Originally had characters from the expansions separate but decided to merge them together.
Player characters & parties
The Old Republic (3643 BBY)
Player characters & parties
Jedi Knight
"Hero of Tython"
Kira Carsen (female Human, Korriban)
Doc / Archiban Kimble (male Human, Ralltiir)
Fideltin Rusk (male Chagrian, Mindor)
Scourge (male Sith)
T7-O1 (T7-series astromech droid)
Jedi Consular
Tharan Cedrax (male Human, Anaxes)
Qyzen Fess (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
Fixer / Felix Iresso (male Human, Rehemsa)
Nadia Grell (female Sarkhai, Sarkhai)
Zenith (male Twi'lek, Balmorra)
Republic Trooper
Elara Dorne (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Aric Jorgan (male Cathar, Rendili)
M1-4X (M1-4X Advanced War Droid)
Tanno Vik (male Weequay, Nar Shaddaa)
Yuun (male Gand, Gand)
Bowdaar (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Risha Drayen (female Human, Nar Shaddaa)
Corso Riggs (male Human, Ord Mantell)
Akaavi Spar (female Zabrak, Kamar)
Languss Tuno / "Lord Struction" / "Master Wanderfar" (male Mon Calamari, Varn)
Sith Warrior
"Empire's Wrath"
Broonmark (male Talz, Alzoc III)
Pierce (male Human, Ziost)
Malavai Quinn (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Vette / Ce'na (female Twi'lek, Nar Shaddaa)
Jaesa Willsaam (female Human, Alderaan)
Sith Inquisitor
"Darth Nox / Darth Imperius / Darth Occlus"
Talos Drellik (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Andronikos "Nikki" Revel (male Human, Corellia)
Khem Val (male Dashade, Urkupp)
Xalek / Xivhkalrainik (male Kaleesh, Kalee)
Ashara Zavros (female Togruta, Coruscant)
Imperial Agent
"Cipher Nine"
Kaliyo Djannis (female Rattataki, Rattatak)
Vector Hyllus (male Human, Jurio)
Eckard Lokin (male Human)
SCORPIO (assassin droid, Iokath)
Raina Temple (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Bounty Hunter
Blizz (male Jawa, Tatooine)
Torian Cadera (male Human, Geonosis)
Mako (female Human, Nar Shaddaa)
Gault Rennow (male Devaronian, Coruscant)
Skadge (male Houk, Lijuter)
Outlander / Alliance Commander
Lana Beniko (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Theron Shan (male Human)
Senya Tirall (female Human, Zakuul)
Koth Vortena (male Human, Zakuul)
2V-R8 (Seneschal-series factotum droid)
C2-N2 (C2-series factotum droid)
HK-51 (HK-51 series assassin droid)
HK-51 (HK-51 series assassin droid)
Non-playable characters
High Council
Satele Shan (female Human, Brentaal IV)
Syo Bakarn (male Human, Corellia)
Shol Bestros (male Miraluka)
Tol Braga (male Kel Dor)
Orgus Din (male Human, Rishi)
Cedral Gend (male Human)
Gnost-Dural (male Kel Dor)
Jaric Kaedan (male Human)
Bela Kiwiiks (female Togruta)
Jaric Kaedan (male Human)
Bela Kiwiiks (female Togruta)
Oric Traless (male Nautolan)
Adgea (male Cathar)
Andria (female Mirialan)
Athleenia Dannuz (female Human)
Denfa (male Twi'lek)
Liam Dentiri (male Human)
Dolso (male Kel Dor)
Sakan Do'nair (male Kel Dor)
Duras Fain (male Human)
Sidonie Garen (female Human)
Kalisa Gehnso (female Human)
Cassa Hun (male Twi'lek)
Kellian Jarro (male Human)
Nomen Karr / "Lord Retrost" (male Human)
Orbis Keln (male Human)
Kenpa (male Sullustan)
Muheeda (male Human) [originally a Rodian]
Ocera (male Human)
Oh'dvek (male Human)
Nomar Organa (male Human, Alderaan)
Ostar-Gal (male Kel Dor)
Oteg (male Yoda's species)
Yuon Par (female Human)
Dazh Ranos (female Chiss)
Ryen (male Cathar)
Sal-Deron (female Human)
Alyos Sek-Shele [mentioned]
Jun Seros (male Human)
Suz-Anz (female Zabrak)
Till'in (male Kel Dor)
