Jedi Prince (1992) [Paul and Hollace Davids]
Arzid (Calaron sector, Outer Rim) [the Arachnors]
Bnach (Calaron sector, Outer Rim)
Kip (Chorlian sector, Outer Rim) [the Kips]
Scardia Station (Null Zone, Expansion Region)
Yavin 3 (Yavin system, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)-- moon of Yavin Prime
Z'trop (Tamarin sector, Outer Rim)
Zabian (Phelleem sector, Outer Rim)
Young Jedi Knights (June 1995) [Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta]
Anobis (Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim) [Anja Gallandro]
Anobis (Bright Jewel sector, Mid Rim) [Anja Gallandro]
Bendone (Bosph sector, Outer Rim)
Borgo Prime (Oricho sector, Outer Rim)
Chroma Zed (Maerdocian sector, Mid Rim) [the Chromans]
Debray (Core Worlds)
Ennth (Astal sector, Outer Rim) [Zekk]
Gammalin (Vish sector, Mid Rim)
Kaisa (Corva sector, Outer Rim) [the Buro]
Karnak Alpha (Core Worlds) [the Karnak Alphans]
Kath II (Kath system, Dustig sector, Mid Rim)
Maires (Hapes Cluster, Inner Rim) [the Mairans (Bor Gullet)]
Osskorn (Tyan sector, Mid Rim) [Osskorn Stout]
Randon (Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim)
Shumavar (Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Telti (Sistooine system, Inner Rim)
Vergill (Hapes Cluster, Inner Rim)
Junior Jedi Knights (October 1995) [Nancy Richardson]
Exis Station (Teedio system, Auril sector, Outer Rim)
Kushibah (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim) [the Kushiban (Ikrit)]
The Lost Jedi (October 1995)
Korphir (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Korphir (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Marranis (Esstran sector, Outer Rim)
Galaxy of Fear (January 1997) [John Whitman]
Gobindi (Noonian sector, Outer Rim) [the Gobindi]
K'ath (Juvex sector, Mid Rim)
Kiva (Venaarian sector, Mid Rim) [the Kivans]
Koaan (Inner Rim)
Koda Station (Wazta sector, Outer Rim)
Lao-mon / Sh'shuun (Unknown Regions) [the Shi'ido (Mammon Hoole)]
Necropolis / Dahrtag (Core Worlds)
No-ad (Bryx sector, Mid Rim)
Sittana (Core Worlds)
Tal Nami (Hutt Space) [the Tal Nami]
Worru'du (Torranix sector, Core Worlds)
Zhann (Colonies)
Missions (September 1997) [Ryder Windham]
Bronsoon (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Bronsoon (Gordian Reach, Outer Rim)
Cheeyoom Matee (Core Worlds)
Delrakkin (Kallea sector, Outer Rim) [the Delrakkin]
Dweem (Calaron sector, Outer Rim)
Faldos (Saijo sector, Outer Rim)
Malagarr (Wild Space) [the Malagarrians]
Therenor Prime (Doldur sector, Mid Rim)
Vactooine (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim) [the Elix]
Journal (July 1998)
Beckoning Call Starr 3 (Inner Rim)
Beckoning Call Starr 3 (Inner Rim)
Belassar (Sarla sector, Expansion Region)
Camus IV (Illisurevimurasi sector, Outer Rim)
Chryya (Dustig sector, Mid Rim)
Iridonia (Glythe sector, Mid Rim) [the Zabrak (Eeth Koth)]
Iridonia (Glythe sector, Mid Rim) [the Zabrak (Eeth Koth)]
Tosste (Atravis sector, Outer Rim)
Jedi Apprentice (1999) [Jude Watson]
Alba-16 (Belsmuth sector, Outer Rim)
Bandomeer (Meerian sector, Outer Rim) [the Meerians]
Belasco (Belasco sector, Expansion Region)
Bimin Three (Majoor sector, Expansion Region)
