Re-releasing this in more parts because these posts have gotten to be way too long (even this one is long already).
EDITED 12/5/2021 Because blogger is being stupid and laggy with long posts, I'll be linking bios to a WordPress page I've set up with the bios.
Optimus Prime (Orion Pax)
Function: Supreme Commander
Home city: Tyger Pax
Birth date: Cycle 8214 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 8214 (forged)
Alternate mode: Truck
Subgroups: Security Force (as Orion Pax)
Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out" {flashbacks}
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out" {flashbacks}
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Tales of the Disappeared: "Tarnished, Part 3"
Becomes Scourge: Unicron Saga IV, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 1: When Legends Fall"
Restored: Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Becomes Scourge: Unicron Saga IV, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 1: When Legends Fall"
Restored: Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Becomes Optimus Prime: Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Tales of the Disappeared, "Monsters We've Become"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone" {flashbacks}
War Stories, "A Necessary Departure"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone" {flashbacks}
War Stories, "A Necessary Departure"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Thrilling 30 Orion Pax (as Orion Pax)
Generations Optimus Prime (Cybertronian body)
Classics Optimus Prime (Earth body)
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia III, "The Powers That Be Part 3: Double Vision"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia III, "The Powers That Be Part 3: Double Vision"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Pax Cybertronia XVI, "Alignment Part 4: Waiting Between Worlds"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
Beyond Imagination III, "Crossing Over Part 3: When Worlds Collide"
DesignThrilling 30 Orion Pax (as Orion Pax)
Generations Optimus Prime (Cybertronian body)
Classics Optimus Prime (Earth body)
Generations Selects Star Convoy (Pax Cybertronia body + Star Convoy armor)
Function: Gunner
Home city: Praxus
Birth date:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Sports car
Subgroups: Crusadercons
Motto: "I never met a Decepticon I didn't dislike."
First appearance: Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Tales from the Lost Light, "Halloween Special"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
WFC: Siege Bluestreak (Cybertronian body)
WFC: Siege Bluestreak (Cybertronian body)
Universe 2008 Silverstreak or WFC: Earthrise Bluestreak (Earth body)
Function: Scout
Home city: Lower Monoplex
Birth date: Cycle 5816 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 5816 (forged)
Alternate mode: Jeep
Subgroups: Primal Vanguard, Crusadercons
Motto: "Observe everything, remember even more."
Hound on Vector Sigma Files
Hound on Vector Sigma Files
First appearance: Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Tales from the Lost Light, "Dungeons & Dinobots"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
WFC: Siege Hound (Cybertronian body)
Universe 2008 Hound (Earth body)
Combiner Wars Hound (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
IronhideUniverse 2008 Hound (Earth body)
Combiner Wars Hound (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
Function: Warrior
Home city: Thetacon
Birth date: Cycle 5814 (constructed cold)
Birth date: Cycle 5814 (constructed cold)
Alternate mode: Pickup truck
Subgroups: Security Force
Motto: "High-tech circuitry is no replacement for guts."
Tales, "Made of Iron"
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Seeds of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Seeds of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 4"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
WFC: Siege Ironhide (Cybertronian body)
Studio Series '86 Ironhide (Earth body)
JazzStudio Series '86 Ironhide (Earth body)
Function: Special Operations
Home city: Staniz
Birth date: Cycle 7830 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 7830 (forged)
Alternate mode: Sports car
Subgroups: Elite Guard, Earthforce
Motto: "Do it with style or don't bother doing it at all."
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga II, "Days of Deception Part 2: Decepticons Rising"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Unicron Saga II, "Days of Deception Part 2: Decepticons Rising"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Fall of Cybertron Jazz (Cybertronian body)
Reveal the Shield Special Ops. Jazz (Earth body)
MirageReveal the Shield Special Ops. Jazz (Earth body)
Function: Spy
Home city: Iacon
Birth date: Cycle 7814 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 7814 (forged)
Alternate mode: Formula 1 race car
Subgroups: Earthforce
Motto: "Who and what I am I hide from the enemy."