Somminic Timmns (male Miralan)
Cin Tykan (male Kaleesh)
Usma [mentioned]
Meeb Wix (male Gran)
Yonlach (male Human)
Yul-Li (male Human)
Unaw Aharo (male Bith)
Jomar Chul (male Zabrak)
Laranna Fain (female Human)
Tau Idair (female Human)
Aryn Leneer (female Human, Balmorra)
Adeline Marr (female Miraluka)
Mashallon (female Human)
Leeha Narezz (female Nautolan)
Ralon Nys (male Togruta)
Yem Ordalien (male Nautolan)
Nadai Pawaro (female Mirialan)
Nariel Pridence (female Human)
Goril Sevintran (male Advozse)
Volryder (male Human)
Taren Vor (male Nautolan)
Yadria Ban (female Twi'lek)
Lyla (female Cathar)
Bengel Morr (male Nautolan)
Nae Nuuv (male Sullustan)
Arn Peralun (male Human)
Sajar (male Human)
Warren Sedoru (male Human)
Aris Vauranelle (female Human)
Corellian Jedi
Bedoch (male Human)
Jakir Halcyon (male Human)
Redris Korin (male Human)
Arfan Ramos (male Human)
Jacus Redick (male Human)
Meetra Surik (female Human)
Cala Brin (female Human)
Garon Jard (male Human)
Rajivari (male Human)
Ters Sendon (male Zabrak)
Jesper Altax (male Human)
Chamma (male Devaronian)
Nomi Da'Boda (female Human)
Noab Hulis (male Miraluka)
Arca Jeth (male Arkanian, Arkania)
Tharis Orne (male Human)
Bastila Shan (female Human, Talravin)
Vandar Tokare (male Yoda's species)
Wole Vahn (male Human)
Revan (male Human)
Seldin (female Selonian)
Dorian Janarus (male Human, Coruscant)
Leontyne Saresh (female Twi'lek)
Leontyne Saresh (female Twi'lek)
Jebevel Madon [mentioned]
Galena Rans (female Mirialan)
Alauni (female Twi'lek, Saleucami)
Arnus (male Human)
Tai Cordan (male Human, Balmorra)
Bevera Dodonna (female Human, Commenor)
Doli-bur Barc (male Human)
Nalrin Daheel (male Ugnaught)
Gunaray Dod (male Neimoidian)
Evran (male Human)
Tobas Grell (male Sarkhai)
Gryyzak (male Wookiee)
Zorin Krasul (male Cathar, Anaxes)
Deja Nebet (female Human, Onderon)
Oranda (female Human, Agamar)
Glearius Parvil (male) [mentioned]
Clento Rone (male Ithorian)
Starsnow (male Human)
Tudos (male Human)
Voralla (female Mirialan)
Jol Zackin (male Human, Corellia)
Jol Zackin (male Human, Corellia)
Grom Zian (male Chagrian, Solu Five)
Supreme Commanders
Rans (male Human)
Jace Malcom (male Human, Barcaria)
Havoc Squad
Abbeth (male Kel Dor)
Vanto Bazren / Fuse (male Zabrak)
Dengril (male Human)
Ryler Dorant / Needles (male Human)
Kanner (female Human)
Jek Kardan (male Human)
Bex Kolos / Gearbox (male Human)
Harron Tavus (male Human)
Torg (male Kaleesh)
Xaban (female Twi'lek)
Zora / Wraith (female Mirialan)
Eclipse Squad
Nol Corovani / Monarch (male Human)
Mak'eef / Babe (male Human)
Noray / Rigor (male Human)
Parisa / Blink (female Human)
Revai / Tap (male Human)
Udanara / Glory Hound (female Human)
Nol Corovani / Monarch (male Human)
Mak'eef / Babe (male Human)
Noray / Rigor (male Human)
Parisa / Blink (female Human)
Revai / Tap (male Human)
Udanara / Glory Hound (female Human)
Bey'wan Aygo (male Bothan)
Besprun (male Nautolan)
Brom (male Nautolan)
Camren (male Nautolan)
Cara (female Human)
Ardinondu Dipolus Daeruun (male Krex)
Dal (male Cathar)
Rian Darok (male Human)
Dern (male Human)
Drayson (female Nautolan)
Wes Durga (male Nautolan)
Durmat (male Human)
Elin Garza (female Human, Coruscant)
Karastace Gonn (male Human)
Hartke (male Human)
Hattak (male Nautolan)
Ares Jansen (male Human)
Sachal Kand (male Nautolan)
Kayen (male Duros)
Keemos (male Rodian)
Kneely (male Nautolan)
Locke (male Human)
Lorul (female Nautolan)
Monk (male Human)
Laren Omas (male) [mentioned]
