G1 1985
Function: Military Operations Commander, Chief Scientist
Home city: Tarn
Birth date: Cycle 3714 (forged)
Birth date: Cycle 3714 (forged)
Alternate mode: Starfighter, space gun
Subgroups: Cybertron High Council, Secret Order
Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Origins, "Logical Conclusion"
Origins, "Sound and Fury"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances" {flashbacks}
Origins, "Logical Conclusion"
Origins, "Sound and Fury"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances" {flashbacks}
Beyond Imagination I, "Crossing Over Part 1: A Marvelous World" {flashbacks}
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" {flashbacks}
Lost Light I, "When Time Runs Out Part 1: A Part of Yesterday" {flashbacks}
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
War Stories: "Ill Logic" {rebuilt/merged with Shockblast}
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
War Stories: "Ill Logic" {rebuilt/merged with Shockblast}
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 3"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Unicron Saga VI, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 3: When Heroes Prevail"
Tales of the Disappeared, "Tarnished Part 6"
Beyond Imagination III, "Crossing Over Part 3: When Worlds Collide" (flashbacks)
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga X, "The Dark Ages Part 3: The Hidden Enemy"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth" {flashbacks}
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga IX, "The Dark Ages Part 2: Beasts of Burden"
Unicron Saga X, "The Dark Ages Part 3: The Hidden Enemy"
Pax Cybertronia VII, "Distant Stars Part 3: The Unspoken Truth" {flashbacks}
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way" (flashbacks)
Apparent death: Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Return via drone body: Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Return via drone body: Lost Light VII, "All That Glitters Part 2: Who Needs Enemies?"
Lost Light VIII, "All That Glitters Part 3: Darkness, My Old Friend"
Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars IX, "The Greater Good Part 2: Puzzle the Wise"
Prime Wars X, "The Greater Good Part 3: The Stains of Time"
Prime Wars XII, "Hello Cruel World Part 1: Ordinary World"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Pax Cybertronia XI, "Convergence Part 3: The Useless One"
Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
Final death: Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Legacy Senator Shockwave
WFC: Siege Shockwave
Combiner Wars Shockwave (proxy bodies)
Combiner Wars Shockwave (proxy bodies)
Function: Warrior
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Fighter jet
Subgroups: Seekers
Motto: "Fear is the element that unites all losers."
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Prime Wars XIII, "Hello Cruel World Part 2: Mostly Harmless"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
WFC: Earthrise Dirge
Function: Warrior
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Fighter jet
Subgroups: Seekers
Motto: "If it flies, crash it!"
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
WFC: Earthrise Ramjet
Function: Warrior
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Fighter jet
Subgroups: Seekers
Motto: "My engines' roar is my enemies' song of doom!"
First appearance: Pax Cybertronia XIII, "Alignment Part 1: The Truth of a Thousand Lies"
WFC: Earthrise Thrust
Function: Gunner
Home city: n/a
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Alternate mode: Beetle
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "Nothing left standing means nothing left to change."
First appearance: Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Legacy Barrage
Chop ShopInformation
Function: Thief
Home city: n/a
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Alternate mode: Stag beetle
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "I take no prisoners, just spare parts."
First appearance: Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
First appearance: Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Legacy Chop Shop
Function: Warrior
Home city: n/a
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Alternate mode: Locust
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "The sight of ruin only makes me crave more."
First appearance: Lost Light IX, "All That Glitters Part 4: At Death's Door"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Death: Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Prime Wars VI, "To Walk Among the Chosen"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Death: Pax Cybertronia V, "Distant Stars Part 1: Second Chances"
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ransack
Function: Psychological Warfare
Home city: n/a
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Birth date: (built by Airachnid)
Alternate mode: Cicada
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "Friends are more dangerous than enemies."
First appearance: Prime Wars XVI, "Primacy Part 2: The Seething Moon"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
G1 Venom
Function: Military Transport
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Space shuttle / bullet train
Motto: "In confusion there is opportunity."
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way" (flashbacks)
First appearance: Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia XVI, "Alignment Part 4: Waiting Between Worlds"
WFC: Siege Astrotrain
Function: Ground/Air Commander
Home city: Triax
Birth date: (forged)
Birth date: (forged)
Alternate mode: Fighter jet / assault tank
Subgroups: Triorian Guard
Motto: "Destroy first, think later."
