The Mandalorian (November 2019) [Jon Favreau]
Burg (male Devaronian)
Ranzar Malk (male Human)
Migs Mayfeld (male Human)
Q9-0 (RA-90 protocol droid)
Qin (male Twi'lek)
Xi'an (female Twi'lek)
Clan Mudhorn
Din Djarin (male Human, Aq Vetina)
Clan Mudhorn
Din Djarin (male Human, Aq Vetina)
Grogu / Din Grogu (male Yoda's species)
Children of the Watch
The Armorer (female)
The Armorer (female)
Ragnar (male Human)
Paz Vizsla (male Human, Mandalore)
Nite Owls
Bo-Katan Kryze (female Human, Mandalore)
Koska Reeves (female Human)
Axe Woves (male Human)
Mandalore the Great [mentioned]
Mandalore the Great [mentioned]
New Republic
Cara Dune (female Human, Alderaan)
Adelphi Rangers
Jib Dodger (male Human)
Sash Ketter (female Human)
Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios (male Lasat, Lasan)
Carson Teva (male Human)
Trapper Wolf (male Human)
Trapper Wolf (male Human)
Amnesty Program
G27 (male Human)
M34 (male Human)
M40 (male Human)
CH-33Z (MSE-6-series repair droid)
Lant Davan (male Human)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Tuttle (male Human, Coruscant)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Ahsoka Tano (female Togruta, Shili)
Kelleran Beq (male Human, Coruscant)
Gideon (male Human)
Shadow Council
Brendol Hux (male Human)
Gilad Pellaeon (male Human, Corellia)
Valin Hass (male Human)
Elia Kane (female Human, Coruscant)
AP-1982 (male Human)
JS-1975 (male Human)
TK-147 (male Human)
The Client (male Human)
Penn Pershing (male Human)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Chussido (female Rodian)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Chussido (female Rodian)
IG-11 (IG-series assassin droid)
"Gekko" (male alien)
Greef Karga (male Human, Nevarro)
Greef Karga (male Human, Nevarro)
Pirate Nation
Gorian Shard (male alien)
Vane (male Nikto)
Ranzar Malk's crewBurg (male Devaronian)
Ranzar Malk (male Human)
Migs Mayfeld (male Human)
Q9-0 (RA-90 protocol droid)
Qin (male Twi'lek)
Xi'an (female Twi'lek)
Toro Calican (male Human, Coruscant)
Toro Calican (male Human, Coruscant)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Bib Fortuna (male Twi'lek, Ryloth)
Gor Koresh (male Abyssin)
Riot Mar (male Human)
Riot Mar (male Human)
Biran Redben (male Human)
Fennec Shand (female Human)
Fennec Shand (female Human)
Prison registry
Vorg Alsum (male Shydopp)
Nilox Cabin-Roves (male Human)
Sethro Dagri (male)
Torbill Danzin (male Human)
Torbill Danzin (male Tusken Raider)
Carto Deeves (male)
M'dwello Di (Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Gapgrin Dozito
Yath Endidee (Quarren)
Ghosla Fular (Mon Calamari)
Sart Juloss (Hassk)
Avrac Kefundee (male)
Thene Kross (male Zabrak)
Chargutt Lo (Gamorrean)
Pretts Rulato (male Human)
Unga Toba (Aqualish)
Scurto Tobbs (male Human)
Borbin Todds (Aqualish)
Arvala-7 native
Arvala-7 native
Chettkap (Jawa)
Kuiil (male Ugnaught)
Kuiil (male Ugnaught)
Corvus native
Morgan Elsbeth (female Human, Dathomir)
Lang (male Human)
Wing (male Human)
Nevarro native
MA-13 (ferry droid)
R4-6D0 (R4-series astromech droid)
R6-D3 (R6-series astromech droid)
The Mythrol (male Mythrol)
Plazir-15 native
Bombardier (male Human)
The Duchess (female Human)
Helgait (male Human)
Saifir (female Ugnaught)
Sorgan native
Caben (male Human)
Omera (female Human)
Stoke (male Human)
Caben (male Human)
Omera (female Human)
Stoke (male Human)
Dara Vish (female Human)