Gesselle Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
Rachari (male Human)
Rand (male Human)
Rhemer (male Nautolan)
Shrokti (male Nautolan)
Var Suthra (male Mon Calamari)
Var Suthra (male Mon Calamari)
Pol Tamso (male Human)
Tarev (male Zabrak)
Teranos (male Nautolan)
Tanye Trila (female Human)
Teranos (male Nautolan)
Tanye Trila (female Human)
Strategic Information Service
Alys (female Nautolan)
Kalda Biss (female Togruta)
Nasan Godera (male Human, Balmorra)
Nasan Godera (male Human, Balmorra)
Ardun Kothe (male Human, Dantooine)
Milo Phipps (male Human, Dantooine)
Grik Sonosan (male Human)
Trace (male Human)
Ulla (female Nautolan)
Valland (female Twi'lek)
Erris Wyum (male Human, Corellia)
Ulla (female Nautolan)
Valland (female Twi'lek)
Erris Wyum (male Human, Corellia)
Task Force Nova
Juvard Illip Oggurobb (male Hutt)
Jakarro (male Wookiee)
C2-D4 (protocol droid)
Imogh (male Gran)
Malea Janarus (female Human)
Parvux (male Zabrak)
Senessa (female Mirialan)
Spirakris Zarem (female Human)
Vitiate / Tenebrae (male Sith, Medriaas)
Dark Council
Darth Acharon (male Human)
Darth Acina (female Human)
Darth Arctis (male) [mentioned]
Darth Arho (male Human)
Darth Arkous (male Sith)
Darth Arrid (male) [mentioned]
Darth Azamin [mentioned]
Darth Baras (male Human)
Darth Decimus (male Human)
Darth Gorgos (female) [mentioned]
Darth Hadra (female Human)
Darth Jadus (male Human)
Darth Marr (male Human)
Darth Mortis (male Human)
Darth Ravage (male Human)
Darth Soverus (male Sith)
Darth Thanaton (male Human)
Darth Vax (female) [mentioned]
Darth Vengean (male Human)
Darth Vowrawn (male Sith)
Darth Zhorrid (female Human)
Reformed Dark Council
Darth Anathel (male Human)
Darth Krovos (female Sith)
Darth Malora (female Human)
Darth Savik (female Human)
Darth Shaar (female Sith)
Darth Xarion (male)
Darth Achelon (male Human)
Darth Angral (male Human)
Darth Atroph (male) [mentioned]
Darth Ben'hade (male)
Darth Betton (female) [mentioned]
Darth Charnus (male Human)
Darth Ekkage (female Human)
Darth Enraj (male Human)
Darth Fastus [mentioned]
Darth Gravus (male Human)
Darth Hexid (female Zabrak)
Darth Ikoral (male Sith)
Darth Jaga (female Human)
Darth Kallous (male)
Darth Kinsho (male humanoid)
Darth Lachris (female Human)
Darth Malgus (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Darth Minax (female Sith)
Darth Nacheria (female) [mentioned]
Darth Nephantes (male) [mentioned]
Darth Nurin (female Human)
Darth Ordrem (male) [mentioned]
Darth Ouzal (male) [mentioned]
Darth Perash [mentioned]
Darth Rivix (male humanoid)
Darth Serevin (male Sith)
Darth Shattra [mentioned]
Darth Silthar (male Human)
Darth Skotia (male Human)
Darth Synar (female Sith)
Darth Synn (male Human) [mentioned]
Darth Tormen (male Sith)
Darth Val (female Zabrak)
Darth Vexus [cut content]
Darth Viktus (male Human)
Darth Vilus [mentioned]
Darth Yun (female Togruta)
Darth Zash (female Human)
Abaron (male Sith)
Arosh (female Sith)
Atren (male Human)
Beraxil (female Human)
Cineratus / Jevan (male Human)
Cytharat (male Sith)
Fulminiss (male Human)
Goh (male Chagrian)
Grathan (male Human)
Haresh (male Zabrak)
Hargrev (male Human)
Khreusis (male Human)
Kirnon (male Human)
Vodal Kressh (male) [mentioned]
Kyrus (male Human)
Melicoste (male Human)
Terrak Morrhage (male)
Necus (male) [mentioned]
Nefarid (male Human)
Paladius (male Sith)
Praven (male Sith)
Qet (male Human)
Rathari (male Human)
Razer / Shakren san Jukii (male Kaleesh)
Razik (male Human)
Rolan (male Human)
Sadic (male)
Samus (male Human)