First appearance: War Stories, "Seeds of an Empire"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga X, "The Dark Ages Part 3: The Hidden Enemy"
Unicron Saga VIII, "The Dark Ages Part 1: The Dark Dawn"
Unicron Saga X, "The Dark Ages Part 3: The Hidden Enemy"
Beyond Imagination II, "Crossing Over Part 2: Life Finds a Way" (flashbacks)
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XII, "Planetfall Part 1: Down to Earth"
Unicron Saga XIII, "Planetfall Part 2: Dark Designs"
Unicron Saga XIV, "Planetfall Part 3: The Day of Reckoning"
Unicron Saga XVIII, "In Darkest Hour Part 1: The Coming Storm"
Unicron Saga XIX, "In Darkest Hour Part 2: The Darkest Hour"
Unicron Saga XX, "In Darkest Hour Part 3: The Promised Dawn"
Prime Wars III, "The Downward Spiral Part 3: My Liar's Chair"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Prime Wars VIII, "The Greater Good Part 1: Practice to Deceive"
Prime Wars XIV, "Hello Cruel World Part 3: A World of Fools"
Prime Wars XVII, "Primacy Part 3: Never Break the Chain"
Pax Cybertronia II, "The Powers That Be Part 2: The Human Machines"
Pax Cybertronia XV, "Alignment Part 3: Road to Ruin"
Thrilling 30 Blitzwing (Cybertronian form)
Legacy Blitzwing (Earth form)
Function: Psychological Warfare
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Rhinoceros beetle
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "The mind is my playpen."
First appearance: Unicron Saga VII, "Wreck and Rule"
Legacy Bombshell
Function: Espionage
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Grasshopper
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "Friend is another word for fool."
First appearance: Unicron Saga VII, "Wreck and Rule"
Legacy Kickback
Legacy Kickback
Function: Electronic Warfare
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Stag beetle
Subgroups: Insecticons
Motto: "Control electricity and you control the world, world."
First appearance: Unicron Saga VII, "Wreck and Rule"
Legacy Shrapnel
Function: Demolitions
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Front-end loader
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "My work is a monument to-- and of--my enemies."
First appearance: Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia IX, "Convergence Part 1: Journey's End"
Unicron Saga V, "Dawn of the Autobots Part 2: When Titans Rise"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Pax Cybertronia IX, "Convergence Part 1: Journey's End"
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Scrapper
Function: Demolitions
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Bulldozer
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "Hit it till it stands no taller than dust."
First appearance: Unicron Saga I, "Days of Deception Part 1: Seeds of Deception"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Unicron Saga III, "Days of Deception Part 3: War Dawn"
Pax Cybertronia I, "The Powers That Be Part 1: Cry for Yesterday"
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Bonecrusher
Function: Surgical Engineer
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Crane truck
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "Strive for perfection even if others must suffer."
First appearance: Volume III, "War Dawn"
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Hook
Long HaulInformation
Function: Transport
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Dump truck
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "A battle front is only as good as its supply line."
First appearance: Volume III, "War Dawn"
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Long Haul
Function: Materials Fabrication
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Cement mixer
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "How strong the steel, how quick the conquest."
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Mixmaster
Function: Mining and Salvage
Home city:
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Excavator
Subgroups: Constructicons
Motto: "Everything is worth something, even me."
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Scavenger
Function: Combiner
Components: Hook, Long Haul (torso), Bonecrusher, Scavenger (arms), Mixmaster, Scrapper (legs)
Subgroups: Constructicons
First appearance: Pax Cybertronia XII, "Convergence Part 4: Divided We Fall"
Combiner Wars / Studio Series 86 Devastator
Function: Saboteur
Home city: Vos
Birth date:
Alternate mode: Gun
Subgroups: Squadron X, Star Seekers
First appearance: Pax Cybertronia IV, "The Powers That Be Part 4: Open Circle"
Pax Cybertronia XIV, "Alignment Part 2: The False God"
Timelines Tornado
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