Caldoni (Core Worlds)
Centax-2 (Coruscant system, Corusca sector, Core Worlds)-- moon of Coruscant
Cinnatar (Sorrus system, Kalamith sector, Outer Rim)
Degarian (Colonies) [the Degarian II]
Delacrix (Calaron sector, Outer Rim)
Doli (D'Astan sector, Outer Rim)
Duneeden (Corusca sector, Core Worlds)
Frego (Core Worlds) [the Fregans]
Gala (Nuiri sector, Outer Rim) [the Galacians]
Hilo (Hilo sector, Expansion Region)
Hino-111 (Colonies)
Kegan (Calaron sector, Outer Rim) [O-Lana/Olana Chion]
Kodai (Belderone sector, Outer Rim) [the Kodaian]
Landor (Thesme sector, Outer Rim)
Lisal (Sarka sector, Mid Rim)
Melasaton (Jjannex sector, Outer Rim)
Melida/Daan (Cadavine sector, Outer Rim)
Mindemir (Colonies)
New Apsolon (Terr'skiar sector, Mid Rim)
Nolar (Inner Rim)
Noori (Noori sector, Expansion Region) [the Noorians (Tahl)]
Pasmin (Cronese Mandate, Outer Rim)
Phindar (Demetras sector, Outer Rim) [the Phindians]
Piton (Core Worlds) [the Piton]
Quint (Inner Rim) [the Quints]
Quintus (Albarrio sector, Outer Rim)
Ragoon VI (Core Worlds) [the Ragoon]
Rend 5 (Surron sector, Expansion Region)
Rorgam (Terr'skiar sector, Mid Rim)
Rutan (Rutan system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim) [the Rutanians]
Senali (Rutan system, Atravis sector, Outer Rim) [the Senali]
Simpla-12 (Kalamith sector, Outer Rim)
Sorrus (Sorrus system, Kalamith sector, Outer Rim) [the Sorrusians]
Stieg (Calaron sector, Outer Rim) [the Stieg-Fan]
Syngia (Sertar sector, Outer Rim)
Tentrix (Baroli sector, Expansion Region)
Vandor-3 (Coruscant system, Corusca sector, Core Worlds)
Varristad (Abrion sector, Outer Rim)
Ventrux (Thesme sector, Outer Rim) [Jenna Zan Arbor]
Zekulae (Zeemacht Cluster, Inner Rim) [the Zeku]
Science Adventures (February 1999) [Jude Watson, K.D. Burkett]
Bassel (Inner Rim) [Bassel sea salt]
Bassel (Inner Rim) [Bassel sea salt]
Benon (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Da'nor (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Delantine (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Romm (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Da'nor (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Delantine (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Romm (Delantine system, Varada sector, Outer Rim)
Episode I Adventures (September 1999) [Ryder Windham, Dave Wolverton]
Gedi 4 (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)
Gedi 4 (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)
Sakiya (Bootana Hutta, Hutt Space) [the Sakiyans (Djas Puhr)]
Jedi Quest (September 2001) [Jude Watson]
Aaeton (Core Worlds)
Aesolian (Wild Space) [the Treton]
Andara (Andaran system, Core Worlds)
Avon (Radnor system, Daimar sector, Mid Rim) [the Avoni]
Belazura (Colonies)
Berrun (Colonies)
Brodogon (Bozhnee sector, Outer Rim)
C-Foroon (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)
Cortella (Core Worlds)
Dremulae (Deep Core)
Eeropha (Eeropha system, Colonies) [Sano Sauro]
Eeyyon (Halm sector, Mid Rim)
Euceron (Eucer sector, Mid Rim) [the Euceron]
Haariden (Inner Rim)
Hali (Hali sector, Expansion Region) [Marit Dice]
Ieria (Andaran system, Core Worlds)
Ilum / Starkiller Base (Ilum system, 7G sector, Unknown Regions)
