emess Shan (mother)
Reesa Shan
Parents: Vaner Shan (father), Emess Shan (mother)
Tasiele Shan (3729 BBY)
Children: Satele (daughter)
Satele Shan (3699 BBY)
Parents: Tasiele Shan (mother)
Partners: Jace Malcom
Children: Theron (son)
Theron Shan (3666 BBY)
Parents: Satele Shan (mother), Jace Malcom (father)
Soral family (Coruscant)
Voss Soral
Children: Taarn (son)
Taarn Soral (4020 BBY)
Parents: Voss Soral (father)
Partners: Eve Sendor
Children: Kalon (son)
Kalon Soral (3984 BBY)
Parents: Taarn Soral (father), Eve Sendor (mother)
Partners: Nova Larisa, Lumiya (via clone)
Children: Varon (son; via clone)
Larisa Soral (3663 BBY)
Sunrider family
Jev Sunrider
Andur Sunrider (4019 BBY)
Partners: Nomi Da'Boda
Children: Vima (daughter)
Vima Sunrider (4000 BBY)
Parents: Andur Sunrider (father), Nomi Sunrider (mother)
Exivar family
Jon Exivar
Children: Lux (son)
Lux Exivar (573 BBY)
Parents: Jon Exivar (father)
Children: (son)
?? Exivar (552 BBY)
Kallig family
Aloysius Kallig
Arthron Kallig (3664 BBY)
Xadira Kallig (3664 BBY)
Kressh family (Rhelg)
Ludo Kressh
Children: Elcho (son), Riidik (daughter)
Elcho Kressh
Parents: Ludo Kressh (father)
Riidik Kressh (5023 BBY)
Parents: Ludo Kressh (father)
Vodal Kressh
Exal Kressh
Ragnos family
Marka Ragnos
Karok Ragnos (3668 BBY)
Clan Cabur
Aran Cabur (fl. 738 BBY)
Avnar Cabur
Avnar Cabur
Children: Atinar (son)
Atinar Cabur (10 BBY)
Parents: Avnar Cabur (father)
Clan Fett
Children: Cassus (adopted son)
Cassus Fett (fl. 3964 BBY)
Parents: Vhett (adoptive father)
Ambu Fett
Partners: J'mee
Children: Arla (daughter), Jango (son)
Arla Fett (72 BBY)
Parents: Ambu Fett (father), J'mee Fett (mother)
Jango Fett (66 BBY)
Parents: Ambu Fett (father), J'mee Fett (mother)
Children: Boba (son/clone)
Boba Fett (32 BBY)
Parents: Jango Fett (father/clone template)
Partners: Sintas Vel
Children: Ailyn (daughter)
Ailyn Vel (15 BBY)
Parents: Boba Fett (father), Sintas Vel (mother)
Partners: Makin Marec
Children: Mirta (daughter)
Mirta Gev
Parents: Ailyn Vel (mother), Makin Marec (father)
Partners: Ghes Orade
Clan Ordo
Canderous Ordo (4014 BBY)
Partners: Veela
Argus Ordo (34 BBY)
Children: Corda (daughter)
Corda Ordo (4 BBY)
Parents: Argus Ordo (father)
Partners: Kadar
Children: Kandos (son), Vessin (daughter)
Kandos Ordo (19 ABY)
Parents: Corda Ordo (mother), Kadar (father)
Vessin Ordo (21 ABY)
Parents: Corda Ordo (mother), Kadar (father)
Clan Vizsla / Clan Vizla
Tarre Vizsla
Shae Vizla (3689 BBY)
Beron Vizla
Brother of Shae Vizla
Karn Vizsla
Tor Vizsla
Pre Vizsla
Mera Vizsla (35 BBY)
Children: Tral (son), Ziar (son)
Tral Vizsla (7 BBY)
Parents: Mera Vizsla (mother)
Ziar Vizsla / Kadar (5 BBY)
Parents: Mera Vizsla (mother)
Partners: Corda Ordo
Children: Kandos (son), Vessin (daughter)
Clan Vuhar
Arcos Vuhar (fl. 3962 BBY)
Bron Vuhar
House Greejatus
Janus Greejatus
Children: Dulcea (daughter)
Dulcea Greejatus
Parents: Janus Greejatus (father)
House Naberrie
Winama Naberrie
Ruwee Naberrie (77 BBY)
