Characters who have different names between Legends and Canon have their earliest name before their later one, with a "/" separating them.
Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977) [0 BBY/ABY]
Episode IV A New Hope (May 1977) [0 BBY/ABY]
Rebel Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Leia Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Tantive IV crew
Raymus Antilles (male Human, Alderaan)
Chad Hilse (male Human, Alderaan)
Pello Scrambas (male Human, Alderaan)
Cariso Smadis (male Human)
U-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Massassi Group
Jan Dodonna (male Human, Commenor)
Deacon Eso (male Human)
Del Goren (male Human)
Feyn Gospic (male Human)
Arhul Hextrophan (male Human)
Bob Hudsol (male Human, Corellia)
Evram Lajaie (male Human)
Firin Morett (male Human)
Grondorn Muse (male Human)
Voren Na'al (male Human)
Osleo Prennert (male Human)
Pashna Starkiller (male Human)
Col Takbright / "Fake Wedge" (male Human, Uquine)
Tyr Taskeen (male Human, Alderaan)
Galen Torg / Gale Torg (male Human, Alderaan)
Caf Treblanc (male Human)
Duron Veertag (male Human)
Morts Werl (male Human)
Vanden Huyck Willard (male Human, Alderaan/Sulorine)
Anj Zavor (male Human, Majoros)
R4-D6 (R4-series agromech droid)
R4-I9 (R4-series agromech droid)
Red Squadron
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
John D. Branon (male Human, Dalandae)
Wenton Chan (male Human, Corulag) [Legends only]
Biggs Darklighter (male Human, Tatooine)
Garven Dreis (male Human, Virujansi)
Puck Naeco (male Human, Denon)
Nozzo Naytaan (male Human, Regellia/Corellia) [voice only]
Theron Nett (male Human, Ord Mantell)
Jek Tono Porkins (male Human, Bestine IV)
Bren Quersey (male Human, Lantillies)
Elyhek Rue (male Human, Brentaal IV)
Ralo Surrel (male Human) [Canon only]
R2-A3 (R2-series astromech droid)
R2-F2 (R2-series astromech droid)
R2-X2 (R2-series astromech droid)
R5-D8 (R5-series astromech droid)
R5-K6 (R5-series astromech droid)
Gold Squadron
Keyan Farlander (male Human, Agamar) [fighter only]
Davish Krail (male Human, Dantooine)
Lepira (male Human)
Hol Okand (male Human)
Dex Tiree (male Human, Onderon)
Ryle Torsyn (male Human)
Jon Vander (male Human, Onderon)
Evaan Verlaine (female Human, Alderaan) [fighter only]
R5-F7 (R5-series astromech droid)
Obi-Wan Kenobi / Ben Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Wilhuff Tarkin (male Human, Eriadu)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Devastator crew
Bolvan (male Human)
Hija (male Human)
Daine Jir (male Human)
Nahdonnis Praji (male Human, Coruscant)
Joint Chiefs / Death Star conference room
Moradmin Bast (male Human, Dura-Kahn)
Siward Cass (male Human, Patriim)
Trech Molock (male Human, Corulag)
Conan Antonio Motti (male Human, Sewenna)
Hurst Romodi (male Human, Matacorn/Virujansi)
Cassio Tagge (male Human, Tepasi)
Wullf Yularen (male Human, Coruscant)
Death Star
5D6-RA-7 (RA-7 protocol droid)
Devin Cant (male Human)
Shann Childsen (male Human)
Tajis Durmin (male Human)
Enfield (male Human)
Tenn Graneet (male Human)
Grenwick (male Human)