Lali (Core Worlds)
Mamendin (Farrfin sector, Core Worlds) [Roper Slam]
Mawan (Core Worlds) [the Mawan]
Nantama (Senex sector, Mid Rim)
Nierport VII (Eeropha system, Colonies) [Granta Omega]
Norah (Inner Rim)
Nuralee (Tyus sector, Mid Rim) [Bog Divinian]
Off-Canau (Colonies)
Radnor (Radnor system, Daimar sector, Mid Rim) [the Radnoran]
Rearqu (Taldot sector, Mid Rim)
Rezi-9 (Bajic sector, Outer Rim) [Wesau T'orrin]
Romin (Romintine sector, Mid Rim) [the Romins]
Sorl (Dantus sector, Outer Rim) [Noor R'aya]
Teevan (Kalamith sector, Outer Rim) [the Teevan (Tru Veld)]
Tentator (Colonies)
Thracior (Core Worlds)
Tierell (Thesme sector, Outer Rim)
TY44 (Uziel system, Sertar sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Typha-Dor
Typha-Dor (Uziel system, Sertar sector, Outer Rim)
Uriek (Ash Worlds, Outer Rim)
Vanqor (Uziel system, Sertar sector, Outer Rim) [the Gundarks]
Viga (Lostar sector, Expansion Region) [the Viga alliance]
Vuma (Core Worlds)
Wxtm (Gaulus sector, Outer Rim)
Xanlanner (Wyl sector, Outer Rim)
Yerphonia (Core Worlds)
Zilior (Uziel system, Sertar sector, Outer Rim)
Zoraster (Zoraster sector, Outer Rim)
Boba Fett (April 2002) [Terry Bisson, Elizabeth Hand]
Bogg 2 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 4 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 9 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 11 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 2 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 4 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 9 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
Bogg 11 (Inner Rim)-- moon of Bogden
K'Farri (Hapes Cluster, Inner Rim)
Raxus Prime (Raxus system, Tion Hegemony, Outer Rim)
Adventures (October 2002)
Nallastia (Fondor system, Tapani sector, Colonies) -- moon of Fondor
Nallastia (Fondor system, Tapani sector, Colonies) -- moon of Fondor
Legacy of the Jedi (August 2003) [Jude Watson]
Bezim (Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [the Bezim]
Delaluna (Junction system, Vorc sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Junction V
Junction V (Junction system, Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [Lorian Nod]
Null (Trans-Vulta sector, Mid Rim) [the Nulls]
Bezim (Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [the Bezim]
Delaluna (Junction system, Vorc sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Junction V
Junction V (Junction system, Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [Lorian Nod]
Null (Trans-Vulta sector, Mid Rim) [the Nulls]
Tolfrania (Inner Rim)
Tyan (Tyan sector, Mid Rim) [Galim Eddawan]
Vicondor (Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [the Vicon (Hran Beling)]
Tyan (Tyan sector, Mid Rim) [Galim Eddawan]
Vicondor (Vorc sector, Mid Rim) [the Vicon (Hran Beling)]
Voltare (Inner Rim)
Von-Alai (Locris sector, Expansion Region) [the Alain]
Secrets of the Jedi (March 2005) [Jude Watson]
Azure (Truum sector, Mid Rim)
Azure (Truum sector, Mid Rim)
Cirrus (Dantus sector, Outer Rim)
Genian (Trax sector, Mid Rim)
Genian (Trax sector, Mid Rim)
Nativum (Halla sector, Mid Rim)
Nativum (Halla sector, Mid Rim)
Qexis (Danjar sector, Outer Rim)