Winta (female Human)
Tatooine native
Winta (female Human)
Tatooine native
Jo (female Human)
"Doctor Mandible" (male alien)
EV-9D9 (EV-series supervisor droid)
Peli Motto (female Human)
N0-AH (astromech droid)
R5-D4 (R5-series astromech droid)
R5-D4 (R5-series astromech droid)
Taanti (male Weequay)
Cobb Vanth (male Human)
Trask native
"Frog Lady" (female Querm Rybet)
"Frog Man" (male Querm Rybet)
Shuggoth (female Quarren)
The Book of Boba Fett (December 2021)
Fett gotra
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Fennec Shand (female Human)
8D8 (8D-series smelter droid)
Black Krrsantan (male Wookiee)
UK2-B (droid)
Mos Espa street gang
Drash (female Human)
Skad (male Human)
Cad Bane (male Duros, Duro)
Garfalaquox (Aqualish)
Dokk Strassi (male Trandoshan)
Children of the Watch
Din Djarin (male Human, Aq Vetina)
The Armorer (female)
Paz Vizsla (male Human, Mandalore)
Grogu (male Yoda's species)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Ahsoka Tano (female Togruta, Shili)
New Republic
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Reed (male Human)
Carson Teva (male Human)
Tatooine native
BD-72 (BD unit explorer droid)
Garsa Fwip (female Twi'lek)
Jo (female Human)
Laze Loneozner (male Human)
"Majordomo" (male Twi'lek)
Camie Marstrap (female Human)
Peli Motto (female Human)
Lortha Peel (male Human)
R5-D4 (R5-series astromech droid)
Max Rebo (male Ortolan)
Scott (male Human)
Mok Shaiz (male Ithorian)
Taanti (male Weequay)
Cobb Vanth (male Human)
Kaba Baiz (male Klatooinian)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (May 2022)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Fortress Inquisitorius corpses
Faris (male Theelin)
Pablo-Jill (male Ongree)
Tera Sinube (male Cosian, Cosia)
Velerie Tide (female Human)
Qui-Gon Jinn (male Human, Coruscant) [ghost]
Nari (male Human)
Minas Velti (female Human, Coruscant) [flashbacks]
Yoda (male Yoda's species) [flashbacks]
Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Grand Inquisitor (male Pau'an)
Third Sister / Reva Sevander (female Human)
Fourth Sister (female Nogratu)
Fifth Brother (male alien, Artemesium)
Tytan Latimer (male Human)
Darth Maul (male Zabrak, Dathomir) [flashbacks]
Black Mask
Vect Nokru (male Human)
Ayo Bons (male alien)
Vidara Jurness (female alien)
Bounty hunters
1-JAC (LOM-series protocol droid)
Tredgar Volk (male Thuggatoris)
Hidden Path
Tala Durith (female Human)
Haja Estree (male Human)
KP-1 (K-series astromech droid)
Teega Kryelle (female Human)
NED-B (loader droid)
Wade Resselian (male Human)
Kawlan Roken (male Human)
Sully Stark (female Human)
Tatooine native
2X-3KPR (KPR security droid)
Padu Cherd (male Human)
Grelli Cryko (Melitto)
Groff Ditcher (male Human)
Beru Lars (female Human)
Owen Lars (male Human)
R3-T2 (R3-series astromech droid)
Dardin Shull (male Human)
Gorg Singo (alien)
Luke Skywalker (male Human)
Ayo Tam (male alien)
Teeka (female Jawa)
Alderaan native
Agira (female Imroosian)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
L0-LA59 "Lola" (toy droid)
Ellis Mathes (Human)
Bail Organa (male Human)
Breha Organa (female Human)
Celly Organa (female Human)
Kayo Organa (male Human)
Leia Organa (female Human)
Niano Organa (male Human)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Y-O (protocol droid)
Daiyu native
Densin Clord (male Human)
Corran (male Human)
Tetha Grig (female Human)