Skar (male Human)
Spindrall (male Human)
Tarnis (male Human)
Umbriss (male) [mentioned]
Vacuus (male)
Veijel (male Human)
Velnine (male Zabrak)
Vivicar / Parkanas Tark (male Human)
Vodd (female Sith)
Zavrasha (female Sith)
Zyn (male Human)
Cestus (male Human)
Harkun (male Human)
Markan (male Human)
Tremel (male Human)
Apprentices / Acolytes
Ffon Althe (male Sith)
Anyarah (female Human)
Dri'kill Ba'al (male Human)
Corrin (female Human)
Draahg (male Human)
Draahg (male Human)
Gerr (male Human)
Girik (male Zabrak)
Beelzit Grathan (male Human)
Cellvanta Grathan (female Human)
Kaal (male Human)
Kory (female Human)
Ralesk (male Human)
Seran (female Human)
Lerek Serrus (male Human, Balmorra)
Serjay Thul (male Human, Alderaan)
Vassek (male Chagrian)
Vemrin (male Human, Balmorra)
Thana Vesh (female Human)
Children of the Emperor
Augin Blaesus (male Human, Erigorm)
Augin Blaesus (male Human, Erigorm)
Dread Masters
Bestia (female Human)
Brontes (female Human)
Calphayus (male Human)
Raptus (male Human)
Styrak (male Human)
Tyrans (male Human)
Bestia (female Human)
Brontes (female Human)
Calphayus (male Human)
Raptus (male Human)
Styrak (male Human)
Tyrans (male Human)
Order of Revan
Tari Darkspanner (female Human)
Darth Andru (male Human)
Darth Andru (male Human)
Dramath (male Sith)
Ergast (male Human)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Ergast (male Human)
Horak-mul (male Sith)
Tulak Hord (male)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Kalatosh Zavros (male Togruta)
Arrax (male Human)
Aloysius Kallig (male)
Kalatosh Zavros (male Togruta)
Arrax (male Human)
FimmRess (male Human)
Urtel Moren (male Human)
Vaverone Zare / Darth Alluress (female Human)
Avorr (male Sith)
Berow (female Human)
Kancras (male Zabrak)
Kherus (male Sith)
Komo (male Human)
Korek (male Human)
Pharshol (male)
Raxxus (male Zabrak)
Raxxus (male Zabrak)
Renning (male Human)
Solence (male Human)
Solrak (male Twi'lek)
Synnoran (male Human) [mentioned]
Tytonus (female Human)
Synnoran (male Human) [mentioned]
Tytonus (female Human)
Vanithrast (male Human)
Grand Moffs
Rycus Kilran (male Human, Dromund Kaas)
Ilyan Regus (male Human)
Dolus (male Human)
Graham (male Human)
Harvus [mentioned]
Masken (male Human)
Valion Pyron (male Human)
Tyrak (male Human)
Imperial Guard
Lassicar (male Human)
Lassicar (male Human)
Trahg (male Human)
Adun (male Human)
Layek Davos (male Human)
Dellocon (male Human)
Leo Furth (male Human)
Ilun (male Human)
Joris (male Human)
Harridax Kirill (male Human)
Arkos Rakton (male Human)
Zasha Ranken (female Human)
Synnoran (female Human)
Lenora Trazen (female Human)
Raven Squad
Anri (female Twi'lek)
Brayso (male Human)
Jheeg (male Arcona)
Bax Kholer (male Human)
Darmas Pollaran (male Human)
Sanju Pyne (male Human)
Diplomatic Service
Rul Jophen (male Human)
Sharack Breev (female Human)
Aleyna Hark (female Mirialan)
Theovor Mindak (male Human)
Rylon (male Human)
Halidrell Setsyn (female Human)
Dark Jedi
Callef (male Human)
Ki Sazen (female Zabrak)
Mandalore the Vindicated / Artus Lok (male Human)
Mandalore the Avenger / Shae Vizla (female Human)
Clan Fett
Khomo Fett (male Human)
Vorten Fett (male Human)
Clan Lok
Droga Lok (male) [mentioned]
Mirli Lok (female)
Ralia Lok (female) [mentioned]
Clan Ordo
Corridan Ordo (male Human)
Jekiah Ordo (male Human)
Layla Ordo (female Human) [mentioned]
Rass Ordo (male Human)
Warusman Ordo (male) [mentioned]
Clan Varad
Gorga Brak (male)
Braxx (male Human)
Kandon (male Human)
Mavrix Varad (male)
Indigo (male)
Hidden Chain