Quadrant Seven (Barsa sector, Mid Rim)
Quas Killam (Terr'skiar sector, Mid Rim) [the Killam]
Quadrant Seven (Barsa sector, Mid Rim)
Quas Killam (Terr'skiar sector, Mid Rim) [the Killam]
Rondai-2 (Inner Rim)
The Last of the Jedi (2005) [Jude Watson]
Acherin (The Red Twins system, Wild Space)
Agridorn (Colonies) [Rhya Taloon]
Ankori-7 (Kossa sector, Expansion Region)
Argus (Lambda sector, Mid Rim)
Bellassa (Core Worlds)
Deneter (The Red Twins system, Wild Space)
Dexus-12 (Colonies)
Dontamo (Radiant One system, Dantus sector, Outer Rim)
Hallitron-7 (Hallitron system, Jalor sector, Mid Rim)
Huro (Ciutric sector, Outer Rim)
Jabor (Ado sector, Mid Rim) [the Jabori]
Kayuk (Sepan sector, Expansion Region)
Maill (Cadavine sector, Outer Rim)
Meldazar (Immalia sector, Expansion Region)
Moseum (Thesme sector, Outer Rim)
Nantuker (Hapes Cluster, Inner Rim)
Niro (Circarpous sector, Expansion Region)
Niro 11 (Circarpous sector, Expansion Region)-- moon of Niro
Nixor (Eclorar sector, Mid Rim)
Nunce (Core Worlds)
Raed-7 (Colonies)
Revery (Noonian sector, Outer Rim)
Rosha (Leemurtoo system, Core Worlds)
Samaria (Leemurtoo system, Core Worlds)
T'olan (Wuun system, Tiala sector, Mid Rim)
Telepan (Core Worlds)
TerraAsta (Colonies)
XT987 (Inner Rim)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi (August 2008) [Ryder Windham]
Ardru (Iseno sector, Inner Rim)
Ardru (Iseno sector, Inner Rim)
Farquar III (Kurost sector, Mid Rim)
The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny (October 2008) [Jake Forbes]
Akoshissss (Kashyyyk system, Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Trandosha
Akoshissss (Kashyyyk system, Mytaranor sector, Mid Rim)-- moon of Trandosha
Credaan (Inner Rim)
Jostaar (Kibilini sector, Outer Rim)
P'frorin (Bheriz sector, Outer Rim) [the Pf'rorin gotta-worms]
Pzandias (Bryx sector, Mid Rim)
Rindoon (Rseik sector, Outer Rim) [the Rindoon Dart]
Xxan (Antemeridian sector, Outer Rim)
Rebel Force (December 2008) [Alex Wheeler]
Aridinia (Inner Rim) [Aridinian folk music]
Aridinia (Inner Rim) [Aridinian folk music]
Barabi (Outer Rim)
Dreizan (Core Worlds) [Rezi Soresh]
Gree Baaker (Atrivis sector, Outer Rim)
Iope (Rinn system, Baxel sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Rinn
Julio (Marcol sector, Inner Rim)
Kenosha (Tynna sector, Expansion Region)
Loped VII (Inner Rim)
Malano III (Colonies)
Nyemari (Meridian sector, Outer Rim)
Sixela (Thuris sector, Outer Rim)
Tarivo III (Lantillian sector, Mid Rim)
Winagrew (Graador sector, Mid Rim)
The Clone Wars: Secret Missions (September 2009) [Ryder Windham]
Kynachi (Wild Space) [the Kynachi (Ring-Sol Ambase)]
Plunder's Moon (Unknown Regions)
Adventures in Hyperspace (June 2010) [Ryder Windham]
Unagin (Al'Nasrl sector, Outer Rim)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (September 2018) [Joe Schreiber]
The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel (April 2020) [Michael Kogge]
Servants of the Empire (March 2015) [Jason Fry]
Carrandar Secundus
Carrandar Secundus
Eufornis Major (Core Worlds)
Eufornis Minor (Outer Rim) [Nazhros Oleg]
Moving Target (September 2015) [Cecil Castellucci, Jason Fry]
Hagar Secundus
Hagar Secundus