Jayco (male Human)
Nax (male Human clone, Kamino)
Borrim Shub (alien)
Sweebotta (alien)
Mapuzo native
Freck (male Condluran)
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo)
Andor (September 2022)
Cassian Andor / Kassa (male Human, Kenari)
Luthen Rael's network
Luthen Rael (male Human)
Kleya Marki (female Human)
Salman Paak (male Human)
Saw Gerrera (male Human, Onderon)
Benthic (male Tognath, Yar Togna)
Moroff (male Gigoran)
Kullbee Sperado (male Meftian)
Leevan Tenza (male Sabat)
Aldhani infiltration team
Taramyn Barcona (male Human)
Gorn (male Human)
Cinta Kaz (female Human)
Karis Nemik (male Human)
Quadpaw (male Jillsarian)
Vel Sartha (female Human, Chandrila)
Arvel Skeen (male Human)
Anto Kreegyr (male Human)
Dhow (male Human)
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Teenar (male Human)
Vivyn (female Human)
Security Bureau
Blevin (Human)
Grandi (female Human)
Heert (male Human)
Lonni Jung (male Human)
Exmar Kloris (male Human, Coruscant)
Lagret (male Human)
Dedra Meero (female Human)
Lio Partagaz (male Human)
Wullf Yularen (male Human, Coruscant)
Jayhold Beehaz (male Human)
Corv (male Human)
Elk (male Human)
Merzin Keysax (male Human)
Kimzi (male Human)
Soden Petigar (male Human)
Vanis Tigo (male Human)
Bureau of Standards
Flob (male Human)
Leonart Beehaz (male Human)
Roboda Beehaz (female Human)
Gorst (male Human)
Andor family
Clem Andor (male Human)
Maarva Andor (female Human)
B2EMO (salvage assist unit)
Mothma family
Perrin Fertha (male Human, Chandrila)
Leida Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Kravas Drezzer (male Human)
Hyne (male Human)
Syril Karn (male Human, Coruscant)
Linus Mosk (male Human)
Verlo Skiff (male Human)
Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex
Birnok (male Human)
Ham (male Human)
Jemboc (male Human)
Kino Loy (male Human)
Ruescott Melshi (male Human)
Rhasiv (male Human)
Taga (male Human)
Ulaf (male Human)
Veemoss (male Human)
Xaul (male Human)
Zinska (male Human)
Chandrila native
Adrine (female) [mentioned]
Tay Kolma (male Human)
Marsa (female) [mentioned]
Davo Sculdun (male Human)
Runai Sculdun (female Human)
Stekan Sculdun (male Human)
Coruscant native
Felzonis (male Human)
Eedy Karn (female Human)
Ferrix native
Brasso (male Human)
Bix Caleen (female Human)
Deema [mentioned]
Femmi (female) [mentioned]
Granik (alien)
Jeef [mentioned]
Jezzi (female Human)
Karla (female) [mentioned]
Timm Karlo (male Human)
Mullmoy (male Human)
Nurchi (male Human)
Wilmon Paak (male Human)
Pegla (male Human)
Rashi (male)
Sammo [mentioned]
Sondreen (female) [mentioned]
Tenek (male Human)
Time Grappler (male Human)
Vetch (male Urodel)
Willi (male Human)
Xanwan (male Human)
Zorby (male)
Kenari native
Kerri (female Human)
Morlana One native
Gani (female Human)
Narkina 5 native
Dewi Pamular (Keredian)
Freedi Pamular (alien)
Niamos native
Arkie (male) [mentioned]
Tuck Hybecks (male Human, Galdi)
Windi (female Human)
Party list
Toby Briton
Alex Floyd
Corina Floyd
Matt Hindle
Solomon Honey
Helen Player
Hanna Smith
Garvish [mentioned]
Harlo (male) [mentioned]
Mossy [mentioned]
Maya Pei [mentioned]
Gar Tafeed [mentioned]
Ahsoka (August 2023)
Ahsoka Tano (female Togruta, Shili)
Ezra Bridger (male Human, Lothal)
Huyang (Mark IV architect droid)
Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
New Republic
C1-10P "Chopper" (C1-series astromech droid)