Edmos Khurgee (male Human)
LIN-V8M (LIN demolitionmech autonomous minelayer)
MSE-6-G7S5Y (MSE-6-series repair droid)
Prescott (male Human)
R3-M3 (R3-series astromech droid)
R3-T6 (R3-series astromech droid)
Nova Stihl (male Human)
Tanbris (male Human)
Toos (male)
Derek Torent (male Human)
Pol Treidum (male Human)
1023 / Davin Felth (male Human)
1047 / TD-787 (male Human)
Crag (male Human clone, Kamino)
DV-523 (male Human)
DV-692 / TK-4601 / Tarvyn Lareka (male Human)
KE-829 (male Human)
TD-110 / Wanten (male Human, Parsh)
TD-110 / Wanten (male Human, Parsh)
Mod Terrik (male Human)
TK-119 (male Human)
TK-421 (male Human)
TK-422 / TK-710 (male Human)
TK-875 (male Human)
TK-3338 (Human)
TIE pilots
DS-61-2 / Mithel (male Human)
DS-61-3 (male Human, Corellia)
DS-61-4 (male Human)
Oxixo (male Human)
Iden Versio (female Human, Vardos) [fighter only]
IM4-099 (Mark IV sentry droid)
R2-Q2 (R2-series astromech droid)
R4-M9 (R4-series agromech droid)
WED15-17 (WED-15 Septoid droid)
Jabba's criminal empire
Beedo (male Rodian)
Boelo (male Human)
Ront Byrnloo (male Human, Corellia)
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt, Nal Hutta)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino) [special edition]
Greedo (male Rodian, Rodia)
Gela Yeens (male Human)
Lars Homestead
Beru Lars (female Human, Tatooine)
Owen Lars (male Human, Ator)
2X-3KPR (KPR servant droid)
WED-15-77 (WED-15 Treadwell droid)
Dathcha (male Jawa)
Enjikket (male Jawa)
Ezjenk (male Jawa)
Nebit (male Jawa)
Jek Nkik (male Jawa)
Pachwenko (male Jawa)
Thedit (male Jawa)
Ukchet (male Jawa)
Uutkik (male Jawa)
Yeelhoy (male Jawa)
Zubwen (male Jawa)
2X-7KPR (KPR servant droid)
3B6-RA-7 (RA-7 protocol droid)
6Y-2KPR (KPR servant droid)
CZ-1 (CZ-series communications/business droid)
LIN-V8K (LIN demolitionmech autonomous minelayer)
M-HYD 6804 (M-HYD hydromech droid)
QT-3PO (protocol droid)
R1-G4 (R1-series astromech droid)
R5-D4 (R5-series astromech droid)
WED-15-I662 (WED-15 Treadwell droid)
WED-15-ST68 (WED-15 Septoid Treadwell)
Sand People
A'Vor (male Tusken Raider)
A'Yark (female Tusken Raider)
RR'uruurrr (male Tusken Raider)
Rrr'ur'R (bantha)
URoRRuR'R'R / A'Koba (male Tusken Raider)
Ur'Ru'r (male Tusken Raider)
Mos Eisley Spaceport
Kal'Falnl C'ndros (female Quor'sav)
Garindan ezz Zavor (male Kubaz)
Iasa (male Jawa)
Tawss Khaa (female Nimbanel)
Sariss (female Human, Dromund Kaas)
Thuku (male Rodian)
Brindy Truchong (female Human, Corellia)
Wioslea (female Vuvrian)
Nevar Yalnal (male Ranat)
ASP-704 (ASP-7 labor droid)
R2-A5 (R2-series astromech droid)
R3-T2 (R3-series astromech droid)
R4-E1 (R4-series agromech droid)
R5-A2 (R5-series astromech droid)
WED-9-M1 (WED Treadwell repair droid)
Chalmun's Cantina
Atheloe (male Lutrillian)
Ponda Baba (male Aqualish, Ando)
Braconnor Bakiska (male Stennes)
Mosep Binneed (male Nimbanel)
Danz Borin (male Human, Nar Shaddaa)
BoShek (male Human, Corellia)
Lirin Car'n (male Bith)
Swilla Corey (female Human, Tatooine)
Hem Dazon / Kal Nkai (male Arcona)
Chachi De Maal / Baniss Keeg / Probos (female Duros)
Ohwun De Maal / Ellorrs Madak / Bringe (male Duros)