Heta Kol (female Human)
Tyrus Brokenblade (male Human)
Jicoln Cadera (male Human)
Breyer Chorn (male)
Roggar Den (male Human)
Deagan Farrell (male Human)
Jogo (male Human)
Jogo (male Human)
Vaor Khazlan (male Human)
Benna Lodd (female)
Kreegan Ramar (male)
Pit Rauhut (male Human)
Hedarr Soongh (male Human)
Hutt Cartel
Supreme Moguls
Karagga (male Hutt)
Toborro (male Hutt)
Drooga (Hutt)
Eesmu (female Rodian)
Suudaa Nem'ro (male Hutt)
Ybann (male Hutt)
Eternal Empire
Zakuul Royal Family
Valkorion (male Human)
Arcann (male Human)
Vaylin (female Human)
Thexan (male Human)
Knights of Zakuul
Draynon Atrus (male Human)
Balisk (male Human)
Lazna Delothrea (female Human)
Keru Marasa (female Human)
Dara Nadal (female Human)
Dasch Nilrann (male Human)
Novo (male Human)
Tanek (male Human)
Draynon Atrus (male Human)
Balisk (male Human)
Lazna Delothrea (female Human)
Keru Marasa (female Human)
Dara Nadal (female Human)
Dasch Nilrann (male Human)
Novo (male Human)
Tanek (male Human)
Eternal Alliance
Senya Tirall (female Human, Zakuul)
Tora (female Human, Zakuul)
Koth Vortena (male Human, Zakuul)
Indo Zal (male Human, Zakuul)
Ak'ghal Usar (male Dashade)
Casey Rix (female Human)
Sylas Wilkes (male Human)
Casey Rix (female Human)
Sylas Wilkes (male Human)
Shadow Syndicate
DX-TX (droid)
Godoba (male Hutt)
Vaarko Tiyai (male Devaronian)
White Maw
Pashok (male Chagrian)
Pashok (male Chagrian)
Eagle network
Chay Cortess (female Human, Alderaan)
Eagle (male Human)
Chay Cortess (female Human, Alderaan)
Eagle (male Human)
Bounty hunters
Jewl'a Nightbringer (female Zabrak, Coruscant)
Rogun Matt'rik (male Chagrian)
Nico Okarr (male Human)
Viidu (male Human)
Hylo Visz (female Mirialan, Balmorra)
Chiss Ascendancy
Saganu (male Chiss)
Cult of the Screaming Blade
Rylee Dray (female Human)
Destris Veran (male Human)
Rylee Dray (female Human)
Destris Veran (male Human)
Czerka Corporation
Eva Kaayz (female Mirialan)
Order of Zildrog
Nexia Kirill (female Human)
Alderaan native
Alde (male Human)
Renata Alde (female Human)
Denri Ayl (male Human)
Peyar Cortess (male Human)
Lain-Ricie (female Nautolan)
Andon Organa (male Human)
Brant Organa (male Human)
Charle Remmot Organa (male Human)
Vala Organa (female Human)
Wynne Organa (male Human)
Rehanna Rist (female Human)
Elana Thul (female Human)
Horis Thul (male Human)
Kendoh Thul (male Human)
Gregor Willsaam (male Human)
Parvin Willsaam (female Human)
Yils (male Human)
Balmorra native
Nikollan Kord (male Human)
Dantooine native
Zeerid Korr (male Human, Vulta)
Dromund Kaas native
Jurithus (male Rodian)
Nar Shaddaa native
Grenkk (male Krex)
Onderon native
Akoru (male Human)
Lina (female) [mentioned]
Regalun Petryph (male Human)
Sarkhai native
Sethun (male Sarkhai)
Voss native
Alor-Wan (male Voss)
Hadrik (male Gormak)
Sor-Nak (male Voss)
Alor-Wan (male Voss)
Hadrik (male Gormak)
Sor-Nak (male Voss)
Asher Zavros (male Togruta) [mentioned]
Lorro (male Nautolan, Aquella)
---The Old Republic (3643 BBY)
Galactic Republic
Gez Addar (male Human)
Bardian Aelto (male)
Selia Antares (female Nautolan)
Girr Antoc (male Arcona)
Brenna Fash (female Human)
Gallia (female Nautolan)
Helik (male Nautolan)
Lefry Kaonai (male Nautolan)
Lessah (female Nautolan)
Parren (female Nautolan)
Varen (male Duros)
Kon Yel (male Kel Dor)
Gez Addar (male Human)
Bardian Aelto (male)
Selia Antares (female Nautolan)
Girr Antoc (male Arcona)
Brenna Fash (female Human)
Gallia (female Nautolan)
Helik (male Nautolan)
Lefry Kaonai (male Nautolan)
Lessah (female Nautolan)
