The Yoda Chronicles (May 2013)
Droid Tales
The Resistance Rises (February 2016)
The Freemaker Adventures (June 2016)
Kordi Freemaker (female Human)
Rowan Freemaker (male Human)
Zander Freemaker (male Human)
R0-GR "Roger" (B1 battle droid)
Rebel Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Leia Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
C1-10P "Chopper" (C1-series astromech droid)
Hera Syndulla (female Twi'lek, Ryloth)
Blue Squadron
Dobretz (Human) [mentioned]
Colvett Valeria (female Human)
Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
BG-81 (Lothal astromech droid)
Corcillo (male Human)
Bren Derlin (male Human, Tiisheraan)
Grayson (male Human)
Crix Madine (male Human, Corellia)
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Nien Nunb (male Sullustan, Sullust)
Quarrie (male Mon Calamari)
Kit Fisto (male Nautolan, Glee Anselm) [hologram]
Jek-14 (male Human clone, Kamino)
Baird Kantoo (male Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Pong Krell (male Besalisk) [hologram]
Mace Windu (male Human, Haruun Kal) [hologram]
Yoda (male alien) [hologram]
M-OC (hunter droid)
Naare (female Near-Human)
Darth Sidious (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Durpin (male Human)
Estoc (female Human)
Plumestriker (male Human)
TK-429 [mentioned]
TK-429 Junior [mentioned]
Padme Amidala (female Human, Naboo) [hologram]
Jar Jar Binks (male Gungan, Naboo) [hologram]
Nute Gunray (male Neimoidian, Neimoidia)
R0-HK (B1 battle droid)
Graballa's gang
Baash (male Iktotchi)
Graballa (male Hutt)
Raam (male Iktotchi)
Smiley (nexu)
Yeppau (male Toydarian)
Jabba's criminal empire
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt, Nal Hutta)
Kithaba (male Klatooinian)
Oola (female Twi'lek)
Bounty hunters
4-LOM (LOM-series protocol droid)
Bossk (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
Dengar (male Human, Corellia)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
IG-88 (IG-series assassin droid)
Awan Zek (male Human)
Zuckuss (male Gand, Gand)
Grummgar (male Dowutin)
Maz Kanata (female alien, Takodana)
Hondo Ohnaka (male Weequay, Sriluur)
Garindan ezz Zavor (male Kubaz)
Bespin native
Lobot (male Human)
Endor native
Logray (male Ewok)
Wicket Wystri Warrick (male Ewok)
Kashyyyk native
Attabura (male Wookiee)
Tantarra (male Wookiee)
Qalydon native
Biz (male Lurmen)
Elan (female Lurmen)
Maynar (female Lurmen)
Ymojin (female Lurmen)
Tatooine native
Fodesinbeed Annodue (male Troig)
Gasgano (male Xexto)
Mawhonic (male Gran, Hok)
Ben Quadinaros (male Toong)
Sebulba (male Dug, Malastare)
The Wheel residents
Wick Cooper (male Human)
Furlac (male Aqualish)
Becky Smoochenbacher (female Human)
Zoh native
BL-OX (droid)
Fixer (MSE-6 series repair droid)
N-3RO (EV-series supervisor droid)
R5-D4 (R5-series astromech droid)
Alo Kortessi (female Clawdite)
Ignacio Wortan (male Twi'lek, Wortan)
Rebuild the Galaxy (September 2024)
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