War Stories, "Head Games"
First appearance: Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
First appearance: Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
WFC: Siege Mirage (Cybertronian body)
Classics or WFC: Kingdom Mirage (Earth body)
ProwlClassics or WFC: Kingdom Mirage (Earth body)
Function: Strategist
Home city: Petrex
Birth date: (constructed cold)
Birth date: (constructed cold)
Alternate mode: Police car
Subgroups: Security Force, Secret Service
Motto: "Logic is the ultimate weapon."
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" {flashbacks}
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga II, "Days of Deception Part 2: Decepticons Rising"
Unicron Saga II, "Days of Deception Part 2: Decepticons Rising"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out" {flashbacks}
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out" {flashbacks}
Tales of the Disappeared: "Tarnished, Part 5"
Origins, "Unseen in Action"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone" {flashbacks}
Origins, "Cross My Spark"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Transformers / WALL-E, "Outside of Yonkers"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Tales, "Trapped in the Spotlight"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Death: Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Origins, "Unseen in Action"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone" {flashbacks}
Origins, "Cross My Spark"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Transformers / WALL-E, "Outside of Yonkers"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Tales, "Trapped in the Spotlight"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Lost Light X, "All That Glitters Coda: A Light That Never Goes Out"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Death: Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
Beyond Imagination III, "Crossing Over Part 3: When Worlds Collide"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone" {clone}
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One" {clone}
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall" {clone}
DesignsPax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One" {clone}
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall" {clone}
WFC: Siege Prowl (Cybertronian body) [formerly Titanium Series]
Universe 2008 or WFC: Earthrise Prowl (Earth body)
Universe 2008 or WFC: Earthrise Prowl (Earth body)
Legacy Animated Prowl (reborn body)
Function: Medic
Home city: Vaporex
Birth date: (forged)
Birth date: (forged)
Alternate mode: Ambulance
Subgroups: Crusadercons, Earthforce
Motto: "You break it, I'll remake it."
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" {flashbacks}
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Unicron Saga IV, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 1: When Legends Fall"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Unicron Saga IV, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 1: When Legends Fall"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 4"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday"
Lost Light II, "When Time Runs Out Part 2: A Better Tomorrow"
Lost Light III, "When Time Runs Out Part 3: A Matter of Time"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Lost Light VI, "All That Glitters Part 1: With Friends Like These"
Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars IV, "Eighty Percent of the People Part 1: Idle Hands"
Prime Wars V, "Eighty Percent of the People Part 2: The Devil's Workshop"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday"
Lost Light II, "When Time Runs Out Part 2: A Better Tomorrow"
Lost Light III, "When Time Runs Out Part 3: A Matter of Time"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Lost Light VI, "All That Glitters Part 1: With Friends Like These"
Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars IV, "Eighty Percent of the People Part 1: Idle Hands"
Prime Wars V, "Eighty Percent of the People Part 2: The Devil's Workshop"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia III, "The Powers That Be Part 3: Double Vision"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia III, "The Powers That Be Part 3: Double Vision"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Designs WFC: Siege Ratchet (Cybertronian body)
WFC: Earthrise Ratchet (Earth body)
RID 2015 Ratchet [maybe?]
SideswipeRID 2015 Ratchet [maybe?]
Function: Warrior
Home city: Vos
Birth date:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Sports car
Subgroups: Earthforce
Motto: "I don't break the rules, I bend them-- a lot."
First appearance: Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
Studio Series Gamer Edition Sideswipe (Cybertronian form)
WFC: Kingdom Sideswipe (Earth form)
Function: Warrior
Home city: Vos
Birth date:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Sports car
Subgroups: Crusadercons, Earthforce
Motto: "They can't beat the best."
First appearance: Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Tales from the Lost Light, "Halloween Special" (flashbacks)
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Pax Cybertronia XVI, "Alignment Part 4: Waiting Between Worlds"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
WFC: Earthrise Sunstreaker [formerly Universe 2008]
Combiner Wars Sunstreaker (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
TrailbreakerCombiner Wars Sunstreaker (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
Function: Defense Strategist
Home city:
Birth date: (forged)
Home city:
Birth date: (forged)
Alternate mode: Camper truck
Subgroups: Crusadercons
Motto: "An Autobot is as good as the fuel in his tank."