Parents: Winama Naberrie (mother)
Partners: Jobal Thule
Children: Sola (daughter), Padme (daughter)
Sola Naberrie (50 BBY)
Parents: Ruwee Naberrie (father), Jobal Naberrie (mother)
Partners: Darred Janren
Children: Ryoo (daughter), Pooja (daughter)
Padme Naberrie (46 BBY)
Parents: Ruwee Naberrie (father), Jobal Naberrie (mother)
Partners: Anakin Skywalker
Children: Luke (son), Leia (daughter)
Ryoo Naberrie (28 BBY)
Parents: Sola Naberrie (mother), Darred Janren (father)
Children: Darius (son)
Pooja Naberrie (25 BBY)
Parents: Sola Naberrie (mother), Darred Janren (father)
Darius Naberrie (11 ABY)
Parents: Ryoo Naberrie (mother)
Partners: Valera Teramo
House Palpatine
Cosinga Palpatine
Children: Sheev (son)
Sheev Palpatine (82 BBY)
Parents: Cosinga Palpatine (father)
Minnau family
Children: Rehtul (son), Teckla (daughter)
Rehtul Minnau (52 BBY)
Children: Thane (son)
Teckla Minnau
Thane Minnau
Parents: Rehtul Minnau (father)
Children: Saile (son)
Saile Minnau (4 BBY)
Parents: Thane Minnau (father)
House Dooku
Gora Dooku
Partners: Anya
Children: Ramil (son), Dooku (son), Jenza (daughter)
Ramil Dooku (104 BBY)
Parents: Gora Dooku (father), Anya Dooku (mother)
Partners: Kostanza
Children: Adan (son)
Dooku (102 BBY)
Parents: Gora Dooku (father), Anya Dooku (mother)
Jenza Dooku (101 BBY)
Parents: Gora Dooku (father), Anya Dooku (mother)
Adan Dooku (42 BBY)
Parents: Ramil Dooku (father), Kostanza Dooku (mother)
Partners: Maite
Children: Bron (son)
Bron Dooku (13 BBY)
Parents: Adan Dooku (father), Maite Dooku (mother)
House Malvern
Grom Malvern
Children: Orom (son), Cretia (daughter)
Orom Malvern
Parents: Grom Malvern (father)
Cretia Malvern
Parents: Grom Malvern (father)
Partners: Rodas Borgin
Children: Pero (son)
Lyon Malvern
House Teramo
Valdar Teramo
Children: Avron (son), Cynda (daughter)
Lecron Teramo
Children: Calran (son)
Avron Teramo
Parents: Valdar Teramo (father)
Calran Teramo
Parents: Lecron Teramo (father)
Partners: Sareth Valrisa
Children: Valera (daughter)
Cynda Teramo (6 BBY)
Parents: Valdar Teramo (father)
Partners: Tyr Valmar
Children: Bron (son)
Valera Teramo (11 ABY)
Parents: Calran Teramo (father), Sareth Valrisa (daughter)
Partners: Darius Naberrie
House Valmar
Jard Valmar (31 BBY)
Children: Tyr (son)
Tyr Valmar (5 BBY)
Parents: Jard Valmar (father)
Partners: Cynda Teramo
Children: Bron (son)
Bron Valmar (28 ABY)
Parents: Tyr Valmar (father), Cynda Valmar (mother)
Chaar family (Sembla)
Dral Chaar
Erala Chaar (fl. 738 BBY)
Vral Chaar (14 BBY)
Eerin family (Mon Calamari)
Bant Eerin
Alin Eerin
Via Eerin (14 BBY)
Sister of Alin Eerin
Partners: Gron Marrab
Hill family (Muun)
Vlem Hill
Larsh Hill
Larsh Hill
Children: San (son)
San Hill
Parents: Larsh Hill (father)
Children: Tars (son)
Tars Hill (35 BBY)
Parents: San Hill (father)
Inrull family (Duro)
Rumun Inrull (39 BBY)
Children: Draida (daughter)
Draida Tarsiq (8 ABY)
Parents: Rumun Inrull (father)
Kishanti family (Mirialan)
Lyan Kishanti
Partners: Nira