Debnoli (male Human)
Damono Deomaley (male Human)
Trinto Duaba (male Stenness Shifter)
Cornelius Evazan (male Human, Alsakan)
Elis Helrot (male Givin)
Dice Ibegon (female Lamproid)
Jenny (female Human)
Dannik Jerriko (male Anzat)
Kabe (female Chadra-Fan)
Hrchek Kal Fas (male Saurin)
Sai'torr Kal Fas (female Saurin)
Kardue'sai'Malloc / Labria (male Devaronian)
Hennet Kayn (Gotal)
Hennet Kayn (Gotal)
Kitik Keed'kak (female Yam'rii)
Ketwol (male Pacitthip)
Garouf Lafoe (male Human)
Nabrun Leids (male Morseerian)
Pons Limbic (male Siniteen)
Melas (male Sarkan)
Yerka Mig (male Human, Ralltiir)
Muftak (male Talz)
Myo (male Abyssin)
Momaw Nadon (male Ithorian)
Neesh (male Rodian)
Het Nkik (male Jawa)
M'iiyoom Onith (female H'nemthe)
Ownellco (male Lutrillian)
Djas Puhr (male Sakiyan)
Reegesk (male Ranat)
Rycar Ryjerd (male Bimm)
Arleil Schous (male Defel)
Leesub Sirln (female Qiraash)
Lak Sivrak (male Shistavanen)
Cobb Sonbepol (Gotal)
Merc Sunlet (male Human, Tirac Munda)
Takeel (male Snivvian)
Brea Tonnika / Shada D'ukal (female Human, Emberlene)
Senni Tonnika / Karoly D'ulin (female Human, Emberlene)
Feltipern Trevagg (male Gotal)
Tzizvvt (male Brizzit)
Bom Vimdin (male Advozse)
Wuher (male Human)
Zutton (male Snivvian)
Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
Nalan Cheel (male Bith)
Figrin D'an (male Bith)
Tedn Dahai (male Bith)
Sun'il Ei'de (male Bith)
Ickabel G'ont (male Bith)
Tech Mo'r (male Bith)
Doikk Na'ts (male Bith)
Tosche Station [deleted scene]
Deak / Deacon (male Human)
Laze Loneozner (male Human)
Camie Marstrap (female Human)
Tank (male Human) [mentioned]
Windy Starkiller / Windom Marstrap (male Human)
WED 15 Septoid 2 (WED-15 Septoid Treadwell)
Omi (female dianoga)
Episode V The Empire Strike Back (May 1980) [3 ABY]
Rebel Alliance
Heroes of Yavin
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Leia Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Echo Base
2-1B (2-1B surgical droid)
Cal Alder (male Human, Kal'Shebbol)
Vildar Blin (male Human)
Trey Callum (male Human)
Beryl Chiffonage (male Human)
Bren Derlin (male Human, Tiisheraan)
Toryn Farr (female Human, Chandrila)
Ledick Firest (male Human)
FX-7 (FX-series medical assistant droid)
Reye Hollis (male Human, Naboo)
Tigran Jamiro (male Human, Onderon)
K-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Pharl McQuarrie (male Human, Ralltiir)
Romas Navander (male Human, Corellia)
Corman Quien (male Human)
R-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
R3-A2 (R3-series astromech droid)
R3-Y2 (R3-series astromech droid)
R5-M2 (R5-series astromech droid)
Tamizander Rey (male Human, Esseles)
Carlist Rieekan (male Human, Alderaan)
Wyron Serper (male Human)
Palo Torshan (male Human)
Shawn Valdez (male Human)
Jeroen Webb (male Human, Ralltiir)
Chase Wilsorr (male Human, Takodana)
Rogue Squadron
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
Tarrin Datch (male Human, Duro)
Nala Hetsime (male Human, Pa Tho)
Wes Janson (male Human, Taanab)
Vekozev Kabir (male Human, Ahakista)
Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (male Human, Ralltiir)