Origins, "Sound and Fury"
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 3"
War Stories, "The Day It Rained"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
War Stories, "The Day It Rained"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Lost Light IV, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 1: A List of Dos and Don'ts"
Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars II, "The Downward Spiral Part 2: To Please the Fools"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia VI, "Distant Stars Part 2: Light the Way"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia VI, "Distant Stars Part 2: Light the Way"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Thrilling 30 Trailcutter (Cybertronian body)
WFC: Earthrise Trailbreaker (Earth body)
Combiner Wars Trailbreaker (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
WheeljackWFC: Earthrise Trailbreaker (Earth body)
Combiner Wars Trailbreaker (briefly; in Prime Wars IX as part of Galvatronus)
Function: Mechanical Engineer
Home city: Ultirex
Birth date:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Sports car
Subgroups: Earthforce
Motto: "Never do what your enemy expects you to do."
First appearance: Unicron Saga II, "Days of Deception Part 2: Decepticons Rising"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Prime Wars I, "The Downward Spiral Part 1: A Tangled Web"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Pax Cybertronia XVI, "Alignment Part 4: Waiting Between Worlds"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
Generations or WFC: Earthrise Wheeljack
Function: Demolitions
Home city:
Birth date:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: SUV
Subgroups: Crusadercons
Motto: "Might over microchips."
First appearance: Lost Light V, "Left To Their Own Devices Part 2: This Fate Called Life"
Legacy Brawn
Function: Espionage
Home city: Iacon
Birth date: Cycle 8314 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 8314 (forged)
Alternate mode: Hatchback sports car
Subgroups: Earthforce
Motto: "The least likely can be the most dangerous."
Prime Wars IV, "Eighty Percent of the People Part 1: Idle Hands" {flashbacks}
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XI, "The Dark Ages Part 4: Secrets in the Depths"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVII, "Prelude to Chaos Part 3: Chaos Ascending"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Tales, "Trapped in the Spotlight"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Tales, "Trapped in the Spotlight"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XV, "Primacy Part 1: The Dreamer's Disease"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Pax Cybertronia XVI, "Alignment Part 4: Waiting Between Worlds"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
Thrilling 30 Legends Bumblebee (Cybertronian body)
Reveal the Shield Bumblebee (Earth body)
Thrilling 30 Legends Bumblebee (Cybertronian body)
Reveal the Shield Bumblebee (Earth body)
Thrilling 30 Deluxe Bumblebee (upgraded body)
Function: Warrior
Home city: Iacon
Birth date: Cycle 8314 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 8314 (forged)
Alternate mode: Hatchback sports car
Subgroups: Earthforce
Motto: "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard."
First appearance: Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Pax Cybertronia X, "Convergence Part 2: Come Undone"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way"
WFC: Earthrise Cliffjumper
GearsWFC: Earthrise Cliffjumper
Function: Transport/Reconnaissance
Home city: Helex
Birth date: (constructed cold)
Birth date: (constructed cold)
Alternate mode: Pickup truck
Subgroups: Crusadercons
Motto: "Nobody wins a war - somebody loses."
First appearance: Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Tales from the Lost Light, "Halloween Special"
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World"
Thrilling 30 Gears (Cybertronian form)
Legacy Gears (Earth form)
Function: Construction Engineer
Home city:
Birth date: (forged)
Birth date: (forged)
Alternate mode: Truck
Subgroups: Crusadercons, Earthforce
Motto: "Molecular structure is the key to success."
First appearance: Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Tales from the Lost Light, "Halloween Special" (flashbacks)
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
WFC: Kingdom Huffer
Function: Warrior
Home city:
Birth date: (forged)
Birth date: (forged)
Alternate mode: Sports car
Motto: "Quick actions equals quick victory."
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances" {flashbacks}
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" [flashbacks]
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" [flashbacks]
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen" {flashbacks}
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 3"
First appearance: Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Death: Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Unicron Saga XVI, "Prelude to Chaos Part 2: Primal Calling"
Death: Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Power of the Primes Windcharger
Halonix Maximus (Halo)
Function: Warden
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode:
Subgroups: Elite Guard
Wings Universe Halonix Maximus
Wings Universe Halonix Maximus
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