Children: Vyad (son), Kyla (daughter), Myra (daughter)
Vyad Kishanti (2 BBY)
Parents: Lyan Kishanti (father), Nira Kishanti (mother)
Kyla Kishanti (1 ABY)
Parents: Lyan Kishanti (father), Nira Kishanti (mother)
Myra Kishanti (3 ABY)
Parents: Lyan Kishanti (father), Nira Kishanti (mother)
Marrab family (Mon Calamari)
Gron Marrab
Partners: Via Eerin
Ean Marrab (14 BBY)
Brother of Gron Marrab
Gyla Marrab
Cousin of Gron and Ean Marrab
Mon Cala Royal Family (Mon Calamari)
Yos Kolina
Children: Lee-Char (son)
Parents: Yos Kolina (father)
Children: Ech-Char (son)
Parents: Lee-Char (father)
Children: Les-Char (son)
Parents: Ech-Char (father)
Ri family (Quarren)
Nossor Ri
Vessara Ri
Sadoon family (Dorin)
Kro Sadoon (43 BBY)
Vin Sadoon
Half-brother of Kro Sadoon
Antilles family (Corellia)
Jagged Antilles
Partners: Zena
Children: Syal (daughter), Wedge (son)
Syal Antilles (31 BBY)
Parents: Jagged Antilles (father), Zena Antilles (mother)
Partners: Soontir Fel
Children: Davin (son), Chak (son), Jagged (son), Cherith (daughter), Cem (son), Wynssa (daughter)
Wedge Antilles (21 BBY)
Parents: Jagged Antilles (father), Zena Antilles (mother)
Partners: Iella Wessiri
Children: Syal (daughter), Myri (daughter)
Syal Antilles (17 ABY)
Parents: Wedge Antilles (father), Iella Wessiri Antilles (mother)
Myri Antilles (18 ABY)
Parents: Wedge Antilles (father), Iella Wessiri Antilles (mother)
Argen family (Anaxes)
Vorn Argen
Children: Viic (son)
Viic Argen (59 BBY)
Parents: Vorn Argen (father)
House Bast (Dura-Kahn)
Moradmin Bast
Leradmin Bast
Brother or clone of Moradmin Bast
Children: Lumina (daughter)
Lumina Bast
Parents: Leradmin Bast (father)
Borgas family (Anaxes)
Obran Borgas
Vin Borgas (17 BBY)
Nephew of Obran
Cobalt family (Corulag)
Wallis Cobalt
Partners: Evlyn Ceras
Children: Arek (son)
Arek Cobalt (8 ABY)
Parents: Wallis Cobalt (father), Evlyn Ceras (mother)
Darklighter family (Tatooine)
Biggs Darklighter (24 BBY)
Parents: Huff Darklighter
Gavin Darklighter (10 BBY)
Parents: Jula Darklighter (father), Silya Darklighter (mother)
Partners: Sera Faleur
Children: Selena (daughter)
Selena Darklighter
Parents: Gavin Darklighter (father), Sera Faleur-Darklighter (mother)
Fel family (Corellia)
Soontir Fel (28 BBY)
Partners: Syal Antilles
Children: Davin (son), Chak (son), Jagged (son), Cherith (daughter), Cem (son), Wynssa (daughter)
Todr Fel
Brother of Soontir Fel
Partners: Ajai
Children: Fyric (son)
Fyric Fel (2 ABY)
Parents: Todr Fel (father), Ajai Fel (mother)
Davin Fel (bt. 1-3 ABY)
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Chak Fel (bt. 2-3 ABY)
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Jagged Fel (7 ABY)
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Partners: Jaina Solo
Children: Fel II (son)
Cherith Fel (bt. 8-11 ABY)
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Cem Fel
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Wynssa Fel (bt. 13-16 ABY)
Parents: Soontir Fel (father), Syal Antilles Fel (mother)