Tenk Lenso (male Human, Glova)
Tarn Mison (male Human, Las Lagon)
Kesin Ommis (male Human, Coruscant)
Jek Pugilio (male Human, Glova)
Dak Ralter (male Human, Kalist VI)
Zev Senesca (male Human, Kestic Station)
Kit Valent (male Human, Huulia)
Blue Squadron
Beryann Raleg (male Human, Tiisheraan)
Will Scotian (male Human, Brentaal IV)
Gemmer Sojan (male Human, Mimban)
Kulbart Zamoon (male Human, Erilnar)
Green Squadron
Nichos Panib (male Human, Virujansi)
Adam Swiftgale (male Human, Manda)
Habeer Zignean (male Human, Ord Mirit)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Yoda (male Yoda's species)
Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Vader (male Human, Tatooine)
Executor crew
Ardan (male Human, Brentaal IV)
Bachenkall (male Human)
Brandei (male Human, Mantooine)
Cecius (male Human, Vogel 7)
Dainsom (male Human, Algarian)
Derdram (male Human)
Hurdiss (male Human)
Tiaan Jerjerrod (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Kendal Ozzel (male Human, Carida)
Firmus Piett (male Human, Axxila)
Retwin (male Human, Ralltiir)
Suba (male Human)
Vandolay (male Human)
Maximilian Veers (male Human, Denon)
Venka (male Human, Coruscant)
Death Squadron
Cabbel (male Human)
Canonhaus (male Human)
Xamuel Lennox (male Human)
M'Kae (male Human)
Lorth Needa (male Human, Coruscant)
Nemet (male Human)
Cloud City
Bewil (male Human, Dentaal)
Desanne (male Human, Kalist VI)
Sheckil (male Human, Concord Dawn)
Bursk (male Human)
Drazin (male Human, Bespin)
FS-451 (male Human)
Lastok / TK-7834 (male Human)
Deena Lorn / TK-27342 (female Human)
Narthax (male Human, Ukio)
Tig (female Human)
TIE pilots
CR978 (male Human)
JA189 (Human)
Dodson Makraven (male Human) [fighter only]
OL701 (Human)
OS-72-7 (male Human) [fighter only]
Penrie / NA811 (male Human, Lothal)
Cive Rashon (female Human) [fighter only]
XJ9-CS14 (Viper probe droid)
Bounty hunters
4-LOM (LOM-series protocol droid)
Bossk (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
Dengar (male Human, Corellia)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
IG-88 (IG-series assassin droid)
Zuckuss (male Gand, Gand)
Cloud City
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Tian Chyler (female Human)
E-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Grugnak (male Ugnaught)
Hapnix (male Ugnaught)
Willrow Hood (male Human)
Treva Horme (female Lutrillian)
Samara Kebyc (female Human)
Lobot (male Human, Bespin)
Lee Phenets (male Human)
Ugloste (male Ugnaught)
Wiorkettle (male Snivvian)
Yoxgit (male Ugnaught)
Bespin Wing Guard
Jerrol Blendin (male Human)
Jann Derem (male Human, Uyter)
Isdam Edian (male Human, Bespin)
Gir Endac (male Human, Mexeluine)
Duncan Hikmat (male Human, Stobar)
Corman Jeihn (male Human, Calabosh-2)
Fin Mak'lath (male Human, Athallia)
Alec Mard (male Human, Zhanox)
Fantes Mer'darro (male Balosar)
Bislav Merril (male Human)
Allen Neff (male Human, Ertegas)
Ark Rutendo (male Human)
Bialar Selis (male Human)
Jake Sirrom (male Human, Dahvil)
Pedar Solardo (male Human, Taanab)
Jell Spiel (male Human)
Helder Spinoza (male Human)