Parren (female Nautolan)
Varen (male Duros)
Kon Yel (male Kel Dor)
Benn (male Human)
Eskel (male Mirialan)
Frann (male Human)
Groj (male Zabrak)
Berr Irichmin (male Nautolan)
Jormin (male Human)
Karu (female Nautolan)
Kelthan (male Twi'lek)
Khoveri (male Nautolan)
Liv'trai (female Twi'lek)
Lorik (male Human)
Nimi (male Mirialan)
Obai (male Human)
Obip (female Human)
Ogan-Dei (male Weequay)
Pradoc (male Human)
Quanera (male Zabrak)
Quilljayk (male Ithorian)
Relnex (male Human)
Sarala (female Human)
Shanji-vru (male Human)
Shian (male Human)
Shiden (female Human)
Solania (male Human)
Sorolis (male Miraluka)
Strayen (male Human)
Sulan (male Nautolan)
Sumalee (female Togruta)
Tenbrai (female Human)
Travin (male Zabrak)
Tyria (female Human)
Vikto (male Zabrak)
Wettle (male Twi'lek)
Wyellett (male Human)
Zhin (male Zabrak)
Exteen (male Zabrak)
Benn (male Human)
Eskel (male Mirialan)
Frann (male Human)
Groj (male Zabrak)
Berr Irichmin (male Nautolan)
Jormin (male Human)
Karu (female Nautolan)
Kelthan (male Twi'lek)
Khoveri (male Nautolan)
Liv'trai (female Twi'lek)
Lorik (male Human)
Nimi (male Mirialan)
Obai (male Human)
Obip (female Human)
Ogan-Dei (male Weequay)
Pradoc (male Human)
Quanera (male Zabrak)
Quilljayk (male Ithorian)
Relnex (male Human)
Sarala (female Human)
Shanji-vru (male Human)
Shian (male Human)
Shiden (female Human)
Solania (male Human)
Sorolis (male Miraluka)
Strayen (male Human)
Sulan (male Nautolan)
Sumalee (female Togruta)
Tenbrai (female Human)
Travin (male Zabrak)
Tyria (female Human)
Vikto (male Zabrak)
Wettle (male Twi'lek)
Wyellett (male Human)
Zhin (male Zabrak)
Exteen (male Zabrak)
Ulldin (male Human)
Derrin Weller (male Human)
Zylixx (male Human)
Jensyn (male Human)
Derrin Weller (male Human)
Zylixx (male Human)
Jensyn (male Human)
Balek (male Human)
Vereta Fraabaal (female Human)
Kory (female Human)
Ladra (female Sith)
Niloc (male Human)
Ortosin (male Human)
Ralesk (male Human)
Emic Sandor (male Human)
Wydr (male Human)
Vereta Fraabaal (female Human)
Kory (female Human)
Ladra (female Sith)
Niloc (male Human)
Ortosin (male Human)
Ralesk (male Human)
Emic Sandor (male Human)
Wydr (male Human)
Ardran (male Human)
Arzanon (male Human)
Vex Dantos (male Sith)
Melkor Dinn (male Human)
Salth Dysar (male)
Gromm Kyral (male)
Lorain (female Sith)
Ardran (male Human)
Arzanon (male Human)
Vex Dantos (male Sith)
Melkor Dinn (male Human)
Salth Dysar (male)
Gromm Kyral (male)
Lorain (female Sith)
Altiss (female Human)
Arribid Bensen (male Human)
Braynor (male Human)
Kresk (male Human)
Gelmid Lorman (male Human)
Varnus Orlec (male Human)
Phennir (male Human)
Merile Yurrion (male Human)
Alvon Zamar (male Human)
Bedareux (male Human)
Borgin (male Human)
Bourom (male Human)
Drexel (male Human)
Ferrig (male Human)
Fizik (male Human)
Grezor (male Nautolan)
Hanthor (male Cathar)
Heln (male Human)
Holtz (male Human)
Jarenthi (male Human)
Jennings (male Human)
Marko Ka (male)
Kavsun (male Chiss)
Keeling (male Human)
Kutille (male Human)
Lantikus (male Human)
Lem (male Human)
Lex (male Human)
Lodani (female Human)
Grundorsen Maelo (male Human)
Martos (male Human)
Namarr (male Human)
Orpharya (female Human)
Rankin (male Human)
Revar (male Human)
Ritter (male Human)
Rosh (male Human)
Corian Shye (male Human)
Stron (male Human)
Surab (female Human)
Sylas (female Human)
Khun Tazith (male Human)
Tarinn (male Human)
Tarkus (male Human)
Tebar (male Human)
Trace (male Human)
Valda (male Human)
Xeleste (female Chiss)
Naman Fal (male Human)