Goldam family (Phaeda)
Jaxx Goldam
Children: Dax (son)
Dax Goldam (11 ABY)
Parents: Jaxx Goldam (father)
Klev family (Alsakan)
Vintus Klev
Children: Titus (son)
Titus Klev
Parents: Vintus Klev (father)
Mothma family (Chandrila)
Tanis Mothma
Children: Mon (daughter)
Mon Mothma (48 BBY)
Parents: Tanis Mothma (mother)
Partners: Perrin Fertha
Children: Lieda (daughter)
Lieda Mothma (18 BBY)
Parents: Mon Mothma (mother), Perrin Fertha (father)
Motti family (Phelarion)
Lithio Motti
Partners: Gyla Praji
Zivon Motti (100 BBY)
Children: Thalassa (daughter), Cassandro (son)
Thalassa Motti (64 BBY)
Parents: Zivon Motti (father)
Partners: Wilhuff Tarkin
Children: Garoche (son)
Cassandro Motti
Parents: Zivon Motti (father)
Children: Conan (son)
Conan Antonio Motti
Parents: Cassandro Motti (father)
Naris family (Talravin, Transel)
Vizun Naris (23 BBY)
Children: Lysira (daughter)
Lysira Naris (11 ABY)
Parents: Vizun Naris (father)
Partners: Varon Sendor
Children: Kalon (son)
Nix family (Denon, Coruscant)
Trevon Nix
Children: Wallen (son)
Other relatives: Narriet (maternal aunt)
Wallen Nix (14 BBY)
Parents: Trevon Nix (father)
House Praji (Karfeddion, Coruscant)
Gyla Praji
Partners: Lithio Motti
Jideon Praji (fl. 60 BBY)
Griff Praji (64 BBY)
Children: Nahdonnis (son)
Tannon Praji (60 BBY)
Partners: Maree
Children: Onnelly (daughter)
Praji (56 BBY)
Nahdonnis Praji (37 BBY)
Parents: Griff Praji (father)
Children: Tyla (daughter)
Praji (30 BBY)
Partners: Sareth Valrisa
Children: Varla (daughter)
Varla Praji (0 BBY)
Parents: Praji (father), Sareth Valrisa (mother)
House of Tagge (Tepasi)
Tarzen Tagge
Sanya Tagge
Partners: Sanya
Children: Orman (son), Cassio (son), Silas (son), Ulric (son), Domina (daughter)
Orman Tagge (38 BBY)
Parents: Sanya Tagge (mother)
Cassio Tagge (37 BBY)
Parents: Sanya Tagge (mother)
Andreo Tagge (33 BBY)
Partners: Sareth Valrisa
Children: Leinad (son)
Silas Tagge
Parents: Sanya Tagge (mother)
Ulric Tagge
Parents: Sanya Tagge (mother)
Domina Tagge (23 BBY)
Parents: Sanya Tagge (mother)
Leinad Tagge (4 ABY)
Parents: Andreo Tagge (father), Sareth Valrisa (mother)
House Valorum (Coruscant)
Tarsus Valorum (1050 BBY)
Tullius Valorum
Laeca Valorum
Titus Valorum
Eixes Valorum
Finis Valorum (91 BBY)
Children: Espaa (son)
Espaa Valorum (58 BBY)
Parents: Finis Valorum (father)
Vanicus family
Orley Vanicus (fl. 4000 BBY)
Iden Vanicus (3954 BBY)
Vorsen family (Valahari)
Rodolf Vorsen
Children: Ranulf (son)
Ranulf Vorsen (6 BBY)
Parents: Rodolf Vorsen (father)
Children: Raina (daughter)
Raina Vorsen
Parents: Ranulf Vorsen (father)
Clan Zar (Kiffu)
Korin Zar (52 BBY)
Children: Kalina (daughter)
Kalina Zar (22 BBY)
Parents: Korin Zar (father)
Partners: Xavian Kos
Children: Zarin (son)
Zarin Kal (1 ABY)
Parents: Kalina Zar (mother), Xavian Kos (father)
Zavos family (Carida)
Cov Zavos
Children: Aay (son)
Aay Zavos (25 BBY)
Aay Zavos (25 BBY)
Parents: Cov Zavos (father)
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