Razell Tameron (male Human)
King of the Dragonsnakes (male dragonsnake)
One-Arm (female wampa)
Episode VI Return of the Jedi (May 1983) [4 ABY]Rebel Alliance
C-3PO (3PO-series protocol droid)
Chewbacca (male Wookiee, Kashyyyk)
Leia Organa (female Human, Alderaan)
R2-D2 (R2-series astromech droid)
Luke Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Han Solo (male Human, Corellia)
Rebel Fleet
Gial Ackbar (male Mon Calamari, Mon Cala)
Evans Basch (male Human)
Walex Cantwell Blissex I (male Human)
Blount (male Human)
Olander Brit (male Human)
Airen Cracken (male Human, Contruum)
Haash'n (male Mon Calamari)
Crix Madine (male Human, Corellia)
Mon Mothma (female Human, Chandrila)
Orrimaarko (male Dressellian)
Panno (male Dressellian)
R5-G19 (R5-series astromech droid)
Loci Rosen (male Mon Calamari)
Thaneespi (female Mon Calamari)
s'Too Vees (male Human)
Verrack (male Mon Calamari)
Yutani (male Human)
Loci Rosen (male Mon Calamari)
Thaneespi (female Mon Calamari)
s'Too Vees (male Human)
Verrack (male Mon Calamari)
Yutani (male Human)
Gold Squadron
Lando Calrissian (male Human, Socorro)
Nien Nunb (male Sullustan, Sullust)
Red Squadron
Wedge Antilles (male Human, Corellia)
Dorovio Bold (female Human)
Grizz Frix (male Human, Devaron)
Sila Kott (female Human, Toprawa)
R2-T7 (R2-series astromech droid) [retcon]
Keir Santage (male Human)
Blue Squadron
Keyan Farlander (male Human, Agamar)
Ten Numb (male Sullustan)
Palso Thern (male Human)
Gray Squadron
Horton Salm (male Human, Norval II)
Kin Kian (male Human)
Karie Neth (female Human, Baraan-Fa)
Gureni Telsij (male Human)
Ekelarc Yong (male Human)
Green Squadron
Arvel Crynyd (male Human, Thyferra)
Tycho Celchu (male Human, Alderaan) [fighter only]
Jake Farrell (male Human)
Starfighter Corps
Ika Sulko (male Mon Calamari)
Endor strike team
Dansra Beezer (female Human, Alderaan) [promotional images]
Bruckman (male Human, Corellia)
Delevar (male Human)
Greeve (male Human)
Janse (male Human, Ukio)
Junkin (male Human)
Midge (male Human, Chandrila)
Midge (male Human, Chandrila)
Judder Page (male Human, Corulag)
Nik Sant (male Human)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (male Human, Stewjon)
Yoda (male Yoda's species)
Sheev Palpatine (male Human, Naboo)
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker (male Human, Tatooine)
Emperor's advisors
Sim Aloo (male Human, Coruscant/Noomis Riga)
Kren Blista-Vanee (male Human)
Ars Dangor (male Human) [Canon only]
Janus Greejatus (male Human, Chommell Minor)
Sate Pestage (male Human) [Canon only]
Pebimarus Xorn (male Human)
Death Star II crew
Jad Bean (male Human)
Chiraneau (male Human)
Endicott (male Human)
Fenson (male Human, Rendili)
Godherdt (male Human)
Hebsly (male Human)
Jendon (male Human)
Tiaan Jerjerrod (male Human, Tinnel IV)
Davod Jon (male Human)
Tay Kando (male Human)
Myn Kyneugh (male Human)
Corr Lerrann (male Human)
Mianda (male Human)
Sarkli (male Human)
Yorr (male Human)
Mianda (male Human)
Sarkli (male Human)
Yorr (male Human)
R2-Q5 (R2-series astromech droid)
R5-J2 (R5-series astromech droid)
Executor crew
Gherant (male Human)