Garazeb Orrelios (male Lasat, Lasan)
Hera Syndulla (female Twi'lek, Ryloth)
Jacen Syndulla (male Human, Lothal)
Sabine Wren (female Human, Krownest)
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Jai Kell (male Human, Lothal)
Lorrin Mawood (male Human)
Rodrigo (female Human)
Hamato Xiono (male Human, Hosnian Prime)
Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)
Baysee (male Human)
Beyta (Mon Calamari)
Callahan (female Human)
Jensen Corbyt (female Human)
Girard (female Human)
Vic Hawkins (male Human)
Hayle (male Human)
Jakris (Mon Calamari)
Jensu (female Human)
Lander (male Human)
Mowaat (Rodian)
Porter (male Human)
RD-3 (R-series astromech droid)
Carson Teva (male Human)
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Thrawn (male Chiss, Csilla)
Morgan Elsbeth (female Human, Dathomir)
Enoch (male)
Marrok (male humanoid)
Shin Hati (female Human)
Baylan Skoll (male Human)
Great Mothers
Aktropaw (female Dathomirian)
Klothow (female Dathomirian)
Lakesis (female Dathomirian)
Corellia native
C1-D1 (protocol droid)
Myn Weaver (male Human)
Lothal native
Ryder Azadi (male Human)
Rex (male Human clone, Kamino) [flashbacks]
The Acolyte (June 2024)
Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya (female Human)
Verosha "Osha" Aniseya (female Human)
The Stranger / "Qimir" (male Human)
Darth Plagueis (male Muun)
Holden (Human)
Indara (female Human)
Kelnacca (male Wookiee)
Ki-Adi-Mundi (male Cerean, Cerea)
Lakshay (male Human)
Vernestra Rwoh (female Mirialan)
Sol (male Human)
Torbin (male Human, Bonadan)
Yoda (male alien)
Yord Fandar (male Human)
Mog Adana (male Human)
Daro (Human)
Jecki Lon (female Theelin hybrid)
Tasi Lowa (female Zygerrian)
Rena (Human)
Ithia Paan (female Kel Dor)
TT-8L-OT (gatekeeper droid)
Drellik (male Tarsunt)
Isedwa Chuwant (Abednedo, Abednedo)
Rayencourt (male Human)
Trade Federation
Blex (male Neimoidian)
Fillik (Human)
Aniseya's coven
Aniseya (female Human)
Eurus (female Human)
Jaalyn (female Human)
Koril (female Zabrak)
Naasa (female Jumurra)
Rane (female Human)
Sarria (female humanoid)
Shima (female Human)
Ueda native
Cabuck (male alien)
Cabuck Junior (alien)
Bazil (male Tynnan)
Pip (repair droid)
Skeleton Crew (December 2024)
Skeleton Crew
Jod Na Nawood / Silvo (male Human)
Fern (female Human)
KB (female Human)
Neel (male Myykian)
SM-33 (droid)
Snowball (male bilge rat)
Wim (male Human)
Silvo's pirates
Beef (humanoid)
Brutus (male Shistavanen)
Chaelt (female Human)
Glerb (male Quarren)
Gunter (male Human)
Kona (female Human)
Pax (male Gran)
Benjar Pranic (male Ishi Tib)
Snobbius Snee (Keteerian)
Sweeda (Weequay)
Vane (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Pokkit (female alien)
Tak Rennod (male Weequay)
New Republic
Kent (male Human)
At Attin native
Fara (female Human)
Garree (Human)
Ikk (female Ithorian)
Jobo (male Myykian)
Jorko (male Myykian)
Maree (Human)
Nol (male Myykian)
Nooma (female Myykian)
Bonjj Phalfa (male Human)
Roona (female Vazooan)
The Supervisor (droid)
Tuloo (female Myykian)
Wendle (male Human)
At Achrann native
Hayna (female Human)
Strix (Human)
Lanupa native
Bubbles (female Xi'Dec)
Cthallops (male alien)
Tet'niss (female trash crab)
Port Borgo residents
CZ-D2-9000 (CZ-series communications/business droid)
Melna (female Theelin)
Tuut Orial (male alien)
Umiam Gorelox [mentioned]
Kh'ymm (female alien)
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