Nol (male Human)
Xoc'dal (male)
Altiss (female Human)
Arribid Bensen (male Human)
Braynor (male Human)
Kresk (male Human)
Gelmid Lorman (male Human)
Varnus Orlec (male Human)
Phennir (male Human)
Merile Yurrion (male Human)
Alvon Zamar (male Human)
Bedareux (male Human)
Borgin (male Human)
Bourom (male Human)
Drexel (male Human)
Ferrig (male Human)
Fizik (male Human)
Grezor (male Nautolan)
Hanthor (male Cathar)
Heln (male Human)
Holtz (male Human)
Jarenthi (male Human)
Jennings (male Human)
Marko Ka (male)
Kavsun (male Chiss)
Keeling (male Human)
Kutille (male Human)
Lantikus (male Human)
Lem (male Human)
Lex (male Human)
Lodani (female Human)
Grundorsen Maelo (male Human)
Martos (male Human)
Namarr (male Human)
Orpharya (female Human)
Rankin (male Human)
Revar (male Human)
Ritter (male Human)
Rosh (male Human)
Corian Shye (male Human)
Stron (male Human)
Surab (female Human)
Sylas (female Human)
Khun Tazith (male Human)
Tarinn (male Human)
Tarkus (male Human)
Tebar (male Human)
Trace (male Human)
Valda (male Human)
Xeleste (female Chiss)
Naman Fal (male Human)
Nol (male Human)
Xoc'dal (male)
Watcher Three (male Human)
Reclamation Service
Darrst (male Human)
Barden Golah (male Human)
Vujaar (male Chiss)
Watcher Three (male Human)
Reclamation Service
Darrst (male Human)
Barden Golah (male Human)
Vujaar (male Chiss)
Lya Charrel (female Human)
Dak-Ah (female Human)
Athelis Kallis (female Sith)
Mokan (male Rattataki)
Katha Niar (female Human)
Noraz (male Human)
Olkav (male Human)
Oslom (male Chiss)
Nadrin Tro (male Neimoidian)
Arkis Wode (male Anomid)
Wylenn (female Human)
Droids: N4-S4, X1-09, YD-33
Lya Charrel (female Human)
Dak-Ah (female Human)
Athelis Kallis (female Sith)
Mokan (male Rattataki)
Katha Niar (female Human)
Noraz (male Human)
Olkav (male Human)
Oslom (male Chiss)
Nadrin Tro (male Neimoidian)
Arkis Wode (male Anomid)
Wylenn (female Human)
Droids: N4-S4, X1-09, YD-33
Black Sun
Vistis Garn (male Rodian)
Salarr (male Human)
Corellian Run Scoundrels
Tomota (male Bith)
Kai Zykken (male Human)
Sindal Reed (male Nautolan)
Fondor Five
Basher (male Gamorrean)
Burnout (male Weequay)
Chopper (male Nautolan)
Gutshot (male Houk)
Longeye (male Kaleesh)
Vistis Garn (male Rodian)
Salarr (male Human)
Corellian Run Scoundrels
Tomota (male Bith)
Kai Zykken (male Human)
Sindal Reed (male Nautolan)
Fondor Five
Basher (male Gamorrean)
Burnout (male Weequay)
Chopper (male Nautolan)
Gutshot (male Houk)
Longeye (male Kaleesh)
Hutt Cartel
Grevin (male Chagrian)
Grub (male Evocii)
Solida Hesk (female Zabrak)
Narvusin (male Kel Dor)
Nurkolas (male Nautolan)
Qiltakka (male Hutt)
Szajin (male Hutt)
Vorjok (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
InterStellar Regulators
Kazac (male Nautolan)
Bulo (male Duros)
Coratanni (female Human)
Ruugar (male Human)
Torque (male Wookiee)
Murdok (male Weequay)
White Maw
Feldon (male Zabrak)
Grossh (male Kaleesh)
Vadis Krag (male Advozse)
Ki-Ta Kren (male Abyssin)
Rhee Naez (male Gran)
Ellis Tarn (male Devaronian)
Shai Tenna (male Weequay)
Undro (male Gen'Dai)
Valon (male Human)
Reneget Vause (male Trandoshan)
Zeshatt (male Gen'Dai)
Hailstorm Brotherhood
Kabath (male Human)
Grub (male Evocii)
Solida Hesk (female Zabrak)
Narvusin (male Kel Dor)
Nurkolas (male Nautolan)
Qiltakka (male Hutt)
Szajin (male Hutt)
Vorjok (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
InterStellar Regulators
Kazac (male Nautolan)
Bulo (male Duros)
Coratanni (female Human)
Ruugar (male Human)
Torque (male Wookiee)