Kasva Jhoff (male Human, Abridon)
Merrejk (male Human)
Merrejk (male Human)
Firmus Piett (male Human, Axxila)
Arnet (male Human)
Dyer (male Human)
Grond (male Human, Corellia)
Hewex (male Human)
Altadan Igar (male Human, Kuat)
Marquand / Newland (male Human, Kessel)
Renz (male Human)
Vesden (male Human)
Watts / Blanaid (male Human, Corulag)
Marquand / Newland (male Human, Kessel)
Renz (male Human)
Vesden (male Human)
Watts / Blanaid (male Human, Corulag)
Royal Guard
Tauk (male Human)
Avarik (male Human, Corulag)
Barich (male Human, Wakeelmui)
Drazin (male Human, Bespin)
Drelosyn / TK-290 (male Human, Coruscant)
Elsek (male Human, Kuat)
GR-792 "Gir" (male Human)
Irol (male Human)
Misik / Raab Krao (male Human, Tatooine / Socorro)
Misik / Raab Krao (male Human, Tatooine / Socorro)
Oberk (male Human, Ukio)
Hume Tarl (male Human, Corellia)
Hume Tarl (male Human, Corellia)
TK-151 / Raab Krao (male Human, Socorro) [Canon only]
Wallen (male Human)
Wallen (male Human)
TIE pilots
DS-181-3 (male Human)
DS-181-4 (male Human)
Jonus (male Human)
Rhymer (male Human)
Rhymer (male Human)
Jabba's criminal empire
8D8 (8D smelter droid)
Cane Adiss (male Yuvernian)
Amanaman (male Amani)
Rintel Aren (male Weequay)
Attark (male hoover)
Barada (male Klatooinian)
Beedo (male Rodian)
Nizuc Bek (male Human, Corulag)
BG-J38 (J9 worker drone)
Mosep Binneed (male Nimbanel)
Bossk (male Trandoshan, Trandosha)
Buboicullaar (male frog-dog)
Ardon Crell (male Human)
Salacious B. Crumb (male Kowakian monkey-lizard)
CZ-4 (CZ-series communication/business droid)
Yarna d'al' Gargan (female Askajian)
Dengar (male Human, Corellia)
Jabba Desilijic Tiure (male Hutt, Nal Hutta)
Doallyn (male Geranite)
Taym Dren-garen (male Human)
Eightyem (protocol droid)
EV-9D9 (EV-series supervisor droid)
Thul Fain (male Human)
Boba Fett (male Human clone, Kamino)
Bib Fortuna (male Twi'lek, Ryloth)
Fozec (male Human)
Gailid (male Human)
Gartogg (male Gamorrean)
Geezum (male Snivvian)
Ghoel (male Wol Cabasshite)
Giran (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Ghana Gleemort (male Gamorrean)
Herat (female Jawa)
J'Quille (male Whiphid)
Jess (female Human)
Wrenga Jixton (male Human, Corellia)
Jubnuk (male Gamorrean)
Kalit (male Jawa)
Kithaba (male Klatooinian)
Klaatu (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Bidlo Kwerve (male Human, Corellia) [skull]
Lathe (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Laudica (female Human, Corellia)
Lathe (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Laudica (female Human, Corellia)
Wam Lufba (male Yuzzum)
Aved Luun (female Jawa)
Aved Luun (female Jawa)
Bane Malar (male)
Malakili (male Human, Corellia)
Ephant Mon (male Chevin)
Gauron Nas Tal (male Saurin)
Loje Nella (female cliffborer worm/Riorian)
Snipp Nkik (male Jawa)
Nysad (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Gauron Nas Tal (male Saurin)
Loje Nella (female cliffborer worm/Riorian)
Snipp Nkik (male Jawa)
Nysad (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Hermi Odle (male Baragwin)
Oola (female Twi'lek)