Zastiga (Outer Rim) {grid K-20}
Smuggler's Run (September 2015) [Greg Rucka]
Cyrkon (Hutt Space, Outer Rim)
Smuggler's Run (September 2015) [Greg Rucka]
Cyrkon (Hutt Space, Outer Rim)
The Weapon of a Jedi (September 2015) [Jason Fry]
Tertiary Usaita
Whiforla II
Before the Awakening (December 2015) [Greg Rucka]Beroq 4
Hevurion (Inner Rim) [Erudo Ro-Kiintor]
Mirrin Prime (Mirrin sector, Outer Rim) {grid P-5 (D'Astan sector?)}
Pressy's Tumble (Pressylla system, Outer Rim)
Suraz 4 (Mirrin sector, Outer Rim)
Suraz 5 (Mirrin sector, Outer Rim)
Suraz 5 (Mirrin sector, Outer Rim)
Adventures in Wild Space (February 2016) [Cavan Scott]
Agaris (Wild Space) [the Agarians]
Agaris (Wild Space) [the Agarians]
Graf-World (Wild Space)
Klytus V (Wild Space)
Mannius Eight (Wild Space)
Pion (Wild Space)
Thune (Wild Space)
Thune (Wild Space)
Xala (Wild Space)
Xirl (Wild Space)
Join the Resistance (March 2017) [Ben Acker, Ben Blacker]
Corson Prime
Egips [the Nanak]
Genhu [Cost Niktur]
Kergans [Lorica Demaris]
Regor-Mada [J'mi]
Guardians of the Whills (May 2017) [Greg Rucka]
D'janis IV
Winter's Edge
The Legends of Luke Skywalker (October 2017) [Ken Liu]
Agoliba-Ado (Agoliba-Tu system, Outer Rim) {grid K-3 (Veragi sector?)}
Agoliba-Ena (Agoliba-Tu system, Outer Rim) {grid K-3 (Veragi sector?)}
Ara Dyelle
Lew'el (Wild Space)
Tanto Winn
Teriq Noi
Choose Your Destiny (April 2018) [Cavan Scott]
Melacon (Jalor system, Jalor sector, Mid Rim)
Ramitrix (Jalor system, Jalor sector, Mid Rim)
Tevel (Outer Rim)
Trionak (Anoat sector, Outer Rim)
The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! (May 2018) [Tom Angleberger]
Elgamor 5
Oktaro [Mayvlin Trillick]
Ushruu (Expansion Region) [the Enchantress] {grid O-13 ()}
Lando's Luck (October 2018) [Justina Ireland]
Gonda (Outer Rim)
Hynestia (Colonies)
Neral (Corellian sector, Core Worlds)
Vixnix (Mid Rim)
Pirate's Price (January 2019) [Lou Anders]
Bardelberan 7 (Mid Rim)
Beixander 9 (Mid Rim) {grid H-15}
Dhandu (Expansion Region)
Dhandu 3 (Expansion Region)-- moon of Dhandu
Galagolos V (Colonies) [the Cloddogran (Bargwill Tomder)]
Gwongdeen (Colonies)
Gwongdeen (Colonies)
Throffdon (Inner Rim)
Spark of the Resistance (October 2019) [Justina Ireland]
Fermic (Outer Rim)
Fermic (Outer Rim)
Minfar (Inner Rim) [the Zixon]
The High Republic (January 2021) [Justina Ireland, Daniel Jose Older]
A Test of Courage (January 2021) [Justina Ireland]
Genetia (Expansion Region) {grid I-14 (freestanding subsectors)}
Haileap (Haileap system, Dalnan sector, Outer Rim)
Neralus (Haileap system, Dalnan sector, Outer Rim)
Nixus (Haileap system, Dalnan sector, Outer Rim)
Wevo (Haileap system, Dalnan sector, Outer Rim)-- moon of Neralus & Nixus
Race to Crashpoint Tower (June 2021) [Daniel Jose Older]
Praknat 3 (Trymant system, Outer Rim)-- moon of Trymant IV
Quest for the Hidden City (November 2022) [George Mann]
Aubadas (Dalnan sector, Outer Rim)
Gloam (Dalnan sector, Outer Rim) [the Katikoot]
Rohm [Rooper Nitani]
Beware the Nameless (August 2024) [Zoraida Cordova]
Helikoprion [the Heliko (Haze Delik)]
Mynos III (Dalchon sector, Outer Rim)
Palagosal (Arkanis sector, Outer Rim)
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