Murdok (male Weequay)
White Maw
Feldon (male Zabrak)
Grossh (male Kaleesh)
Vadis Krag (male Advozse)
Ki-Ta Kren (male Abyssin)
Rhee Naez (male Gran)
Ellis Tarn (male Devaronian)
Shai Tenna (male Weequay)
Undro (male Gen'Dai)
Valon (male Human)
Reneget Vause (male Trandoshan)
Zeshatt (male Gen'Dai)
Hailstorm Brotherhood
Kabath (male Human)
Kanner Elysar (male Human)
Zakxon Gewchi (male Nautolan)
Gorro (male Rodian)
Jory (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Garak Los (male Twi'lek)
Kanner Elysar (male Human)
Zakxon Gewchi (male Nautolan)
Gorro (male Rodian)
Jory (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Garak Los (male Twi'lek)
Arleyk Smaugan (female Human)
Vexx (male Human, Corellia)
Xo'ru (male Kel Dor)
Dar Zebbin (male Twi'lek)
Vexx (male Human, Corellia)
Xo'ru (male Kel Dor)
Dar Zebbin (male Twi'lek)
Belsavis native
Neeya (male Nautolan)
Coruscant native
Jeros Antonos (male Nautolan)
Nik Deleru (male Nautolan)
Ria Deleru (female Nautolan)
Sushna (male Nautolan)
Hoth native
Ooren Tai (male Ortolan)
Ilum native
Erragh (male Kaleesh)
Gelrex (male Kaleesh)
Grorrgh (male Kaleesh)
Thekko Longshot (male Kaleesh)
Veggan (male Kaleesh)
Makeb native (inc. Keylander Station)
Lemda Avesta (female Human)
Shalim Avesta (male Human)
Cherush (female Human)
Prahmin (male Human)
Moradin Rar (male Nautolan)
Nar Shaddaa native
Chiiv (male Rodian)
Sav Darnell (male Twi'lek)
Cathan Dru (male Neimoidian)
Kesler (male Twi'lek)
Ekayn Liistot (male Nautolan)
Sabaya Liistot (female Nautolan)
Zan Loren (male Twi'lek)
Arak Malkan (male Human)
"The Rip" (male Human)
Ord Mantell native
Addy Ingrol
Proxinus (male Human)
Simlo (female Human)
Rishi native
Rayche Emperva (female Nautolan)
Taris native
Bashun (male Cathar)
Tatrog (male Nautolan)
Tatooine native
Izink (male Jawa)
Kitpth (male Jawa)
Ledo Melnic (male Advozse)
Tre Nareves (male Mirialan)
Nif Sarjun (male Nautolan)
Shenax (male Rattataki)
Voss native
Emlita (female Nautolan)
Fadith-Ki (male Voss)
Gwe-Ro (male Voss)
Kotal-De (male Voss)
Sana-Rae (female Voss)
Sathra-Kan (male Voss)
Taylak (male Gormak)
Telsin-Fal (male Voss)
Ziost native
Henzen (male Twi'lek)
Neeya (male Nautolan)
Coruscant native
Jeros Antonos (male Nautolan)
Nik Deleru (male Nautolan)
Ria Deleru (female Nautolan)
Sushna (male Nautolan)
Hoth native
Ooren Tai (male Ortolan)
Ilum native
Erragh (male Kaleesh)
Gelrex (male Kaleesh)
Grorrgh (male Kaleesh)
Thekko Longshot (male Kaleesh)
Veggan (male Kaleesh)
Makeb native (inc. Keylander Station)
Lemda Avesta (female Human)
Shalim Avesta (male Human)
Cherush (female Human)
Prahmin (male Human)
Moradin Rar (male Nautolan)
Nar Shaddaa native
Chiiv (male Rodian)
Sav Darnell (male Twi'lek)
Cathan Dru (male Neimoidian)
Kesler (male Twi'lek)
Ekayn Liistot (male Nautolan)
Sabaya Liistot (female Nautolan)
Zan Loren (male Twi'lek)
Arak Malkan (male Human)
"The Rip" (male Human)
Ord Mantell native
Addy Ingrol
Proxinus (male Human)
Simlo (female Human)
Rishi native
Rayche Emperva (female Nautolan)
Taris native
Bashun (male Cathar)
Tatrog (male Nautolan)
Tatooine native
Izink (male Jawa)
Kitpth (male Jawa)
Ledo Melnic (male Advozse)
Tre Nareves (male Mirialan)
Nif Sarjun (male Nautolan)
Shenax (male Rattataki)
Voss native
Emlita (female Nautolan)
Fadith-Ki (male Voss)
Gwe-Ro (male Voss)
Kotal-De (male Voss)
Sana-Rae (female Voss)
Sathra-Kan (male Voss)
Taylak (male Gormak)
Telsin-Fal (male Voss)
Ziost native
Henzen (male Twi'lek)
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