Yotts Orren (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Ortugg (male Gamorrean)
Yotts Orren (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Ortugg (male Gamorrean)
Pateesa (male rancor)
R2-S4M (R2-series astromech droid)
Ree-Yees (male Gran)
Rennek (male Human)
Palejo Reshad (male Human, Corellia)
Revidjasa (male Rodian)
Rogua (male Gamorrean)
Ree-Yees (male Gran)
Rennek (male Human)
Palejo Reshad (male Human, Corellia)
Revidjasa (male Rodian)
Rogua (male Gamorrean)
Pagetti Rook (male Weequay)
Rayc Ryjerd (male Bimm)
Saelt-Marae (male Yarkora)
Harc Seff (male Ishi Tib)
Rayc Ryjerd (male Bimm)
Saelt-Marae (male Yarkora)
Harc Seff (male Ishi Tib)
Sion (male)
Pote Snitkin (male Skrilling)
Tanus Spijek (male Elom)
Pote Snitkin (male Skrilling)
Tanus Spijek (male Elom)
Brock Starsher (male)
Leslomy Tacema (female Duros)
Vul Tazaene (male Kiffar)
Tessek (male Quarren)
Velken Tezeri (male Human)
Leslomy Tacema (female Duros)
Vul Tazaene (male Kiffar)
Tessek (male Quarren)
Velken Tezeri (male Human)
Thok (male Gamorrean, Pzob)
Pucumir Thryss (male Human, Bespin)
Thug (male Gamorrean)
Shasa Tiel (female Ishi Tib)
Vedain (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Pucumir Thryss (male Human, Bespin)
Thug (male Gamorrean)
Shasa Tiel (female Ishi Tib)
Vedain (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Vizam (male Kajain'sa'Nikto)
Weeba Weeba (male Human)
Wittin (male Jawa)
Wooof (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Murttoc Yine (male Human)
Weeba Weeba (male Human)
Wittin (male Jawa)
Wooof (male Kadas'sa'Nikto)
Murttoc Yine (male Human)
Yoxgit (male Ugnaught)
Max Rebo Band
Ak-rev (male Weequay)
Doda Bodonawieedo (male Rodian)
Barquin D'an (male Bith)
Greeata Jendowanian (female Rodian)
Droopy McCool (male Kitonak)
Lyn Me (female Twi'lek)
Rappertunie (male Shawda Ubb)
Rappertunie (male Shawda Ubb)
Max Rebo (male Ortolan)
Rystall Sant (female Theelin, New Bornalex)
Sy Snootles (female Pa'lowick)
Umpass-stay (male Klatooinian)
Umpass-stay (male Klatooinian)
Joh Yowza (male Yuzzum)
Endor native
Barneeson (Ewok)
Chirpa (male Ewok)
Chubbray (Ewok)
Flitchee (Ewok)
Fufuneek (Ewok)
Graak (male Ewok)
Greemon (Ewok)
Kazak (Ewok)
Keoulkeech (male Ewok)
Khungata (Ewok)
Lakotup (Ewok)
Leektar (male Ewok)
Lakotup (Ewok)
Leektar (male Ewok)
Logray (male Ewok)
Lumat (male Ewok)
Machook (Ewok)
Lumat (male Ewok)
Machook (Ewok)
Nanta (male Ewok)
Nho'Apakk (male Ewok)
Nicki (male Ewok)
Nippet (male Ewok)
Nho'Apakk (male Ewok)
Nicki (male Ewok)
Nippet (male Ewok)
Paploo (male Ewok)
Peekpa (female Ewok)
Rabin (Ewok)
Romba (male Ewok)
Stemzee (Ewok)
Taras (Ewok)
Teebo (male Ewok)
Tokkat (male Ewok)
Warok (male Ewok)
Peekpa (female Ewok)
Rabin (Ewok)
Romba (male Ewok)
Stemzee (Ewok)
Taras (Ewok)
Teebo (male Ewok)
Tokkat (male Ewok)
Warok (male Ewok)
Wicket Wystri Warrick (male Ewok)
Widdle Warrick (male Ewok)
Wijunkee (Ewok)
Wispeth (Ewok)
Wunka (Ewok)
Wuta (Ewok)
Zephee (female Ewok)
Widdle Warrick (male Ewok)
Wijunkee (Ewok)
Wispeth (Ewok)
Wunka (Ewok)
Wuta (Ewok)
Zephee (female Ewok)
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